Recombination lines: the RecAtom class

This object is similar to Atom, but some methods differ due to the particularities of the recombination spectrum. It is instantiated with the following command:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyneb as pn

In [2]:
H1 = pn.RecAtom('H', 1)

The data are read from a fits file and interpolated in temperature and density. The name of the file is retrievable through:

In [3]:
pn.atomicData.getDataFile('H1', 'rec')


In case the instantiation takes too much time (on some systems, the reading the fits fils is slow), you can use the data store in the hdf5 file using:

In [4]:

In [5]:
H1 = pn.RecAtom('H', 1)

The ions for which recombination lines are available are listed with the command:

In [6]:
pn.atomicData.getAllAtoms(coll=False, rec=True)


You can list all the available data files for a given ion by:

In [7]:


The emissivities are obtained by, e.g.:

In [8]:
Hbeta = H1.getEmissivity(tem=1e4, den=1e3, lev_i=4, lev_j=2)
Halpha = H1.getEmissivity(tem=1e4, den=1e3, lev_i=3, lev_j=2)


The argument used to identify the various lines in the data file depend on whether the atom is a hydrogenoid or not. In the first case, the transition can be specified either as a pair of levels lev_i, lev_j, or as a label (labels are descriptive of level pairs):

In [9]:
print(H1.getEmissivity([1e4, 1.8e4], [1e4, 1e2], lev_i = 4, lev_j = 2))

[[1.24000000e-25 1.23500000e-25]
 [7.26633333e-26 7.25266667e-26]]

In [10]:
print(H1.getEmissivity([1e4, 1.8e4], [1e4, 1e2], label='4_2'))

[[1.24000000e-25 1.23500000e-25]
 [7.26633333e-26 7.25266667e-26]]

As in the case of collisional lines, setting product=False modifies the input array of temperature and density values:

In [11]:
print(H1.getEmissivity([1e4, 1.8e4], [1e4, 1e2], label='4_2', product=False))

[1.24000000e-25 7.25266667e-26]

In the case of non-hydrogenoids, the transition can be specified either as a wavelength or as a label (labels are descriptive of wavelengths):

In [12]:
He1 = pn.RecAtom('He', 1)
print(He1.getEmissivity(1e4, 1e2, wave=4471.0))
print(He1.getEmissivity(1e4, 1e2, label='4471.0'))


Use Atom.labels to display the valid labels for both kind of recombiation atoms, i.e.:

In [13]:

('2_1', '3_1', '3_2', '4_1', '4_2', '4_3', '5_1', '5_2', '5_3', '5_4')

In [14]:


As an example application, you can easily generate a 2D table of H alpha/ H Beta as a function of Te and Ne:

In [15]:
tem = np.linspace(5000, 20000, 100)
den = np.logspace(2, 6, 50)
im_Hab = (H1.getEmissivity(tem, den, label='3_2') / H1.getEmissivity(tem, den, label='4_2'))

(100, 50)

By default, H1 emissivities are computed under case B; to compute Case A emissivities, the atomic data file must be changed:

In [16]:

In [17]:
H1_A = pn.RecAtom('H', 1)

Note that the previously defined H1 atom is still available and use the default values.

In [18]:
im_caseAoverB = (H1_A.getEmissivity(tem, den, label='4_2')/H1.getEmissivity(tem, den, label='4_2'))

plt.imshow(im_caseAoverB) plt.colorbar();

Emissivities of OII recombination lines

In [19]:
O2 = pn.RecAtom('O', 2)

In [20]:
V1_mult = ('4638.86', '4641.81', '4649.13', '4650.84', '4661.63', '4673.73', '4676.23', '4696.35')

In [22]:
cols = 'rgbymckrgbymckr'
temps = 1e4
dens = np.logspace(2, 5, 30)
f, ax = plt.subplots()
for j, label in enumerate(V1_mult):
    ax.loglog(dens, O2.getEmissivity(temps, dens, label=label), label=label, c=cols[j])
ax.set_xlabel('dens [cm-3]')

Ionic abundances from collisional and recombination lines, ADF

In [23]:
O3c = pn.Atom('O',3)
O2r = pn.RecAtom('O',2)
tem = 1e4
den = 1e2
Opp_col = O3c.getIonAbundance(int_ratio=127, tem=tem, den=den, wave=5007)
Opp_rec = O2r.getIonAbundance(int_ratio=.023, tem=tem, den=den, label='4649.13')
print("""12+log(O++/H) from recombination line: {:.2f}, 
12+log(O++/H) from collisional line: {:.2f}, 
ADF: {:.1f}""".format(12+np.log10(Opp_rec), 12+np.log10(Opp_col), Opp_rec / Opp_col))

12+log(O++/H) from recombination line: 8.09, 
12+log(O++/H) from collisional line: 7.48, 
ADF: 4.1