Variables and Mathematical Operations

In [6]:
x = 5
y = 6
_sum = x+y            # sum of 2 numbers 
_mul = x*y            # multiplication of 2 numbers 
_div = float(x)/y     # division of 2 numbers
_sub = x-y            # subtraction of 2 numbers 

# print formating in python 
print 'sum =  %s , mul =  %s , div = %s and sub =  %s' %(_sum, _mul, _div, _sub) 
print 'Mathematical Operations over x and y are sum = {x} , mul =  {y} , div = {z} and sub = {f}'.format(x = _sum, y = _mul, z = _div, f = _sub)

x +=5  # another way to do x = x+5
print 'sum = {f} , mul = {g} , div = {d} and sub = {s}'.format(f = _sum,g = _mul, d = _div ,s = _sub)
print 'sum is {s} where sum is {s} and sum is {s}'.format(s = _sum)

sum =  11 , mul =  30 , div = 0.833333333333 and sub =  -1
Mathematical Operations over x and y are sum = 11 , mul =  30 , div = 0.833333333333 and sub = -1
sum = 11 , mul = 30 , div = 0.833333333333 and sub = -1
sum is 11 where sum is 11 and sum is 11


In [7]:
x = 'Hello '
y = 'World'

text = x+y           # Concatenate multiple strings 
print 'text is {x}'.format(x = text)
print 'length of string is: {x}'.format(x = len(text))

textUpper = text.upper()   # convert charachters to upper case
textLower = text.lower()   # convert charachters to lower case
print 'Upper case of text is: {x} '.format(x = textUpper)
print 'Lower case of text is: {x} '.format(x = textLower)

firstCharacter = text[0]     # index the first character in the string 
print 'First character of text is: {x} '.format(x = firstCharacter)

slicedText = text[1:7]   # index a range of characters in a string 
print 'Sliced text is: {x} '.format(x = slicedText)

replacedCharacter = text.replace(text[1],'f') # replace the second character with 'f'
print 'Replaced text is: {x} '.format(x = replacedCharacter)

text is Hello World
length of string is: 11
Upper case of text is: HELLO WORLD 
Lower case of text is: hello world 
First character of text is: H 
Sliced text is: ello W 
Replaced text is: Hfllo World 


In [8]:
mylist = [1,2,3,4,'Hello','C',4.5]  # initalize a list 
print 'my list is: {x}'.format(x = mylist)

removeLastElement = mylist.pop() # retrieve the last element in the list and then delete it from list 
print 'my list after removing last element is: {x}'.format(x = mylist)

removeSpecificElement = mylist.pop(2) # retrieve the third element in the list and then delete it from list 
print 'my list after removing element at index 2 is: {x}'.format(x = mylist)

mylist[0] = 'Hi'    #replace element in a list
print 'my list after replacing element at index 0 is {x}'.format(x = mylist)

mylist.append(100)  #Add element to a list
print 'my list after appending elements [1,2,3] is {x}'.format(x = mylist)

#slicing 1D list
slicedList = mylist[2:] # retrieve the charachters from the 3rd character to the end of the string
print 'my sliced list is: {x}'.format(x = slicedList)

#2D List
l1 = [1,2,5,9]      # first row
l2 = [2,5,8,10]     # second row
l3 = [10, 7, 5,11]  # third row

matrix = [l1,l2,l3]   # construct the 2D matrix
print 'My 2D matrix is: {x} '.format(x = matrix)

#Slicing 2D Matrix
secondRow = matrix[1] # retrieve the 2nd row in the matrix 
print 'second row in matrix is: {x} '.format(x = secondRow)

firstColumn = [matrix[0][0], matrix[1][0],matrix[2][0]] # retrieve 1st column in the matrix 
print 'first column in matrix is: {x}'.format(x = firstColumn)

# retrieve a selected sub-matrix  out of the matrix
slicedMatrix = [[matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]],[matrix[2][1],matrix[2][2]]]
print 'Sliced matrix is: {x}'.format(x = slicedMatrix)

my list is: [1, 2, 3, 4, 'Hello', 'C', 4.5]
my list after removing last element is: [1, 2, 3, 4, 'Hello', 'C']
my list after removing element at index 2 is: [1, 2, 4, 'Hello', 'C']
my list after replacing element at index 0 is ['Hi', 2, 4, 'Hello', 'C']
my list after appending elements [1,2,3] is ['Hi', 2, 4, 'Hello', 'C', 100]
my sliced list is: [4, 'Hello', 'C', 100]
My 2D matrix is: [[1, 2, 5, 9], [2, 5, 8, 10], [10, 7, 5, 11]] 
second row in matrix is: [2, 5, 8, 10] 
first column in matrix is: [1, 2, 10]
Sliced matrix is: [[5, 8], [7, 5]]