Plot Phase Tensor Ellipses and Tippers (Using Geopandas Lib)

can cope with diferent projections.

Fei Zhang


In [1]:
import os
import sys
import glob
import fnmatch
from mtpy.utils.shapefiles_creator import ShapeFilesCreator

2018-11-01T15:02:10 - Fiona - WARNING - PROJ data files not located, PROJ_LIB not set

In [2]:
def recursive_glob(dirname, ext='*.edi'):
    Under the dirname recursively find all files with extension ext.
    Return a list of the full-path to the types of files of interest.
    This function is useful to handle a nested directories of EDI files.
    :param dirname: a single dir OR a list of dirs.
    :param ext: eg, ".xml"
    :return: a list of path2files

    if isinstance(dirname, (list,)): # the input argument is a list of directory
        filelist = []
        for adir in dirname:
        return filelist
    else: # input variable is a single dir
        matches = []
        for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
            for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, ext):
                matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
        return matches

In [3]:
# EDI_DIR=r'C:\mtpywin\mtpy\examples\data\edi_files' # no tipper
# EDI_DIR = 'E:/Data/MT_Datasets/3D_MT_data_edited_fromDuanJM'
# EDI_DIR = r"E:\Data\MT_Datasets\GA_UA_edited_10s-10000s"
# EDI_DIR = r"E:\Data\MT_Datasets\Isa_EDI_edited_10Hz_1000s"
# EDI_DIR = r"E:\Data\MT_Datasets\728889\EDI_files" # narrow area, not shown
# EDI_DIR = r"E:\Data\MT_Datasets\75098\EDI_files"  # cross UTM zones 51 and 52, No tippers?
# EDI_DIR =r"E:\Data\MT_Datasets\75099_Youanmi\EDI_Files_edited"


print("Number of EDI files found = %s"%len(edifiles))

Number of EDI files found = 14

In [4]:
shpobj = ShapeFilesCreator(edifiles, "c:/tmp20181023")

2018-11-01T15:02:11 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - number of edi files in this collection: 14
number of stations/edifiles = 14
2018-11-01T15:02:11 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - Number of MT Periods: 56
count    91.000000
mean      0.034154
std       0.015801
min       0.009378
25%       0.021080
50%       0.033665
75%       0.042839
max       0.075346
dtype: float64
2018-11-01T15:02:11 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - 1,2,3,4 5 Percentile distances: 0.00946357911659, 0.00964636043405, 0.00975718638461, 0.0111086799812, 0.0120027826298

In [5]:

i=10  # which period index?

In [18]:
# set your projection, this can be a UTM zone projection such as 32754 = S54
my_proj_epsg = 32754 #None # 3112 # projection GDA94/GALCC =3112

gpd_phtensor = shpobj.create_phase_tensor_shp(allper[i],target_epsg_code= my_proj_epsg)[0]

2018-11-01T15:03:07 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - Automatically Selected Max-Ellispse Size = 0.0047317895583
The plot period is  0.03938403371273286
2018-11-01T15:03:08 - Fiona - WARNING - PROJ data files not located, PROJ_LIB not set
2018-11-01T15:03:08 - Fiona - WARNING - PROJ data files not located, PROJ_LIB not set
2018-11-01T15:03:08 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - Geopandas Dataframe CRS: {'init': 'epsg:32754', 'no_defs': True}

In [19]:


In [20]:
gpd_phtensor.plot(linewidth=2, facecolor='grey', edgecolor='black')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x113eaf60>

In [21]:
gpd_retip = shpobj.create_tipper_real_shp(allper[i],target_epsg_code= my_proj_epsg)[0]

gpd_imtip = shpobj.create_tipper_imag_shp(allper[i],target_epsg_code= my_proj_epsg)[0]

2018-11-01T15:03:26 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - Automatically Selected Max Tipper Length  = 0.00946357911659
The plot period is  0.03938403371273286
2018-11-01T15:03:26 - Fiona - WARNING - PROJ data files not located, PROJ_LIB not set
2018-11-01T15:03:26 - Fiona - WARNING - PROJ data files not located, PROJ_LIB not set
2018-11-01T15:03:26 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - Geopandas Dataframe CRS: {'init': 'epsg:32754', 'no_defs': True}
2018-11-01T15:03:26 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - Automatically Selected Max-Tipper Length =: 0.00946357911659
The plot period is  0.03938403371273286
2018-11-01T15:03:26 - Fiona - WARNING - PROJ data files not located, PROJ_LIB not set
2018-11-01T15:03:26 - Fiona - WARNING - PROJ data files not located, PROJ_LIB not set
2018-11-01T15:03:26 - mtpy.core.edi_collection - INFO - Geopandas Dataframe CRS: {'init': 'epsg:32754', 'no_defs': True}

In [22]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x14287128>

In [23]:

<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 14 entries, 0 to 13
Data columns (total 15 columns):
azimuth       14 non-null float64
elliptic      14 non-null float64
lat           14 non-null float64
lon           14 non-null float64
n_skew        14 non-null float64
period        14 non-null float64
phi_max       14 non-null float64
phi_min       14 non-null float64
skew          14 non-null float64
station       14 non-null object
tip_ang_im    14 non-null float64
tip_ang_re    14 non-null float64
tip_mag_im    14 non-null float64
tip_mag_re    14 non-null float64
tip_re        14 non-null object
dtypes: float64(13), object(2)
memory usage: 1.7+ KB

In [24]:

azimuth elliptic lat lon n_skew period phi_max phi_min skew station tip_ang_im tip_ang_re tip_mag_im tip_mag_re tip_re
0 28.550735 0.013384 -37.434183 140.685733 -0.123585 0.039384 47.104704 45.860445 -0.061792 11 101.663641 63.969670 0.004782 0.005524 LINESTRING (472197.5463968406 5856914.14470395...
1 3.566785 0.002382 -37.440583 140.634017 -0.004013 0.039384 45.869329 45.651343 -0.002007 135 -159.728173 -166.368815 0.000587 0.015046 LINESTRING (467625.0329440853 5856187.60601415...
2 -51.698161 0.006326 -37.440017 140.650317 -0.073229 0.039384 46.239601 45.658269 -0.036615 136 -20.198261 -121.750981 0.007168 0.015474 LINESTRING (469066.7061371275 5856255.94788527...
3 -57.706828 0.005230 -37.450233 140.612117 0.034688 0.039384 45.749491 45.273409 0.017344 143 32.761006 13.568587 0.001985 0.016388 LINESTRING (465692.1532305997 5855109.26476076...
4 15.701296 0.009250 -37.426350 140.619550 -0.245762 0.039384 45.792371 44.953000 -0.122881 1R -93.043013 -146.453974 0.001106 0.010686 LINESTRING (466338.9301017726 5857761.61314142...

In [25]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd

world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))

2018-11-01T15:03:27 - Fiona - WARNING - PROJ data files not located, PROJ_LIB not set

In [26]:
# composing two layers in a map
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20, 12))

# ax.set_xlim([140.5,141])
# ax.set_ylim([-21,-20])

# Add layer of polygons on the axis

gpd_phtensor.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=2, facecolor='grey', edgecolor='black')
gpd_retip.plot(ax=ax, color='red', linewidth=4)
gpd_imtip.plot(ax=ax, color='blue', linewidth=4)
# world.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.5)  # background map
# Display

(464921.0062759072, 472973.57601988636, 5852823.708473764, 5859112.333342748)

In [27]:

(0.0005869347847457161, 0.00716807446443813)

In [28]:
print(gpd_retip['tip_mag_re'].min(), gpd_retip['tip_mag_re'].max())

(0.0018963459371380527, 0.020465795094333272)

In [29]:

{'MAX_DIST': 0.07534597607777978,
 'MIN_DIST': 0.009378240180817825,
 'Q1PERCENT': 0.009463579116592957,
 'Q2PERCENT': 0.009646360434049886,
 'Q3PERCENT': 0.009757186384609168}

In [ ]:

In [ ]: