
The code below is to change the attributes of a single SymbTr filename and commit the changes to the repository automatically.

If you have no idea what you are doing do not touch this notebook!

Change the cell below for the appropriate renaming.

symbTr:      string indicating the SymbTr-score filename  
newmakam:    string indicating the new makam.   
newform:     string indicating the new form.
newusul:     string indicating the new usul.
newname:     string indicating the new composition name.
newcomposer: string indicating the new composer.

To keep the makam, form, usul etc. as is, assign None to the relevant variable.

In [ ]:
symbTr = 'makam--form--usul--name--composer'

newmakam = None
newform = None
newusul = None
newname = None
newcomposer = None

In [ ]:
from fileoperations.fileoperations import get_filenames_in_dir
import os
import json

In [ ]:
sep = '--'
sybmTrattributes = symbTr.split(sep)

symbTrfolder = os.path.abspath('..')
symbTrTxtfolder = os.path.join(symbTrfolder, 'txt/')
symbTrPdffolder = os.path.join(symbTrfolder, 'SymbTr-pdf/')
symbTrMu2folder = os.path.join(symbTrfolder, 'mu2/')
symbTrXmlfolder = os.path.join(symbTrfolder, 'MusicXML/')
symbTrMidfolder = os.path.join(symbTrfolder, 'midi/')

folders = [symbTrTxtfolder, symbTrPdffolder, symbTrMu2folder, symbTrXmlfolder, symbTrMidfolder]
extensions = ['txt', 'pdf', 'mu2', 'xml', 'mid']

symbTr_work_file = os.path.join(symbTrfolder, 'symbTr_mbid.json')

scriptfolder = os.path.join(symbTrfolder, 'SymbTr-extras')

In [ ]:
if newmakam is not None:
    sybmTrattributes[0] = newmakam 
if newform is not None:
    sybmTrattributes[1] = newform
if newusul is not None:
    sybmTrattributes[2] = newusul
if newname is not None:
    sybmTrattributes[3] = newname
if newcomposer is not None:
    sybmTrattributes[4] = newcomposer

newsymbTr = sep.join(sybmTrattributes)

In [ ]:
commitstr = 'git commit -m "Changed the name of ' + symbTr + ' -> ' + newsymbTr + '"'
for f, e in zip(folders, extensions):
    mvstr = 'git mv ' + symbTr + '.' + e + ' ' + newsymbTr + '.' + e
    if e == 'pdf':  # commit changes to SymbTrpdf submodule

In [ ]:
worksymbtr = json.load(open(symbTr_work_file, 'r'))
for ws in worksymbtr:
    if ws['name'] == symbTr:
        ws['name'] = newsymbTr
        print ws
worksymbtr = json.dump(worksymbtr, open(symbTr_work_file, 'w'), indent=4)

In [ ]:

addstr = 'git add symbTr_mbid.json SymbTr-pdf'