identifier=resource, title=Resource, abstract=NetCDF File, data type=ComplexData
Supported Value: mimeType=application/x-netcdf, encoding=None, schema=None
Default Value: mimeType=application/x-netcdf, encoding=None, schema=None
minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1000
identifier=region, title=Region, abstract=None, data type=//
Allowed Value: ABW
Allowed Value: AFG
Allowed Value: AGO
Allowed Value: ALB
Allowed Value: ALD
Allowed Value: AND
Allowed Value: ARE
Allowed Value: ARG
Allowed Value: ARM
Allowed Value: ASM
Allowed Value: ATA
Allowed Value: ATF
Allowed Value: ATG
Allowed Value: AUS
Allowed Value: AUT
Allowed Value: AZE
Allowed Value: BDI
Allowed Value: BEL
Allowed Value: BEN
Allowed Value: BFA
Allowed Value: BGD
Allowed Value: BGR
Allowed Value: BHR
Allowed Value: BHS
Allowed Value: BIH
Allowed Value: BLR
Allowed Value: BLZ
Allowed Value: BOL
Allowed Value: BRA
Allowed Value: BRB
Allowed Value: BRN
Allowed Value: BTN
Allowed Value: BWA
Allowed Value: CAF
Allowed Value: CAN
Allowed Value: CHE
Allowed Value: CHL
Allowed Value: CHN
Allowed Value: CIV
Allowed Value: CMR
Allowed Value: CNM
Allowed Value: COD
Allowed Value: COG
Allowed Value: COL
Allowed Value: COM
Allowed Value: CPV
Allowed Value: CRI
Allowed Value: CUB
Allowed Value: CUW
Allowed Value: CYM
Allowed Value: CYN
Allowed Value: CYP
Allowed Value: CZE
Allowed Value: DEU
Allowed Value: DJI
Allowed Value: DMA
Allowed Value: DNK
Allowed Value: DOM
Allowed Value: DZA
Allowed Value: ECU
Allowed Value: EGY
Allowed Value: ERI
Allowed Value: ESB
Allowed Value: ESP
Allowed Value: EST
Allowed Value: ETH
Allowed Value: FIN
Allowed Value: FJI
Allowed Value: FLK
Allowed Value: FRA
Allowed Value: FRO
Allowed Value: FSM
Allowed Value: GAB
Allowed Value: GBR
Allowed Value: GEO
Allowed Value: GHA
Allowed Value: GIN
Allowed Value: GMB
Allowed Value: GNB
Allowed Value: GNQ
Allowed Value: GRC
Allowed Value: GRD
Allowed Value: GRL
Allowed Value: GTM
Allowed Value: GUM
Allowed Value: GUY
Allowed Value: HKG
Allowed Value: HMD
Allowed Value: HND
Allowed Value: HRV
Allowed Value: HTI
Allowed Value: HUN
Allowed Value: IDN
Allowed Value: IMN
Allowed Value: IND
Allowed Value: IRL
Allowed Value: IRN
Allowed Value: IRQ
Allowed Value: ISL
Allowed Value: ISR
Allowed Value: ITA
Allowed Value: JAM
Allowed Value: JOR
Allowed Value: JPN
Allowed Value: KAB
Allowed Value: KAS
Allowed Value: KAZ
Allowed Value: KEN
Allowed Value: KGZ
Allowed Value: KHM
Allowed Value: KIR
Allowed Value: KNA
Allowed Value: KOR
Allowed Value: KOS
Allowed Value: KWT
Allowed Value: LAO
Allowed Value: LBN
Allowed Value: LBR
Allowed Value: LBY
Allowed Value: LCA
Allowed Value: LIE
Allowed Value: LKA
Allowed Value: LSO
Allowed Value: LTU
Allowed Value: LUX
Allowed Value: LVA
Allowed Value: MAR
Allowed Value: MDA
Allowed Value: MDG
Allowed Value: MEX
Allowed Value: MKD
Allowed Value: MLI
Allowed Value: MLT
Allowed Value: MMR
Allowed Value: MNE
Allowed Value: MNG
Allowed Value: MNP
Allowed Value: MOZ
Allowed Value: MRT
Allowed Value: MUS
Allowed Value: MWI
Allowed Value: MYS
Allowed Value: NAM
Allowed Value: NCL
Allowed Value: NER
Allowed Value: NGA
Allowed Value: NIC
Allowed Value: NIU
Allowed Value: NLD
Allowed Value: NOR
Allowed Value: NPL
Allowed Value: NZL
Allowed Value: OMN
Allowed Value: PAK
Allowed Value: PAN
Allowed Value: PER
Allowed Value: PHL
Allowed Value: PLW
Allowed Value: PNG
Allowed Value: POL
Allowed Value: PRI
Allowed Value: PRK
Allowed Value: PRT
Allowed Value: PRY
Allowed Value: PSX
Allowed Value: PYF
Allowed Value: QAT
Allowed Value: ROU
Allowed Value: RUS
Allowed Value: RWA
Allowed Value: SAH
Allowed Value: SAU
Allowed Value: SDN
Allowed Value: SDS
Allowed Value: SEN
Allowed Value: SGP
Allowed Value: SGS
Allowed Value: SHN
Allowed Value: SLB
Allowed Value: SLE
Allowed Value: SLV
Allowed Value: SOL
Allowed Value: SOM
Allowed Value: SPM
Allowed Value: SRB
Allowed Value: STP
Allowed Value: SUR
Allowed Value: SVK
Allowed Value: SVN
Allowed Value: SWE
Allowed Value: SWZ
Allowed Value: SYR
Allowed Value: TCD
Allowed Value: TGO
Allowed Value: THA
Allowed Value: TJK
Allowed Value: TKM
Allowed Value: TLS
Allowed Value: TON
Allowed Value: TTO
Allowed Value: TUN
Allowed Value: TUR
Allowed Value: TWN
Allowed Value: TZA
Allowed Value: UGA
Allowed Value: UKR
Allowed Value: URY
Allowed Value: USA
Allowed Value: UZB
Allowed Value: VCT
Allowed Value: VEN
Allowed Value: VIR
Allowed Value: VNM
Allowed Value: VUT
Allowed Value: WSB
Allowed Value: WSM
Allowed Value: YEM
Allowed Value: ZAF
Allowed Value: ZMB
Allowed Value: ZWE
Default Value: DEU
minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=220
identifier=dimension_map, title=Dimension Map, abstract=if not ordered in lon/lat a dimension map has to be provided, data type=//
Any value allowed
Default Value: None
minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1
identifier=mosaik, title=Mosaik, abstract=If Mosaik is checked, selected polygons will be merged to one Mosaik for each input file, data type=//
Any value allowed
Default Value: False
minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1