In [1]:
import Ngl,Nio
Open the file and read variables.
In [2]:
#-- define variables
diri = "/Users/k204045/NCL/general/data/new_data/" #-- data directory
fname = "" #-- curvilinear data
#-- open file and read variables
f = Nio.open_file(diri + fname,"r")
var = f.variables["tos"][0,:,:] #-- first time step, reverse latitude
lat2d = f.variables["lat"][:,:] #-- 2D latitudes
lon2d = f.variables["lon"][:,:] #-- 2D longitudes
Open a workstation, here x11 window.
In [3]:
#-- open a workstation
wkres = Ngl.Resources() #-- generate an resources object for workstation
wks_type = "png" #-- output type
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"plot_curvilinear_contour_PyNGL",wkres) #-- open workstation
Set resources.
In [4]:
#-- set resources
res = Ngl.Resources() #-- generate an resources object for plot
res.vpWidthF = 0.94 #-- width of viewport
res.vpHeightF = 0.9 #-- height of viewport
res.cnFillOn = True #-- turn on contour fill
res.cnLinesOn = False #-- don't draw contour lines
res.cnLineLabelsOn = False #-- don't draw line labels
res.cnFillMode = "CellFill" #-- change contour fill mode
res.cnCellFillEdgeColor = "black" #-- edges color
res.cnCellFillMissingValEdgeColor = "gray50" #-- missing value edges color
res.cnMissingValFillColor = "gray50" #-- missing value fill color
res.lbOrientation = "Horizontal" #-- labelbar orientation
res.tiMainString = "Curvilinear grid: MPI-ESM-LR (2D lat/lon arrays)" #-- title string
res.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.022 #-- main title font size
res.sfXArray = lon2d #-- longitude grid cell center
res.sfYArray = lat2d #-- latitude grid cell center
res.mpFillOn = False #-- don't draw filled map
res.mpGridLatSpacingF = 10. #-- grid lat spacing
res.mpGridLonSpacingF = 10. #-- grid lon spacing
res.mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes" #-- map database
res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon" #-- must be set using minLatF/maxLatF/minLonF/maxLonF
res.mpMinLatF = -10. #-- sub-region minimum latitude
res.mpMaxLatF = 80. #-- sub-region maximum latitude
res.mpMinLonF = -120. #-- sub-region minimum longitude
res.mpMaxLonF = 60. #-- sub-region maximum longitude
Draw the plot.
In [5]:
#-- create the plot
plot = Ngl.contour_map(wks,var,res) #-- create the contour plot
#-- end
Ngl.delete_wks(wks) #-- this need to be done to close the graphics output file
Show the plot in this notebook.
In [6]:
from IPython.display import Image