In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import as afits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import reproject
from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval
import astropy.table as at
import astropy.coordinates as coords
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes import WCSAxes
import astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame as frame
import matplotlib.patheffects
%matplotlib notebook
In [2]:
mwmap ='mwpan2_RGB_3600.fits')
sourceheader = mwmap[0].header
sourcewcs = WCS(sourceheader).celestial
data = mwmap[0].data
In [3]:
#output_ctype = 'galactic'
output_ctype = 'equatorial'
In [4]:
targetheader = mwmap[0].header
if output_ctype == 'galactic':
targetwcs = WCS(targetheader).celestial
In [5]:
In [6]:
b, footprint = reproject.reproject_interp((data[0], sourcewcs), targetwcs, (1800, 3600), order='nearest-neighbor')
g, footprint = reproject.reproject_interp((data[1], sourcewcs), targetwcs, (1800, 3600), order='nearest-neighbor')
r, footprint = reproject.reproject_interp((data[2], sourcewcs), targetwcs, (1800, 3600), order='nearest-neighbor')
# this is going to toss up some warnings - they're all related to pole
# you don't have to worry about it because we'll deal with the invalid values in the next step
In [7]:
zscaler = ZScaleInterval(nsamples=100000, contrast=0.175)
b1 = zscaler(b)
g1 = zscaler(g)
r1 = zscaler(r)
alphamask = np.isnan(b1)
In [8]:
z1 = np.array((r1, g1, b1,~alphamask))
z2 = np.moveaxis(z1, 0, -1)
In [9]:
pos ='wdcalib_target_list.dat',format='ascii')
# convert the coordinates from Equatorial HMS DMS (what observer's like to read)
# to degrees (what we want to work with)
if output_ctype == 'galactic':
pos_coords = [coords.SkyCoord("{} {}".format(x, y),\
unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)).galactic for x, y in zip(pos['ra'], pos['dec'])]
plot_coords = [(x.l.value, x.b.value) for x in pos_coords]
l, b = zip(*plot_coords)
l = np.array(l)
b = np.array(b)
pos_coords = [coords.SkyCoord("{} {}".format(x, y),\
unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) for x, y in zip(pos['ra'], pos['dec'])]
plot_coords = [(, for x in pos_coords]
ra, dec = zip(*plot_coords)
ra = np.array(ra)
dec = np.array(dec)
# I use a key to split my target list into targets from Cycle 20 and 22, Cycle 25
# as well as Primary CALSPEC standards and secondary standards that we monitor.
calspec = (pos['cycle'] == 1)
secondary = (pos['cycle'] == 15)
c22 = (pos['cycle'] == 22)
c25 = (pos['cycle'] == 25)
In [10]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,9))
# note how we're supplying a WCS as the projection to matplotlib
# also note that this plot is going to have an elliptical frame
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=targetwcs, frame_class=frame.EllipticalFrame)
# display the image
im = ax3.imshow(z2, origin='lower', alpha=0.8)
# add a grey grid for what whatever we're using as the native projection
ax3.coords.grid(color='grey', ls='solid')
# we're going to plot our targets as stars, but we'd like to make them stand out, so we'll add a path effect
path_effects=[matplotlib.patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=3.5, foreground='black')]
if output_ctype == 'galactic':
# configure the axes ticks
ax3.coords['glat'].set_ticks(spacing=30 *, color='grey', exclude_overlapping=True)
ax3.coords['glon'].set_ticks(spacing=30 *, color='grey', exclude_overlapping=True)
ax3.coords['glon'].set_ticklabel(color='lime', path_effects=path_effects, fontsize='xx-large')
ax3.coords['glat'].set_ticklabel(color='lime', path_effects=path_effects, fontsize='xx-large')
# create an Equatorial Grid (FK5 is implicitly epoch J2000)
overlay = ax3.get_coords_overlay('fk5')
overlay.grid(color='yellow', ls='dotted',lw=3, alpha=0.6)
# plot the stars
ax3.plot(l[calspec], b[calspec], marker='*', transform=ax3.get_transform('galactic'), color='white',\
linestyle='None', mec='black', mew=3, markersize=30, label='CALSPEC Standards')
ax3.plot(l[secondary], b[secondary], marker='*', transform=ax3.get_transform('galactic'), color='linen',\
linestyle='None', mec='black', markersize=20, label='Secondary Standards')
ax3.plot(l[c22], b[c22], marker='*', transform=ax3.get_transform('galactic'), color='deepskyblue',\
linestyle='None', mec='dodgerblue', markersize=25, label='Cycle 20+22 Targets')
ax3.plot(l[c25], b[c25], marker='*', transform=ax3.get_transform('galactic'), color='fuchsia',\
linestyle='None', mec='salmon', markersize=25, label='Cycle 25 Targets')
# add a legend
ax3.legend(ncol=1, frameon=False, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=19, loc='upper left')
# same as above but for equatorial coordinates, we use RA, Dec, and our grid is in galactic coordinates
ax3.coords['ra'].set_ticks(spacing=30 *, color='grey', exclude_overlapping=True)
ax3.coords['dec'].set_ticks(spacing=30 *, color='grey', exclude_overlapping=True)
ax3.coords['ra'].set_ticklabel(color='yellow', path_effects=path_effects, fontsize='xx-large')
ax3.coords['dec'].set_ticklabel(color='yellow', path_effects=path_effects, fontsize='xx-large')
overlay = ax3.get_coords_overlay('galactic')
overlay.grid(color='lime', ls='dotted',lw=3, alpha=0.6)
ax3.plot(ra[calspec], dec[calspec], marker='*', transform=ax3.get_transform('fk5'), color='white',\
linestyle='None', mec='black', mew=3, markersize=30, label='CALSPEC Standards')
ax3.plot(ra[secondary], dec[secondary], marker='*', transform=ax3.get_transform('fk5'), color='linen',\
linestyle='None', mec='black', markersize=20, label='Secondary Standards')
ax3.plot(ra[c22], dec[c22], marker='*', transform=ax3.get_transform('fk5'), color='deepskyblue',\
linestyle='None', mec='dodgerblue', markersize=25, label='Cycle 20+22 Targets')
ax3.plot(ra[c25], dec[c25], marker='*', transform=ax3.get_transform('fk5'), color='fuchsia',\
linestyle='None', mec='salmon', markersize=25, label='Cycle 25 Targets')
ax3.legend(ncol=1, frameon=False, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=19, loc='upper left')
# save the image