Exercise 10-2: Music description with Essentia

In this exercise, you will extend the sound clustering task you did in E9 to a larger set of instrument classes and explore possible improvements to it. By doing this exercise, you will get hands on experience with Essentia and better insights into complexities arising in a real world Music Information Retrieval problem.

In E9, you explored the tasks of clustering with sound excerpts of three instruments, three classes. As we increse the number of sounds and of classes, the average performance degrades. In such situations, clustering performance can be improved by better selecting the descriptors or by improving the actual computation of the descriptors.

You need to install Essentia to compute some of the descriptors that you will be exploring for the task. You can find the download and install instructions for Essentia here: http://essentia.upf.edu/. Essentia has extensive documentation that will be useful in this assignment http://essentia.upf.edu/documentation/index.html.

If you do not want, or can, install Essentia, you can use a docker image to run a jupyter notebook server with Essentia included in it. You need to first install docker, https://www.docker.com/, and then run, in the Terminal, docker-compose up from the root directory of sms-tools which will use the file docker-compose.yml to call the image appropiately.

Part 1: Download sounds

Choose at least 10 different instrumental sounds classes from the following possible classes: violin, guitar, bassoon, trumpet, clarinet, cello, naobo, snare drum, flute, mridangam, daluo, xiaoluo. For each instrument class, use download_sounds_freesound() to download the audio and descriptors of 20 examples of representative single notes/strokes of each instrument. Since you will use the sounds also to extract descriptors using Essentia, we will use high quality mp3. We use the call fs.FSRequest.retrieve(sound.previews.preview_hq_mp3, fsClnt, mp3Path) within download_sounds_freesound().

Explain your choices, query texts, and the tags you used.

In [ ]:
import os, sys
import numpy as np
import json
sys.path.append('../../freesound-python/')  # directory were you installed the freesound-python repository
import freesound as fs
from scipy.cluster.vq import vq, kmeans, whiten

descriptors = [ 'lowlevel.spectral_centroid.mean',

# Mapping of descriptors
descriptorMapping = { 0: 'lowlevel.spectral_centroid.mean',
                      1: 'lowlevel.dissonance.mean',
                      2: 'lowlevel.hfc.mean',
                      3: 'sfx.logattacktime.mean',
                      4: 'sfx.inharmonicity.mean',
                      5: 'lowlevel.spectral_contrast.mean.0',
                      6: 'lowlevel.spectral_contrast.mean.1',
                      7: 'lowlevel.spectral_contrast.mean.2',
                      8: 'lowlevel.spectral_contrast.mean.3',
                      9: 'lowlevel.spectral_contrast.mean.4',
                      10: 'lowlevel.spectral_contrast.mean.5',
                      11: 'lowlevel.mfcc.mean.0',
                      12: 'lowlevel.mfcc.mean.1',
                      13: 'lowlevel.mfcc.mean.2',
                      14: 'lowlevel.mfcc.mean.3',
                      15: 'lowlevel.mfcc.mean.4',
                      16: 'lowlevel.mfcc.mean.5'

In [ ]:
def download_sounds_freesound(queryText = "", tag=None, duration=None, API_Key = "", outputDir = "", topNResults = 5, featureExt = '.json'):
  This function downloads sounds and their descriptors from freesound using the queryText and the 
  tag specified in the input. Additionally, you can also specify the duration range to filter sounds 
  based on duration.
        (Input parameters marked with a * are optional)
        queryText (string): query text for the sounds (eg. "violin", "trumpet", "cello", "bassoon" etc.)
        tag* (string): tag to be used for filtering the searched sounds. (eg. "multisample",  
                       "single-note" etc.)
        duration* (tuple): min and the max duration (seconds) of the sound to filter, eg. (0.2,15)
        API_Key (string): your api key, which you can obtain from : www.freesound.org/apiv2/apply/
        outputDir (string): path to the directory where you want to store the sounds and their 
        topNResults (integer): number of results(sounds) that you want to download 
        featureExt (string): file extension for storing sound descriptors
        This function downloads sounds and descriptors, and then stores them in outputDir. In 
        outputDir it creates a directory of the same name as that of the queryText. In this 
        directory outputDir/queryText it creates a directory for every sound with the name 
        of the directory as the sound id. Additionally, this function also dumps a text file 
        containing sound-ids and freesound links for all the downloaded sounds in the outputDir. 
        NOTE: If the directory outputDir/queryText exists, it deletes the existing contents 
        and stores only the sounds from the current query. 
  # Checking for the compulsory input parameters
  if queryText == "":
    print("Provide a query text to search for sounds")
    return -1
  if API_Key == "":
    print("You need a valid freesound API key to be able to download sounds.")
    print("Please apply for one here: www.freesound.org/apiv2/apply/")
    return -1
  if outputDir == "" or not os.path.exists(outputDir):
    print("Please provide a valid output directory. This will be the root directory for storing sounds and descriptors")
    return -1    
  # Setting up the Freesound client and the authentication key
  fsClnt = fs.FreesoundClient()
  # Creating a duration filter string that the Freesound API understands
  if duration and type(duration) == tuple:
    flt_dur = " duration:[" + str(duration[0])+ " TO " +str(duration[1]) + "]"
    flt_dur = ""
  if tag and type(tag) == str:
    flt_tag = "tag:"+tag
    flt_tag = ""

  # Querying Freesound
  page_size = 30
  if not flt_tag + flt_dur == "":
    qRes = fsClnt.text_search(query=queryText ,filter = flt_tag + flt_dur,sort="score", fields="id,name,previews,username,url,analysis", descriptors=','.join(descriptors), page_size=page_size, normalized=1)
    qRes = fsClnt.text_search(query=queryText ,sort="score",fields="id,name,previews,username,url,analysis", descriptors=','.join(descriptors), page_size=page_size, normalized=1)
  outDir2 = os.path.join(outputDir, queryText)
  if os.path.exists(outDir2):             # If the directory exists, it deletes it and starts fresh
      os.system("rm -r " + outDir2)

  pageNo = 1
  sndCnt = 0
  indCnt = 0
  totalSnds = min(qRes.count,200)   # System quits after trying to download after 200 times
  # Creating directories to store output and downloading sounds and their descriptors
  downloadedSounds = []
    if indCnt >= totalSnds:
      print("Not able to download required number of sounds. Either there are not enough search results on freesound for your search query and filtering constraints or something is wrong with this script.")
    sound = qRes[indCnt - ((pageNo-1)*page_size)]
    print("Downloading mp3 preview and descriptors for sound with id: %s"%str(sound.id))
    outDir1 = os.path.join(outputDir, queryText, str(sound.id))
    if os.path.exists(outDir1):
      os.system("rm -r " + outDir1)
    os.system("mkdir " + outDir1)
    mp3Path = os.path.join(outDir1,  str(sound.previews.preview_lq_mp3.split("/")[-1]))
    ftrPath = mp3Path.replace('.mp3', featureExt)
      fs.FSRequest.retrieve(sound.previews.preview_hq_mp3, fsClnt, mp3Path)
      # Initialize a dictionary to store descriptors
      features = {}
      # Obtaining all the descriptors
      for desc in descriptors:
      # Once we have all the descriptors, store them in a json file
      json.dump(features, open(ftrPath,'w'))
      downloadedSounds.append([str(sound.id), sound.url])

      if os.path.exists(outDir1):
        os.system("rm -r " + outDir1)
    indCnt +=1
    if indCnt%page_size==0:
      qRes = qRes.next_page()
    if sndCnt>=topNResults:
  # Dump the list of files and Freesound links
  fid = open(os.path.join(outDir2, queryText+'_SoundList.txt'), 'w')
  for elem in downloadedSounds:

In [ ]:
# call download_sounds_freesound() for the instruments chosen
### your code here

## explain your choices


Part 2: Obtain a baseline clustering performance

Cluster the instrumental sounds downloaded using the same approach done in E9 in order to stablish a baseline.

Visualize different pairs of descriptors and choose a subset of the descriptors you downloaded along with the audio for a good separation between classes. Run a k-means clustering with the 10 instrument dataset using the chosen subset of descriptors. Use the function cluster_sounds() specifying the same number of clusters as the number of different instruments.

Report the subset of descriptors used and the clustering accuracy you obtained. Since k-means algorithm is randomly initiated and gives a different result every time it is run, report the average performance over 10 runs of the algorithm. This performance result acts as your baseline, over which you will improve in Part 3.

Obtaining a baseline performance is necessary to suggest and evaluate improvements. For the 10 instrument class problem, the random baseline is 10% (randomly choosing one out of the ten classes). But as you will see, the baseline you obtain will be higher that 10%, but lower than that you obtained for three instruments in E9 (with a careful selection of descriptors).

Explain your results.

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def convFtrDict2List(ftrDict):
  This function converts descriptor dictionary to an np.array. The order in the numpy array (indices) 
  are same as those mentioned in descriptorMapping dictionary.
    ftrDict (dict): dictionary containing descriptors downloaded from the freesound
    ftr (np.ndarray): Numpy array containing the descriptors for processing later on
  ftr = []
  for key in range(len(descriptorMapping.keys())):
      ftrName, ind = '.'.join(descriptorMapping[key].split('.')[:-1]), int(descriptorMapping[key].split('.')[-1])
  return np.array(ftr)

def fetchDataDetails(inputDir, descExt = '.json'):
  This function is used by other functions to obtain the information regarding the directory structure 
  and the location of descriptor files for each sound 
  dataDetails = {}
  for path, dname, fnames  in os.walk(inputDir):
    for fname in fnames:
      if descExt in fname.lower():
        remain, rname, cname, sname = path.split('/')[:-3], path.split('/')[-3], path.split('/')[-2], path.split('/')[-1]
        if cname not in dataDetails:
        fDict = json.load(open(os.path.join('/'.join(remain), rname, cname, sname, fname),'r'))
        dataDetails[cname][sname]={'file': fname, 'feature':fDict}
  return dataDetails

def cluster_sounds(targetDir, nCluster = -1, descInput=[]):
  This function clusters all the sounds in targetDir using kmeans clustering.
    targetDir (string): Directory where sound descriptors are stored (all the sounds in this 
                        directory will be used for clustering)
    nCluster (int): Number of clusters to be used for kmeans clustering.
    descInput (list) : List of indices of the descriptors to be used for similarity/distance 
                       computation (see descriptorMapping)
    Prints the class of each cluster (computed by a majority vote), number of sounds in each 
    cluster and information (sound-id, sound-class and classification decision) of the sounds 
    in each cluster. Optionally, you can uncomment the return statement to return the same data.
  dataDetails = fetchDataDetails(targetDir)
  ftrArr = []
  infoArr = []
  if nCluster ==-1:
    nCluster = len(dataDetails.keys())
  for cname in dataDetails.keys():
    #iterating over sounds
    for sname in dataDetails[cname].keys():
      infoArr.append([sname, cname])
  ftrArr = np.array(ftrArr)
  infoArr = np.array(infoArr)
  ftrArrWhite = whiten(ftrArr)
  centroids, distortion = kmeans(ftrArrWhite, nCluster)
  clusResults = -1*np.ones(ftrArrWhite.shape[0])
  for ii in range(ftrArrWhite.shape[0]):
    diff = centroids - ftrArrWhite[ii,:]
    diff = np.sum(np.power(diff,2), axis = 1)
    indMin = np.argmin(diff)
    clusResults[ii] = indMin
  ClusterOut = []
  classCluster = []
  globalDecisions = []  
  for ii in range(nCluster):
    ind = np.where(clusResults==ii)[0]
    freqCnt = []
    for elem in infoArr[ind,1]:
    indMax = np.argmax(freqCnt)
    print("\n(Cluster: " + str(ii) + ") Using majority voting as a criterion this cluster belongs to " + 
          "class: " + classCluster[-1])
    print ("Number of sounds in this cluster are: " + str(len(ind)))
    decisions = []
    for jj in ind:
        if infoArr[jj,1] == classCluster[-1]:
    print ("sound-id, sound-class, classification decision")
    print (ClusterOut[-1])
  globalDecisions = np.array(globalDecisions)
  totalSounds = len(globalDecisions)
  nIncorrectClassified = len(np.where(globalDecisions==0)[0])
  print("Out of %d sounds, %d sounds are incorrectly classified considering that one cluster should "
        "ideally contain sounds from only a single class"%(totalSounds, nIncorrectClassified))
  print("You obtain a classification (based on obtained clusters and majority voting) accuracy "
         "of %.2f percentage"%round(float(100.0*float(totalSounds-nIncorrectClassified)/totalSounds),2))
  # return ClusterOut

In [ ]:
# run the function clusterSounds() 
### your code here

### explain your results


Part 3: Suggest improvements

Improve the performance of the results of Part 2 by improving the descriptors used. Using Essentia, you should implement the following improvements:

  1. More descriptors: Shortlist a set of descriptors based on the sound characteristics of the instruments such that they can differentiate between the instruments. The choice of the descriptors computed is up to you. We suggest you compute many different descriptors similar to the ones returned by Freesound API, and additional ones described in the class lectures. The descriptors you used in E9 (but now computed using Essentia) are a good starting point. You can use the Essentia extractors that compute many frame-wise low level descriptors together (http://essentia.upf.edu/documentation/algorithms\_overview.html#extractors)You can then use a subset of them for clustering for an improved clustering performance.

  2. Computing the descriptors stripping the silences and noise at the beginning: For each sound, compute the energy of each frame of audio. You can then detect the low energy frames (silence) using a threshold on the energy of the frame. Since most of the single notes you will use are well recorded, the energy of silence regions is very low and a single threshold might work well for all the sounds. Plot the frame energy over time for a few sounds to determine a meaningful energy threshold. Subsequently, compute the mean descriptor value discarding these silent frames.

Report the set of descriptors you computed and the performance it achieves, along with a brief explanation of your observations. You can also report the results for several combinations of features and finally report the best performance you achieved. Upload the code for computing the non-silent regions and for computing the descriptors that you used. Apart from the two enhancements suggested above, you are free to try further enhancements that improve clustering performance. In your report, describe these enhancements and the improvement they resulted in.

In [ ]:
# perform your own feature extraction from the sounds downloaded
### your code here

In [ ]:
# call your feature extraction function
### your code here

In [ ]:
# call cluster_sounds()
### your code here

Explanation of Part 3