PySnpTools Tutorial

Step up notebook

In [1]:
# set some ipython notebook properties
%matplotlib inline

# set degree of verbosity (adapt to INFO for more verbose output)
import logging

# set figure sizes
import pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0)

Reading Bed files

Use "Bed" to access file "all.bed"

In [2]:
import os
import numpy as np

from pysnptools.snpreader import Bed
snpreader = Bed("all.bed", count_A1=False)

# What is snpreader?
print snpreader


Find out about iids and sids

In [3]:
print snpreader.iid_count
print snpreader.sid_count
print snpreader.iid[:3]
print snpreader.sid

[['cid0P0' 'cid0P0']
 ['cid1P0' 'cid1P0']
 ['cid2P0' 'cid2P0']]
['snp625_m0_.03m1_.07' 'snp1750_m0_.02m1_.04' 'snp0_m0_.37m1_.24' ...,
 'snp122_m0_.26m1_.34' 'snp123_m0_.41m1_.47' 'snp124_m0_.23m1_.08']

Read all the SNP data in to memory

In [4]:
snpdata =

#What is snpdata?
print snpdata

#What do the iids and sid of snprdata look like?
print snpdata.iid_count, snpdata.sid_count
print snpdata.iid[:3]
print snpdata.sid

500 5000
[['cid0P0' 'cid0P0']
 ['cid1P0' 'cid1P0']
 ['cid2P0' 'cid2P0']]
['snp625_m0_.03m1_.07' 'snp1750_m0_.02m1_.04' 'snp0_m0_.37m1_.24' ...,
 'snp122_m0_.26m1_.34' 'snp123_m0_.41m1_.47' 'snp124_m0_.23m1_.08']

snpdata.val is a NumPy array. We can apply any NumPy functions.

In [5]:
print snpdata.val[:7,:7]
print np.mean(snpdata.val)

[[ 2.  2.  1.  0.  2.  1.  0.]
 [ 2.  2.  1.  1.  2.  2.  0.]
 [ 2.  2.  1.  0.  1.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  0.  2.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  0.]
 [ 2.  2.  1.  2.  2.  2.  0.]
 [ 2.  2.  0.  1.  2.  1.  0.]]

If all you want is to read data in a Numpy array, here it is one line:

In [6]:
print np.mean(Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False).read().val)


You can also create a SnpData object from scratch (without reading from a SnpReader)

In [7]:
from pysnptools.snpreader import SnpData
snpdata1 = SnpData(iid=[['f1','c1'],['f1','c2'],['f2','c1']],
print np.nanmean(snpdata1.val)


see PowerPoint summary

Reading subsets of data, reading with re-ordering iids & sids (rows & cols), stacking

Reading SNP data for just one SNP

In [8]:
snpreader = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)
snp0reader = snpreader[:,0]
print snp0reader
print snp0reader.iid_count, snp0reader.sid_count
print snp0reader.sid

500 1

In [9]:
print snpreader # Is not changed


In [10]:
snp0data =
print snp0data
print snp0data.iid_count, snp0data.sid_count
print snp0data.sid
print snp0data.val[:10,:]

500 1
[[ 2.]
 [ 2.]
 [ 2.]
 [ 2.]
 [ 2.]
 [ 2.]
 [ 2.]
 [ 2.]
 [ 2.]
 [ 2.]]

In [11]:
print Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)[9,:].read().val

[[ 2.  2.  1. ...,  1.  2.  1.]]

Read the data for the first 5 iids AND the first 5 sids:

In [12]:
snp55data = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)[:5,:5].read()
print snp55data
print snp55data.iid_count, snp55data.sid_count
print snp55data.iid
print snp55data.sid

print snp55data.val

5 5
[['cid0P0' 'cid0P0']
 ['cid1P0' 'cid1P0']
 ['cid2P0' 'cid2P0']
 ['cid3P0' 'cid3P0']
 ['cid4P0' 'cid4P0']]
['snp625_m0_.03m1_.07' 'snp1750_m0_.02m1_.04' 'snp0_m0_.37m1_.24'
 'snp375_m0_.52m1_.68' 'snp1125_m0_.26m1_.27']
[[ 2.  2.  1.  0.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  1.  1.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  1.  0.  1.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  0.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  2.  2.]]

Stacking indexing is OK and efficient

Recall NumPy slice notation: start:stop:step, so ::2 is every other

In [13]:
snpreaderA = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False) # read all
snpreaderB = snpreaderA[:,:250] #read first 250 sids
snpreaderC = snpreaderB[:10,:] # reader first 10 iids

snpreaderD = snpreaderC[::2,::2]
print snpreaderD
print snpreaderD.iid_count, snpreaderD.sid_count
print snpreaderD.iid

print[:10,:10] #only reads the final values desired (if practical)

5 125
[['cid0P0' 'cid0P0']
 ['cid2P0' 'cid2P0']
 ['cid4P0' 'cid4P0']
 ['cid6P0' 'cid6P0']
 ['cid8P0' 'cid8P0']]
[[ 2.  1.  2.  0.  1.  2.  1.  2.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  1.  1.  2.  0.  2.  0.  2.  2.  1.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  0.  1.  2.  1.  2.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  0.  2.  0.  2.  2.  0.  2.  2.  1.]
 [ 2.  2.  1.  0.  0.  2.  1.  2.  2.  2.]]

Fancy indexing - list of indexes, slices, list of booleans, negatives(?)

on iid or sid or both

In [14]:
# List of indexes (can use to reorder)
snpdata43210 = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)[[4,3,2,1,0],:].read()
print snpdata43210.iid

[['cid4P0' 'cid4P0']
 ['cid3P0' 'cid3P0']
 ['cid2P0' 'cid2P0']
 ['cid1P0' 'cid1P0']
 ['cid0P0' 'cid0P0']]

In [15]:
# List of booleans to select
snp43210B = snpdata43210[[False,True,True,False,False],:]
print snp43210B
print snp43210B.iid

[['cid3P0' 'cid3P0']
 ['cid2P0' 'cid2P0']]

Question: Does snp43210B have a val property?

In [16]:
print hasattr(snp43210B,'val')


Answer: No. It's a subset of a SnpData, so it will read from a SnpData, but it is not a SnpData. Use .read() to get the values.

In [17]:
snpdata4321B = #view_ok means ok to share memory
print snpdata4321B.val

[[ 2.  2.  2. ...,  1.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  1. ...,  1.  1.  1.]]


  • NumPy slices: start:stop:step
    • 'start','stop': negative means counting from the end
    • 'step': negative means count backwards
  • Indexes:
    • -1 means last, -2 means second from the list [Not Yet Implemented]
    • Lists of indexes can have negatives [Not Yet Implemented]

In [18]:
print Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)[::-10,:].iid[:10]

[['cid499P1' 'cid499P1']
 ['cid489P1' 'cid489P1']
 ['cid479P1' 'cid479P1']
 ['cid469P1' 'cid469P1']
 ['cid459P1' 'cid459P1']
 ['cid449P1' 'cid449P1']
 ['cid439P1' 'cid439P1']
 ['cid429P1' 'cid429P1']
 ['cid419P1' 'cid419P1']
 ['cid409P1' 'cid409P1']]

see PowerPoint summary

More properties and attributes of SnpReaders

read() supports both NumPy memory layouts and 8-byte or 4-byte floats

In [19]:
print Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False).read().val.flags

  OWNDATA : True
  ALIGNED : True

In [20]:
snpdata32c = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False).read(order='C',dtype=np.float32)
print snpdata32c.val.dtype


In [21]:
print snpdata32c.val.flags

  OWNDATA : True
  ALIGNED : True

Every reader includes an array of SNP properties called ".pos"

In [22]:
print Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False).pos

[[   1    0    0]
 [   1    1    1]
 [   1    2    2]
 [   5 4997 4997]
 [   5 4998 4998]
 [   5 4999 4999]]
  • [chromosome, genetic distance, basepair distance]
  • Accessable without a SNP data read.

So, using Python-style fancy indexing, how to we read all SNPs at Chrom 5?

In [23]:
snpreader = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)
print snpreader.pos[:,0]

[1 1 1 ..., 5 5 5]

In [24]:
chr5_bools = (snpreader.pos[:,0] == 5)
print chr5_bools

[False False False ...,  True  True  True]

In [25]:
chr5reader = snpreader[:,chr5_bools]
print chr5reader


In [26]:
chr5data =
print chr5data.pos

[[   5 4000 4000]
 [   5 4001 4001]
 [   5 4002 4002]
 [   5 4997 4997]
 [   5 4998 4998]
 [   5 4999 4999]]

In one line

In [27]:
chr5data = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)[:,snpreader.pos[:,0] == 5].read()
print chr5data.val

[[ 2.  2.  1. ...,  2.  1.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2. ...,  2.  0.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2. ...,  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 2.  2.  1. ...,  1.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2. ...,  1.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  1. ...,  2.  0.  2.]]

You can turn iid or sid names into indexes

In [28]:
snpreader = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)
iid0 =[['cid499P1','cid499P1'],
indexes0 = snpreader.iid_to_index(iid0)
print indexes0

[499 489 479]

In [29]:
snpreader0 = snpreader[indexes0,:]
print snpreader0.iid

[['cid499P1' 'cid499P1']
 ['cid489P1' 'cid489P1']
 ['cid479P1' 'cid479P1']]

In [30]:
# more condensed
snpreader0 = snpreader[snpreader.iid_to_index(iid0),:]
print snpreader0.iid

[['cid499P1' 'cid499P1']
 ['cid489P1' 'cid489P1']
 ['cid479P1' 'cid479P1']]

Can use both .pos and iid_to_index (sid_to_index) at once

In [31]:
snpdata0chr5 = snpreader[snpreader.iid_to_index(iid0),snpreader.pos[:,0] == 5].read()
print np.mean(snpdata0chr5.val)


see PowerPoint summary

Other SnpReaders and how to write

Looks like:

cid0P0 cid0P0 0.4853395139922632
cid1P0 cid1P0 -0.2076984565752155
cid2P0 cid2P0 1.4909084058931985
cid3P0 cid3P0 -1.2128996652683697
cid4P0 cid4P0 0.4293203431508744

In [32]:
from pysnptools.snpreader import Pheno
phenoreader = Pheno("pheno_10_causals.txt")
print phenoreader
print phenoreader.iid_count, phenoreader.sid_count

500 1

In [33]:
print phenoreader.sid
print phenoreader.pos

[[ nan  nan  nan]]

In [34]:
phenodata =
print phenodata.val[:10,:]

[[ 0.48533951]
 [ 1.49090841]
 [ 0.42932034]
 [ 0.71094924]
 [ 0.11678875]
 [ 0.82461754]
 [ 0.94084858]]

Write 1st 10 iids and sids of Bed data into Pheno format

In [35]:
snpdata1010 = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)[:10,:10].read()
print os.path.exists("deleteme1010.txt")


Write the snpdata to Bed format

In [36]:
print os.path.exists("deleteme1010.bim")


Create a snpdata on the fly and write to Bed

In [37]:
snpdata1 = SnpData(iid=[['f1','c1'],['f1','c2'],['f2','c1']],
print os.path.exists("deleteme1.fam")


The SnpNpz and SnpHdf5 SnpReaders

Pheno is slow because its txt. Bed format can only hold 0,1,2,missing. Use SnpNpz for fastest read/write times, smallest file size.

In [38]:
from pysnptools.snpreader import SnpNpz
SnpNpz.write("deleteme1010.snp.npz", snpdata1010)
print os.path.exists("deleteme1010.snp.npz")


Use SnpHdf5 for low-memory random-access reads, good speed and size, and compatiblity outside Python

In [39]:
from pysnptools.snpreader import SnpHdf5
SnpHdf5.write("deleteme1010.snp.hdf5", snpdata1010)
print os.path.exists("deleteme1010.snp.hdf5")


see PowerPoint summary

Intersecting iids

What if we have two data sources with slightly different iids in different orders?

In [40]:
snpreader = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)
phenoreader = Pheno("pheno_10_causals.txt")[::-2,:] #half the iids, and in reverse order
print snpreader.iid_count, phenoreader.iid_count
print snpreader.iid[:5]
print phenoreader.iid[:5]

500 250
[['cid0P0' 'cid0P0']
 ['cid1P0' 'cid1P0']
 ['cid2P0' 'cid2P0']
 ['cid3P0' 'cid3P0']
 ['cid4P0' 'cid4P0']]
[['cid499P1' 'cid499P1']
 ['cid497P1' 'cid497P1']
 ['cid495P1' 'cid495P1']
 ['cid493P1' 'cid493P1']
 ['cid491P1' 'cid491P1']]

Create an intersecting and reordering reader

In [41]:
import pysnptools.util as pstutil
snpreader_i,phenoreader_i  = pstutil.intersect_apply([snpreader,phenoreader])
print np.array_equal(snpreader_i.iid,phenoreader_i.iid)


In [42]:
snpdata_i =
phenodata_i =

print np.array_equal(snpdata_i.iid,phenodata_i.iid)
print snpdata_i.val[:10,:]
print phenodata_i.val[:10,:]

[[ 2.  2.  1. ...,  2.  0.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2. ...,  1.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  1. ...,  2.  2.  1.]
 [ 2.  2.  2. ...,  2.  1.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  1. ...,  1.  0.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  1. ...,  1.  2.  2.]]
 [ 0.71094924]
 [ 0.11678875]
 [ 0.94084858]
 [ 1.34283705]
 [ 0.60147238]
 [ 1.48311441]
 [ 1.84012532]]

Example of use with NumPy's built-in linear regression

In [43]:
weights = np.linalg.lstsq(snpdata_i.val, phenodata_i.val)[0] #usually would add a 1's column
predicted =

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(phenodata_i.val, predicted, '.', markersize=10) #Easy to 'predict' seen 250 cases with 5000 variables.

In [44]:
# How does it predict unseen cases?
phenoreader_unseen = Pheno("pheno_10_causals.txt")[-2::-2,:]
snpreader_u,phenoreader_u  = pstutil.intersect_apply([snpreader,phenoreader_unseen])

snpdata_u =
phenodata_u =

predicted_u =

plt.plot(phenodata_u.val, predicted_u, '.', markersize=10) #Hard to predict unseen 250 cases with 5000 variables.

see PowerPoint summary

Standardization, Kernels

To Unit standardize: read data, ".standardize()"

In [45]:
snpreader = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)
snpdata =
snpdata = snpdata.standardize() #In place AND returns self
print snpdata.val[:,:5]

[[ 0.30156099  0.2481353  -0.50673344 -1.68318496  0.84178108]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353  -0.50673344 -0.29670641  0.84178108]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353  -0.50673344 -1.68318496 -0.77702869]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353   1.01043255  1.08977214  0.84178108]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353   1.01043255 -0.29670641  0.84178108]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353   1.01043255  1.08977214 -0.77702869]]

Sets means per sid to 0 and stdev to 1 and fills nan with 0.

In one line:

In [46]:
snpdata = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False).read().standardize()
print snpdata.val[:,:5]

[[ 0.30156099  0.2481353  -0.50673344 -1.68318496  0.84178108]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353  -0.50673344 -0.29670641  0.84178108]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353  -0.50673344 -1.68318496 -0.77702869]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353   1.01043255  1.08977214  0.84178108]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353   1.01043255 -0.29670641  0.84178108]
 [ 0.30156099  0.2481353   1.01043255  1.08977214 -0.77702869]]

Beta standardization

In [47]:
from pysnptools.standardizer import Beta
snpdataB = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False).read().standardize(Beta(1,25))
print snpdataB.val[:,:4]

[[  7.40112054e-01   7.15532756e-01  -5.02003205e-04  -1.89970988e-04]
 [  7.40112054e-01   7.15532756e-01  -5.02003205e-04  -3.34874723e-05]
 [  7.40112054e-01   7.15532756e-01  -5.02003205e-04  -1.89970988e-04]
 [  7.40112054e-01   7.15532756e-01   1.00100040e-03   1.22996043e-04]
 [  7.40112054e-01   7.15532756e-01   1.00100040e-03  -3.34874723e-05]
 [  7.40112054e-01   7.15532756e-01   1.00100040e-03   1.22996043e-04]]

To create an kernel (the relateness of each iid pair as the dot product of their standardized SNP values)

In [48]:
from pysnptools.standardizer import Unit
kerneldata = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False).read_kernel(standardizer=Unit())
print kerneldata.val[:,:4]

[[ 5081.6121922    253.32922313   165.9842232    360.75883739]
 [  253.32922313  5061.87849635   384.04149913   466.05844787]
 [  165.9842232    384.04149913  4922.10583668   171.75732175]
 [ -130.76998392  -334.33599388  -257.64796899  -255.81034978]
 [ -298.66392286  -127.02308706  -305.3966      -141.91272418]
 [ -287.66887036  -291.41483161  -289.73600005  -364.74382324]]

In [49]:
kerneldata = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False).read_kernel(standardizer=Unit(),block_size=500)
print kerneldata.val[:,:4]

[[ 5081.6121922    253.32922313   165.9842232    360.75883739]
 [  253.32922313  5061.87849635   384.04149913   466.05844787]
 [  165.9842232    384.04149913  4922.10583668   171.75732175]
 [ -130.76998392  -334.33599388  -257.64796899  -255.81034978]
 [ -298.66392286  -127.02308706  -305.3966      -141.91272418]
 [ -287.66887036  -291.41483161  -289.73600005  -364.74382324]]

see PowerPoint summary


Every SnpReader is a PstReader

In [50]:
from pysnptools.snpreader import Bed
pstreader = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)
print pstreader.row_count, pstreader.col_count

500 5000

In [51]:
print pstreader.col_property

[[   1    0    0]
 [   1    1    1]
 [   1    2    2]
 [   5 4997 4997]
 [   5 4998 4998]
 [   5 4999 4999]]

Can also create PstData from scratch, on the fly

In [52]:
from pysnptools.pstreader import PstData
data1 = PstData(row=['a','b','c'],
reader2 = data1[data1.row < 'c', data1.col_to_index(['z','y'])]
print reader2


In [53]:

[[ 2.  1.]
 [ 4.  3.]]

In [54]:
print reader2.row_property

['A' 'B']

In [55]:
print reader2.col_property.shape, reader2.col_property.dtype

(2L, 0L) |S1

Two new PstReaders: PstNpz and PstHdf5

In [56]:
from pysnptools.pstreader import PstNpz, PstHdf5
fnnpz = "delme.pst.npz"
data2 = PstNpz(fnnpz).read()

fnhdf5 = "delme.pst.hdf5"
data3 = PstHdf5(fnhdf5).read()

print data2, data3

PstData(PstNpz('delme.pst.npz')) PstData(PstHdf5('delme.pst.hdf5'))

In [57]:
print data2.val
print data3.val

[[  1.   2.]
 [  3.   4.]
 [ nan   6.]]
[[  1.   2.]
 [  3.   4.]
 [ nan   6.]]

see PowerPoint summary


Union of two sets

In [58]:
from pysnptools.util import IntRangeSet
a = IntRangeSet("100:500,501:1000") # a is the set of integers from 100 to 500 (exclusive) and 501 to 1000 (exclusive)
b = IntRangeSet("-20,400:600")      # b is the set of integers -20 and the range 400 to 600 (exclusive)
c = a | b                           # c is the union of a and b, namely -20 and 100 to 1000 (exclusive)
print c
print 200 in c
print -19 in c


Set difference

Suppose we want to find the intron regions of a gene but we are given only the transcription region and the exon regions.

In [59]:
from pysnptools.util import IntRangeSet
line = "chr15   29370   37380   29370,32358,36715   30817,32561,37380"
chr,trans_start,trans_last,exon_starts,exon_lasts = line.split() # split the line on white space
trans_start = int(trans_start)
trans_stop = int(trans_last) + 1 # add one to convert the inclusive "last" value into a Pythonesque exclusive "stop" value
int_range_set = IntRangeSet((trans_start,trans_stop)) # creates a IntRangeSet from 29370 (inclusive) to 37381 (exclusive)
print int_range_set # print at any time to see the current value


Parse the exon start and last lists from strings to lists of integers (converting ‘last’ to ‘stop’)

In [60]:
exon_starts = [int(start) for start in exon_starts.strip(",").split(',')]
exon_stops = [int(last)+1 for last in exon_lasts.strip(",").split(',')]
assert len(exon_starts) == len(exon_stops)

Zip together the two lists to create an iterable of exon_start,exon_stop tuples. Then ‘set subtract’ all these ranges from int_range_set.

In [61]:
from itertools import izip
int_range_set -= izip(exon_starts,exon_stops)
print int_range_set # See what it looks like


Create the desired output by iterating through each contiguous range of integers.

In [62]:
for start, stop in int_range_set.ranges():
    print "{0}   {1}     {2}".format(chr, start, stop-1)

chr15   30818     32357
chr15   32562     36714

see PowerPoint summary


In [63]:
# import the algorithm
from fastlmm.association import single_snp_leave_out_one_chrom
from pysnptools.snpreader import Bed

# set up data
snps = Bed("all.bed",count_A1=False)
pheno_fn = "pheno_10_causals.txt"
cov_fn = "cov.txt"

# run gwas
results_df = single_snp_leave_out_one_chrom(snps,  pheno_fn, covar=cov_fn)

# print head of results data frame
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)

sid_index SNP Chr GenDist ChrPos PValue SnpWeight SnpWeightSE SnpFractVarExpl Mixing Nullh2
0 52 snp495_m0_.01m1_.04 5 4052 4052 2.990684e-23 0.418653 0.040052 0.424521 0.0 0.451117
1 392 snp1422_m0_.49m1_.5 3 2392 2392 8.251920e-23 -0.416495 0.040300 0.420587 0.0 0.279711
2 650 snp1200_m0_.37m1_.36 3 2650 2650 3.048007e-14 0.328870 0.042021 0.331240 0.0 0.279711
3 3 snp433_m0_.14m1_.11 3 2003 2003 9.202499e-10 -0.268289 0.042973 0.269670 0.0 0.279711
4 274 snp2832_m0_.46m1_.1 4 3274 3274 7.069762e-04 0.170421 0.050003 0.151124 0.0 0.542046
5 13 snp1413_m0_.04m1_.03 3 2013 2013 8.161238e-04 -0.148719 0.044157 0.149377 0.0 0.279711
6 214 snp2804_m0_.16m1_.3 3 2214 2214 1.239807e-03 0.150705 0.046396 0.144180 0.0 0.279711
7 117 snp751_m0_.04m1_.25 1 117 117 1.527432e-03 -0.152430 0.047827 0.141523 0.0 0.614963
8 265 snp1440_m0_.35m1_.32 4 3265 3265 1.771049e-03 0.136281 0.043358 0.139610 0.0 0.542046
9 307 snp2162_m0_.61m1_.42 2 1307 1307 1.816576e-03 -0.143296 0.045700 0.139280 0.0 0.534262

In [65]:
# manhattan plot
import pylab
import fastlmm.util.util as flutil
flutil.manhattan_plot(results_df[["Chr", "ChrPos", "PValue"]],pvalue_line=1e-5,xaxis_unit_bp=False)

see PowerPoint summary