Before beginning this exercise you must download some data files, which can be retrieved from here:
Be sure to move the corresponding files to the directory where you are running this notebook. Furthermore, you will need to provide the path to these data as the variable dataDir
, below.
In [ ]:
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from rhlUtils import BBox, CCD, Image, imshow
%matplotlib notebook
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
#%matplotlib qt
#%gui qt
dataDir = # complete
I've provided you with two datasets ("bias.npz" and "bias2.npz") which are the trimmed image of a CCD from the PFS project. One has had a bias frame subtracted, one has not.
You can read the data into an Image, and the Image object is also able to return a view of the data from a single amplifier (in the range 0..7). For example, you can say:
In [ ]:
bias = Image(os.path.join(dataDir, "bias.npz"))
aim = bias.getAmpImage(3)
imshow(aim) # or you can use plt.imshow if you'd prefer; imshow is imported from rhlUtils;
Take a look at the entire image. Hint: each amplifier has its own gain
Which do you think had a bias frame subtracted? Why?
In [ ]:
bias = Image(os.path.join(dataDir, "bias.npz"))
Write a program to measure the power spectrum of each amplifier separately (but plot them all together).
Each row of the data corresponds to a row of the CCD clocked onto the serial register -- but remember that we have trimmed the data to throw away the extended register and overclock. The CCD object has the magic numbers you need to correct for this:
There is also some junk in the data (e.g. cosmic rays, transients at the bottom of the chip) that might affect your results -- a simple n-sigma clip might help.
If you've never calculated a power spectrum before you might need some help. There is code in scipy.signal to do it, but it's a little tricky. The power spectrum should be essentially flat (but not exactly flat).
Which amplifier has the worst low-frequency behaviour? Was that what you expected?
In [ ]:
import scipy.signal
bias = Image(os.path.join(dataDir, "XXX.npz"))
for amp in bias.amps:
dat = bias.getAmpImage(amp)
# ...
plt.plot(1e-3*f, PS, label=str(ampNo))
plt.xlabel("frequency (kHz)")
plt.ylabel("Power (arbitrary units)")