Higher education costs at American institutions have been increasing steadily over the last few decades. Concurrently, student debt has also been increasing. Today, total outstanding student debt is about $1.2 trillion, the second highest debt category only behind mortgages (MarketWatch.com).
Has growth in higher education tuition been constant over the last few decades or did it skyrocket more recently? Do growth rates in tuition costs vary based on whether institutions are private or public? Is it possible that these tuition increases are associated with policies that made loans for higher education costs readily available to students?
These are some of the questions we will set to answer in our Data Bootcamp final project. Our goal is to use publicly available data sources to paint a picture of some trends in higher education for students in the United States. The purpose of our analysis is to depict these trends and understand if they are associated with specific government actions.
Our hypothesis is that higher education tuition costs skyrocketed with the introduction of favorable government policy in the late 1970s, which subsidized loans and guaranteed banks a favorable rate of return on these student loans.
May, 2016
Source: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/americas-growing-student-loan-debt-crisis-2016-01-15
In [12]:
import sys # system module
import pandas as pd # data package
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # graphics module
import datetime as dt # date and time module
import numpy as np # foundation for Pandas
import pandas.io.data as web # To read FRED Data
import seaborn as sns # To import seaborn package
import plotly # To import plotly package
import requests, io # internet and input tools
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # website parsing
%matplotlib inline
# check versions (overkill, but why not?)
print('Python version: ', sys.version)
print('Pandas version: ', pd.__version__)
print('Today: ', dt.date.today())
print('Seaborn version: ', sns.__version__)
print('Plotly version: ', plotly.__version__)
The data below is from the National Center for Education Statistics and shows trends in tuition costs since the 1960s.
The table we selected is Table 330.10. Average undergraduate tuition and fees and room and board rates charged for full-time students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution: 1963-64 through 2012-13.
The data can be accessed here: https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d13/tables/dt13_330.10.asp
Obtaining and cleaning the data:
In [13]:
# Import Excel from Website / nationalcenterforedstats file tuition
URL_NCES = "https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d13/tables/xls/tabn330.10.xls"
tuitiontrends = pd.read_excel(URL_NCES, sep='\t')
#Rename columns so that they are not gibberish
tuitiontrends = tuitiontrends.rename(columns={'Unnamed: 1': 'TotalCost/All/Constant', 'Unnamed: 2':'Total/4Y/Constant',
'Unnamed: 3':'Total/2Y/Constant','Unnamed: 4':'Tuition/All/Constant',
'Unnamed: 5':'Tuition/4Y/Constant', 'Unnamed: 6':'Tuition/2Y/Constant',
'Unnamed: 7':'Dorms/All/Constant','Unnamed: 8':'Dorms/4Y/Constant',
'Unnamed: 9':'Dorms/2Y/Constant',
'Unnamed: 10':'Board/All/Constant', 'Unnamed: 11': 'Board/4Y/Constant',
'Unnamed: 12':'Board/2Y/Constant', 'Unnamed: 13': 'TotalCost/All/Current',
'Unnamed: 14':'Total/4Y/Current','Unnamed: 15':'Total/2Y/Current',
'Unnamed: 16':'Tuition/All/Current',
'Unnamed: 17':'Tuition/4Y/Current', 'Unnamed: 18':'Tuition/2Y/Current',
'Unnamed: 19':'Dorms/All/Current','Unnamed: 20':'Dorms/4Y/Current',
'Unnamed: 21':'Dorms/2Y/Current',
'Unnamed: 22':'Board/All/Current', 'Unnamed: 23': 'Board/4Y/Current',
'Unnamed: 24': 'Board/2Y/Current'})
#dropped because not all were NaN but all were redundant
tuitiontrends = tuitiontrends.drop([0, 1, 2,])
# Further cleaning of dataframe and renaming
names = list(tuitiontrends)
tuitiontrends = tuitiontrends.rename(columns={names[0]: 'Year'})
tuitiontrends = tuitiontrends.dropna()
# Note: Constant means all the numerical values are in 2012 - 2013 dollars
# Note: Current means all the numerical values are in nominal terms of their respective year
# Slipting the dataframes into one that covers all institutions, private institutions, or public institutions
all_institutions = tuitiontrends.head(51)
all_institutions ['Year']= all_institutions['Year'].str.replace(".", "")
all_institutions ['YEAR']= all_institutions['Year'].str[0:4].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
#all_institutions = all_institutions.set_index(['Real_Year'])
public_institutions = tuitiontrends.ix[66:124]
public_institutions ['Year']= public_institutions['Year'].str.replace(".", "")
public_institutions ['YEAR']= public_institutions['Year'].str[0:4].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
#public_institutions = public_institutions.set_index(['Real_Year'])
private_institutions = tuitiontrends.ix[127:185]
private_institutions ['Year']= private_institutions['Year'].str.replace(".", "")
private_institutions ['YEAR']=private_institutions['Year'].str[0:4].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
#private_institutions = private_institutions.set_index(['Real_Year'])
print (all_institutions.head())
print (public_institutions.head())
print (private_institutions.head())
The data below is from the College Board and intended to help us visualize the amount of federal and nonfederal loans held by students from the academic year 1994-1995 to the academic year 2014. We want to understand the growth in student loans and observe any changes in loan trends.
There are 6 different types of loans - Federal Subsidized Loans, Federal Unsubsidized Loans, Parent PLUS Loans, Grad PLUS Loans, Perkins Loans, and Nonfederal Loans. For each type of loan there is also the relative weight to the total of that year.
Obtaining and cleaning the data:
The data can be accessed here: http://trends.collegeboard.org/student-aid/figures-tables/total-federal-and-nonfederal-loans-over-time
In [14]:
# Read the file and drop the lines we do not need
url = 'http://trends.collegeboard.org/sites/default/files/sa-2015-figure5.xls'
loans = pd.read_excel(url,
skiprows=1, # skip the first row
skipfooter=11, # skip the last 7
index_col=0, # set the index as the first column
header=0 # set the variable names
# Convert the headers to whole single numbers
new_headers = []
for stuff in range(len(loans.columns)):
if int(loans.columns[stuff].split('-')[0]) > 50:
new_headers = new_headers + [str(1900+int(loans.columns[stuff].split('-')[0]))]
new_headers = new_headers + [str(2000+int(loans.columns[stuff].split('-')[0]))]
loans.columns = new_headers
# Transpond to have years as index and loan type as headers
loans = loans.T
loans = loans.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'YEAR'}).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
# Visualize the dataframe to check if everythig is as we want it to be
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, through its FRED Database, provides a wealth of economic data and information. We will use some of this macroeconomic data to paint a more complete picture of the overall economic conditions that are contemporary to the trends we are observing in higher education tuition and student indebtedness.
Obtaining and cleaning the data:
Setting-up the data for the regression analysis:
The data can be accessed here: https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/
In [15]:
#Setting Start and End dates
start = dt.datetime(1963,1,1)
end = dt.datetime(2014,1,1)
# Reading FRED Data on monthly inflation
inflation = web.DataReader("CPIAUCSL","fred",start,end)
#data we selected is seasonally adjusted and monthly CPI
# Reading Quarterly GDP
gdp=web.DataReader("GDP", "fred", start, end)
# Reading Quarterly Real GDP
rgdp=web.DataReader("GDPC1", "fred", start, end)
#Add year variable to the dataframes
#Create new dataframes with yearly data to be consistent
In [16]:
# For regression purpose, we create a new data frame
# One for all institutions
combo_all = pd.merge(y_gdp,loans,
combo_all = pd.merge(combo_all, all_institutions,
# One for private institutions
combo_private = pd.merge(y_gdp,loans,
combo_private = pd.merge(combo_private, private_institutions,
# One for public institutions
combo_public = pd.merge(y_gdp,loans,
combo_public = pd.merge(combo_public, public_institutions,
In [17]:
# Calculating growth rates
all_GDP_g = []
pvt_GDP_g = []
pub_GDP_g = []
all_tuition_g = []
pvt_tuition_g = []
pub_tuition_g = []
all_loan_g = []
pvt_loan_g = []
pub_loan_g = []
for yr in range (0,51):
all_GDP_g = all_GDP_g + [100.0*((combo_all['GDP'][yr+1]/combo_all['GDP'][yr])-1)]
all_tuition_g = all_tuition_g + [100.0*((combo_all['TotalCost/All/Current'][yr+1]/combo_all['TotalCost/All/Current'][yr])-1)]
all_loan_g = all_loan_g + [100.0*((combo_all['Total'][yr+1]/combo_all['Total'][yr])-1)]
for yr in range (0,51):
pvt_GDP_g = pvt_GDP_g + [100.0*((combo_private['GDP'][yr+1]/combo_private['GDP'][yr])-1)]
pvt_tuition_g = pvt_tuition_g + [100.0*((combo_private['TotalCost/All/Current'][yr+1]/combo_private['TotalCost/All/Current'][yr])-1)]
pvt_loan_g = pvt_loan_g + [100.0*((combo_private['Total'][yr+1]/combo_private['Total'][yr])-1)]
for yr in range (0,51):
pub_GDP_g = pub_GDP_g + [100.0*((combo_public['GDP'][yr+1]/combo_public['GDP'][yr])-1)]
pub_tuition_g = pub_tuition_g + [100.0*((combo_public['TotalCost/All/Current'][yr+1]/combo_public['TotalCost/All/Current'][yr])-1)]
pub_loan_g = pub_loan_g + [100.0*((combo_public['Total'][yr+1]/combo_public['Total'][yr])-1)]
combo_all['all_GDP_g']=[None] + all_GDP_g
combo_all['all_tuition_g']=[None] + all_tuition_g
combo_all['all_loan_g']=[None] + all_loan_g
combo_private['pvt_GDP_g']=[None] + pvt_GDP_g
combo_private['pvt_tuition_g']=[None] + pvt_tuition_g
combo_private['pvt_loan_g']=[None] + pvt_loan_g
combo_public['pub_GDP_g']=[None] + pub_GDP_g
combo_public['pub_tuition_g']=[None] + pub_tuition_g
combo_public['pub_loan_g']=[None] + pub_loan_g
In this section, we focused on visualizing the data to observe trends and verify our hypothesis. We wanted to understand tuition increases, yearly student loan trends, and macroeconomic performance. We created 8 graphs which show us:
Quick Insight:
Tuition costs have been increased rapidly for both private and public institutions since the 1980s. Costs for private institutions increased much more rapidly, both in constant and current terms, possibly indicating increased demand for higher education as well as easy access to student debt.
In [18]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,5))
#Setting up left graph for current dollar values
all_institutions.plot(x="YEAR", y='TotalCost/All/Current',ax=ax[0],kind='line',color='blue')
private_institutions.plot(x="YEAR", y='TotalCost/All/Current',ax=ax[0],kind='line',color='red')
public_institutions.plot(x="YEAR", y='TotalCost/All/Current',ax=ax[0],kind='line',color='green')
#Setting up right graph for constant dollar values
all_institutions.plot(x="YEAR", y='TotalCost/All/Constant',ax=ax[1],kind='line',color='blue')
private_institutions.plot(x="YEAR", y='TotalCost/All/Constant',ax=ax[1],kind='line',color='red')
public_institutions.plot(x="YEAR", y='TotalCost/All/Constant',ax=ax[1],kind='line',color='green')
#Cosmetics updates:
ax[0].set_title("Tuition Increase in Current Dollar")
ax[1].set_title("Tuition Increase in Constant Dollar")
ax[0].set_ylabel('Thousands ($)')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Thousands ($)')
ax[0].legend(['All Institutions','Private Institutions','Public Institutions'],loc=0)
ax[1].legend(['All Institutions','Private Institutions','Public Institutions'],loc=0)
Quick Insight:
Federal Unsubsidized loans have been the main driver of student indebtedness, followed by Federal Subsidized loans, and Non-Federal loans. Outstanding debt started to decrease in 2010 due to the Student Loan Forgiveness Program established by President Obama.
In [19]:
loans_to_plot = loans
y = np.row_stack((loans_to_plot["Federal Subsidized Loans"],loans_to_plot["Federal Unsubsidized Loans"],
loans_to_plot["Parent PLUS Loans"],loans_to_plot["Grad PLUS Loans"],loans_to_plot["Perkins Loans"],loans_to_plot["Nonfederal Loans"]))
x = np.arange(1994,2015,1)
fig, ax2 = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 7.0, forward=True)
ax2.stackplot(x, y)
ax2.set_title("Federal and Nonfederal Loans (2014 Dollars)")
ax2.set_ylabel('Thousands ($)')
label= ["Total","Federal Subsidized Loans","Federal Unsubsidized Loans","Parent PLUS Loans",
"Grad PLUS Loans","Perkins Loans","Nonfederal Loans"]
ax2.legend(label,loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15),
fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=3)
Chart 1:
Chart 2:
Quick Insight:
Chart 1:
Chart 2:
In [20]:
#Setting up the plot area
fig, axN = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(17.0, 5.0, forward=True)
#Setting up the information that will be displayed on the plot
##Setting the first 2 series
t = y_gdp['YEAR']
s1 = y_gdp['GDP']
s2 = y_rgdp['GDPC1']
axN.plot(t, s1, 'b')
axN.set_ylabel('Billions ($)', color='b',fontsize=12)
for tl in axN.get_yticklabels():
axN.plot(t, y_rgdp['GDPC1'], 'g-')
##Adding the 3rd series
axNN = axN.twinx()
s3 = y_inflation['CPIAUCSL']
axNN.plot(t, s3, 'r')
axNN.set_ylabel('Index', color='r',fontsize=12)
for tl in axNN.get_yticklabels():
#Formatting the plot area and labels
axN.grid(color='white', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
axN.set_title("GDP, Real GDP and Consumer Price Index", fontsize=15)
label_N= ["GDP","Real GDP"]
label_NN= ["Consumer Proce index"]
axN.legend(label_N,loc=6, bbox_to_anchor=(0.01, -0.15),
fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=3,fontsize=10)
axNN.legend(label_NN,loc=6, bbox_to_anchor=(0.18, -0.15),
fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=3,fontsize=10)
In [21]:
#Setting up the plot area
fig, ax4 = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 7))
#Setting up the information that will be displayed on the plot
combo_all.plot(x='YEAR', y='all_GDP_g',ax=ax4, kind='line',color='blue')
combo_all.plot(x='YEAR', y='all_loan_g',ax=ax4, kind='scatter',color='red')
combo_all.plot(x='YEAR', y='all_tuition_g',ax=ax4, kind='scatter',color='green')
combo_private.plot(x='YEAR', y='pvt_tuition_g',ax=ax4, kind='scatter',color='gold')
combo_public.plot(x='YEAR', y='pub_tuition_g',ax=ax4, kind='scatter',color='purple')
ax4.set_title("Annual Tuition / Loan Growth Rate Compared to GDP Growth Rate")
ax4.set_ylabel('Annual % Growth')
label= ["GDP","Student Loans","Tuition All Institutions","Tuition Private Institutions",
"Tuition Public Institutions"]
ax4.legend(label,loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15),
shadow=True, ncol=3)
Quick Insight:
Prior to 1991, the default rate was significantly higher than it is recently as the majority of default loans were borrowed by proprietary institutions. In 1990 thanks to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, which made higher education ineligible for federal aid if their cohort default rate was higher than 35% in 1991 and 1992 or 35%, helped bringing down the rate
Source: http://www.edcentral.org/edcyclopedia/federal-student-loan-default-rates/
In [22]:
# Pull the data on Student Default Rate from edcentral
url = 'http://www.edcentral.org/edcyclopedia/federal-student-loan-default-rates/'
am = pd.read_html(url)
# Get the table with the National Cohort Default rate from 1988 to 2011
default_data = am[1]
# Clean the data and create a column with percentages
default_data = default_data.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
default_data['Percentage'] = default_data['National Cohort Default Rate']*100
# Plot the data
fig, axD = plt.subplots()
# Create the variables to plot (not necessary but easier to edit)
default_time = default_data['Year']
default_percentage = default_data['Percentage']
# Plot the data
axD.plot(default_time, default_percentage, 'b')
#Formatting the plot area and labels
axD.set_title("National Cohort Stedent Default Rate", fontsize=15)
axD.set_ylabel('Default Rate (%)',fontsize=12)
In 1979, the government instituted policy that enabled students to obtain more loans to fund their pursuit of higher education. Paired with high inflation rates, this event unleashed significant growth in student debt and opened the door for institutions, particularly private ones, to increase tuition costs.
The effect of this policy is visible in the first charts that show the growth in higher education costs at private and public institutions in the United States. There is a clear inflection point in 1980 where the costs for private institutions skyrocketed.
At the same time, the students two years default rate reached high levels until 1990 when the Government put a limit to the amount of loans proprietary institutions could lend to students.
Outstanding student debt has also increased considerably since the 1990s, supported by enabling government policies. The majority of the debt has been unsubsidized.
The US economy has grown at a stable pace and inflation has been under control, underlying an overall positive environment where people are incentivized to pursue graduate degrees in hopes of being able to benefit from this growth.
As the graph in 2.c shows though, the outstanding student debt has been growing faster than GDP, reflecting student overreliance on debt to fund higher education. This, paired with the relentless growth in tuition costs signal that student debt is likely to increase further.
Source: https://www2.ed.gov/offices/OPE/PPI/FinPostSecEd/gladieux.html
In [ ]: