Repeat the previous exercise using the extended feature set. Compare the results.

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

In [ ]:
from lxmls import DATA_PATH
import lxmls
import lxmls.sequences.crf_online as crfo
import lxmls.readers.pos_corpus as pcc
import lxmls.sequences.id_feature as idfc
import lxmls.sequences.extended_feature as exfc
from lxmls.readers import pos_corpus

In [ ]:
corpus = lxmls.readers.pos_corpus.PostagCorpus()
train_seq = corpus.read_sequence_list_conll(DATA_PATH + "/train-02-21.conll", 
                                            max_sent_len=10, max_nr_sent=1000)

test_seq = corpus.read_sequence_list_conll(DATA_PATH + "/test-23.conll", 
                                           max_sent_len=10, max_nr_sent=1000)

dev_seq = corpus.read_sequence_list_conll(DATA_PATH + "/dev-22.conll", 
                                          max_sent_len=10, max_nr_sent=1000)

In [ ]:
feature_mapper = exfc.ExtendedFeatures(train_seq)

In [ ]:
crf_online = crfo.CRFOnline(corpus.word_dict, corpus.tag_dict, feature_mapper)
crf_online.num_epochs = 20

In [ ]:
pred_train = crf_online.viterbi_decode_corpus(train_seq)
pred_dev = crf_online.viterbi_decode_corpus(dev_seq)
pred_test = crf_online.viterbi_decode_corpus(test_seq)

eval_train = crf_online.evaluate_corpus(train_seq, pred_train)
eval_dev = crf_online.evaluate_corpus(dev_seq, pred_dev)
eval_test = crf_online.evaluate_corpus(test_seq, pred_test)

In [ ]:
print("CRF - Extended Features Accuracy Train: %.3f Dev: %.3f Test: %.3f" \
      %(eval_train, eval_dev,eval_test))

Compare the errors obtained with the two different feature sets.

  • Do some error analysis: what errors were corrected by using more features?

  • Can you think of other features to use to solve the errors found?

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