Goal: Gather images of quasars, non-quasar celestial objects, and quasar candidates.
We will use images collected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
Some useful links for the Sloan Digitial Sky Survey:
Other useful links about Quasars
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import urllib
from IPython.display import display, Image
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Table
from astroquery.sdss import SDSS
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
As as test, we will use AstroPy to get a nice image for the project page. We will use SIMBAD to find a random quasar.
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# Limit the number of results we get from our query.
Simbad.ROW_LIMIT = 1000
In [ ]:
result = Simbad.query_criteria('region(box,180d +30d, 8d +8d)', otype='QSO')
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In [ ]:
# Choose a random quasar.
qnumber = np.random.randint(0, 1000)
# Get that quasar's coordinates, and format them for SkyCoordinate
resultRA = result[qnumber]['RA'].split()
RA = '%sh%sm%ss' % (resultRA[0], resultRA[1], resultRA[2])
resultDEC = result[qnumber]['DEC'].split()
DEC = '%sd%sm%ss' % (resultDEC[0], resultDEC[1], resultDEC[2])
# Convert to a SkyCoordinate
QCoord = SkyCoord(RA, DEC, frame='icrs')
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We will now get an image from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The following code follows this tutorial.
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impix = 1024
imsize = 12 * u.arcmin
cutoutbaseurl = 'http://skyservice.pha.jhu.edu/DR12/ImgCutout/getjpeg.aspx'
query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(dict(
ra=QCoord.ra.deg, dec=QCoord.dec.deg, width=impix, height=impix,
scale=imsize.to(u.arcsec).value / impix))
url = cutoutbaseurl + '?' + query_string
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, 'Quasar.jpg')
Out[ ]:
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There is a list of 46420 detected quasars from the Penn State Center for Astrostatistics. We will use their SDSS_quasar.dat data set and the AstroPy python package.
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Quasars = pd.read_fwf('SDSS_quasar.dat')
In [ ]:
Out[ ]:
In [ ]:
Quasars.tail() # 46420 rows
Out[ ]:
In [ ]:
coord = SkyCoord(str(Quasars.iloc[1]['R.A.']) + 'd',
str(Quasars.iloc[1]['Dec.']) + 'd', frame='icrs')
In [ ]:
impix = 120
imsize = 1 * u.arcmin
cutoutbaseurl = 'http://skyservice.pha.jhu.edu/DR12/ImgCutout/getjpeg.aspx'
query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(dict(
ra=coord.ra.deg, dec=coord.dec.deg, width=impix, height=impix,
scale=imsize.to(u.arcsec).value / impix))
url = cutoutbaseurl + '?' + query_string
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, 'Quasar_1.jpg')
In [ ]:
def get_image(coordinate, name, impix=120):
"""Downloads the image from the SDSS DR12 release as a impix pixel by impix pixel image.
coordinate : coordinate of the celestial object as a Sky Coordinate.
name: The name string to save the image as. It will be saved as 'name.jpg'.
imsize = 1 * u.arcmin
cutoutbaseurl = 'http://skyservice.pha.jhu.edu/DR12/ImgCutout/getjpeg.aspx'
query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(dict(
ra=coord.ra.deg, dec=coord.dec.deg, width=impix, height=impix,
scale=imsize.to(u.arcsec).value / impix))
url = cutoutbaseurl + '?' + query_string
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, './Images/' + name + '.jpg')
In [ ]:
get_image(coord, 'test1')
# Worked successfully
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# Some data manipulation to get Sky Coordinates for each entry.
# The application of the SkyCoord function will take time.
QuasarLocs = pd.concat([Quasars['R.A.'].apply(lambda x: str(x) + 'd '),
Quasars['Dec.'].apply(lambda x: str(x) + 'd')], axis=1)
QuasarLocs['Coords'] = QuasarLocs[['R.A.', 'Dec.']].apply(
lambda x: SkyCoord(x[0], x[1], frame='icrs'), axis=1)
In [ ]:
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In [ ]:
# We will now download these images from SDSS DR12
for i in range(46420):
get_image(QuasarLocs['Coords'].iloc[i], name='Quasar_' + str(i))
We will use SIMBAD to find objects that are not Quasars or Quasar Candidates. We will sample 200 random regions in the SDSS footprint and take 500 objects from each region.
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# Limit the number of results we get from our query.
Simbad.ROW_LIMIT = 20000
In [ ]:
# We will stay in the 8h to 16h +0d to +60 footprint region of SDSS.
# Note that there are some regions in SDSS DR 12 and DR 13 outside of this range,
# but this range covers a majority of the footprint.
# As the box we form is 8d by 8d, we start at 124d and end at 236d for longitude,
# and start as +4d to +56d in latitude.
NonQuasars = pd.DataFrame()
randcoord = []
for i in range(200):
randcoord.append(str(np.random.randint(128, 237)) +
'd +' + str(np.random.randint(4, 57)) + 'd')
# For otype, QSO are quasars, Q? are quasar candidates, and LeQ are gravitationally lenses quasars.
result = Simbad.query_criteria(
'region(box,' + randcoord[i] + ', 4d +4d)', 'otype != QSO', 'otype != Q?', 'otype != LeQ')
sample = result.to_pandas().sample(500)
NonQuasars = pd.concat([NonQuasars, sample], axis=0)
if i % 10 == 0:
print('At attempt %s' % i)
print('Attempt Failed... retrying')
i = i - 1
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In [ ]:
# Checking for duplicates, which is a possibility in this process.
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In [ ]:
# As duplicates were found, we will drop all but the first.
NonQuasars = NonQuasars.drop_duplicates(keep='first')
In [ ]:
# Reindexing
NonQuasars.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
# Saving a copy of the data to accompany the images.
NonQuasars.to_csv('NonQuasarsData.csv', index=False)
In [ ]:
Out[ ]:
In [ ]:
NonQuasars.tail() # 94670 rows
Out[ ]:
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def RAtoICRS(RAValue):
"""Converts SIMBAD Right Ascent (RA) format to ICRS format.
RAValue : A SIMBAD Right Ascent value in "X Y Z" format for X hours, Y minutes, and Z seconds.
if len(RAValue.split()) == 1:
return '%sh' % (RAValue.split()[0])
elif len(RAValue.split()) == 2:
return '%sh%sm' % (RAValue.split()[0], RAValue.split()[1])
elif len(RAValue.split()) == 3:
return '%sh%sm%ss' % (RAValue.split()[0], RAValue.split()[1], RAValue.split()[2])
return np.nan()
def DECtoICRS(DECValue):
"""Converts SIMBAD Declination (DEC) format to ICRS format.
RAValue : A SIMBAD Declination value in "+X Y Z" format for X degrees, Y minutes, and Z seconds.
if len(DECValue.split()) == 1:
return '%sd' % (DECValue.split()[0])
elif len(DECValue.split()) == 2:
return '%sd%sm' % (DECValue.split()[0], DECValue.split()[1])
elif len(DECValue.split()) == 3:
return '%sd%sm%ss' % (DECValue.split()[0], DECValue.split()[1], DECValue.split()[2])
return np.nan()
In [ ]:
# Data manipulation to get Sky Coordinates for each entry.
# Note that SIMBAD gives the values separated as hours, minutes, seconds for RA and degrees, minutes, seconds for Dec
NonQuasarLocs = pd.concat([NonQuasars['RA'].apply(RAtoICRS),
NonQuasars['DEC'].apply(DECtoICRS)], axis=1)
NonQuasarLocs['Coords'] = NonQuasarLocs[['RA', 'DEC']].apply(
lambda x: SkyCoord(x[0], x[1], frame='icrs'), axis=1)
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In [ ]:
# We will now download these images from SDSS DR12
for i in range(94670):
get_image(NonQuasarLocs['Coords'].iloc[i], name='NonQ_' + str(i))
We will now use SIMBAD to identify quasar candidates for analysis with our trained model.
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# As with the Non-quasar data, we will stay in the 8h to 16h +0d to +60 footprint
# region of SDSS. Note that there are some regions in SDSS DR 12 and DR 13 outside
# of this range, but this range covers a majority of the footprint.
# Due to timeout issues from SIMBAD, we will use smaller regions
# of width 10d by +6d to gather the candidates.
QuasarCandidates = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(12): # Separate longitude into 12 segments of length 10d
for j in range(10): # Separate latitude into 10 segments of length 6d
# For otype Q? are quasar candidates.
result = Simbad.query_criteria(
'region(box,' + str(125 + 10 * i) + 'd +'
+ str(3 + 6 * j) + 'd' + ', 5d +3d)', 'otype = Q?')
QuasarCandidates = pd.concat(
[QuasarCandidates, result.to_pandas()], axis=0)
if (i * 10 + j) % 20 == 0:
print('At attempt %s' % (i * 10 + j))
print('Attempt Failed at i=%s and j=%s.' % (i, j))
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In [ ]:
Out[ ]:
In [ ]:
# Checking for duplication
Out[ ]:
In [ ]:
# Reindexing
QuasarCandidates.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
QuasarCandidates.tail() # 5418 rows
Out[ ]:
In [ ]:
# Saving a copy of the data to accompany the images.
QuasarCandidates.to_csv('QuasarCandidatesData.csv', index=False)
In [ ]:
# Data manipulation to get Sky Coordinates for each entry.
# Note that SIMBAD gives the values separated as hours, minutes, seconds for RA and degrees, minutes, seconds for Dec
QuasarCandidateLocs = pd.concat([QuasarCandidates['RA'].apply(RAtoICRS),
QuasarCandidates['DEC'].apply(DECtoICRS)], axis=1)
QuasarCandidateLocs['Coords'] = QuasarCandidateLocs[['RA', 'DEC']].apply(
lambda x: SkyCoord(x[0], x[1], frame='icrs'), axis=1)
In [ ]:
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In [ ]:
# We will now download these images from SDSS DR12
for i in range(5418):
name='QuasarCandidate_' + str(i))