In [2]:
# std lib
import sys
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # I know, I know...
# 3rd party
import numpy as np
from astropy import utils, io, convolution, stats
from photutils import find_peaks
import pylab as p
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes, mark_inset
%matplotlib inline
# Data Lab
from dl import authClient, helpers
# plots default setup
fontsize = 14
p.rcParams['font.size'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = fontsize-2
p.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (7, 5.8)
In [3]:
Q = helpers.Querist(authClient.login('demo15','####')) # user, password
In [4]:
In [238]:
field = 169 # SMASH field number to query
depth = 1 # depth (=no short exposures please)
# Create the query string; SQL keyword capitalized for clarity
query_template =\
"""SELECT ra,dec,gmag,rmag,imag FROM smash_dr1.object
WHERE fieldid = '%d' AND
depthflag > %d AND
abs(sharp) < 0.5 AND
gmag BETWEEN %d AND %d AND
(gmag-rmag) BETWEEN 0.05 AND 0.2"""
query_template =\
"""SELECT ra,dec,g,r FROM ls_dr3.tractor_primary
WHERE depthflag > %d AND
abs(sharp) < 0.5 AND
gmag BETWEEN %d AND %d AND
(gmag-rmag) BETWEEN 0.05 AND 0.2
AND q3c_radial_query(ra,dec,229.02,-0.11,0.2)
#query = query_template % (field, depth, 9, 25)
In [241]:
glower = 16
gupper = 25
hydra_query = query_template % (field,depth,glower,gupper)
#hydra_query = query_template % (depth,glower,gupper)
In [242]:
# get result as a Pandas dataframe; and let's preview the first two rows
#R = Q(query,outfmt='pandas',preview=2)
#print "Number of objects found:", R.shape[0]
R = Q(hydra_query,outfmt='pandas',preview=2)
print "Number of objects found:", R.shape[0]
In [243]:
im = p.hexbin(R['ra'], R['dec'],gridsize=200)
p.xlabel('RA'); p.ylabel('Dec')
p.colorbar(label='number of objects per spatial bin');
In [244]:
def dwarf_filter (ra,dec,gmag,fwhm_small=2.0,fwhm_big=20,pix_scale=2):
# Based on Koposov et al. (2008).
# Code by Ken Mighell and Mike Fitzpatrick.
# Minor edits by RN.
x, y = ra.copy(), dec.copy()
print "Computing differential convolution .... ",
# Information about declination (y) [degrees]
ymean = (y.min() + y.max()) / 2.0
ydiff_arcmin = (y.max() - y.min()) * 60.0 # convert from degrees to arcmin
# Information about right ascension (x) [degrees in time]:
xdiff = x.max() - x.min() # angular separation [degrees (time)]
xmean = (x.min() + x.max())/2.0
# convert from degrees in time to separation in angular degrees:
xdiff_angular = (x.max() - x.min()) * np.cos(ymean*(np.pi/180.0))
# convert from degress to arcmin
xdiff_angular_arcmin = xdiff_angular * 60.0
# Get the number of one-arcmin pixels in the X and Y directions:
nx = np.rint (xdiff_angular_arcmin/pix_scale).astype('int')
ny = np.rint (ydiff_arcmin/pix_scale).astype('int')
print nx,ny
# Create a two-dimensional histogram of the raw counts:
#Counts, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d (x, y, (nx,ny) )
#extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]]
#raw_hist = np.rot90(Counts).copy() # hack around Pythonic weirdness
#make a cut in magnitude space around where Hydra should be
glower = 24.
gupper = 25.
cut = np.logical_and(gmag>glower,gmag<gupper)
ramin,ramax = np.min(ra),np.max(ra)
decmin,decmax = np.min(dec),np.max(dec)
ran = [[ramin,ramax],[decmin,decmax]]
# Create a two-dimensional histogram of the raw counts in hydra region:
Counts_hydra, xedges_hydra, yedges_hydra = np.histogram2d (x[cut], y[cut], (nx,ny), range=ran )
extent_hydra = [xedges_hydra[0], xedges_hydra[-1], yedges_hydra[0], yedges_hydra[-1]]
raw_hist_hydra = np.rot90(Counts_hydra).copy() # hack around Pythonic weirdness
# Create a two-dimensional histogram of the raw counts in hydra region:
Counts_offhydra, xedges_offhydra, yedges_offhydra = np.histogram2d (x[~cut], y[~cut], (nx,ny), range=ran )
extent_offhydra = [xedges_offhydra[0], xedges_offhydra[-1], yedges_offhydra[0], yedges_offhydra[-1]]
raw_hist_offhydra = np.rot90(Counts_offhydra).copy() # hack around Pythonic weirdness
temp =,0)
raw_hist = raw_hist_hydra / temp
p.title('ratioed -- %d' % pix_scale)
print("raw hist nanmax: %d nanmin: %d" % (np.nanmax(raw_hist),np.nanmin(raw_hist)))
# Make the small and big Gaussian kernels with a standard deviation
# of the given FWHM in arcmin^2 pixels.
kernel_small = convolution.Gaussian2DKernel(fwhm_small/2.35,factor=1)
kernel_big = convolution.Gaussian2DKernel(fwhm_big/2.35,factor=1)
# Compute the differential convolution kerne
conv_big = convolution.convolve (raw_hist, kernel_big)
conv_small = convolution.convolve (raw_hist, kernel_small)
conv_delta = conv_small - conv_big
delta = conv_delta.copy()
# Compute statistics and the floor
mean = np.nanmean (delta, dtype='float64')
sigma = np.nanstd (delta, dtype='float64')
sigmaRaw = np.nanstd(raw_hist,dtype='float64')
median = np.nanmedian (delta) # not used
floor = mean
print 'dwarf_filter: mean = %g sigma = %g sigmaRaw = %g' % (mean, sigma, sigmaRaw)
# Clip to specified limits.
clipped = delta.copy()
clipped[ delta < floor ] = floor
# Return the computed fields.
return raw_hist, extent, delta, clipped, sigma
In [245]:
small_k, big_k = 2., 20./4.
for i in range(4):
raw, extent, delta, clipped, dsigma = dwarf_filter(R['ra'],R['dec'],R['gmag'],fwhm_small=small_k,
fig, ax = p.subplots()
im = p.imshow(clipped)
p.colorbar(label='relative spatial density after convolution');
# find peaks
mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(clipped,sigma=3.0,iters=5)
tbl = find_peaks(clipped,median+6,box_size=small_k*2)
A = tbl.as_array()
# add ra & dec positions of peaks found
a, b = extent[:2]
xvec = np.arange(a,b,(b-a)/clipped.shape[1])
a, b = extent[2:]
yvec = np.arange(a,b,(b-a)/clipped.shape[0])
tbl['ra'] = xvec[tbl['x_peak']]
tbl['dec'] = yvec[-tbl['y_peak']-1]
ecs = ['w','y']
ax.scatter(tbl['x_peak'],tbl['y_peak'],marker='s',s=tbl['peak_value']*40,c='none',edgecolors=ecs,lw=3) # keeps writing to previous ax
fig # repeats (the updated) figure
In [246]:
fig, ax = p.subplots()
im = p.imshow(clipped)
p.colorbar(label='relative spatial density after convolution');
In [209]:
# find peaks
mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(clipped,sigma=3.0,iters=5)
tbl = find_peaks(clipped,median+6,box_size=small_k*2)
A = tbl.as_array()
# add ra & dec positions of peaks found
a, b = extent[:2]
xvec = np.arange(a,b,(b-a)/clipped.shape[1])
a, b = extent[2:]
yvec = np.arange(a,b,(b-a)/clipped.shape[0])
tbl['ra'] = xvec[tbl['x_peak']]
tbl['dec'] = yvec[-tbl['y_peak']-1]
print tbl
In [210]:
ecs = ['w','y']
ax.scatter(tbl['x_peak'],tbl['y_peak'],marker='s',s=tbl['peak_value']*40,c='none',edgecolors=ecs,lw=3) # keeps writing to previous ax
fig # repeats (the updated) figure
In [13]:
# set up SIA
from pyvo.dal import sia
svc = sia.SIAService(DEF_ACCESS_URL)
# a little func to download the deepest stacked images
def download_deepest_images(ra,dec,fov=0.1,bands=list('gri')):
imgTable =,dec), (fov/np.cos(dec*np.pi/180), fov), verbosity=2).votable.to_table()
print "The full image list contains", len(imgTable), "entries"
sel0 = (imgTable['proctype']=='Stacked') & (imgTable['prodtype']=='image') # basic selection
images = []
for band in bands:
print "Band %s:" % band,
sel = sel0 & (imgTable['obs_bandpass']==band) # add 'band' to selection
Table = imgTable[sel] # select
row = Table[np.argmax(Table['exptime']'float'))] # pick image with longest exposure time
url = row['access_url'] # get the download URL
print 'downloading deepest stacked image...'
img = io.fits.getdata(,cache=True,show_progress=False,timeout=120))
print "Downloaded %d images." % len(images)
return images
# multi panel image plotter
def plot_images(images,geo=None,panelsize=4,bands=list('gri'),
n = len(images)
if geo is None: geo = (n,1)
fig = p.figure(figsize=(geo[0]*panelsize,geo[1]*panelsize))
for j,img in enumerate(images):
ax = fig.add_subplot(geo[1],geo[0],j+1)
ax.set_title('%s band' % bands[j])
In [14]:
bands = list('gri')
images = download_deepest_images(tbl['ra'][1], tbl['dec'][1], fov=0.07, bands=bands) # FOV in deg
In [15]:
Looks like a galaxy cluster!
In [16]:
images = download_deepest_images(tbl['ra'][0], tbl['dec'][0])
Doesn't look like much... but there's a dwarf galaxy in there!
In [17]:
def makequery(ra0,dec0,radius0=5./60.,field=169,depth=1):
query =\
"""SELECT ra,dec,gmag,rmag,imag FROM smash_dr1.object
WHERE fieldid = '%d' AND
depthflag > %d AND
abs(sharp) < 0.5 AND
""" % (field, depth,ra0,dec0,radius0)
return query
In [18]:
query1 = makequery(tbl['ra'][0],tbl['dec'][0]) # center ra & dec
R1 = Q(query1,outfmt='pandas')
print len(R1), "objects found."
In [133]:
R1['g_r'] = R1['gmag'] - R1['rmag']
R1['g_i'] = R1['gmag'] - R1['imag']
In [134]:
query2 = makequery(tbl['ra'][1],tbl['dec'][1])
R2 = Q(query2,outfmt='pandas')
print len(R2), "objects found."
# compute colors
R2['g_r'] = R2['gmag'] - R2['rmag']
R2['g_i'] = R2['gmag'] - R2['imag']
In [137]:
def plotpanel(axid,x,y,title='',xlim=(-1,2),ylim=(25.2,14)):
ax = fig.add_subplot(axid)
ax.scatter(x,y,marker='.',s=10, alpha=0.8)
fig = p.figure(figsize=(12,5))
plotpanel(121,R1['g_r'],R1['gmag'],'white box')
#plotpanel(122,R2['g_r'],R2['gmag'],'yellow box')
In [22]:
objID = '169.429960' # this happens to be a RR Lyrae star in Hydra II
# select columns modified Julian date, calibrated mag, filter
# note: the DB encodes 'no measurement' values as 99.99
query = "SELECT ra,dec,mjd,cmag,cerr,filter FROM smash_dr1.source WHERE id='%s' AND cmag<99 ORDER BY mjd ASC" % objID
df = Q(query,outfmt='pandas',preview=2)
In [23]:
fig, ax = p.subplots(figsize=[8, 6]) # main panel
axins = inset_axes(ax, 4, 1.8, loc=9) # inset
filters = np.unique(df['filter'])
colors = dict(zip(filters,('g','b','y','m','r'))) # plotting colors
jd0 = 57112
start = 16 # in the inset we'll zoom in on some data
for filt in filters:
sel = (df['filter'] == filt) # select one filter
t = df['mjd'][sel].values
y = df['cmag'][sel].values
dy = df['cerr'][sel].values
c = colors[filt]
# Main panel chores
ax.set_xlabel('modified Julian date - %d (days)' % jd0)
ax.legend(loc='lower left',frameon=True,ncol=2,markerscale=1.5)
# Inset magic
x1, x2, y1, y2 = -0.05, 1.4, 22.5, 20.7 # sub region of the original image
axins.set_xlim(x1, x2)
axins.set_ylim(y2, y1)
# draw bbox around inset; connect with parent axes
mark_inset(ax, axins, loc1=1, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.5",lw=1,alpha=0.7);
In [24]:
In [25]:
filt = 'g'
sel = (df['filter'] == filt)
t = df['mjd'][sel].values
y = df['cmag'][sel].values
dy = df['cerr'][sel].values
ls = stats.LombScargle(t, y)
# min freq = 1/longest expected period (in days)
# max freq = 1/shortest expected perdiod (in days)
# RR Lyrae usually have a period of a fraction of one day
frequency, power = ls.autopower(minimum_frequency=1./1.,maximum_frequency=1./0.1)
period = 1./frequency # period is the inverse of frequency
best_period = 1./frequency[np.argmax(power)] # period with most power / strongest signal
In [26]:
fig = p.figure(figsize=(7,5))
p.xlabel('period (days)')
p.ylabel('relative power')
p.title('SMASH obj ID: 169.429960 (RR Lyrae star in Hydra II)')
In [27]:
print "Best period:", best_period, "days"
Vivas et al. 2016 found with a (complementary!) phase dispersion minimization technique a period of 0.645 days. We're in excellent agreement :-)
In [28]:
# light curve over period, take the remainder (i.e. the "phase" of one period)
phase = (t / best_period) % 1
fig, ax = p.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel('phase (days)')
ax.set_ylabel('%s magnitude' % filt);
In [29]:
t_fit = np.linspace(phase.min(), phase.max())
y_fit = stats.LombScargle(t, y).model(t_fit, 1./best_period)
ax.plot(t_fit,y_fit) # keeps writing to current figure
fig # repeats the (possibly updated) figure
A simple sinusoid is not a good model for RR Lyrae pulsations!! --> Hack idea: fit more realistic models, e.g. via RR Lyrae templates.
Nidever et al. (submitted) "SMASH - Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History":
Koposov et al. (2008, ApJ, 686, 279) "The Luminosity Function of the Milky Way Satellites":
Martin et al. (2015, ApJ, 804, 5) "Hydra II: A Faint and Compact Milky Way Dwarf Galaxy Found in the Survey of the Magellanic Stellar History":
Vivas et al. 2016 (2016, AJ, 151, 118) "Variable Stars in the Field of the Hydra II Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy":
Jake VanderPlas' blog on Lomb-Scargle periodograms and on fitting RR Lyrae lightcurves with templates:
Lomb-Scargle periodograms in astropy
RR Lyrae variables on wikipedia: