In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyneb as pn
In the following cell, we will write a file that contains observed data on the disk
In [2]:
%%writefile smc24.dat
cHbeta 0.047
S4_10.5m 7.00000
Ne2_12.8m 8.3000
Ne3_15.6m 34.10
S3_18.7m 10.
O2_3726A 39.700
O2_3729A 18.600
Ne3_3869A 18.90
Ne3_3968A 6.4
S2_4069A 0.85
S2_4076A 0.450
O3_4363A 4.36
O3_5007A 435.09
N2_5755A 0.510000
S3_6312A 0.76
O1_6300A 1.69
O1_6364A 0.54
N2_6548A 6.840000
N2_6584A 19.00
S2_6716A 1.220000
S2_6731A 2.180000
Ar3_7136A 4.91
O2_7319A+ 6.540000
O2_7330A+ 5.17
S3_33.6m 8.
In [3]:
# Diagnostic plot
### General settings
# Setting verbosity level. Enter pn.my_logging? for details
pn.log_.level = 2 # set this to 3 to have more details
# Adopt an extinction law
extinction_law = 'CCM89'
# Define the data file
obs_data = 'smc24.dat'
# Define plot title
title = 'SMC 24'
### Read and deredden observational data
# define an Observation object and assign it to name 'obs'
obs = pn.Observation()
# fill obs with data read from file obs_data, with lines varying across rows and a default percent error on line intensities
obs.readData(obs_data, fileFormat='lines_in_rows', err_default=0.05)
# deredden data with Cardelli's law = extinction_law
### Include the diagnostics of interest
# instantiate the Diagnostics class
diags = pn.Diagnostics()
# include in diags the relevant line ratios
'[NII] 5755/6584',
'[OII] 3726/3729',
'[OIII] 4363/5007',
'[SII] 6731/6716',
'[SII] 4072+/6720+',
'[SIII] 6312/18.7m',
'[NeIII] 3930+/15.6m',
diags.addClabel('[SII] 6731/6716', '[SII]a')
diags.addClabel('[SII] 4072+/6720+', '[SII]b')
# Create the emission maps to be compared to the observation data (some overkill here)
emisgrids = pn.getEmisGridDict(atom_list=diags.getUniqueAtoms(), den_max=1e6)
### Plot
# Create the contour plot as the intersection of tem-den emission maps with dereddened line ratios
diags.plot(emisgrids, obs)
# Place the title
# Display the plot
#The observed ratio can be automatically extracted from an Observation object named obs:
Te, Ne = diags.getCrossTemDen('[NII] 5755/6548', '[SII] 6731/6716', obs=obs)
print('Te = {0:5.0f} K, Ne = {1:7.1f} cm-1'.format(Te, Ne))
In [4]:
# Sample extinction in PyNeb
# shows how to display available extinction laws, select one or define a new one,
# and do some simple dereddening calculations
# Further examples can be found in other sample scripts
# Convert wavelength to x
def x(wave):
return 10000. / wave
# Define an extinction law (to be used below)
def my_X(wave, par=0):
x = 10000. / wave
Rv = 3.1
X_lin = x/2. # linear part of the extinction law
X_bump = 0.5*x**2. -6*x + 20. # bump part of the extinction law
return Rv*np.where(x<5., X_lin, X_bump)
# Define a reddening correction object
RC = pn.RedCorr()
# List the available laws
# Plot the available laws
# Choose the one we intend to use = 'CCM89'
# or define a new one
RC.UserFunction = my_X = 'user'
# Plot the selected law as a function of x
# Define an array in lambda to do the plot
wave= np.logspace(2.5, 5, 100)
# Plot commands
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_ylim([0, 15])
ax.set_xlim([0, 10])
ax.plot(x(wave), my_X(wave), label='%s' % (
plt.xlabel('1/$\lambda$ ($\mu^{-1}$)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
# Correct observed line ratios
wave1 = 5007
I_obs1 = 4.0
wave2 = 4686
I_obs2 = 0.10
# Correct based on the given law and the observed Ha/Hb ratio
RC = pn.RedCorr(law='CCM89')
I_obs_HaHb = 3.5
I_theo_HaHb = 2.86
RC.setCorr(I_obs_HaHb / I_theo_HaHb, 6563., 4861.)
print('Correction based on the given law and the observed Ha/Hb ratio:')
print(str(wave1) + ': I_obs =', I_obs1, ' I_dered =', I_obs1 * RC.getCorrHb(wave1))
print(str(wave2) + ': I_obs =', I_obs2, ' I_dered =', I_obs2 * RC.getCorrHb(wave2))
# Correct based on the given law and c(Hb)
RC = pn.RedCorr(law='CCM89', cHbeta=0.3)
print('\nCorrection based on the given law and c(Hbeta):')
print(str(wave1) + ': I_obs =', I_obs1, ' I_dered =', I_obs1 * RC.getCorrHb(wave1))
print(str(wave2) + ': I_obs =', I_obs2, ' I_dered =', I_obs2 * RC.getCorrHb(wave2))
In [5]:
Sample PyNeb script
Plots the [O III] 4363/5007 ratio as a function of Te for several Ne values
# Set high verbosity level to keep track of atom creation
pn.log_.level = 1 # Set to 3 if you want all the atoms to be printed out
# Create a collection of atoms - a bit overkill if we just need O III
adict = pn.getAtomDict()
# Lower verbosity level
pn.log_.level = 2
# Function to compute line ratio
def line_ratio(atom, wave1, wave2, tem, den):
emis1 = adict[atom].getEmissivity(tem, den, wave = wave1)
emis2 = adict[atom].getEmissivity(tem, den, wave = wave2)
return emis1 / emis2
# Define array of Te
tem = np.arange(5000, 18000, 30)
# Plot
for den in [1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5]:
plt.semilogy(tem, line_ratio('O3', 4363, 5007, tem, den), label = 'Ne={0:.0e}'.format(den))
plt.xlabel('T$_e$ [K]')
plt.ylabel(r'[OIII] 4363/5007 $\AA$')
In [6]:
# Plot the contour diagram of the selected diagnostics
# Warning: it takes a long time to plot the 80 contours
from pyneb.core.diags import diags_dict
Nx = 2
Ny = 27 # must be changed to 27 to obtain all the plots
AA = pn.getAtomDict(OmegaInterp='Linear')
# Loop over all the diags stored in pn.core.diags.diags_dict
fig, axes = plt.subplots(Ny, Nx, figsize=(5*Nx, 5*Ny))
i_ax = 0
for diag in np.sort(list(diags_dict.keys())):
atom, diag_eval, err = diags_dict[diag]
# Skip Fe III as they are so many
if (atom in AA) and (atom not in ('Fe3', 'Ni3')):
if i_ax < Nx*Ny:
ax = axes.ravel()[i_ax]
grid = pn.EmisGrid(atomObj=AA[atom])
grid.plotContours(to_eval=diag_eval, ax=ax)
if i_ax != (Nx * (Ny-1)):
i_ax += 1
In [7]:
# Analysis plot of a simple two-component model, meant to illustrate the bias arising
# from assuming that the region is homogeneous in density
# First, an emission region made up of two different subregions is modelled,
# each with a different mass and density. The resulting overall emissivity is computed
# Second, the region is analyzed as if it were a homogeneous region
from pyneb.utils.misc import parseAtom, cleanPypicFiles
def plot_2comp(tem1=1e4, tem2=1e4, dens1=3e2, dens2=5e5, mass1=1, mass2=5e-4):
# List of diagnostics used to analyze the region
diags = pn.Diagnostics(NLevels=6)
diags.addDiag(['[NI] 5198/5200',
'[NII] 5755/6548',
'[OII] 3726/3729',
'[OII] 3727+/7325+',
'[OIII] 4363/5007',
'[ArIII] 5192/7136',
'[ArIII] 5192/7300+',
'[ArIV] 4740/4711',
'[ArIV] 7230+/4720+',
'[SII] 6731/6716',
'[SII] 4072+/6720+',
'[SIII] 6312/9069',
'[ClIII] 5538/5518'
for diag in pn.diags_dict:
if diag[0:7] != '[FeIII]':
print 'Adding', diag
diags.addClabel('[SIII] 6312/9069', '[SIII]A')
diags.addClabel('[OIII] 4363/5007', '[OIII]A')
# Define all the ions that are involved in the diagnostics
adict = diags.atomDict
pn.log_.message('Atoms built')
obs = pn.Observation(corrected = True)
for atom in adict:
# Computes all the intensities of all the lines of all the ions considered
for line in pn.LINE_LABEL_LIST[atom]:
if line[-1] == 'm':
wavelength = float(line[:-1])*1e4
wavelength = float(line[:-1])
elem, spec = parseAtom(atom)
intens1 = adict[atom].getEmissivity(tem1, dens1, wave = wavelength) * dens1 * mass1
intens2 = adict[atom].getEmissivity(tem2, dens2, wave = wavelength) * dens2 * mass2
obs.addLine(pn.EmissionLine(elem, spec, wavelength,
obsIntens=[intens1, intens2, intens1+intens2],
obsError=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
pn.log_.message('Virtual observations computed')
emisgrids = pn.getEmisGridDict(atomDict=adict)
pn.log_.message('EmisGrids available')
# Produce a diagnostic plot for each of the two regions and another one for the
# (misanalyzed) overall region
f, axes = plt.subplots(3,1, figsize=(10,15))
for i_obs in (0,1,2):
diags.plot(emisgrids, obs, i_obs=i_obs, ax=axes[i_obs])
plot_2comp(tem1=1e4, tem2=1e4, dens1=3e2, dens2=5e5, mass1=1, mass2=5e-4)
In [8]:
# Emissivity plot
# For a quick and dirty plot, see also o3.plotEmiss
# Atom creation and definition of physical conditions
o3=pn.Atom('O', 3)
den = 1000
# Comment the second if you want all the lines to be plotted
lineList=[4363, 4959, 5007, 518000, 880000]
# Plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_ylim([1.e-30, 5e-20])
for line in lineList:
y=o3.getEmissivity(tem, den, wave=line)
plt.semilogy(tem, y, label="{:.0f}".format(line))
plt.xlabel('T$_e$ [K]')
plt.ylabel("j(T) [erg cm$^{-3}$ s${-1}$]")
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.title('[O III] emissivities @ N$_e$={:.0f}'.format(den))
In [9]:
# Emissivity map of [O III] 5007
# Imports
import pyneb as pn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Compute the grid
map=pn.EmisGrid('O', 3, tem_min=10000, tem_max=23999.00,
den_min=100, den_max=3.5e5, n_tem=100, n_den=100)
# Plot
emap = plt.pcolor(X, Y, Z)
cbar = plt.colorbar(emap)
cbar.set_label('j([O III] 5007)')
plt.xlabel(r'T$_e$ [K]')
plt.ylabel(r'Log N$_e$ [cm$^{-3}$]')
In [10]:
# Emissivity map of the [O III] 4363/5007 line ratio
# Imports
import pyneb as pn
# Compute the grid
o3grid = pn.EmisGrid('O', 3, n_tem=200, n_den=200,
tem_min=8000, tem_max=25000, den_min=100, den_max=2.e5)
# Plot the grid
o3grid.plotImage('L(4363)/L(5007)', cblabel='I(4363)/I(5007)');