In [2]:
l = [1,2,'Hi',20] # initialize a list
In [3]:
# loop on every element in the list
for item in l:
print 'item is {x}'.format(x = item)
In [4]:
# loop over the length of the list
for item in l:
print 'Hello'
In [5]:
l = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
for item in l:
if (item % 2) == 0: # check if it's divisible by 2 or not
print '{x} is even'.format(x = item)
print '{x} is odd'.format(x = item)
In [27]:
s = 'Hello Bio 2018' # initialize a string
#loop over every charachter of the string
for letter in s:
print letter
In [10]:
t = (1,2,3,4) #initialize a tuple
# loop over elements of the tuples
for item in t:
print item
In [6]:
# list of tuples
l = [(1,2),(3,9),(5,1)]
# loop over the list of tuples
for t in l:
print t
In [14]:
#tuple unpacking
l = [(1,2),(3,9),(5,1)]
for (t1,t2) in l:
print t2
In [7]:
# Dictionary looping
d = {'k1':2,'k2':5,'k3':50}
for item in d:
print item # looping over the dictionary, prints only the keys
In [17]:
# Dictionary looping
d = {'k1':2,'k2':5,'k3':50}
#loop over the dictionary as key and value
for k,v in d.iteritems():
print v
In [29]:
x = 0.0
while x<10.0:
print x
print 'Done!!'
In [8]:
x = 0
y = 1
while y<2:
while x <20:
x += 1
if (x/3) == 5:
print '15 is reached'
break # break , breaks from the closest loop
print x
continue # continue, continues from the closest loop