Preliminary imports, you need to run this cell before any other cell in this notebook.
In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from __future__ import print_function
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets
def plotSequence(y):
n = np.linspace(0, y.size, y.size)
plt.scatter(n, y)
plt.plot([n, n], [np.zeros(n.size), y], color='gray', linestyle="--")
In [29]:
w = 1.0 # frequency in hz = 1/seg
y = np.sin(w*n)
A linear difference equation(LDE) is written as:
$y[n] = \lambda y[n-1]$
where $\lambda$ is called the Natural Frequency of the system. Depending on its value, the system modelled with the LDE can be stable or unstable.
In order to solve a LDE, we must provide an initial condition, for instance, typically it is chosen the intial state, say $y[0] = 1$.
Thus, we can obtain any value in the sequence by applying the formula recursively
$y[n] = \lambda y[n-1]$
$y[n-1] = \lambda y[n-2]$
$y[n-2] = \lambda y[n-3]$
$y[1] = \lambda y[0]$
that is, $y[n] = \lambda ( \lambda ( \lambda ( \dots ( \lambda y[0] ) \dots ))) $ or simply,
$y[n] = \lambda^n y[0]$.
That is, a pair of $\lambda$ and $y[0]$ defines uniquely a solution to ann LDE.
Below there is the definition of an LDE, and interactive plot to play with the influence of $\lambda$
In [2]:
def lde(n, lmbda, f0):
return f0*pow(lmbda,n);
In [95]:
# natural frequency and stability
def f(a):
N = 30
f = np.linspace(0,N,N)
f0 = 1
for i in range(N):
f[i] = lde(i, a, f0)
interact(f, a=(-10.0,10.0,0.1))
Imagine you put 10€ in a bank that gives you 10% interest each year. That interest can be compounded in different time basis. Banks typically use a year compound, that is, each year, it applies the interest to the balance in the account, no matter what happened during the year.
Think that you forget about it, and check the account balance after 30 years, how much money will you have using a year, month, day and hour compound? What do you notice?
In [6]:
lde(30, 1+(10.0/100), 10)
In [5]:
lde(30*12, 1+((10.0/100)/12), 10)
In [4]:
lde(30*365, 1+((10.0/100)/365), 10)
In [3]:
lde(30*365*24, 1+((10.0/100)/(365*24)), 10)
The Fibonacci sequence is a second order difference equation, so we need to provide two initial conditions. Check the if statements in the code below.
In [8]:
def fibonacci(n):
if n == 0: # first initial condition
return 0
elif n == 1: # second initial condition
return 1
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
N = 10
z = np.linspace(0,N,N)
for i in range(N):
z[i] = fibonacci(i)