Conservative Estimation using a Grid Seach Minimization

This notebook illustrates the different steps for a conservative estimation using a grid search minimization.

Classic Libraries

In [1]:
import openturns as ot
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

random_state = 123

Additive model

The first example of conservative estimation consider an additive model $\eta : \mathbb R^d \rightarrow \mathbb R$ with Gaussian margins. The objectives are to estimate a quantity of interest $\mathcal C(Y)$ of the model output distribution. Unfortunately, the dependence structure is unknown. In order to be conservative we aim to give bounds to $\mathcal C(Y)$.

The model

This example consider the simple additive example.

In [2]:
from depimpact.tests import func_sum

Help on function func_sum in module dependence.tests.test_functions:

func_sum(x, a=None)
    Additive weighted model function.
    x : np.ndarray
        The input values.
    a : np.ndarray
        The input coefficients.
        y : a.x^t

Dimension 2

We consider the problem in dimension $d=2$ and a number of pairs $p=1$ for gaussian margins.

In [3]:
dim = 2
margins = [ot.Normal()]*dim

Copula families

We consider a gaussian copula for this first example

In [4]:
families = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=int)
families[1, 0] = 1


We create an instance of the main class for a conservative estimate.

In [5]:
from depimpact import ConservativeEstimate

quant_estimate = ConservativeEstimate(model_func=func_sum, margins=margins, families=families)

First, we compute the quantile at independence

In [6]:
n = 1000
indep_result = quant_estimate.independence(n_input_sample=n, random_state=random_state)

We aim to minimize the output quantile. To do that, we create a q_func object from the function quantile_func to associate a probability $\alpha$ to a function that computes the empirical quantile from a given sample.

In [7]:
from dependence import quantile_func
alpha = 0.05
q_func = quantile_func(alpha)
indep_result.q_func = q_func

The computation returns a DependenceResult instance. This object gather the informations of the computation. It also computes the output quantity of interest (which can also be changed).

In [8]:
sns.jointplot(indep_result.input_sample[:, 0], indep_result.input_sample[:, 1]);

In [9]:
h = sns.distplot(indep_result.output_sample_id, axlabel='Model output', label="Output Distribution")
plt.plot([indep_result.quantity]*2, h.get_ylim(), label='Quantile at %d%%' % (alpha*100))
print('Output quantile :', indep_result.quantity)

Output quantile : -2.3035580191761107

A boostrap can be done on the output quantity

In [10]:

And we can plot it

In [11]:
sns.distplot(indep_result.bootstrap_sample, axlabel='Output quantile');

In [12]:
ci = [0.025, 0.975]
quantity_ci = indep_result.compute_quantity_bootstrap_ci(ci)

h = sns.distplot(indep_result.output_sample_id, axlabel='Model output', label="Output Distribution")
plt.plot([indep_result.quantity]*2, h.get_ylim(), 'g-', label='Quantile at %d%%' % (alpha*100))
plt.plot([quantity_ci[0]]*2, h.get_ylim(), 'g--', label='%d%% confidence intervals' % ((1. - (ci[0] + 1. - ci[1]))*100))
plt.plot([quantity_ci[1]]*2, h.get_ylim(), 'g--')
print('Quantile at independence: %.2f with a C.O.V at %.1f %%' % (indep_result.boot_mean, indep_result.boot_cov))

Quantile at independence: -2.29 with a C.O.V at 0.0 %

Grid Search Approach

Firstly, we consider a grid search approach in order to compare the perfomance with the iterative algorithm. The discretization can be made on the parameter space or on other concordance measure such as the kendall's Tau. This below example shows a grid-search on the parameter space.

In [31]:
K = 500
n = 10000
grid_type = 'lhs'
dep_measure = 'parameter'
grid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, dep_measure=dep_measure, 

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-31-faf770448352> in <module>()
----> 1 get_ipython().run_cell_magic('snakeviz', '', "K = 500\nn = 10000\ngrid_type = 'lhs'\ndep_measure = 'parameter'\ngrid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, dep_measure=dep_measure, \n                                        random_state=random_state)")

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ in run_cell_magic(self, magic_name, line, cell)
   2113             magic_arg_s = self.var_expand(line, stack_depth)
   2114             with self.builtin_trap:
-> 2115                 result = fn(magic_arg_s, cell)
   2116             return result

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\snakeviz\ in snakeviz_magic(line, cell)
     23     if cell:
---> 24         ip.run_cell_magic('prun', line, cell)
     25     else:
     26         ip.run_line_magic('prun', line)

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ in run_cell_magic(self, magic_name, line, cell)
   2113             magic_arg_s = self.var_expand(line, stack_depth)
   2114             with self.builtin_trap:
-> 2115                 result = fn(magic_arg_s, cell)
   2116             return result

<decorator-gen-54> in prun(self, parameter_s, cell)

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ in <lambda>(f, *a, **k)
    186     # but it's overkill for just that one bit of state.
    187     def magic_deco(arg):
--> 188         call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k)
    190         if callable(arg):

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\magics\ in prun(self, parameter_s, cell)
    279             arg_str += '\n' + cell
    280         arg_str =
--> 281         return self._run_with_profiler(arg_str, opts,
    283     def _run_with_profiler(self, code, opts, namespace):

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\magics\ in _run_with_profiler(self, code, opts, namespace)
    301         prof = profile.Profile()
    302         try:
--> 303             prof = prof.runctx(code, namespace, namespace)
    304             sys_exit = ''
    305         except SystemExit:

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\ in runctx(self, cmd, globals, locals)
     98         self.enable()
     99         try:
--> 100             exec(cmd, globals, locals)
    101         finally:
    102             self.disable()

<string> in <module>()

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in gridsearch(self, n_dep_param, n_input_sample, grid_type, dep_measure, lhs_grid_criterion, keep_input_samples, load_grid, save_grid, use_sto_func, random_state)
    213             if keep_input_samples:
    214                 output_samples, input_samples = self.run_stochastic_models(
--> 215                         params, n_input_sample, return_input_samples=keep_input_samples)
    216             else:
    217                 output_samples = self.run_stochastic_models(

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in run_stochastic_models(self, params, n_input_sample, return_input_samples, random_state)
    256             full_param[self._pair_ids] = param
    257             full_param[self._fixed_pairs_ids] = self._fixed_params_list
--> 258             intput_sample = self._get_sample(full_param, n_input_sample)
    259             input_samples.append(intput_sample)

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in _get_sample(self, param, n_sample, param2)
    399             # Sample from the copula
    400             # The reshape is in case there is only one sample (for RF tests)
--> 401             cop_sample = vine_copula.get_sample(n_sample).reshape(n_sample, dim)
    402         elif self._copula_type == 'normal':
    403             # Create the correlation matrix

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in get_sample(self, n_obs)
    108         if self._to_rebuild:
    109             self.build_vine()
--> 110         return np.asarray(VINECOPULA.RVineSim(n_obs, self._rvine))
    112     def loglikelihood(self, sample):

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rpy2\robjects\ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    176                 v = kwargs.pop(k)
    177                 kwargs[r_k] = v
--> 178         return super(SignatureTranslatedFunction, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
    180 pattern_link = re.compile(r'\\link\{(.+?)\}')

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rpy2\robjects\ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    105             new_kwargs[k] = conversion.py2ri(v)
    106         res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
--> 107         res = conversion.ri2ro(res)
    108         return res


The computation returns a ListDependenceResult which is a list of DependenceResult instances and some bonuses.

In [14]:
print('The computation did %d model evaluations.' % (grid_result.n_evals))

The computation did 30000 model evaluations.

Lets set the quantity function and search for the minimum among the grid results.

In [15]:
grid_result.q_func = q_func
min_result = grid_result.min_result
print('Minimum quantile: {} at param: {}'.format(min_result.quantity, min_result.dep_param))

Minimum quantile: -3.2648512385550332 at param: [0.8332305270680507]

We can plot the result in grid results. The below figure shows the output quantiles in function of the dependence parameters.

In [17]:
plt.plot(grid_result.dep_params, grid_result.quantities, '.', label='Quantiles')
plt.plot(min_result.dep_param[0], min_result.quantity, 'ro', label='minimum')
plt.xlabel('Dependence parameter')
plt.ylabel('Quantile value')

As for the individual problem, we can do a boostrap also, for each parameters. Because we have $K$ parameters, we can do a bootstrap for the $K$ samples, compute the $K$ quantiles for all the bootstrap and get the minimum quantile for each bootstrap.

In [18]:
boot_min_quantiles = grid_result.bootstrap_samples.min(axis=0)
boot_argmin_quantiles = grid_result.bootstrap_samples.argmin(axis=0).ravel().tolist()
boot_min_params = [grid_result.dep_params[idx][0] for idx in boot_argmin_quantiles]

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
sns.distplot(boot_min_quantiles, axlabel="Minimum quantiles", ax=axes[0])
sns.distplot(boot_min_params, axlabel="Parameters of the minimum", ax=axes[1])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x233f6da9588>

For the parameter that have the most occurence for the minimum, we compute its bootstrap mean.

In [19]:
# The parameter with most occurence
boot_id_min = max(set(boot_argmin_quantiles), key=boot_argmin_quantiles.count)
boot_min_result = grid_result[boot_id_min]

boot_mean = boot_min_result.bootstrap_sample.mean()
boot_std = boot_min_result.bootstrap_sample.std()
print('Worst Quantile: {} at {} with a C.O.V of {} %'.format(boot_min_result.boot_mean, min_result.dep_param, boot_min_result.boot_cov*100.))

Worst Quantile: -3.3055259254129123 at [0.8332305270680507] with a C.O.V of 4.15804197279846 %
Kendall's Tau

An interesting feature is to convert the dependence parameters to Kendall's Tau values.

In [20]:
plt.plot(grid_result.kendalls, grid_result.quantities, '.', label='Quantiles')
plt.plot(min_result.kendall_tau, min_result.quantity, 'ro', label='Minimum quantile')
plt.xlabel("Kendall's tau")

As we can see, the bounds

With bounds on the dependencies

An interesting option in the ConservativeEstimate class is to bound the dependencies, due to some prior informations.

In [21]:
bounds_tau = np.asarray([[0., 0.7], [0.1, 0.]])
quant_estimate.bounds_tau = bounds_tau
K = 20
n = 10000
grid_type = 'lhs'
grid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, random_state=random_state)

In [22]:
grid_result.q_func = q_func
min_result = grid_result.min_result
print('Minimum quantile: {} at param: {}'.format(min_result.quantity, min_result.dep_param))

Minimum quantile: -3.3465388003420404 at param: [ 0.98005602]

In [23]:
plt.plot(grid_result.dep_params, grid_result.quantities, '.', label='Quantiles')
plt.plot(min_result.dep_param[0], min_result.quantity, 'ro', label='minimum')
plt.xlabel('Dependence parameter')
plt.ylabel('Quantile value')

Saving the results

It is usefull to save the result in a file to load it later and compute other quantities or anything you need!

In [25]:
filename = './result.hdf'

File ./result.hdf has different configurations
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-25-8c516b35e2e9> in <module>()
      1 filename = './result.hdf'
----> 2 grid_result.to_hdf(filename)

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in to_hdf(self, path_or_buf, input_names, output_names, verbose, with_input_sample)
   1158                             raise ValueError('It should not have constraints to be in the same output file.')
   1159                         np.testing.assert_array_equal(hdf_store.attrs['Copula Structure'], self.vine_structure, err_msg="Different vine structures")
-> 1160                         np.testing.assert_array_equal(hdf_store.attrs['Input Names'], input_names, err_msg="Different Input Names")
   1161                         np.testing.assert_array_equal(hdf_store.attrs['Output Names'], output_names, err_msg="Different output Names")

h5py\_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

h5py\_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

c:\users\naz-probook\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\h5py\_hl\ in __getitem__(self, name)
     56         """ Read the value of an attribute.
     57         """
---> 58         attr =, self._e(name))
     60         if is_empty_dataspace(attr):

h5py\_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

h5py\_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

h5py\h5a.pyx in

KeyError: "Can't open attribute (Can't locate attribute: 'input names')"

In [26]:
from dependence import ListDependenceResult
load_grid_result = ListDependenceResult.from_hdf(filename, q_func=q_func, with_input_sample=False)

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-26-f4ce0ceb49d1> in <module>()
      1 from dependence import ListDependenceResult
----> 2 load_grid_result = ListDependenceResult.from_hdf(filename, q_func=q_func, with_input_sample=False)

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in from_hdf(cls, filepath_or_buffer, id_of_experiment, output_id, with_input_sample, q_func)
   1253                 # All groups of experiments are loaded and concatenated
   1254                 list_index = hdf_store.keys()
-> 1255                 list_index.remove('dependence_params')
   1256             else:
   1257                 # Only the specified experiment is loaded

AttributeError: 'KeysView' object has no attribute 'remove'

In [27]:
np.testing.assert_array_equal(grid_result.output_samples, load_grid_result.output_samples)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-27-1644477fd2bb> in <module>()
----> 1 np.testing.assert_array_equal(grid_result.output_samples, load_grid_result.output_samples)

NameError: name 'load_grid_result' is not defined

In [28]:
import os

Taking the extreme values of the dependence parameter

If the output quantity of interest seems to have a monotonicity with the dependence parameter, it is better to directly take the bounds of the dependence problem. Obviously, the minimum should be at the edges of the design space

In [43]:
K = None
n = 1000
grid_type = 'vertices'
grid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, random_state=random_state)

In [49]:

Kendall's Tau : [ 0.15643447  0.89100652], Quantile: [-2.68011394 -3.2314678 ]

In [50]:
grid_result.q_func = q_func
print("Kendall's Tau : {}, Quantile: {}".format(grid_result.kendalls.ravel(), grid_result.quantities))

Kendall's Tau : [ 0.15643447  0.89100652], Quantile: [-2.68011394 -3.2314678 ]

In [53]:
from depimpact.plots import matrix_plot_input

Higher Dimension

We consider the problem in dimension $d=5$.

In [54]:
dim = 5
quant_estimate.margins = [ot.Normal()]*dim

Don't forget to change the family matrix.
Don't forget to change the bounds matrix

Copula families with one dependent pair

We consider a gaussian copula for this first example, but for the moment only one pair is dependent.

In [55]:
families = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=int)
families[2, 0] = 1
quant_estimate.families = families

Dont't foget to update the bounds matrix
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

In [56]:
quant_estimate.bounds_tau = None

array([[ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.99,  0.  ,  0.  ],
       [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
       [-0.99,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
       [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
       [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ]])

We reset the families and bounds for the current instance. (I don't want to create a new instance, just to check if the setters are good).

In [57]:

array([[3, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [5, 2, 0, 0, 0],
       [4, 5, 4, 0, 0],
       [1, 4, 5, 1, 0],
       [2, 1, 1, 5, 5]])

Let's do the grid search to see

In [59]:
K = 20
n = 10000
grid_type = 'vertices'
grid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, random_state=random_state)

The quantile is lower compare to the problem of dimension 1. Indeed, there is more variables, more uncertainty, so a larger deviation of the output.

In [64]:
grid_result.q_func = q_func
min_result = grid_result.min_result
print('Worst Quantile: {} at {}'.format(min_result.quantity, min_result.dep_param))

Worst Quantile: -4.273422229577796 at [ 0.99999998]
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x23380a91f28>

In [67]:
plt.plot(grid_result.dep_params, grid_result.quantities, '.', label='Quantiles')
plt.plot(min_result.dep_param[0], min_result.quantity, 'ro', label='Minimum')
plt.xlabel('Dependence parameter')
plt.ylabel('Quantile value')

Copula families with all dependent pairs

We consider a gaussian copula for this first example, but for the moment only one pair is dependent.

In [68]:
families = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=int)
for i in range(1, dim):
    for j in range(i):
        families[i, j] = 1

In [69]:
quant_estimate.margins = margins
quant_estimate.families = families
quant_estimate.vine_structure = None
quant_estimate.bounds_tau = None

Don't forget to change the family matrix.
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-69-dc57b31daec4> in <module>()
----> 1 quant_estimate.margins = margins
      2 quant_estimate.families = families
      3 quant_estimate.vine_structure = None
      4 quant_estimate.bounds_tau = None
      5 quant_estimate.bounds_tau

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in margins(self, margins)
    457                     print("Don't forget to change the R-vine array")
    458                 else:
--> 459                     self.vine_structure = None
    460         if hasattr(self, '_bounds_tau'):
    461             if self._bounds_tau.shape[0] != self._input_dim:

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in vine_structure(self, structure)
    604             if len(listed_pairs) > 0:
    605             #if False:
--> 606                 pairs_iter_id = [get_pair_id(dim, pair, with_plus=False) for pair in listed_pairs]
    607                 pairs_by_levels = get_pairs_by_levels(dim, pairs_iter_id)
    608                 structure = get_possible_structures(dim, pairs_by_levels)[1]

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in <listcomp>(.0)
    604             if len(listed_pairs) > 0:
    605             #if False:
--> 606                 pairs_iter_id = [get_pair_id(dim, pair, with_plus=False) for pair in listed_pairs]
    607                 pairs_by_levels = get_pairs_by_levels(dim, pairs_iter_id)
    608                 structure = get_possible_structures(dim, pairs_by_levels)[1]

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in get_pair_id(dim, pair, with_plus)
    972         pair[1] += 1
--> 974     pair_id = np.where((pairs == pair).all(axis=1))[0][0]
    975     return pair_id

IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

In [71]:
K = 100
n = 1000
grid_type = 'lhs'
grid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, random_state=random_state)

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-71-90f292a31187> in <module>()
      2 n = 1000
      3 grid_type = 'lhs'
----> 4 grid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, random_state=random_state)

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in gridsearch(self, n_dep_param, n_input_sample, grid_type, dep_measure, lhs_grid_criterion, keep_input_samples, load_grid, save_grid, use_sto_func, random_state)
    212             if keep_input_samples:
    213                 output_samples, input_samples = self.run_stochastic_models(
--> 214                         params, n_input_sample, return_input_samples=keep_input_samples)
    215             else:
    216                 output_samples = self.run_stochastic_models(

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in run_stochastic_models(self, params, n_input_sample, return_input_samples, random_state)
    253         for param in params:
    254             full_param = np.zeros((self._corr_dim, ))
--> 255             full_param[self._pair_ids] = param
    256             full_param[self._fixed_pairs_ids] = self._fixed_params_list
    257             intput_sample = self._get_sample(full_param, n_input_sample)

IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1

In [153]:
min_result = grid_result.min_result
print('Worst Quantile: {0} at {1}'.format(min_result.quantity, min_result.dep_param))

Worst Quantile: -10.8510465381 at [-0.97636018  0.59525763 -0.71252831  0.99805621  0.99805621  0.43584383
 -0.94199303  0.99225191  0.93110039  0.59525763]

With one fixed pair

In [72]:
families[3, 2] = 0
quant_estimate = ConservativeEstimate(model_func=func_sum, margins=margins, families=families)

Don't forget to change the margins.
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-72-a6d6fc4e3e3a> in <module>()
      1 families[3, 2] = 0
----> 2 quant_estimate = ConservativeEstimate(model_func=func_sum, margins=margins, families=families)

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in __init__(self, model_func, margins, families, fixed_params, bounds_tau, vine_structure, copula_type)
     92         self.margins = margins
     93         self.families = families
---> 94         self.bounds_tau = bounds_tau
     95         self.fixed_params = fixed_params
     96         self.vine_structure = vine_structure

c:\users\naz-probook\onedrive\git-repo\dep-impact\dependence\ in bounds_tau(self, value)
    653             bounds_tau = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    654             for i, j in self._pairs:
--> 655                 bounds_tau[i, j], bounds_tau[j, i] = get_tau_interval(self._families[i, j])
    656             self._custom_bounds_tau = False
    657         elif isinstance(value, str):

IndexError: index 2 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 2

In [73]:
K = 100
n = 10000
grid_type = 'lhs'
grid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, 
                                                 q_func=q_func, random_state=random_state)

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-73-7ac333112d45> in <module>()
      3 grid_type = 'lhs'
      4 grid_result = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, 
----> 5                                                  q_func=q_func, random_state=random_state)

TypeError: gridsearch() got an unexpected keyword argument 'q_func'

In [74]:
min_result = grid_result.min_result
print('Worst Quantile: {0} at {1}'.format(min_result.quantity, min_result.dep_param))

Worst Quantile: -4.273422229577796 at [ 0.99999998]

In [75]:

array([[3, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [5, 2, 0, 0, 0],
       [4, 5, 4, 0, 0],
       [1, 4, 5, 1, 0],
       [2, 1, 1, 5, 5]])

In [77]:
from depimpact.plots import matrix_plot_input


<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x23384e28470>

Save the used grid and load it again

In [78]:
K = 100
n = 1000
grid_type = 'lhs'
grid_result_1 = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, save_grid=True, grid_path='./output')

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-78-7e2f2a79afd0> in <module>()
      3 grid_type = 'lhs'
      4 grid_result_1 = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, 
----> 5                                                  q_func=q_func, save_grid=True, grid_path='./output')

TypeError: gridsearch() got an unexpected keyword argument 'q_func'

In [79]:
grid_result_2 = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, 
                                                 q_func=q_func, use_grid=0, grid_path='./output')

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-79-14131258b620> in <module>()
      1 grid_result_2 = quant_estimate.gridsearch(n_dep_param=K, n_input_sample=n, grid_type=grid_type, 
----> 2                                                  q_func=q_func, use_grid=0, grid_path='./output')

TypeError: gridsearch() got an unexpected keyword argument 'q_func'

Then gather the results from the same grid with the same configurations

In [43]:
grid_result_1.n_input_sample, grid_result_2.n_input_sample

(1000, 1000)

In [44]:
grid_result = grid_result_1 + grid_result_2

Because the configurations are the same, we can gather the results from two different runs

In [45]:
