Image Reprojection Exercise

Written by Gautham Narayan ( for LSST DSFP #5

We've already determined the WCS solution for two misalgined images in Exercise 1 using (Register_images_exercise.ipynb). Now we're going to reproject the images onto the same grid.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import as afits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import reproject
from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval
import astropy.table as at
import astropy.coordinates as coords
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes import WCSAxes
import astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame as frame

%matplotlib notebook

Using matplotlib backend: nbAgg
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

If you didn't get through Exercise 1, that's OK! I saved my output! You can just use that if you'd like and press on!

In [2]:
!ls ../01_Registration/out/

original_misalignment.pdf           wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6-indx.png
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6-indx.png     wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6-indx.xyls
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6-indx.xyls    wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6-ngc.png
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6-ngc.png      wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6-objs.png
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6-objs.png     wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.axy
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.axy          wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.corr
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.corr         wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.match
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.match        wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.rdls
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.rdls         wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.solved
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.solved       wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.solved.fits
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.solved.fits  wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.wcs
wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.wcs          wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.wcs.tan

Open the two images and load the wcs solution that you created in the tangent plane (I used wcs.tan as my file extension)

In [3]:
# load the two fits images
f1 ='../01_Registration/out/wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.solved.fits')
f2 ='../01_Registration/out/wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.solved.fits')

f1d = f1[0].data
f2d = f2[0].data

# load the two WCS solutions we computed
f1wcs = WCS(afits.Header.fromfile('../01_Registration/out/wdd7.040920_0452.051_6.wcs'))
f2wcs = WCS(afits.Header.fromfile('../01_Registration/out/wdd7.080104_0214.1025_6.wcs'))

WARNING: FITSFixedWarning: The WCS transformation has more axes (2) than the image it is associated with (0) [astropy.wcs.wcs]

OK, now reproject the data of the 2008 image on to the 2004 image. Look for functions in the reproject module. Remember to keep flux conservation in mind!

In [4]:
f2reproj, f2footprint = reproject.reproject_exact((f2d, f2wcs), f1wcs, shape_out=f1d.shape, parallel=True)

Now display the two images as you did in the last exercise - you should be able to copy and paste the same code even

In [5]:
zscaler = ZScaleInterval(nsamples=1000, contrast=0.25)

f1s = zscaler(f1d)
f2s = zscaler(f2reproj)

fig = figure(figsize=(10,4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.imshow(f1s.T, cmap='Reds')
ax.imshow(f2s.T, cmap='Blues', alpha=0.5)

Hopefully that's halfway reasonable looking compared to what we started from! For funsies, scale both images to have mean 1 and attempt to subtract them. Remember than there are NaNs in the reprojected image!

In [6]:
mask = (f2footprint > 0)
f1m = f1d.mean()
f2m = f2reproj[mask].mean()

Now construct a simple difference image from the original data

In [7]:
diff = f1d/f1m - f2reproj/f2m
diffs = zscaler(diff)

Create a figure instance, zscale the differences and see what the residuals look like

In [8]:
fig2 = figure(figsize=(10,4))
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(1,1,1, projection=f1wcs)
ax2.imshow(diffs.T, cmap='Greys', origin='lower')

# add a grey grid for what whatever we're using as the native projection
ax2.coords.grid(True, color='green', ls='solid')
ra = ax2.coords['ra']
dec = ax2.coords['dec']

ra.set_axislabel(r'$\alpha$ (J2000)')
dec.set_axislabel(r'$\delta$ (J2000)')

Our WCS solution wasn't perfect, and the two images are still slightly offset. They're also different filters (one is B band and one is R band), really different depths, have very different PSFs, and we've not masked out CCD artifacts, or bright stars. Still, that's a difference image of a sort!