User Guide for MTPy Installation into Ubuntu Linux

MTPy Workshop - Adelaide

October 2018


MTPy software requires a Python Interpreter with a dependency packages installed.

We recommend to use Anaconda Python distribution (, as it can be easily installed without administration or root privilege. In addition, Ananconda provides and maintains a comprehensive repository of python libraries and packages for scientific computing.

In this guide we provide instructions on how to install anaconda python into a Linux desktop. It is tested on Ubuntu Linux Version-18.04, and should be similar for other flavours of Linux systems.

  • In this workshop, we plan to provide an Oracle Virtual Appliance (Ubuntu1804-mtpy.ova), which can be directly imported into user's Oracle VirtualBox. This way a user will be able to run the Workshop material without installing anything else.

How to install Anaconda Python on Linux System

1) obtain the installation package by download


OR using the wget command

mtpy@mtpy-VirtualBox$ wget

Saving to: '’ 100%[=============================================>] 603.38M 209KB/s in 53m 32s

2) Change the file permission to executable:

mtpy@mtpy-VirtualBox$ chmod 755

3) installation on commandline

mtpy@mtpy-VirtualBox$ ./

Welcome to Anaconda2 5.2.0

In order to continue the installation process, please review the license agreement. Please, press ENTER to continue

Accept the license and let it install into default directory location (/home/mtpy/anaconda2). This process will take a couple of minutes to complete. In the end when prompted, enter yes to make the new ananconda python PATH available by appending automatically a line of configuration into your $HOME/.bashrc, with output shown below:

[no] > yes

Appending source /home/mtpy/anaconda2/bin/activate to /home/mtpy/.bashrc A backup will be made to: /home/mtpy/.bashrc-anaconda2.bak

For this change to become active, you have to open a new terminal.

Thank you for installing Anaconda2!

........ Skip Visual Studio Code

Do you wish to proceed with the installation of Microsoft VSCode? [yes|no]


4) Post-installation testing

After the successful installation of anaconda python, open a new terminal and test to make sure your default python interpreter is /home/mtpy/anaconda2/bin/python, instead of your OS-provided python (/user/bin/python):

mtpy@mtpy-VirtualBox:~$ which python


mtpy@mtpy-VirtualBox:~$ python -V

Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda, Inc.

5) Install additional dependency python packages:

install geopandas and netcdf4 for data handling:

conda install geopandas -y

conda install netcdf4 -y

The conda install will resolve all dependency packages such as gdal, pandas, etc

Configure GDAL_DATA properly by appending in $HOME/.bashrc

export GDAL_DATA=/home/mtpy/anaconda2/share/gdal

(one way to do this is: echo 'export GDAL_DATA=/home/mtpy/anaconda2/share/gdal' >> /home/mtpy/.bashrc)

  • If anything still not working, try to update the package by re-installation.
  • For example, if sypder does not run, try

conda install spyder

6) Clone mtpy repository using git

Obtain the mtpy source code:

git clone

  • If git command is not installed, do

sudo apt install git

Testing MTPy environment in jupyter-notebook

In a terminal start a jupyter notebook server by the commands: cd /home/mtoy/mtpy/notebook mtpy@mtpy-VirtualBox:~/mtpy/notebooks$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:. mtpy@mtpy-VirtualBox:~/mtpy/notebooks$ jupyter-notebook Then access the notebooks in a browser such as firefox or google-chrome

In [1]:
# what python you are using?
!which python


In [2]:
# If you cannot impport mtpy modules below, you need to set PYTHONPATH:
# here is a quick fix
import sys

In [3]:

import os
if not os.path.exists(SAVE_PATH):

In [4]:
# import required modules
from import MT

# Define the path to your edi file
edi_file = PATH2_SYNTH_EDI

# Create an MT object
mt_obj = MT(edi_file)

('epsg_code_val', [])

In [5]:
# To see the latitude and longitude
print (, mt_obj.lon)

(-19.01, 136.01)

In [6]:
# for example, to see the frequency values represented in the impedance tensor:
print mt_obj.Z.freq

[1.256500e+04 9.751601e+03 7.876300e+03 6.188500e+03 5.250801e+03
 4.265799e+03 3.515799e+03 8.437800e+02 6.562798e+02 4.922399e+02
 3.867599e+02 3.164400e+02 2.578400e+02 2.109600e+02 1.728900e+02
 1.367200e+02 1.015600e+02 7.421900e+01 5.761700e+01 4.882800e+01
 4.101600e+01 3.222700e+01 2.636700e+01 2.148400e+01 1.757800e+01
 1.440400e+01 1.147500e+01 8.593800e+00 6.591801e+00 5.371100e+00
 4.394500e+00 3.601100e+00 2.868700e+00 2.304700e+00 1.914100e+00
 1.601600e+00 1.328100e+00 1.074200e+00 8.789100e-01 6.835900e-01
 5.078100e-01 3.710900e-01 2.880900e-01 2.050800e-01 1.318400e-01
 8.789098e-02 6.835900e-02 5.127000e-02 4.028299e-02 3.295900e-02
 2.685500e-02 2.197300e-02 1.709000e-02 1.281700e-02 1.007100e-02
 8.239700e-03 6.713900e-03 5.493201e-03 4.272499e-03 2.822900e-03
 2.059900e-03 1.678500e-03 1.373300e-03 1.068100e-03 7.629400e-04]

In [7]:
# import required modules

# Define the path to your edi file and save path
edi_file = PATH2_SYNTH_EDI
savepath = SAVE_PATH

# Create an MT() object
mt_obj = MT(edi_file)

# To plot the edi file we read in in Part 1 & save to file:
pt_obj = mt_obj.plot_mt_response(plot_num=2)

pt_obj.save_plot(os.path.join(savepath,"Synth002.png"), fig_dpi=400)

<Figure size 960x720 with 7 Axes>
Saved figure to: /home/mtpy/output_dir/Synth002.png

In [8]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: