WPS call Weather Regimes

The weather regimes process is divided into two parts. Based on a reference dataset (reanalyses or any kind of model dataset), the weather regimes are clustered and appropriate statisics calculated. Two processes can be used for the reference training (weatherregimes_reanalyse with a list of pre-defined reanalyses datasets, or weatherregimes_model for any suitable dataset of your choice). The output of this first part is the forcing data for the second part. With the process weatherregimes_projection, the trained statistic can be projected onto a dataset with appropriate variables (pressure data).

In [1]:
# load the required libraries 

from owslib.wps import WebProcessingService, monitorExecution, printInputOutput

In [2]:
# connect to the compute provider hosting the WPS

wps_url = "http://birdhouse-lsce.extra.cea.fr:8093/wps"
# wps_url = "http://localhost:8093/wps"
wps = WebProcessingService(url=wps_url, verbose=False)

In [3]:
# print some information about the service

print wps.identification.title
for process in wps.processes:
    print '%s : \t %s' % (process.identifier, process.abstract)

subset_continents : 	 Returns only the selected polygon for each input dataset
subset_countries : 	 Returns only the selected polygon for each input dataset
subset_regionseurope : 	 Returns only the selected polygon for each input dataset
subset_points : 	 Extract Timeseries for specified coordinates from gridded datasets
indices_simple : 	 Climate indices based on one single input variable.
indices_percentile : 	 Climate indices based on one single input variable and the percentile of a reference period.
weatherregimes_reanalyse : 	 Weather regimes based on pressure patterns, fetching selected reanlysis datasets
weatherregimes_model : 	 Weather regimes based on pressure patterns, fetching selected realayses datasets
weatherregimes_projection : 	 Weather Regimes detection based on trained reference statistics
analogs_detection : 	 Search for days with analog pressure pattern
analogs_viewer : 	 Visualisation of text output of analog process
segetalflora : 	 Species biodiversity of segetal flora. Imput files: variable:tas , domain: EUR-11 or EUR-44
sdm_gbifsearch : 	 Species distribution model for tree species based on GBIF presence/absence data and climate indices
sdm_csv : 	 Species distribution model for tree species based on GBIF presence/absence data and climate indices
plot_timeseries : 	 Plots of the file means over time. Spaghetti and uncertainty plot
fetch : 	 This process downloads resources (limited to 50GB) to the local file system of the birdhouse compute provider
wps_c4i_simple_indice : 	 Computes single input indices of temperature TG, TX, TN, TXx, TXn, TNx, TNn, SU, TR, CSU, GD4, FD, CFD, ID, HD17; of rainfal: CDD, CWD, RR, RR1, SDII, R10mm, R20mm, RX1day, RX5day; and of snowfall: SD, SD1, SD5, SD50. This process is also available in Climate4Impact and uses ICCLIM.

In [4]:
# print some information about a specific process

# To recieve information, uncomment the follwing lines

#p = wps.describeprocess(identifier='weatherregimes_reanalyse')
#for input in p.dataInputs:
#  printInputOutput(input)
#  print '\n'

In [5]:
# execute the process

training = wps.execute(
        ('season', 'DJF'),         ### uncomment the cell above 
        ('BBox','-80,22.5,50,70')  ### for more optional arguments

In [6]:
# the appropriate information is printed out here if the job is finished 

monitorExecution(training, sleepSecs=5)
print training.getStatus()

for o in training.processOutputs:
    print o.reference


In [7]:
# Next step is to perform a projection with the trained output

### uncomment these lines for information:

# p = wps.describeprocess(identifier='weatherregimes_projection')
# for input in p.dataInputs:
#     printInputOutput(input)

In [8]:
# Link 
from os import listdir, getenv

HOME = getenv('HOME')

In [13]:
path = '/home/estimr2/birdhouse/birdhouse/var/lib/pywps/cache/malleefowl/esgf1.dkrz.de/thredds/fileServer/cmip5/cmip5/output1/MPI-M/MPI-ESM-LR/historical/day/atmos/day/r1i1p1/v20111006/psl/'

# can be a web url (http:// ...) as well
files = ['file://' + path + f for f in listdir(path)]


In [14]:
# and execute the process for projection

projection = wps.execute(
       ("period", "19900101-20001231"),
       ("anualcycle", "19950101-19991231"),
       ("dat", training.processOutputs[0].reference),   #  this are the output urls of the reference training
       ("Rdat", training.processOutputs[2].reference),  #
       ("netCDF",training.processOutputs[3].reference)  # the reference data are used here for regridding and bbox

In [15]:
monitorExecution(projection, sleepSecs=5)
print projection.getStatus()

for o in projection.processOutputs:
    print o.reference


In [12]:
# Voila :-)