In this notebook, we will walk through fitting an observed optical light curve from a tidal disruption event (TDE), the destruction and accretion of a star by a supermassive black hole, using two different approaches.
As mentioned in the lecture, there are different kinds of models one can apply to a set of data. A code I have written, MOSFiT, is an attempt to provide a framework for building models that can be used within other optimizers/samplers. While MOSFiT can run independently with its own built-in samplers, in the notebook below we will simple be using it as a "black box" function for use in external optimization routines.
Our first approach will be using the tde
model in MOSFiT. This model uses both interpolation tables and integrations, making an analytical derivative not available. Our second approach will be to construct a simple analytical function to fit the same data. We will then be comparing performance, both in terms of the quality of the resulting solution, but also the speed by which the solution was computed, and in how we relate our solution to what transpired in this event.
By J Guillochon (Harvard)
We will be mostly using the mosfit package and scipy routines. Both are available via conda.
In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mosfit
import time
# Disable "retina" line below if your monitor doesn't support it.
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
In this first cell, we load the data of a particularly well-sampled tidal disruption event from the Pan-STARRS survey, PS1-10jh. This even is notable because it was caught on the rise, peak, and decay, with solid cadence.
In [ ]:
# Load the data from the Open Supernova Catalog.
# Note: if loading the data doesn't work, I have a local copy.
my_printer = mosfit.printer.Printer(quiet=True) # just to avoid spamming from MOSFiT routines.
my_fetcher = mosfit.fetcher.Fetcher()
fetched = my_fetcher.fetch('PS1-10jh.json')[0]
my_model = mosfit.model.Model(model='tde', printer=my_printer)
fetched_data = my_fetcher.load_data(fetched)
fetched_data, event_name=fetched['name'],
exclude_bands=['u', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'F225W', 'NUV'], # ignore all bands but g when computing ln_likelihood.
smooth_times=100, # for plotting smooth fits later
user_fixed_parameters=['covariance']) # don't use GP objective function.
# Generate 100 random parameter realizations.
x = np.random.rand(100, my_model.get_num_free_parameters())
# Compute time per function call.
start_time = time.time()
ln_likes = [my_model.ln_likelihood(xx) for xx in x]
stop_time = time.time()
print('{}s per function call.'.format((stop_time - start_time)/100.0))
Problem 1a
First, let's visualize the data we have downloaded. MOSFiT loads data in a format conforming to the OAC schema specification, which is a JSON dictionary where the top level of the structure is each event's name. The code snippet below will load a JSON dictionary for the event in question, plot the full time series of photometric data (with error bars) within the photometry
key below.
Hint: The photometry is a mixture of different data types, and not every entry has the same set of keys. Optical/UV/IR photometry will always have a band
key. Ignore upper limits (indicated with the upperlimit
attribute). Use the .get()
function liberally, and make sure everything is a float
In [ ]:
times = []
mags = []
errs = []
for x in fetched_data[fetched['name']]['photometry']:
if x.get('band') != 'g' or x.get('upperlimit') or not x.get('e_magnitude'):
plt.errorbar(times, mags, yerr=errs, fmt='o')
Problem 1b
We know what the data looks like, and we've loaded a model that can be used to fit the data which computes a likelihood. Let's minimize the parameters of this model using various scipy.optimize
routines. Note that since we are trying to maximize the likelihood, we have constructed a wrapper function around ln_likelihood
, my_func
, to reverse its sign, and to handle bad function evaluations.
Most optimize
routines in scipy
require a derivative. Since we don't have this available, scipy
must construct an approximate one, unless the method doesn't require a gradient to be computed (like differential_evolution
). For this first sub-problem, optimize my_func
using differential_evolution
Hints: Each variable is bounded to the range (0, 1), but problems can arise if an optimizer attempts to compute values outside or right at the boundaries. Therefore, it is recommended to use a bounded optimizer in scipy
, where the bounds do not include 0 or 1.
In [ ]:
import scipy
def my_func(x):
fx = -float(my_model.ln_likelihood(x))
fx = np.inf
return fx
eps = 0.00001
bounds = np.full((my_model.get_num_free_parameters(), 2), (eps, 1.0 - eps))
results = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(my_func, bounds=bounds, disp=True, polish=False, maxiter=100)
best_x = results.x
print('All done! Best score: `{}`.'.format(
This might take a while; try to limit the execution time of the above to ~5 minutes by playing with the maxiter
and similar options of the scipy
Once the above has finished evaluating, compare the score you got to your neighbors. Is there a significant difference between your scores? Let's plot your result against the data.
Model output is provided in the output
object below, the format is a dictionary of arrays of the same length. The times of observation are in the times
array, and magnitudes are in the model_observations
Hint: times
is given relative to the time of the first detection, so add min(times)
to your time to overplot onto the data.
In [ ]:
output = my_model.run_stack(best_x, root='output')
mtimes = []
mmags = []
for ti, t in enumerate(output['times']):
mtimes.append(t + min(times))
plt.errorbar(times, mags, yerr=errs, fmt='o')
plt.plot(mtimes, mmags)
plt.xlim(min(times) - 10, max(times) + 10)
plt.ylim(min(mags) - 0.5, max(mags) + 0.5)
Problem 1c
Try optimizing the same function using another minimization routine in scipy that can take a derivative as an input (examples: L-BFGS-B
, basinhopping
, etc.).
In [ ]:
guess = eps + ((1.0 - 2.0 * eps) * np.random.rand(my_model.get_num_free_parameters()))
results = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(my_func, guess, disp=True, niter=100, minimizer_kwargs={
'method': "SLSQP", 'bounds': bounds})
best_x = results.x
print('All done! Best score: `{}`.'.format(
Now, plot the results of the above minimization alongside your original differential_evolution
In [ ]:
output = my_model.run_stack(best_x, root='output')
mtimes2 = []
mmags2 = []
for ti, t in enumerate(output['times']):
mtimes2.append(t + min(times))
plt.errorbar(times, mags, yerr=errs, fmt='o')
plt.plot(mtimes, mmags)
plt.plot(mtimes2, mmags2, c='r')
plt.xlim(min(times) - 10, max(times) + 10)
plt.ylim(min(mags) - 0.5, max(mags) + 0.5)
After this process, some of you might have gotten a good solution with a runtime of a few minutes. In practice, guaranteed convergence to the best solution can take a very long time. Whats more, we only attempted to find the best solution available, usually we are interested in posterior distributions that (usually) include the best solution. These take even longer to compute (tens of thousands of function evaluations for a problem of this size).
First, let's define a function that loosely mimics a tidal disruption event's temporal evolution. Tidal disruption events rise exponentially, then decay as a power-law. Canonically, the decay rate is -5/3, and the rise is very unconstrained, being mediated by complicated dynamics and accretion physics that have yet to be determined. So, we use the following agnostic form,
Tidal disruption observations are usually reported in magnitudes, thus the expression we'll actually compare against observations is
To calculate the likelihood, we want to subtract the above from the observations. We'll make the gross assumption that the color of a tidal disruption is constant in time (which turns out to not be a terrible assumption) and thus $L_{\rm g}(t) \propto L(t)$.
Our likelihood function will be defined as the product of the squares of differences between our model and observation,
$$p = \prod_i \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi (\sigma_i^2 + \sigma^2)}} \left[\frac{\left(m_{{\rm g}, i} - \bar{m}_{{\rm g}, i}\right)^2}{2\left(\sigma_i^2 + \sigma^2\right)}\right],$$and thus our log likelihood is the sum of these squared differences, plus a separate sum for the variances,
$$\log p = -\frac{1}{2} \left\{\sum_i \left[\frac{\left(m_{{\rm g}, i} - \bar{m}_{{\rm g}, i}\right)^2}{\sigma_i^2 + \sigma^2}\right] + \log 2\pi \left(\sigma_i^2 + \sigma^2\right)\right\}.$$Problem 2a
Write the above expression as a python function:
In [26]:
def lf(alpha, beta, tau, t0, t):
return np.log(((1.0 - np.exp(-(t + t0) / tau)) ** alpha) * ((t + t0) / tau) ** (-beta))
def analytic_m(x, tt):
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
return m0 - 2.5 * lf(alpha, beta, tau, t0, t) / np.log(10.0)
def analytic_f(x, tt, mm, vv):
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
m = np.array(mm)
v = np.array(vv)
value = 0.5 * np.sum((analytic_m(x, t) - m) ** 2 / (v ** 2 + sigma ** 2) + np.log(
2.0 * np.pi * (v ** 2 + sigma ** 2)))
if np.isinf(value):
return np.inf
return value
abounds = [
[0.0, 30.0],
[0.1, 50.0],
[0.1, 10.0],
[0.1, 200.0],
[0.1, 200.0],
[0.001, 1.0]
test_times = [1.0, 20.0]
test_mags = [23.0, 19.0]
test_errs = [0.1, 0.2]
Problem 2a
Compute the derivative for $\log p$ (above expression) with respect to $m_0$ (Mathematica might be helpful here). Below are the derivatives for the other five free parameters $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\tau$, $t_0$, and $\sigma$:
Solution 2a
Problem 2b
We now need to write each of these derivatives as python functions. These functions should accept a single vector argument x
with length equal to the number of free parameters, plus a vector $t$ (the times of the observation) vector $m$ (the magnitudes of each observation), and finally errors $v$ (the measurement error of each observation). Again, 5 of the 6 parameters have already been written for you (you must provide the 6th).
In [44]:
def dlogp_dalpha(x, tt, mm, vv):
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
m = np.array(mm)
v = np.array(vv)
derivs = np.sum(-5.0 * np.log(1.0 - np.exp(-(t + t0) / tau)) * (np.log(100.0) * (m - m0) + 5.0 * lf(
alpha, beta, tau, t0, t)) / (4.0 * np.log(10.0) ** 2 * (v ** 2 + sigma ** 2)))
return derivs
def dlogp_dbeta(x, tt, mm, vv):
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
m = np.array(mm)
v = np.array(vv)
derivs = np.sum(5.0 * np.log((t + t0) / tau) * (np.log(100.0) * (m - m0) + 5.0 * lf(
alpha, beta, tau, t0, t)) / (4.0 * np.log(10.0) ** 2 * (v ** 2 + sigma ** 2)))
return derivs
def dlogp_dtau(x, tt, mm, vv):
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
m = np.array(mm)
v = np.array(vv)
derivs = np.sum(5.0 * (alpha * (t + t0) - beta * tau * (np.exp((t + t0)/tau) - 1.0)) * (
np.log(100.0) * (m - m0) + 5.0 * lf(
alpha, beta, tau, t0, t)) / (4.0 * tau ** 2 * np.log(10.0) ** 2 * (v ** 2 + sigma ** 2) * (
np.exp((t + t0)/tau) - 1.0)))
return derivs
def dlogp_dt0(x, tt, mm, vv):
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
m = np.array(mm)
v = np.array(vv)
derivs = np.sum(-5.0 * (alpha * (t + t0) - beta * tau * (np.exp((t + t0)/tau) - 1.0)) * (
np.log(100.0) * (m - m0) + 5.0 * lf(
alpha, beta, tau, t0, t)) / (4.0 * tau * (t + t0) * np.log(10.0) ** 2 * (v ** 2 + sigma ** 2) * (
np.exp((t + t0)/tau) - 1.0)))
return derivs
def dlogp_dsigma(x, tt, mm, vv):
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
m = np.array(mm)
v = np.array(vv)
derivs = np.sum(sigma/(4.0 * np.log(10.0) ** 2 * (v**2 + sigma**2)**2) * (5.0 * lf(
alpha, beta, tau, t0, t) * (4.0 * np.log(10.0) * (m - m0) + 5.0 * lf(
alpha, beta, tau, t0, t)) + 4.0 * np.log(10.0) ** 2 * ((m0 - m) ** 2 - v ** 2 - sigma ** 2)))
return derivs
Problem 2c
Make sure the derivatives for all the above function are consistent with the finite differences of the objective function. How large is the error for an eps = 1e-8
(the default distance used when no Jacobian is provided)? Make a histogram for each derivative of these errors for 100 random parameter combinations drawn from the bounds (in other words, six plots with 100 samples each).
Hint: you will likely have to remove some nans.
In [49]:
# Draw a random parameter combo to test with.
n = 100
dm0_diff = np.zeros(n)
dalpha_diff = np.zeros(n)
dbeta_diff = np.zeros(n)
dtau_diff = np.zeros(n)
dt0_diff = np.zeros(n)
dsigma_diff = np.zeros(n)
for p in range(n):
test_x = [abounds[i][0] + x * (abounds[i][1] - abounds[i][0]) for i, x in enumerate(np.random.rand(6))]
# Check that every derivative expression is close to finite difference.
teps = 1e-10
xp = list(test_x)
xp[0] += teps
exactd = dlogp_dm0(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)
dm0_diff[p] = (exactd - (
analytic_f(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs) - analytic_f(
xp, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)) / teps) / exactd
xp = list(test_x)
xp[1] += teps
exactd = dlogp_dalpha(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)
dalpha_diff[p] = (exactd - (
analytic_f(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs) - analytic_f(
xp, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)) / teps) / exactd
xp = list(test_x)
xp[2] += teps
exactd = dlogp_dbeta(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)
dbeta_diff[p] = (exactd - (
analytic_f(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs) - analytic_f(
xp, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)) / teps) / exactd
xp = list(test_x)
xp[3] += teps
exactd = dlogp_dtau(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)
dtau_diff[p] = (exactd - (
analytic_f(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs) - analytic_f(
xp, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)) / teps) / exactd
xp = list(test_x)
xp[4] += teps
exactd = dlogp_dt0(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)
dt0_diff[p] = (exactd - (
analytic_f(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs) - analytic_f(
xp, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)) / teps) / exactd
xp = list(test_x)
xp[5] += teps
exactd = dlogp_dsigma(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)
dsigma_diff[p] = (exactd - (
analytic_f(test_x, test_times, test_mags, test_errs) - analytic_f(
xp, test_times, test_mags, test_errs)) / teps) / exactd
Which derivatives seem to have the least accurate finite differences? Why?
Now we have an analytical function with analytical derivatives that should be accurate to near-machine precision.
Problem 3a
First, let's optimize our function using differential_evolution
, as we did above with the MOSFiT output, without using the derivatives we have constructed (as differential_evolution
does not use them).
In [50]:
import scipy
times0 = np.array(times) - min(times)
results = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(analytic_f, bounds=abounds, args=(
times0, mags, errs))
best_x = results.x
print('All done! Best score: `{}`, took `{}` function evaluations.'.format(, results.nfev))
Now plot the result:
In [51]:
mtimes3 = np.linspace(1, 500, 200)
mmags3 = analytic_m(best_x, mtimes3)
mtimes3 += min(times)
plt.errorbar(times, mags, yerr=errs, fmt='o')
plt.plot(mtimes3, mmags3, c='g')
Not a bad approximation!
Problem 3b
Let's minimize using the basinhopping
algorithm now, again not using our derivatives.
In [52]:
times0 = np.array(times) - min(times)
guess = [np.mean(x) for x in abounds]
results = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(analytic_f, guess, minimizer_kwargs={
'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'bounds': abounds, 'args': (times0, mags, errs)})
best_x = results.x
print('All done! Best score: `{}`, took `{}` function evaluations.'.format(, results.nfev))
This algorithm, which depends on finite differencing, seems to have taken more function evaluations than differential_evolution
. Let's give it some help: construct a jacobian using the derivative functions defined above.
Hint: mind the sign of the Jacobian since we are minimizing the function.
In [53]:
def jac(x, tt, mm, vv):
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
m = np.array(mm)
v = np.array(vv)
jac = -np.array(
[dlogp_dm0(x, tt, mm, vv), dlogp_dalpha(x, tt, mm, vv),
dlogp_dbeta(x, tt, mm, vv), dlogp_dtau(x, tt, mm, vv),
dlogp_dt0(x, tt, mm, vv), dlogp_dsigma(x, tt, mm, vv)])
return jac
results = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(analytic_f, guess, minimizer_kwargs={
'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'bounds': abounds, 'args': (times0, mags, errs), 'jac': jac})
best_x = results.x
print('All done! Best score: `{}`, took `{}` function evaluations.'.format(, results.nfev))
mtimes3 = np.linspace(1, 500, 200)
mmags3 = analytic_m(best_x, mtimes3)
mtimes3 += min(times)
plt.errorbar(times, mags, yerr=errs, fmt='o')
plt.plot(mtimes3, mmags3, c='g')
If all went well, the jacobian version of the optimization should have taken ~8x fewer function evaluations. But is it faster?
Problem 3c
Compute how many times the Jacobian was called, and estimate how expensive the Jacobian is to compute relative to the objective function. How does this compare to the run that only used finite differencing?
In [88]:
global jcount
jcount = 0
def jac(x, tt, mm, vv):
global jcount
jcount += 1
m0, alpha, beta, tau, t0, sigma = tuple(x)
t = np.array(tt)
m = np.array(mm)
v = np.array(vv)
jac = -np.array(
[dlogp_dm0(x, tt, mm, vv), dlogp_dalpha(x, tt, mm, vv),
dlogp_dbeta(x, tt, mm, vv), dlogp_dtau(x, tt, mm, vv),
dlogp_dt0(x, tt, mm, vv), dlogp_dsigma(x, tt, mm, vv)])
return jac
results = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(analytic_f, guess, minimizer_kwargs={
'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'bounds': abounds, 'args': (times0, mags, errs), 'jac': jac})
tot_jcount = jcount
ntest = 10000
start_time = time.time()
for p in range(ntest):
test_x = [abounds[i][0] + x * (abounds[i][1] - abounds[i][0]) for i, x in enumerate(np.random.rand(6))]
analytic_f(test_x, times0, mags, errs)
avg_f_time = ((time.time() - start_time) / ntest)
start_time = time.time()
for p in range(ntest):
test_x = [abounds[i][0] + x * (abounds[i][1] - abounds[i][0]) for i, x in enumerate(np.random.rand(6))]
jac(test_x, times0, mags, errs)
avg_j_time = ((time.time() - start_time) / ntest)
print(jcount * (avg_j_time + avg_f_time))
results = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(analytic_f, guess, minimizer_kwargs={
'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'bounds': abounds, 'args': (times0, mags, errs)})
print(results.nfev * avg_f_time)
Can you think of a reason why using the Jacobian version may be preferable, even if it is slower?
Select one (or more) of the following:
method of the Fetcher
class. Examples: SN1987A, SN2011fe, PTF09ge. If you are using the analytical model, exclude all but one of the bands in the dataset.emcee
are versatile and work even when derivatives aren't available, but we do have derivatives, so more powerful methods like Hamiltonian MCMC are available to us. A simple HMC for our purposes is available via pip install pyhmc
, see the README for instructions on how to construct the input function: Plot the resulting samples using the corner
In [87]:
from pyhmc import hmc
from corner import corner
def f_and_grad(x, tt, mm, vv):
return -analytic_f(x, tt, mm, vv), -jac(x, tt, mm, vv)
samples = hmc(f_and_grad, x0=test_x, args=(times0, mags, errs), n_samples=int(3e4))
In [ ]: