This project’s purpose is to determine the worthiness of wines at different price points and to draw conclusions from general trends in the data. The project, for instance, explores whether there is justification for price premiums on particular wines.
The subset of data that is used may be found at:
The data subset covers the data of 5181 vintage wines between 2004 and 2016.
In [17]:
import pandas
file = open("./data.html")
data =, encoding='utf-8')[0]
In [18]:
data.drop(["Class.", "By", "TA", "JL", "PW"], axis=1, inplace=True)
In [19]:
import re
def cleanEntry(str):
match ="(-?(?:\d*\.)?\d+)(?:-(-?(?:\d*\.)?\d+))?", str)
if match is None:
return None
groups = match.groups()
if groups[1] is None:
return float(groups[0])
return (float(groups[0]) + float(groups[1])) / 2
data.rename(columns={"+/–": "+/-"}, inplace=True)
data.replace(["·", "\?", "½", "%", "€ ", "\+", "–"],
["", "", ".5", "", "", "", "-"],
inplace=True, regex=True)
colsToClean = ["RP", "NM", "JR", "BD", "JS", "De", "RVF", "JA", "RG", "Price", "+/-"]
data[colsToClean] = data[colsToClean].applymap(cleanEntry)
In [20]:
ratingColNames = ["RP", "NM", "JR", "BD", "JS", "De", "RVF", "JA", "RG"]
for col in ratingColNames:
data[col] -= data[col].min()
data[col] /= data[col].max()
data[col] *= 100
In [21]:
Note: the median is mainly used to determine trends in the data, as median is generally a better indicator in case of any skewdness in the dataset (such as among prices, etc.). However, for appreciation amount, the mean is used to take into account the effect of outliers.
In [22]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [23]:
stddevs = data[ratingColNames].apply(lambda x: x.std(), axis=1)
plt.title("Histogram of Standard Deviation of Wine Ratings")
plt.xlabel("Standard Deviation of Wine Ratings")
While the figure above shows that the standard deviations of wine ratings is slightly skewed to the left, the figure appears to be approximately a normal distribution.
The mean of standard deviations (approximately 23.0) and median of standard deviations (approximately 24.4) are quite high, suggesting that there is a high deviation among the wine ratings (which are normalized to be out of 100).
The data thus suggest that wine ratings are not very consistent among different critics for the same wines.
In [24]:
medianRatings = data[ratingColNames].apply(lambda x: x.median(), axis=1).rename("Median rating")
print("Correlation:", medianRatings.corr(data["Price"]))
pandas.concat([medianRatings, data["Price"]], axis=1)\
y="Median rating",
xlim=(0, 1000),
ylim=(medianRatings.min(), medianRatings.max()),
title="Median Rating vs. Price for All Wines")
The figure suggests that there may be a possible trend that higher-priced wines have higher ratings. In general, low-priced wines seem to achieve more lower scores than high-priced wines (it should be noted, however, that there are also more low-priced wines than high-priced wines in the data). Also, it is interesting that above a price point of around 400 euros, a median rating below 50 (out of a scale of 100) does not appear.
However, the figure also shows that many lower priced wines also achieve high ratings. In fact, some low-priced wines are shown to achieve ratings just as high as those of higher-priced wines. Even if there is a trend, the figure suggests a weak correlation, which is also supported by the correlation calculation between price and median rating of approximately 0.429. Furthermore, the data appear to be heteroscedastic; there is a greater variation in median rating among cheaper wines than more highly-priced wines.
As a result, we can cannot conclude whether ratings justify the price of wines at all price points, as there does not appear to be a statistically significant trend in the dataset.
In [25]:
luxuryWines = data[data["Price"] > data["Price"].quantile(0.9)]
medianRatings = luxuryWines[ratingColNames].apply(lambda x: x.median(), axis=1).rename("Median rating")
print("Correlation:", medianRatings.corr(data["Price"]))
pandas.concat([medianRatings, data["Price"]], axis=1)\
y="Median rating",
xlim=(luxuryWines["Price"].min(), luxuryWines["Price"].max()),
ylim=(medianRatings.min(), medianRatings.max()),
title="Median Rating vs. Price for Luxury Wines")\
.set_xlabel("Price (€)")
To be categorized as a luxury wine, the price of the wine has been categorized as within the top decile of wine prices.
Once again, the figure produced suggests that there is at most a very weak trend between price and median ratings of expensive wines. In fact, the correlation between price and median rating among luxury wines is lower than that between price and median rating among all wines.
Overall, this suggests that higher or lower ratings do not seem to affect the price of wines. In addition, the data suggest that higher-priced wines do not necessarily yield higher critic ratings.
In [26]:
wineByYear = data.groupby(data["Year"]).median()
medianRatings = wineByYear[ratingColNames].apply(lambda x: x.median(), axis=1).rename("Median rating")
medianRatings.plot(title="Median Rating of Wines by Year of Production").set_ylabel("Median rating")
Given the dataset of wines from 2004 to 2016, the figure above suggests that 2015 and 2016 yielded wines with higher ratings. Yearly ratings were based on median ratings. From a numerical standpoint, the median rating of 2015 vintage wines is approximately 66.7 (on a scale of 100): this is only approximately 0.769 higher than the median rating of 2016 vintage wines. Interestingly enough, the high ratings in 2015 followed a year of quite low ratings in 2014.
In [27]:
wineByRegion = data.groupby(data["AOC"]).median()
medianRatings = wineByRegion[ratingColNames].apply(lambda x: x.median(), axis=1).rename("Median rating")
sortedByRating = medianRatings.sort_values(ascending=False)
sortedByRating.plot.barh(title="Median Rating of Wines by Region")
plt.xlabel("Median rating")
By looking at the median ratings of wines by region ("AOC" in the dataset), Sauternes appears to yield the highest rated wines (numerically, Sauternes's median rating is approximately 69.811 out of a scale of 100). The difference in median rating between Sauternes and Pauillac is quite high (approximately 7.55), suggesting that Sauternes produces wines that could potentially be considered better than the other locations.
Following Sauternes, Pauillac and St-Julien take the top three regions for producing highly-rated wine according to median wine ratings.
In [28]:
sortedByMedianPrice = data.groupby(data["AOC"]).median()["Price"].sort_values(ascending=False)
sortedByMedianPrice.plot.barh(title="Median Price of Wines by Region")
plt.xlabel("Median price (€)")
Based on median prices, the figure identifies that Pomerol produces the most expensive wines (with a median wine price of 44 euros). Following Pomerol are St-Julien and Sauternes (with median wine prices of 42.5 and 39.0, respectively).
In [29]:
sortedByMeanPrice = data.groupby(data["AOC"]).mean()["Price"].sort_values(ascending=False)
sortedByMeanPrice.plot.barh(title="Mean Price of Wines by Region")
plt.xlabel("Median price (€)")
Based on mean prices, Pauillac produces the most expensive wines (with a mean price of approximately 101.74 euros). The change in region can be explained by the fact that some wines are much more highly priced than others and thus skew the data.
Overall, Pomerol appears to be a top region to produce highly-priced wines since it appeared in both regions producing expensive wines based on mean and median prices. Pauillac was also placed fourth for producing highly-priced wines based on median prices.
In order to determine what characteristics affect how wine appreciates over time, critic ratings, year, and place of origin are considered:
In [30]:
medianRatings = data[ratingColNames].apply(lambda x: x.median(), axis=1).rename("Median rating")
print("Correlation:", medianRatings.corr(data["+/-"]))
pandas.concat([medianRatings, data], axis=1)\
x="Median rating",
ylim=(data["+/-"].min(), data["+/-"].max()),
xlim=(medianRatings.min(), medianRatings.max()), title="Appreciation Amount vs. Median Rating")\
.set_ylabel("Appreciation amount (%)")
In terms of critic ratings, the figure above suggests that median ratings and wine appreciation amounts have at most a very weak trend. In fact, there is a correlation of only approximately 0.279, which suggests that critic ratings likely are unrelated to whether a wine will appreciate and by how much.
In [31]:
appreciationByYear = data.groupby(data["Year"]).mean()["+/-"]
plt.title("Mean Appreciation Amount by Year of Production")
plt.ylabel("Mean appreciation amount (%)")
In terms of year, the figure above shows that wines produced in 2005, 2009, 2010, 2014, and 2015 appreciated. The wines of 2009 seem to have appreciated the most (by a mean appreciation of approximately 68.13%). 2005 wines appreciated a similar amount at approximately 66.43%.
It should be noted that there is a lack of 2004 and 2016 appreciation data. Thus, there appears to be 0% appreciation for both years.
In [32]:
appreciationByRegion = data.groupby(data["AOC"]).mean()["+/-"].sort_values(ascending=False)
plt.title("Mean Appreciation Amount by Region")
plt.xlabel("Mean appreciation amount (%)")
In terms of place of origin, wine from Pauillac, St-Julien, and more seem to have appreciated according to mean calculations. In fact, the majority of regions showed wines that appreciated over time. Pauillac wines, however, appreciated the most (at approximately 18.15%).
Overall, while the data suggest that critic ratings do not directly affect wine appreciation amounts, the data allows for particular years and regions related to wine appreciation to be identified.
According to the dataset used, the wine market appears to be quite unpredictable. Critic ratings seem to vary and few trends persist in terms of price valuation. What determines the prices of expensive wines can only be explained by weak trends in the dataset.
It should be noted, however, that a dataset of 5181 entries is fairly small. In addition, because there are a few entries missing in certain columns, there is potential bias in the dataset. A larger and fuller dataset to be used in the future may lead to different conclusions.
Nevertheless, a few interesting conclusions are revealed from the analysis. One is that within Europe, there are a few particular locations suggest to be "good" wine locations. Sauternes is an example of one, as the location appears as a top three candidate yielding both high prices and high ratings. Another interesting conclusion is that there are quite a few highly-rated wines that depreciate quite a bit, demonstrated by the figure "Appreciation Amount vs. Median Rating".
Ultimately, enjoyment of vintage wines is subjective to each person. Whether certain wines are worthy at their price point remains a mystery, as ratings suggest only a weak correlation with wine price.
While this project focused on external factors that may potentially affect wine valuation, further analysis of wine valuation may require analyzing data of internal factors affecting wine creation, such as precipitation, soil acidity, and more.