In [66]:
%matplotlib inline
import scipy.integrate as spi
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
Set modifier values
In [81]:
#Person and Zombie
z_infecting = 0.4
p_killedby_z = 0.1
z_creates_i = 0.25
z_killedby_p = 0.75
#Person and Immune
i_infecting = 0.25
i_creates_i = 0.075
#Zombie no mates
z_starves = 0.05
#Immune and Zombie
i_killedby_z = 0.5
z_killedby_i = 0.2475
Set the Population starting parameters. NB: must be a proportion
In [85]:
P = 0.8
Z = 0.0
I = 0.2
D = 0.0
if sum([P,Z,I,D]) != 1.0:
print "Your proportions are wrong"
start_values = (P,Z,I,D)
Set time parameters
In [69]:
t_start = 0.0
t_end = 100
t_step = 1
In [70]:
def time_range(t_start, t_end, t_step):
Return step range of sampling points for iteration.
t_ranges = np.arange(t_start, t_end + t_step, t_step)
return t_ranges
In [71]:
t_ranges = time_range(t_start, t_end, t_step)
In [72]:
def calc_P(P,Z,I,D):
out_P = - (z_infecting * (P * Z)) - (i_infecting * (P * I)) - (p_killedby_z * (P * Z)) - (z_creates_i * (P * Z)) - (i_creates_i * (P * I))
return out_P
In [73]:
def calc_Z(P,Z,I,D):
out_Z = (z_infecting * (P * Z)) + (i_infecting * (P * I)) - (z_killedby_p * (P * Z)) - (z_killedby_i * (I * Z)) - (z_starves * Z)
return out_Z
In [74]:
def calc_I(P,Z,I,D):
out_I = (z_creates_i * (P * Z)) + (i_creates_i * (P * I)) - (i_killedby_z * (I * Z))
return out_I
In [75]:
def calc_D(P,Z,I,D):
out_D = (p_killedby_z * (P * Z)) + (i_killedby_z * (I * Z)) + (z_killedby_p * (P * Z)) + (z_killedby_i * (Z * I)) + (z_starves * Z)
return out_D
In [76]:
def diffeq(INP, t):
OUT = np.zeros((4))
mP,mZ,mI,mD = INP
OUT[0] = calc_P(mP,mZ,mI,mD)
OUT[1] = calc_Z(mP,mZ,mI,mD)
OUT[2] = calc_I(mP,mZ,mI,mD)
OUT[3] = calc_D(mP,mZ,mI,mD)
return OUT
In [86]:
RES = spi.odeint(diffeq,start_values,t_ranges)
In [78]:
def plot_graph(RES):
pl.plot(RES[:,0], '-bo', label = 'People')
pl.plot(RES[:,1], '-ro', label = 'Zombies')
pl.plot(RES[:,2], '-go', label = 'Immune')
pl.plot(RES[:,3], '-yo', label = 'Dead')
pl.legend(loc = 0)
pl.title('Zombie apocalypse')
#pl.savefig('2.5_SIS-high.png', dpi = 900)
In [79]:
observed = RES[:,0]
expected = [0.7,0.57582525,0.44145637,0.31872655,0.22099319,0.15023086,0.10178351,0.06947228,0.04806533,0.03381077]
total = 0
for i,item in enumerate(expected):
total += (item - observed[i]) ** 2
print total
In [87]: