In [2]:
# std lib
import sys
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')  # I know, I know...

# 3rd party
import numpy as np
from astropy import utils, io, convolution, stats

from photutils import find_peaks
import pylab as p
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes, mark_inset
%matplotlib inline

# Data Lab
from dl import authClient, helpers

# plots default setup
fontsize = 14
p.rcParams['font.size'] =  fontsize
p.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = fontsize-2
p.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = fontsize
p.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (7, 5.8)

In [3]:
Q = helpers.Querist(authClient.login('demo15','####'))  # user, password

In [4]:

'outfmt' arg   Returned output
      string   CSV formatted table as a string
       array   Numpy array
 structarray   Numpy structured / record array
      pandas   Pandas dataframe
       table   Astropy Table
     votable   Astropy VOtable

In [238]:
field = 169 # SMASH field number to query
depth = 1   # depth (=no short exposures please)

# Create the query string; SQL keyword capitalized for clarity
query_template =\
"""SELECT ra,dec,gmag,rmag,imag FROM smash_dr1.object
   WHERE fieldid = '%d' AND
         depthflag > %d AND
         abs(sharp) < 0.5 AND
         gmag BETWEEN %d AND %d AND
         (gmag-rmag) BETWEEN 0.05 AND 0.2"""

query_template =\
"""SELECT ra,dec,g,r FROM ls_dr3.tractor_primary
   WHERE depthflag > %d AND
         abs(sharp) < 0.5 AND
         gmag BETWEEN %d AND %d AND
         (gmag-rmag) BETWEEN 0.05 AND 0.2
         AND q3c_radial_query(ra,dec,229.02,-0.11,0.2) 
#query = query_template % (field, depth, 9, 25)

'\nquery_template ="""SELECT ra,dec,g,r FROM ls_dr3.tractor_primary\n   WHERE depthflag > %d AND\n         abs(sharp) < 0.5 AND\n         gmag BETWEEN %d AND %d AND\n         (gmag-rmag) BETWEEN 0.05 AND 0.2\n         AND q3c_radial_query(ra,dec,229.02,-0.11,0.2) \n         """\n'

In [241]:
glower = 16
gupper = 25
hydra_query = query_template % (field,depth,glower,gupper)
#hydra_query = query_template % (depth,glower,gupper)

In [242]:
# get result as a Pandas dataframe; and let's preview the first two rows
#R = Q(query,outfmt='pandas',preview=2)
#print "Number of objects found:", R.shape[0]

R = Q(hydra_query,outfmt='pandas',preview=2)
print "Number of objects found:", R.shape[0]

Returning Pandas dataframe
Number of objects found: 31091

In [243]:
im = p.hexbin(R['ra'], R['dec'],gridsize=200)
p.xlabel('RA'); p.ylabel('Dec')
p.colorbar(label='number of objects per spatial bin');

In [244]:
def dwarf_filter (ra,dec,gmag,fwhm_small=2.0,fwhm_big=20,pix_scale=2):

    # Based on Koposov et al. (2008).
    # Code by Ken Mighell and Mike Fitzpatrick.
    # Minor edits by RN.
    x, y = ra.copy(), dec.copy()

    print "Computing differential convolution .... ",

    # Information about declination (y) [degrees]
    ymean = (y.min() + y.max()) / 2.0
    ydiff_arcmin = (y.max() - y.min()) * 60.0 # convert from degrees to arcmin

    # Information about right ascension (x) [degrees in time]:
    xdiff = x.max() - x.min() # angular separation [degrees (time)] 
    xmean = (x.min() + x.max())/2.0

    # convert from degrees in time to separation in angular degrees:
    xdiff_angular = (x.max() - x.min()) * np.cos(ymean*(np.pi/180.0))

    # convert from degress to arcmin
    xdiff_angular_arcmin = xdiff_angular * 60.0 

    # Get the number of one-arcmin pixels in the X and Y directions:
    nx = np.rint (xdiff_angular_arcmin/pix_scale).astype('int')
    ny = np.rint (ydiff_arcmin/pix_scale).astype('int')

    print nx,ny
    # Create a two-dimensional histogram of the raw counts:
    #Counts, xedges, yedges  = np.histogram2d (x, y, (nx,ny) )
    #extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]]
    #raw_hist = np.rot90(Counts).copy() # hack around Pythonic weirdness

    #make a cut in magnitude space around where Hydra should be
    glower = 24.
    gupper = 25.
    cut = np.logical_and(gmag>glower,gmag<gupper)
    ramin,ramax = np.min(ra),np.max(ra)
    decmin,decmax = np.min(dec),np.max(dec)
    ran = [[ramin,ramax],[decmin,decmax]]
    # Create a two-dimensional histogram of the raw counts in hydra region:
    Counts_hydra, xedges_hydra, yedges_hydra  = np.histogram2d (x[cut], y[cut], (nx,ny), range=ran )
    extent_hydra = [xedges_hydra[0], xedges_hydra[-1], yedges_hydra[0], yedges_hydra[-1]]
    raw_hist_hydra = np.rot90(Counts_hydra).copy() # hack around Pythonic weirdness    
    # Create a two-dimensional histogram of the raw counts in hydra region:
    Counts_offhydra, xedges_offhydra, yedges_offhydra  = np.histogram2d (x[~cut], y[~cut], (nx,ny), range=ran )
    extent_offhydra = [xedges_offhydra[0], xedges_offhydra[-1], yedges_offhydra[0], yedges_offhydra[-1]]
    raw_hist_offhydra = np.rot90(Counts_offhydra).copy() # hack around Pythonic weirdness 
    temp =,0)
    raw_hist = raw_hist_hydra / temp
    p.title('ratioed -- %d' % pix_scale) 
    print("raw hist nanmax: %d nanmin: %d" % (np.nanmax(raw_hist),np.nanmin(raw_hist)))
    # Make the small and big Gaussian kernels with a standard deviation
    # of the given FWHM in arcmin^2 pixels.
    kernel_small = convolution.Gaussian2DKernel(fwhm_small/2.35,factor=1)
    kernel_big = convolution.Gaussian2DKernel(fwhm_big/2.35,factor=1)

    # Compute the differential convolution kerne
    conv_big = convolution.convolve (raw_hist, kernel_big)
    conv_small = convolution.convolve (raw_hist, kernel_small)
    conv_delta = conv_small - conv_big
    delta = conv_delta.copy()

    # Compute statistics and the floor
    mean = np.nanmean (delta, dtype='float64')
    sigma = np.nanstd (delta, dtype='float64')
    sigmaRaw = np.nanstd(raw_hist,dtype='float64')
    median = np.nanmedian (delta)                       # not used
    floor = mean 

    print 'dwarf_filter: mean = %g  sigma = %g sigmaRaw = %g' % (mean, sigma, sigmaRaw)

    # Clip to specified limits.
    clipped = delta.copy()
    clipped[ delta < floor ] = floor

    # Return the computed fields.
    return raw_hist, extent, delta, clipped, sigma

Run the dwarf filter

We'll use the default convolution kernels of 2 and 20 arcminutes in size.

In [245]:
small_k, big_k = 2., 20./4.
for i in range(4):
    raw, extent, delta, clipped, dsigma = dwarf_filter(R['ra'],R['dec'],R['gmag'],fwhm_small=small_k,
    fig, ax = p.subplots()
    im = p.imshow(clipped)
    p.colorbar(label='relative spatial density after convolution');
    # find peaks
    mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(clipped,sigma=3.0,iters=5)    
    tbl = find_peaks(clipped,median+6,box_size=small_k*2)
    A = tbl.as_array()

    # add ra & dec positions of peaks found
    a, b = extent[:2]
    xvec = np.arange(a,b,(b-a)/clipped.shape[1])
    a, b = extent[2:]
    yvec = np.arange(a,b,(b-a)/clipped.shape[0])

    tbl['ra'] = xvec[tbl['x_peak']]
    tbl['dec'] = yvec[-tbl['y_peak']-1]
    ecs = ['w','y']
    ax.scatter(tbl['x_peak'],tbl['y_peak'],marker='s',s=tbl['peak_value']*40,c='none',edgecolors=ecs,lw=3) # keeps writing to previous ax
    fig  # repeats (the updated) figure

Computing differential convolution ....  152 144
(28305.0, 2786.0)
raw hist nanmax: 14 nanmin: 0
dwarf_filter: mean = 0.0117277  sigma = 0.616517 sigmaRaw = 1.60792
Computing differential convolution ....  76 72
(28305.0, 2786.0)
raw hist nanmax: 39 nanmin: 0
dwarf_filter: mean = -0.0170553  sigma = 1.06206 sigmaRaw = 3.90842
Computing differential convolution ....  51 48
(28305.0, 2786.0)
raw hist nanmax: 45 nanmin: 0
dwarf_filter: mean = 0.00234221  sigma = 1.72609 sigmaRaw = 6.82484
Computing differential convolution ....  38 36
(28305.0, 2786.0)
raw hist nanmax: 54 nanmin: 0
dwarf_filter: mean = 0.173334  sigma = 2.26782 sigmaRaw = 9.59393

Plot the convolved 2D histogram

In [246]:
fig, ax = p.subplots()
im = p.imshow(clipped)
p.colorbar(label='relative spatial density after convolution');

Identify peaks

We'll use the photutils package to identify 10-sigma peaks in the clipped filtered image.

In [209]:
# find peaks
mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(clipped,sigma=3.0,iters=5)    
tbl = find_peaks(clipped,median+6,box_size=small_k*2)
A = tbl.as_array()

# add ra & dec positions of peaks found
a, b = extent[:2]
xvec = np.arange(a,b,(b-a)/clipped.shape[1])
a, b = extent[2:]
yvec = np.arange(a,b,(b-a)/clipped.shape[0])

tbl['ra'] = xvec[tbl['x_peak']]
tbl['dec'] = yvec[-tbl['y_peak']-1]
print tbl

x_peak y_peak  peak_value       ra           dec      
------ ------ ------------ ------------ --------------
    43     44 9.9386097438 185.41127946 -31.9757217101

Show the identified density peaks

In [210]:
ecs = ['w','y']
ax.scatter(tbl['x_peak'],tbl['y_peak'],marker='s',s=tbl['peak_value']*40,c='none',edgecolors=ecs,lw=3) # keeps writing to previous ax
fig  # repeats (the updated) figure


Inspect the image cutouts around the peaks

(Simple Image Access service)

Data Lab comes with batteries included. An image cutout and download service are built in.

In [13]:
# set up SIA
from pyvo.dal import sia
svc = sia.SIAService(DEF_ACCESS_URL)

# a little func to download the deepest stacked images
def download_deepest_images(ra,dec,fov=0.1,bands=list('gri')):
    imgTable =,dec), (fov/np.cos(dec*np.pi/180), fov), verbosity=2).votable.to_table()
    print "The full image list contains", len(imgTable), "entries"
    sel0 = (imgTable['proctype']=='Stacked') & (imgTable['prodtype']=='image') # basic selection
    images = []
    for band in bands:
        print "Band %s:" % band,
        sel = sel0 & (imgTable['obs_bandpass']==band) # add 'band' to selection
        Table = imgTable[sel] # select
        row = Table[np.argmax(Table['exptime']'float'))] # pick image with longest exposure time
        url = row['access_url'] # get the download URL
        print 'downloading deepest stacked image...'
        img = io.fits.getdata(,cache=True,show_progress=False,timeout=120))
    print "Downloaded %d images." % len(images)
    return images

# multi panel image plotter
def plot_images(images,geo=None,panelsize=4,bands=list('gri'),
    n = len(images)
    if geo is None: geo = (n,1)
    fig = p.figure(figsize=(geo[0]*panelsize,geo[1]*panelsize))
    for j,img in enumerate(images):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(geo[1],geo[0],j+1)
        ax.set_title('%s band' % bands[j])

Get images for the "left yellow" box

In [14]:
bands = list('gri')
images = download_deepest_images(tbl['ra'][1], tbl['dec'][1], fov=0.07, bands=bands) # FOV in deg

The full image list contains 2514 entries
Band g: downloading deepest stacked image...
Band r: downloading deepest stacked image...
Band i: downloading deepest stacked image...
Downloaded 3 images.

In [15]:

Looks like a galaxy cluster!

Now the "white center box" object

In [16]:
images = download_deepest_images(tbl['ra'][0], tbl['dec'][0])

The full image list contains 2718 entries
Band g: downloading deepest stacked image...
Band r: downloading deepest stacked image...
Band i: downloading deepest stacked image...
Downloaded 3 images.

Doesn't look like much... but there's a dwarf galaxy in there!

Query the database for stars near peaks

Get photometry of stars within a 5 arcmin radius of each density peak.

A little helper function ("Thou shalt never repeat thyself in thy code")

In [17]:
def makequery(ra0,dec0,radius0=5./60.,field=169,depth=1):
    query =\
    """SELECT ra,dec,gmag,rmag,imag FROM smash_dr1.object
       WHERE fieldid = '%d' AND
           depthflag > %d AND
           abs(sharp) < 0.5 AND
           gmag BETWEEN 9 AND 25 AND
    """ % (field, depth,ra0,dec0,radius0)
    return query

In [18]:
query1 = makequery(tbl['ra'][0],tbl['dec'][0]) # center ra & dec
R1 = Q(query1,outfmt='pandas')
print len(R1), "objects found."

Returning Pandas dataframe
2333 objects found.

Compute color columns

In [133]:
R1['g_r'] = R1['gmag'] - R1['rmag']
R1['g_i'] = R1['gmag'] - R1['imag']

ra dec gmag rmag imag g_r g_i
2328 185.474249 -31.920428 24.4443 24.1614 24.0371 0.2829 0.4072
2329 185.478490 -31.921857 24.7771 24.4996 24.3937 0.2775 0.3834
2330 185.475582 -31.918164 24.6640 24.9536 24.7214 -0.2896 -0.0574
2331 185.472299 -31.916688 24.4480 24.6672 24.7170 -0.2192 -0.2690
2332 185.468940 -31.910392 24.9769 24.4817 24.2284 0.4952 0.7485

Now the other peak

In [134]:
query2 = makequery(tbl['ra'][1],tbl['dec'][1])
R2 = Q(query2,outfmt='pandas')
print len(R2), "objects found."

# compute colors
R2['g_r'] = R2['gmag'] - R2['rmag']
R2['g_i'] = R2['gmag'] - R2['imag']

IndexErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-134-3c2682a1a451> in <module>()
----> 1 query2 = makequery(tbl['ra'][1],tbl['dec'][1])
      2 R2 = Q(query2,outfmt='pandas')
      3 print len(R2), "objects found."
      5 # compute colors

astropy/table/_column_mixins.pyx in astropy.table._column_mixins._ColumnGetitemShim.__getitem__ (astropy/table/_column_mixins.c:1109)()

astropy/table/_column_mixins.pyx in astropy.table._column_mixins.base_getitem (astropy/table/_column_mixins.c:1001)()

astropy/table/_column_mixins.pyx in astropy.table._column_mixins.column_getitem (astropy/table/_column_mixins.c:1049)()

IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

Color-magnitude diagrams of the peaks

In [137]:
def plotpanel(axid,x,y,title='',xlim=(-1,2),ylim=(25.2,14)):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(axid)
    ax.scatter(x,y,marker='.',s=10, alpha=0.8)
fig = p.figure(figsize=(12,5))
plotpanel(121,R1['g_r'],R1['gmag'],'white box')
#plotpanel(122,R2['g_r'],R2['gmag'],'yellow box')

<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fd25f541d50>

Compare w/ Vivas+2016

Time-series analysis of a RR Lyrae star in Hydra II

Let's study the variability of an astrophysical object. In the Hydra II dwarf galaxy, one object is highly variable; it is a RR Lyrae star. We'll get the measurements for it from the SMASH survey's source table.

Get lightcurves of one object

We can retrieve all calibrated magnitudes of a specific object, for all bands, and all epochs, from the source table.

In [22]:
objID = '169.429960' # this happens to be a RR Lyrae star in Hydra II
# select columns modified Julian date, calibrated mag, filter
# note: the DB encodes 'no measurement' values as 99.99
query = "SELECT ra,dec,mjd,cmag,cerr,filter FROM smash_dr1.source WHERE id='%s' AND cmag<99 ORDER BY mjd ASC" % objID

df = Q(query,outfmt='pandas',preview=2)

Returning Pandas dataframe

Plot light-curves per-band

Plot the light-curves of this source separately for every band. We also zoom in on a range of dates with interesting measurements.

In [23]:
fig, ax = p.subplots(figsize=[8, 6]) # main panel
axins = inset_axes(ax, 4, 1.8, loc=9) # inset
filters = np.unique(df['filter'])
colors = dict(zip(filters,('g','b','y','m','r'))) # plotting colors
jd0 = 57112
start = 16 # in the inset we'll zoom in on some data
for filt in filters:
    sel = (df['filter'] == filt) # select one filter
    t = df['mjd'][sel].values
    y = df['cmag'][sel].values
    dy = df['cerr'][sel].values
    c = colors[filt]

# Main panel chores
ax.set_xlabel('modified Julian date - %d (days)' % jd0)
ax.legend(loc='lower left',frameon=True,ncol=2,markerscale=1.5)

# Inset magic
x1, x2, y1, y2 = -0.05, 1.4, 22.5, 20.7 # sub region of the original image
axins.set_xlim(x1, x2)
axins.set_ylim(y2, y1)

# draw bbox around inset; connect with parent axes
mark_inset(ax, axins, loc1=1, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.5",lw=1,alpha=0.7);

In [24]:


Find periodicity

One of many methods for finding the period of a variable is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. It works in the Fourier domain. We'll apply it here to all g band measurements of our RR Lyrae star.

In [25]:
filt = 'g'
sel = (df['filter'] == filt)
t = df['mjd'][sel].values
y = df['cmag'][sel].values
dy = df['cerr'][sel].values

ls = stats.LombScargle(t, y)
# min freq = 1/longest expected period (in days)
# max freq = 1/shortest expected perdiod (in days)
# RR Lyrae usually have a period of a fraction of one day
frequency, power = ls.autopower(minimum_frequency=1./1.,maximum_frequency=1./0.1)

period = 1./frequency # period is the inverse of frequency
best_period = 1./frequency[np.argmax(power)]  # period with most power / strongest signal

Plot periodogram (or "variogram")

In [26]:
fig = p.figure(figsize=(7,5))
p.xlabel('period (days)')
p.ylabel('relative power')
p.title('SMASH obj ID: 169.429960 (RR Lyrae star in Hydra II)')

In [27]:
print "Best period:", best_period, "days"

Best period: 0.648145563431 days

Vivas et al. 2016 found with a (complementary!) phase dispersion minimization technique a period of 0.645 days. We're in excellent agreement :-)

Phase the entire lightcurve and plot it

In [28]:
# light curve over period, take the remainder (i.e. the "phase" of one period)
phase = (t / best_period) % 1
fig, ax = p.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel('phase (days)')
ax.set_ylabel('%s magnitude' % filt);

Compute the Lomb-Scargle model

In [29]:
t_fit = np.linspace(phase.min(), phase.max())
y_fit = stats.LombScargle(t, y).model(t_fit, 1./best_period)
ax.plot(t_fit,y_fit) # keeps writing to current figure
fig  # repeats the (possibly updated) figure


A simple sinusoid is not a good model for RR Lyrae pulsations!! --> Hack idea: fit more realistic models, e.g. via RR Lyrae templates.

Some resources

Nidever et al. (submitted) "SMASH - Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History":

Koposov et al. (2008, ApJ, 686, 279) "The Luminosity Function of the Milky Way Satellites":

Martin et al. (2015, ApJ, 804, 5) "Hydra II: A Faint and Compact Milky Way Dwarf Galaxy Found in the Survey of the Magellanic Stellar History":

Vivas et al. 2016 (2016, AJ, 151, 118) "Variable Stars in the Field of the Hydra II Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy":

Jake VanderPlas' blog on Lomb-Scargle periodograms and on fitting RR Lyrae lightcurves with templates:

Lomb-Scargle periodograms in astropy:

RR Lyrae variables on wikipedia:

Hack ideas

  • Find overdensities elsewhere; optimize

  • Fit more physical RR Lyrae models, e.g. via templates

  • Find "all" variable objects in DECaLS or SMASH and classify them (ML, random forest, ...)