Please make sure you have GWpy installed before you begin!
Only execute the below cell if you have not already installed GWpy
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#! python3 -m pip install gwpy
Jess notes: the following was produced using a python3.7 kernel. All code dependencies should be installed via the installation instructions above except for python; careful with your python paths here.
With this tutorial, you will learn how to:
This tutorial borrows from the excellent work of Duncan Macleod, Jonah Kanner, Alex Nitz, and others involved in the 2018 GWOSC webcourse - you can find many more great examples there.
Let's get started!
Here we'll use tools from the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center (GWOSC), namely the gwosc python module, which we should have already installed via our GWpy install.
First, let's see what's in GWOSC open datasets:
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from gwosc.datasets import find_datasets
Here we see data for:
Knowing this, let's try to query for the start and end of LIGO-Virgo observing runs. Currently, data from the first two observing runs are available via the GWOSC: O1 and O2.
will return the start and end GPS times for an observing run given a dataset tag. Let's try O1:
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from gwosc.datasets import run_segment
And O2:
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# complete
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from gwosc.datasets import find_datasets
events = find_datasets(type='event')
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from gwosc.datasets import event_gps
GW170817gps = event_gps('GW170817')
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find_datasets(type='event', detector= # complete
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# complete
We can use GWpy to download a LIGO time series from the GWOSC with fetch_open_data
. Let's try to grab some data around a detected event, say GW150914 (the very first direct gravitational wave detection).
Note: The first time you import `gwpy.timeseries`, matplotlib may try to import some extra fonts and that can take a couple minutes.
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# Import
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
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# Grab the event gps time with GWOSC tools
GW150914gps = event_gps('GW150914')
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# Set a start and end time around the event time (in units of seconds) to download LIGO data
window = 15
start = GW150914gps - window
end = GW150914gps + window
# Check that this looks sane
print('start time GPS = '+str(start))
print('end time GPS = '+str(end))
Now that we've identified a time range of interest, we can grab some data. Let's choose the LIGO-Hanford detector (H1).
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# Grab H1 data around the time of interest from the GWOSC
data = TimeSeries.fetch_open_data('H1', start, end, verbose=True)
Requiring verbose=True
gives us details on the data download (and helps with debugging if needed).
The downloaded file is not stored permanently! If you run this cell again it will be downloaded again. However, you can use cache=True
to store the file on your computer if you like.
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plot = data.plot()
This is the real LIGO data (one of two detectors) used to make the first direct detection of GWs. Do you spot the signal yet?
Let's add a title and y-axis labels to make it more clear what we're looking at.
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plot = data.plot(
title='LIGO-Hanford Observatory data for GW150914',
ylabel='Strain amplitude'
What does the data containing the signal look like in the frequency domain?
We can then call the .asd()
method to calculate the amplitude spectral density and tranform our TimeSeries
into a FrequencySeries
asd(FFT_length_in_seconds, FFT_overlap_in_seconds, default_time_window='hann', default_FFT_method='welch')
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gw140914asd = data.asd(5, 2)
Now we can make a plot of our FrequencySeries
with the same .plot()
method we used for a TimeSeries
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plot = gw140914asd.plot()
ax = plot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(5, 2000)
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# complete
Now that we have a sense of what frequency content is dominating our noise, let's see if we can dig out the basic shape of our signal with a few simple filters.
First, since we know our signal duration is short (on the order of miliseconds), let's zoom way in on the time series and see if we can spot it.
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## Make a new plot, this time zoomed in around the time of GW150914
zoomplot = data.plot(
title='LIGO-Hanford Observatory data for GW150914',
ylabel='Strain amplitude'
ax = zoomplot.gca()
ax.set_xlim( # select a window that starts 200 ms before the event and ends 200 ms afer
ax.set_ylabel='Strain amplitude'
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## apply a highpass filter with a corner frequency of 20 Hz
gw140914hp = data.highpass( # frequency for the highpass filter
## make a plot of the resulting time series
tsplot = gw140914hp.plot(
title='LIGO-Hanford Observatory data for GW150914',
ylabel='Strain amplitude'
ax = tsplot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(GW150914gps-0.2, GW150914gps+0.2)
Still no. What's left? What does our highpassed data look like in the frequency domain?
Make an ASD of the data that has been passed through the highpass filter. Use an FFT length of 5 seconds and an overlap of 2 seconds.
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gw140914hpasd = gw140914hp.asd( # complete
## make a plot of that ASD!
asdplot = gw140914hpasd.plot()
ax = asdplot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(5, 2000)
We've really supressed that low frequency noise! But there's still too much noise at other frequencies.
Because we've already identified our signal as a binary black hole system (two equal-ish mass black holes of roughly 30 solar masses each), we know our signal has frequency content (within our detector's sensitive range) between 50 and 250 Hz.
Let's apply a bandpass filter to look for excess power in that critical frequency range.
Use the data.bandpass
method to apply a bandpass filter with corner frequencies of 50 and 250 Hz.
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## apply a bandpass filter to the highpassed data with a corner frequencies of 50 and 250 Hz
gw140914bp = gw140914hp.bandpass( # complete
## make a plot of the resulting time series
tsplot = gw140914bp.plot(
title='LIGO-Hanford Observatory data for GW150914',
ylabel='Strain amplitude'
ax = tsplot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(GW150914gps-0.2, GW150914gps+0.2)
ax.set_ylim(-0.2e-20, 0.2e-20)
Starting to look promising, but check out that strong unrelated sinusoid. What the heck is that?
To the frequency domain! (Read: let's make a spectrum and check it out.)
Make an ASD of the data that has been passed through the highpass filter. Use an FFT length of 5 seconds and an overlap of 2 seconds.
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gw140914bpasd = gw140914bp.asd( # complete
## make a plot of that ASD
asdplot = gw140914bpasd.plot()
ax = asdplot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(5, 2000)
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gw140914n = gw140914bp.notch( # complete
## make a plot of the resulting time series
tsplot = gw140914n.plot(
title='LIGO-Hanford Observatory data for GW150914',
ylabel='Strain amplitude'
ax = tsplot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(GW150914gps-0.2, GW150914gps+0.2)
ax.set_ylim(-0.1e-20, 0.1e-20)
There it is! Nice work! We can put that on a T-shirt.
Repeat this for LIGO-Livingston detector data around the time of GW150914. Design your own set of simple filters for LIGO-Livingston, and plot the filtered LIGO-Livingston and LIGO-Hanford time series data overlaid. Can you estimate the difference in signal arrival times between detectors?
Note: the LIGO-Virgo analyses always use whitening; not the procedure above.
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# complete
It's much easier to spot excess power in the data if we can weight it proportionally by the consistent frequency contributions from the noise its embedded in. (Whitening is a critical step for matched filtering and gravitational wave search algorithms that look for coherent excess power across a gravitational wave detector network.)
We can use GWpy to whiten
our data for the time of GW150914 with an FFT length of 5 seconds and an overlap of 2 seconds.
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whitened_gw150914 = data.whiten(5,2)
plot = whitened_gw150914.plot(
title='Whitened LIGO Hanford Observatory data for GW150914',
ylabel='Strain amplitude',
xlim=(GW150914gps-0.2, GW150914gps+0.2)
Hmm, that looks like it still has some high frequency noise left.
What does the whitened data look like in the frequency domain?
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whitened_gw150914_asd = whitened_gw150914.asd()
plot = whitened_gw150914_asd.plot()
ax = plot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(5, 2000)
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# complete
A great way to visualize how the frequency content of our data is changing over time is with whitened or "normalized" spectrograms.
Let's try it for GW150914.
We can apply the spectrogram2()
method in GWpy to our whitened data, and set some other formatting variables to make the plot look nice:
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specgram = whitened_gw150914.spectrogram2(fftlength=1/16., overlap=15/256.) ** (1/2.)
plot = specgram.plot(norm='log', cmap='viridis', yscale='log')
ax = plot.gca()
ax.set_title('LIGO-Hanford strain data around GW150914')
ax.set_xlim(GW150914gps-0.5, GW150914gps+0.5)
ax.colorbar(label=r'Strain ASD [1/$\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$]')
There is something there! It looks like it's sweeping up in frequency over time, but it's still hard to make out the details.
To zoom in even further, we can employ a muli-resolution technique called the Q transform.
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qspecgram = data.q_transform(outseg=(GW150914gps-0.2, GW150914gps+0.2))
plot = qspecgram.plot()
ax = plot.gca()
ax.set_ylim(20, 500)
ax.set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
ax.grid(True, axis='y', which='both')
ax.colorbar(cmap='viridis', label='Normalized energy')
Beautiful. Nice work!
Generate a frequency vs. time plot of LIGO data around the binary neutron star event (GW170817) where you can clearly see the signal track. (Hints: consider using LIGO-Livingston data, a Q transform, and note that binary neutron star signals last for 10s of seconds!) </span>
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