In [9]:
import os
import yaml
import fnmatch
from conda_build.metadata import MetaData
from pprint import pprint
import binstar_client
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
%matplotlib inline
import networkx as nx

In [10]:
token = open('/home/edill/dev/dotfiles/tokens/lightsource2-testing.token', 'r').read().strip()

In [11]:
cli = binstar_client.Binstar(domain="", token=token)

In [12]:
packages_on_conda_forge = set([f['full_name'].split('/')[1] for f in cli.show_channel('main', 'conda-forge')['files']])

In [14]:
def sanitize_names(list_of_names):
    list_of_names = [name.split(' ')[0] for name in list_of_names]
    list_of_names = [name for name in list_of_names]# if name not in packages_on_conda_forge]
    return list_of_names

In [127]:
# Get the list of folders to check
# get the tagged stack
folders = ['/home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/',

In [142]:
run = {}
build = {}
test = {}
for path_to_recipes in folders:
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path_to_recipes):
        if 'meta.yaml' not in filenames:
            # we are not in the right directory
        print("evaluating", dirpath)
        meta = MetaData(dirpath)
        name = meta.meta['package']['name']
        build[name] = sanitize_names(meta.meta.get('requirements', {}).get('build', []))
        run[name] = sanitize_names(meta.meta.get('requirements', {}).get('run', []))
        test[name] = sanitize_names(meta.meta.get('test', {}).get('requires', []))

evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/analysis
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/trackpy-0.3.0
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/tzlocal-1.1.2
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/datamuxer
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/chxtools
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/ixstools
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/pims-0.3.3
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/csxtools
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/ophyd
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/databroker
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/suitcase
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/h5py-2.6.0
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/super_state_machine-1.0
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/pyolog
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/gobject-introspection-1.47.1
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/sphinx-bootstrap-theme-0.4.5
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/cairo-gobject-1.12.18
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/hdf5-1.10.0
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/pyxrf
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/py3cairo-1.10.0
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/epics-base-R3.14.12.4
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/exceptional
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/xray-vision
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/filestore
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/hdf5-lz4-0.4
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/metadatastore
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/bluesky
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/amostra
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/pygobject3-3.12.0
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/pymongo-3.2.2
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/collection
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/pyepics-3.2.5
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/hkl-v5.0.0.2080
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/fabio-0.3.0
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/channelarchiver-0.0.5-6
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-tag/eiger-io
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/doct
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/datamuxer
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/scikit-beam
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/ixstools
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/csxtools
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/ophyd
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/databroker
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/event-model
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/suitcase
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/historydict
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/pyxrf
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/xray-vision
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/filestore
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/metadatastore
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/bluesky
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-dev/eiger-io
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/csx
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/srx
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/hxn
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/lix
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/smi
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/amx
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/chx
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/nslsii_dev
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/csx2
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/lightsource2-recipes/recipes-config/ixs
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/skbeam-recipes/recipes/lmfit
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/skbeam-recipes/recipes/scikit-beam
evaluating /home/edill/dev/conda/skbeam-recipes/xraylib-3.1.0

In [143]:
union = {k: set(test.get(k, []) + run.get(k, []) + build.get(k, []))
         for k in set(list(test.keys()) + list(build.keys()) + list(run.keys()))}

In [144]:
# drop all extra packages that I do not have conda recipes for
cleaned_union = {}
for name, items in union.items():
    cleaned_items = set()
    print("Checking", name)
    for item in items:
        if item not in union:
            print('\tdropping', item)
    cleaned_union[name] = cleaned_items

Checking pims
	dropping python
	dropping scikit-image
	dropping numpy
	dropping jinja2
	dropping slicerator
	dropping tifffile
	dropping six
	dropping setuptools
	dropping pillow
	dropping libtiff
	dropping nose

Checking super_state_machine
	dropping python
	dropping setuptools
	dropping six

Checking ixstools
	dropping python
	dropping pyyaml
	dropping numpy
	dropping scipy
	dropping coverage
	dropping nose
	dropping matplotlib
	dropping pandas

Checking scikit-beam
	dropping python
	dropping scikit-image
	dropping numpy
	dropping setuptools
	dropping six
	dropping scipy
	dropping coverage
	dropping cython
	dropping nose

Checking ophyd
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping ipython
	dropping setuptools
	dropping prettytable
	dropping networkx

Checking smi_configuration
	dropping python

Checking xraylib
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping setuptools
	dropping scipy
	dropping cython
	dropping swig

Checking gobject-introspection
	dropping python
	dropping glib
	dropping libffi

Checking chx_configuration
	dropping python

Checking ixs_configuration
	dropping python

Checking epics-base
	dropping readline

Checking channelarchiver
	dropping python
	dropping matplotlib
	dropping numpy

Checking historydict
	dropping python
	dropping setuptools
	dropping six

Checking hdf5-lz4

Checking bluesky
	dropping python
	dropping boltons
	dropping jsonschema
	dropping numpy
	dropping ipython
	dropping tifffile
	dropping cycler
	dropping prettytable
	dropping traitlets
	dropping matplotlib

Checking cairo-gobject
	dropping cairo
	dropping zlib
	dropping freetype
	dropping pkg-config
	dropping glib
	dropping libffi
	dropping libpng
	dropping pixman

Checking amx_configuration
	dropping python

Checking analysis
	dropping python
	dropping openpyxl
	dropping jupyter
	dropping ipywidgets
	dropping album
	dropping matplotlib

Checking hxn_configuration
	dropping python

Checking tzlocal
	dropping python
	dropping pytz
	dropping setuptools

Checking pygobject3
	dropping python
	dropping glib
	dropping libffi

Checking event-model
	dropping python

Checking pyepics
	dropping python
	dropping setuptools
	dropping numpy

Checking chxtools
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping setuptools
	dropping prettytable
	dropping matplotlib

Checking srx_configuration
	dropping python

Checking trackpy
	dropping python
	dropping pytables
	dropping pyyaml
	dropping numpy
	dropping setuptools
	dropping six
	dropping scipy
	dropping numexpr
	dropping numba
	dropping matplotlib
	dropping pandas

Checking xray-vision
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping setuptools
	dropping six
	dropping pyqt
	dropping matplotlib

Checking lix_configuration
	dropping python

Checking filestore
	dropping python
	dropping pyyaml
	dropping jsonschema
	dropping boltons
	dropping tifffile
	dropping six

Checking csx2_configuration
	dropping python

Checking databroker
	dropping python
	dropping boltons
	dropping requests
	dropping six
	dropping setuptools
	dropping cytoolz
	dropping pandas

Checking doct
	dropping python
	dropping prettytable
	dropping setuptools
	dropping six
	dropping humanize

Checking pyxrf
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping setuptools
	dropping enaml
	dropping matplotlib
	dropping pandas

Checking metadatastore
	dropping python
	dropping pyyaml
	dropping boltons
	dropping numpy
	dropping jinja2
	dropping six
	dropping humanize
	dropping prettytable
	dropping pytz

Checking pymongo
	dropping python
	dropping setuptools

Checking exceptional
	dropping python
	dropping ipython
	dropping requests

Checking py3cairo
	dropping python
	dropping pkg-config
	dropping cairo

Checking collection

Checking lmfit
	dropping python
	dropping setuptools
	dropping scipy
	dropping numpy

Checking hkl
	dropping python
	dropping m4
	dropping numpy
	dropping automake
	dropping pkg-config
	dropping autoconf
	dropping libtool
	dropping gsl

Checking hdf5
	dropping zlib

Checking suitcase
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping six
	dropping setuptools

Checking fabio
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping setuptools
	dropping lxml
	dropping pillow
	dropping cython

Checking h5py
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping six
	dropping pkgconfig
	dropping cython

Checking amostra
	dropping python
	dropping pyyaml
	dropping requests
	dropping jsonschema
	dropping tornado
	dropping setuptools
	dropping mongoquery
	dropping ujson

Checking nslsii_dev_configuration
	dropping python

Checking pyolog
	dropping python
	dropping requests
	dropping keyring
	dropping ipython
	dropping setuptools
	dropping six

Checking csx_configuration
	dropping python

Checking datamuxer
	dropping python
	dropping scipy
	dropping six
	dropping setuptools
	dropping pandas

Checking eiger-io
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping setuptools

Checking csxtools
	dropping python
	dropping numpy
	dropping ipython
	dropping setuptools
	dropping ipywidgets
	dropping pytest
	dropping matplotlib

Checking sphinx-bootstrap-theme
	dropping python
	dropping setuptools

In [145]:
kw = dict(node_size=5, node_color='w', edge_color='b', alpha=0.25)

def make_network(packages_dict):
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    for package, deps in packages_dict.items():
#         print(package)
        for dep in deps:
#             print('\t{}'.format(dep))
            G.add_edge(package, dep)
    return G

In [146]:
run_G = make_network(run)
build_G = make_network(build)
all_G = make_network(union)

Create an .svg graph of the dependency graph

In [131]:
import graphviz as gv
need_to_build_kwargs = {'color': 'red', 'shape': 'triangle'}
conda_forge_kwargs = {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'diamond'}
anaconda_kwargs = {'color': 'black', 'shape': 'pentagon'}
# dev_kwargs = {'color': 'cyan3', 'shape': 'hexagon'}

packages_to_ignore = ['numpy', 'python', 'setuptools', 'six']
def make_gv_network(packages_dict):
    graph = gv.Digraph(format='svg')
    all_packages = set()
    for package, deps in packages_dict.items():
        all_packages = all_packages.union(deps)
    # add all the nodes
    for pkg in all_packages:
        if pkg in packages_to_ignore:
        if pkg in packages_on_conda_forge: 
            graph.node(pkg, **conda_forge_kwargs)
        elif pkg not in union:
            graph.node(pkg, **anaconda_kwargs)
            graph.node(pkg, **need_to_build_kwargs)
    # build the edges
    for package, deps in packages_dict.items():
        for dep in deps:
            if dep in packages_to_ignore:
            graph.edge(package, dep)
    return graph

gvG = make_gv_network(union)


In [124]:


List the build order for a serial build (i.e., one build at a time)

In [154]:
print("This is an attempt to characterize our build stack in terms of serial ordering")
print("As in: start from the top and work your way down to hit all the dependencies\n")
counter = 0
for item in reversed(nx.topological_sort(all_G)):
    if item in packages_on_conda_forge:
        print('##: {}  # Package already on conda-forge'.format(item))
    elif item not in union:
        print('##: {}  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes'.format(item))
        counter += 1
        print('{:>2}: {}'.format(counter, item))

This is an attempt to characterize our build stack in terms of serial ordering
As in: start from the top and work your way down to hit all the dependencies

##: six  # Package already on conda-forge
##: setuptools  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: python  # Package already on conda-forge
 1: super_state_machine
##: requests  # Package already on conda-forge
##: numpy  # Package already on conda-forge
##: slicerator  # Package already on conda-forge
##: tornado  # Package already on conda-forge
 2: smi_configuration
##: coverage  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: swig  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: scipy  # Package already on conda-forge
##: cython  # Package already on conda-forge
##: xraylib  # Package already on conda-forge
##: libffi  # Package already on conda-forge
##: glib  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pkg-config  # Package already on conda-forge
##: freetype  # Package already on conda-forge
##: libpng  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pixman  # Package already on conda-forge
##: zlib  # Package already on conda-forge
##: cairo  # Package already on conda-forge
 3: cairo-gobject
 4: gobject-introspection
##: ipywidgets  # Package already on conda-forge
##: nose  # Package already on conda-forge
 5: chx_configuration
##: boltons  # Package already on conda-forge
##: openpyxl  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: pytest  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
 6: srx_configuration
 7: hxn_configuration
 8: py3cairo
 9: pygobject3
##: event-model  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pytz  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pyyaml  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pymongo  # Package already on conda-forge
##: prettytable  # Package already on conda-forge
10: nslsii_dev_configuration
##: humanize  # Package already on conda-forge
##: doct  # Package already on conda-forge
##: jinja2  # Package already on conda-forge
11: metadatastore
##: networkx  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: ipython  # Package already on conda-forge
##: readline  # Package already on conda-forge
12: epics-base
13: pyepics
##: hdf5  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pkgconfig  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: h5py  # Package already on conda-forge
##: tifffile  # Package already on conda-forge
##: jsonschema  # Package already on conda-forge
##: libtiff  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pillow  # Package already on conda-forge
##: scikit-image  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pims  # Package already on conda-forge
14: filestore
15: ophyd
##: tzlocal  # Package already on conda-forge
##: pandas  # Package already on conda-forge
##: cytoolz  # Package already on conda-forge
##: matplotlib  # Package already on conda-forge
16: channelarchiver
17: databroker
18: datamuxer
##: album  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: pyqt  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
19: xray-vision
##: ujson  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: mongoquery  # Package already on conda-forge
20: amostra
##: jupyter  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
21: suitcase
##: historydict  # Package already on conda-forge
##: traitlets  # Package already on conda-forge
##: cycler  # Package already on conda-forge
##: lmfit  # Package already on conda-forge
22: bluesky
23: scikit-beam
24: analysis
##: keyring  # Package already on conda-forge
25: pyolog
26: collection
27: lix_configuration
28: csx2_configuration
##: enaml  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: autoconf  # Package already on conda-forge
##: automake  # Package already on conda-forge
##: gsl  # Package already on conda-forge
##: libtool  # Package already on conda-forge
##: m4  # Package already on conda-forge
29: hkl
##: lxml  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: fabio  # Package already on conda-forge
30: csx_configuration
31: eiger-io
32: ixstools
##: numexpr  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
33: ixs_configuration
34: hdf5-lz4
35: amx_configuration
36: chxtools
##: numba  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
##: pytables  # Package not on conda-forge and is not in our recipes
37: trackpy
38: pyxrf
39: exceptional
40: csxtools
##: sphinx-bootstrap-theme  # Package already on conda-forge

List all groups of leaves for a theoretical parallel build

In [151]:
def print_and_trim(graph):
    nodes = [x for x in (G) if G.out_degree(x) == 0]
    for node in nodes:
    for idx, node in enumerate(nodes):
        if node in packages_on_conda_forge:
        elif node not in cleaned_union:
            nodes[idx] = node.upper()
    pprint(sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: x.lower()))

G = all_G.copy()
print("Packges in all CAPS are packages that still need to be built")
print("This is an attempt to characterize our build stack in terms "
      "of which packages can be built in parallel")
print("Intra-group can be built in parallel")
print("Each group should be built serially")
count = 0
while G.nodes():
    print('\nGROUP', count+1)
    count += 1
    if count > 50:

Packges in all CAPS are packages that still need to be built
This is an attempt to characterize our build stack in terms of which packages can be built in parallel
Intra-group can be built in parallel
Each group should be built serially


