First Data Check

In [1]:
# create entry points to spark
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession(sparkContext=sc)

Import Data

Data source:

In [5]:
titanic ='../../data/kaggle-titanic-train.csv', header=True, inferSchema=True)

|PassengerId|Survived|Pclass|                Name|   Sex| Age|SibSp|Parch|          Ticket|   Fare|Cabin|Embarked|
|          1|       0|     3|Braund, Mr. Owen ...|  male|22.0|    1|    0|       A/5 21171|   7.25| null|       S|
|          2|       1|     1|Cumings, Mrs. Joh...|female|38.0|    1|    0|        PC 17599|71.2833|  C85|       C|
|          3|       1|     3|Heikkinen, Miss. ...|female|26.0|    0|    0|STON/O2. 3101282|  7.925| null|       S|
|          4|       1|     1|Futrelle, Mrs. Ja...|female|35.0|    1|    0|          113803|   53.1| C123|       S|
|          5|       0|     3|Allen, Mr. Willia...|  male|35.0|    0|    0|          373450|   8.05| null|       S|
only showing top 5 rows

Data type

First, we want to check if string and numeric variables are imported as we expect.

In [6]:

 |-- PassengerId: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- Survived: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- Pclass: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- Name: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Sex: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Age: double (nullable = true)
 |-- SibSp: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- Parch: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- Ticket: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Fare: double (nullable = true)
 |-- Cabin: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Embarked: string (nullable = true)

Data summary

Number of variables

In [7]:


Number of observations

In [8]:


Sumarise columns

In [9]:
def describe_columns(df):
    for i in df.columns:
        print('Column: ' + i)

In [10]:

Column: PassengerId
|summary|      PassengerId|
|  count|              891|
|   mean|            446.0|
| stddev|257.3538420152301|
|    min|                1|
|    max|              891|

Column: Survived
|summary|           Survived|
|  count|                891|
|   mean| 0.3838383838383838|
| stddev|0.48659245426485753|
|    min|                  0|
|    max|                  1|

Column: Pclass
|summary|            Pclass|
|  count|               891|
|   mean| 2.308641975308642|
| stddev|0.8360712409770491|
|    min|                 1|
|    max|                 3|

Column: Name
|summary|                Name|
|  count|                 891|
|   mean|                null|
| stddev|                null|
|    min|"Andersson, Mr. A...|
|    max|van Melkebeke, Mr...|

Column: Sex
|summary|   Sex|
|  count|   891|
|   mean|  null|
| stddev|  null|
|    min|female|
|    max|  male|

Column: Age
|summary|               Age|
|  count|               714|
|   mean| 29.69911764705882|
| stddev|14.526497332334035|
|    min|              0.42|
|    max|              80.0|

Column: SibSp
|summary|             SibSp|
|  count|               891|
|   mean|0.5230078563411896|
| stddev|1.1027434322934315|
|    min|                 0|
|    max|                 8|

Column: Parch
|summary|              Parch|
|  count|                891|
|   mean|0.38159371492704824|
| stddev| 0.8060572211299488|
|    min|                  0|
|    max|                  6|

Column: Ticket
|summary|            Ticket|
|  count|               891|
|   mean|260318.54916792738|
| stddev|471609.26868834975|
|    min|            110152|
|    max|         WE/P 5735|

Column: Fare
|summary|             Fare|
|  count|              891|
|   mean| 32.2042079685746|
| stddev|49.69342859718089|
|    min|              0.0|
|    max|         512.3292|

Column: Cabin
|  count|  204|
|   mean| null|
| stddev| null|
|    min|  A10|
|    max|    T|

Column: Embarked
|  count|     889|
|   mean|    null|
| stddev|    null|
|    min|       C|
|    max|       S|

Find columns with missing values

In [11]:
def find_missing_values_columns(df):
    nrow = df.count()
    for v in df.columns:
        summary_df =
        v_count = int(summary_df.collect()[0][v])
        if v_count < nrow:
            missing_percentage = (1 - v_count/nrow) * 100
            print("Total observations: " + str(nrow) + "\n"
                 "Total observations of " + v + ": " + str(v_count) + "\n"
                 "Percentage of missing values: " + str(missing_percentage) + "%" + "\n"

In [12]:

Total observations: 891
Total observations of Age: 714
Percentage of missing values: 19.865319865319865%
Total observations: 891
Total observations of Cabin: 204
Percentage of missing values: 77.1043771043771%
Total observations: 891
Total observations of Embarked: 889
Percentage of missing values: 0.22446689113355678%

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