
Author: Justin Tan

To-do: Update to TF 1.2, fused batch norm

Implements relational network as described in

In [1]:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time, os
import json

class config(object):
    # Set network parameters
    mode = 'continuum'
    channel = 'rho0'
    n_features = 100
    keep_prob = 0.85
    num_epochs = 128
    batch_size = 128
    steps_per_epoch = 0
    learning_rate = 1e-4
    lr_epoch_decay = 0.98
    n_classes = 2
    cardinality = 5
    n_obj_features = 20

class g_config(object):
    n_layers = 4,
    nodes = [1024, 1024, 1024, 512]
    keep_prob = 0.95

class f_config(object):
    n_layers = 3,
    nodes = [1024, 1024, 512, 256]
    keep_prob = 0.95
class directories(object):
    data = 'data'
    tensorboard = 'tensorboard'
    checkpoints = 'checkpoints'

class reader():
    # Iterates over data and returns batches
    def __init__(self, df):
        self.df = df
        self.batch_size = config.batch_size
        self.steps_per_epoch = len(df) // config.batch_size
        self.epochs = 0
        self.proceed = True

    def shuffle(self):
        self.df = self.df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)
        self.df_X = self.df.drop('Labels', axis = 1)
        self.df_y = self.df['Labels']
        self.pointer = 0

    def next_batch(self, batch_size):
        if self.pointer + 1 >= self.steps_per_epoch:
            inputs = self.df_X.iloc[self.pointer*batch_size:]
            targets = self.df_y.iloc[self.pointer*batch_size:]
            self.epochs += 1
            self.proceed = False
        inputs = self.df_X.iloc[self.pointer*batch_size:(self.pointer+1)*batch_size]
        targets = self.df_y.iloc[self.pointer*batch_size:(self.pointer+1)*batch_size]
        self.pointer += 1
        return inputs, targets

Functions for graph construction

In [2]:
def load_data(file_name, test_size = 0.05):
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    df = pd.read_hdf(file_name, 'df')
    df_X_train, df_X_test, df_y_train, df_y_test = train_test_split(df.drop('Labels', axis = 1),
                                                                    df['Labels'], test_size = test_size, random_state=42)
    return df_X_train, df_X_test, df_y_train, df_y_test

def save_summary(config, delta_t, train_acc, test_acc, test_auc):
    summary = {
        'Mode': config.mode,
        'Timestamp': time.strftime('%c'),
        'Hidden units': config.hidden_units,
        'Layers': config.n_layers,
        'Batch_size': config.batch_size,
        'Dropout': config.keep_prob,
        'Epochs': config.num_epochs,
        'Time': delta_t,
        'Final train acc': train_acc,
        'Final test acc': test_acc,
        'Final test AUC': test_auc
    # Writing JSON data
    if os.path.isfile('vdnn_summary.json'):
        with open('vdnn_summary.json.', 'r+') as f:
            new = json.load(f)
        with open('vdnn_summary.json', 'w') as f:
            json.dump(new, f, indent = 4)
        with open('vdnn_summary.json', 'w') as f:
             json.dump([summary], f, indent = 4)

def layer_weights(shape):
    # Return weight tensor of given shape using Xavier initialization
    W = tf.get_variable("weights", shape = shape, initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
    return W

def layer_biases(shape):
    # Return bias tensor of given shape with small initialized constant value
    b = tf.get_variable("biases", shape = shape, initializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.001))
    return b

def hidden_layer_ops(x, shape, name, keep_prob, activation=tf.nn.relu):
    # Add operations to graph to construct hidden layers
    with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
        # scope.reuse_variables() # otherwise tf.get_variable() checks that already existing vars are not shared by accident
        weights = layer_weights(shape = shape)
        biases = layer_biases(shape = [shape[1]])
        # Apply non-linearity. Default is ReLU
        actv = activation(tf.matmul(x, weights) + biases)
        layer_output = tf.nn.dropout(actv, keep_prob)
    return layer_output

def readout_ops(x, shape, name):
    # Don't apply non-linearity, dropout on output layer
    with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
        weights = layer_weights(shape = shape)
        biases = layer_biases(shape = [shape[1]])
        layer_output = tf.matmul(x, weights) + biases
    return layer_output

def hidden_layer_ops(x, shape, name, keep_prob, activation=tf.nn.relu):
    with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
        # scope.reuse_variables() # otherwise tf.get_variable() checks that already existing vars are not shared by accident
        weights = layer_weights(shape = shape)
        biases = layer_biases(shape = [shape[1]])
        # Apply non-linearity. Default is ReLU
        actv = activation(tf.matmul(x, weights) + biases)
        layer_output = tf.nn.dropout(actv, keep_prob)
    return layer_output

def BN_layer_ops(x, shape, name, keep_prob, phase, activation=tf.nn.relu):
    with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
         # scope.reuse_variables() # otherwise tf.get_variable() checks that already existing vars are not shared by accident
        weights = layer_weights(shape = shape)
        biases = layer_biases(shape = [shape[1]])
        z_BN = tf.matmul(x, weights) + biases
        # Place BN transform before non-linearity - update to TF 1.2!
        theta_BN = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(z_BN, center=True, scale=True, is_training=phase, 
                                                decay=0.95, zero_debias_moving_mean=True, scope='bn', fused = True)
        BN_actv = activation(theta_BN)
        BN_layer_output = tf.nn.dropout(BN_actv, keep_prob)

    return BN_layer_output

def build_network(x, n_layers, hidden_layer_nodes, training_phase):
    assert n_layers == len(hidden_layer_nodes), 'Specified layer nodes and number of layers do not correspond.'
    layers = [x]
    with tf.variable_scope('BN_layers') as scope:
        hidden_1 = BN_layer_ops(x, shape = [config.n_features, hidden_layer_nodes[0]], name = 'BNhidden0',
                                keep_prob = config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
        for n in range(1,n_layers-1):
            hidden_n = BN_layer_ops(layers[-1], shape = [hidden_layer_nodes[n], hidden_layer_nodes[n+1]], name = 'BNhidden{}'.format(n),
                                   keep_prob = config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)

        readout = readout_ops(layers[-1], shape = [hidden_layer_nodes[-1], config.n_classes], name = 'readout')
    return layers

def plot_ROC_curve(y_true, y_pred, meta = ''):
    from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc

    # Compute ROC curve, integrate
    fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y_true, y_pred)
    roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)

    plt.figtext(.5,.9, r'$\mathrm{Receiver \;Operating \;Characteristic}$', fontsize=15, ha='center')
    plt.figtext(.5,.85, meta, fontsize=10,ha='center')
    plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color='darkorange',
                     lw=2, label='ROC (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc)
    plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=1.0, linestyle='--')
    plt.xlim([-0.05, 1.05])
    plt.ylim([-0.05, 1.05])
    plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{False \;Positive \;Rate}$')
    plt.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{True \;Positive \;Rate}$')
    plt.legend(loc="lower right")
    plt.savefig(os.path.join('graphs', '{}_{}_ROC.pdf'.format(, args.mode), format='pdf', dpi=1000))

def g_network(x, training_phase, i, j):
    g_hidden_1 = BN_layer_ops(x, shape = [x.get_shape()[1], g_config.nodes[0]], name = 'g_{}_hidden1'.format(i,j),
                            keep_prob = g_config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
    g_hidden_2 = BN_layer_ops(g_hidden_1, shape = [g_config.nodes[0], g_config.nodes[1]], name = 'g_{}_hidden2'.format(i,j),
                            keep_prob = g_config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
    g_hidden_3 = BN_layer_ops(g_hidden_2, shape = [g_config.nodes[1], g_config.nodes[2]], name = 'g_{}_hidden3'.format(i,j),
                            keep_prob = g_config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
    g_hidden_4 = BN_layer_ops(g_hidden_3, shape = [g_config.nodes[2], g_config.nodes[3]], name = 'g_{}_hidden4'.format(i,j),
                            keep_prob = g_config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
    return g_hidden_4

def f_network(x, training_phase):
    f_hidden_1 = BN_layer_ops(x, shape = [x.get_shape()[1], f_config.nodes[0]], name = 'f_hidden1',
                             keep_prob = f_config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
    f_hidden_2 = BN_layer_ops(f_hidden_1, shape = [f_config.nodes[0], f_config.nodes[1]], name = 'f_hidden2',
                            keep_prob = f_config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
    f_hidden_3 = BN_layer_ops(f_hidden_2, shape = [f_config.nodes[1], f_config.nodes[2]], name = 'f_hidden3',
                            keep_prob = f_config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
    f_hidden_4 = BN_layer_ops(f_hidden_3, shape = [f_config.nodes[2], f_config.nodes[3]], name = 'f_hidden4',
                            keep_prob = f_config.keep_prob, phase = training_phase)
    f_readout = readout_ops(f_hidden_4, shape = [f_config.nodes[3], config.n_classes], name = 'f_readout')

    return f_readout

In [3]:
test_file = '/data/rnn/rnn_B02rho0gamma_kst.h5'

df_X_train, df_X_test, df_y_train, df_y_test = load_data(test_file)
df_y_train = df_y_train.astype(np.int8)
df_y_test = df_y_test.astype(np.int8)
df_train = pd.concat([df_X_train, df_y_train], axis = 1)
df_test = pd.concat([df_X_test, df_y_test], axis = 1)
config.n_features = df_train.shape[1]-1
config.steps_per_epoch = df_train.shape[0] // config.batch_size
config.n_obj_features = config.n_features // config.cardinality
assert config.n_features % config.cardinality == 0, 'Number of features does not divide evenly between objects'

readerTrain = reader(df_train)
readerTest = reader(df_test)

In [4]:
class relationalNN():
    # Builds the computational graph
    # Object set = {B, rho0, pi+, pi-, gamma}
    def __init__(self, config, training = True):
        self.config = config
        self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [None, self.config.n_features])
        self.y_true = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = None)
        self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
        self.training_phase = tf.placeholder(tf.bool)
        self.objects = tf.reshape(self.x, [-1, self.config.cardinality, self.config.n_obj_features])
        batch_size = tf.shape(self.x)[0]
        self.g = tf.zeros([batch_size, g_config.nodes[-1]])
        #with tf.variable_scope('test2'):
        for i in range(self.config.cardinality):
            oi = self.objects[:,i]
            for j in range(self.config.cardinality):
                if i != j:

                oj = self.objects[:,j]
                x_ = tf.concat([oi, oj], axis = 1)
                g_out = g_network(x_, self.training_phase, i, j)
                self.g = tf.add(self.g, g_out)

        self.f = f_network(self.g, self.training_phase)
        prediction = tf.nn.softmax(self.f)
        classification = tf.argmax(self.f,1)

        update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
        self.cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = self.f, labels = self.y_true))
        tf.summary.scalar('cross_entropy', self.cross_entropy)
        # Anneal learning rate
        self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
        self.beta = tf.train.exponential_decay(config.learning_rate, self.global_step,
                                                       decay_steps = config.steps_per_epoch, decay_rate = config.lr_epoch_decay, staircase=True)
        with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
            # Ensures that we execute the update_ops before performing the train_step
            self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.beta).minimize(self.cross_entropy, name = 'optimizer',
                                                                                  global_step = self.global_step)  

        # Evaluation metrics
        correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.argmax(self.f, 1), tf.int32), self.y_true)
        self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
        tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', self.accuracy)
        _, self.auc_op = tf.metrics.auc(predictions = tf.argmax(self.f,1), labels = self.y_true, num_thresholds = 256)
        tf.summary.scalar('auc', self.auc_op)
        self.merge_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
        self.train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(
            os.path.join(directories.tensorboard, 'train_{}'.format(time.strftime('%d-%m_%I:%M'))), graph = tf.get_default_graph())
        self.test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(
            os.path.join(directories.tensorboard, 'test_{}'.format(time.strftime('%d-%m_%I:%M'))))
    def predict(self, ckpt, metaGraph = None):
        saver = tf.train.Saver()
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            # Initialize variables
            init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
            start_time = time.time()
            assert (ckpt.model_checkpoint_path or metaGraph), 'Missing checkpoint file!'
            if metaGraph:
                saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(metaGraph)
                saver.restore(sess, os.path.splitext(metaGraph)[0])
                print('{} restored.'.format(metaGraph))
                saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
                print('{} restored.'.format(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path))

            # Make predictions using the trained model
            feed_dict_test = {self.x: df_X_test.values, self.y_true: df_y_test.values, self.keep_prob: 1.0, self.training_phase: False}
            network_output_test, class_test, final_v_acc, final_v_auc =
                [prediction, classification, vDNN.accuracy, vDNN.auc_op], feed_dict = feed_dict_test)

            print("Validation accuracy: {:g}\nValidation AUC: {:g}".format(final_v_acc, final_v_auc))
            plot_ROC_curve(y_pred = class_test, y_true = df_y_test.values, meta = architecture)
            delta_t = time.time() - start_time
            print("Inference complete. Duration: %g s" %(delta_t))
            return network_output_test

In [ ]:
def train(config, restore = False):
    # Executes training operations
    relNN = relationalNN(config, training = True)
    start_time = time.time()
    v_acc_best = 0.
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(directories.checkpoints)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        # Initialize variables
        init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        if restore and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
            saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
            print('{} restored.'.format(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path))
        for epoch in range(config.num_epochs):
            readerTrain.proceed = True
            step = 0
            # Save every 10 epochs    
            if epoch % 10 == 0:
                save_path =,
                                                    'relNN_{}_{}_epoch{}.ckpt'.format(config.mode,, epoch)),
                                       global_step = epoch)
                print('Graph saved to file: {}'.format(save_path))
            print('(*) Entering Epoch {} ({:.3f} s)'.format(epoch, time.time() - start_time))
                # Iterate through entire corpus
                x_train, y_train = readerTrain.next_batch(config.batch_size)
                feed_dict_train = {relNN.x: x_train.values, relNN.y_true: y_train.values, 
                                   relNN.keep_prob: config.keep_prob, relNN.training_phase: True}#, relNN.eta: eta}
                t_op =, feed_dict = feed_dict_train)
                step += 1

                if step % (config.steps_per_epoch // 20) == 0:            
                    # Evaluate model
                    improved = ''
                    x_test, y_test = readerTest.next_batch(config.batch_size)
                    feed_dict_test = {relNN.x: x_test.values, relNN.y_true: y_test.values, relNN.keep_prob: 1.0,
                                      relNN.training_phase: False}#, relNN.eta: eta}

                    t_acc, t_loss, t_summary =[relNN.accuracy, relNN.cross_entropy, relNN.merge_op],
                                                        feed_dict = feed_dict_train)
                    v_acc, v_loss, v_auc, v_summary, =[relNN.accuracy, relNN.cross_entropy, relNN.auc_op, relNN.merge_op],
                                                        feed_dict = feed_dict_test)

                    relNN.train_writer.add_summary(t_summary, step)
                    relNN.test_writer.add_summary(v_summary, step)
                    if epoch > 5 and v_acc > v_acc_best:
                        v_acc_best = v_acc
                        improved = '[*]'
                        save_path =, 
                                               global_step = epoch)
                    print('Epoch {}, Step {} | Training Acc: {:.3f} | Test Acc: {:.3f} | Test Loss: {:.3f} | Test AUC {:.3f} ({:.2f} s) {}'
                          .format(epoch, step, t_acc, v_acc, v_loss, v_auc, time.time() - start_time, improved))

        save_path =, os.path.join(directories.checkpoints, 'relNN_{}_{}_end.ckpt'.format(config.mode,,
                               global_step = epoch)
        print('Model saved to file: {}'.format(save_path))

        feed_dict_train = {relNN.x: df_X_train.values, relNN.y_true: df_y_train.values, relNN.keep_prob: 1.0, relNN.training_phase: False}
        feed_dict_test = {relNN.x: df_X_test.values, relNN.y_true: df_y_test.values, relNN.keep_prob: 1.0, relNN.training_phase: False}
        final_t_acc = relNN.accuracy.eval(feed_dict = feed_dict_train)
        final_v_acc, final_v_AUC =[relNN.accuracy, relNN.auc_op], feed_dict = feed_dict_test)

        delta_t = time.time() - start_time
    print("Training Complete. Time elapsed: {:.3f} s".format(delta_t))
    print("Train accuracy: {:g}\nValidation accuracy: {:g}\nValidation AUC: {:g}".format(final_t_acc, final_v_acc, final_v_AUC))

    print('Architecture: {}'.format(architecture))
    save_summary(config, delta_t, final_t_acc, final_v_acc, final_v_AUC)

In [ ]:
train(config)#, restore = True)

Graph saved to file: checkpoints/relNN_continuum_rho0_epoch0.ckpt-0
(*) Entering Epoch 0 (8.356 s)
Epoch 0, Step 190 | Training Acc: 0.750 | Test Acc: 0.719 | Test Loss: 0.532 | Test AUC 0.707 (100.61 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 380 | Training Acc: 0.711 | Test Acc: 0.742 | Test Loss: 0.531 | Test AUC 0.713 (188.90 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 570 | Training Acc: 0.719 | Test Acc: 0.727 | Test Loss: 0.489 | Test AUC 0.710 (278.30 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 760 | Training Acc: 0.812 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.447 | Test AUC 0.782 (369.38 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 950 | Training Acc: 0.719 | Test Acc: 0.695 | Test Loss: 0.587 | Test AUC 0.699 (458.48 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 1140 | Training Acc: 0.789 | Test Acc: 0.750 | Test Loss: 0.525 | Test AUC 0.765 (548.97 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 1330 | Training Acc: 0.797 | Test Acc: 0.781 | Test Loss: 0.440 | Test AUC 0.799 (638.06 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 1520 | Training Acc: 0.750 | Test Acc: 0.797 | Test Loss: 0.444 | Test AUC 0.756 (726.02 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 1710 | Training Acc: 0.766 | Test Acc: 0.688 | Test Loss: 0.605 | Test AUC 0.732 (813.00 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 1900 | Training Acc: 0.805 | Test Acc: 0.711 | Test Loss: 0.536 | Test AUC 0.760 (901.72 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 2090 | Training Acc: 0.805 | Test Acc: 0.773 | Test Loss: 0.405 | Test AUC 0.764 (989.30 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 2280 | Training Acc: 0.852 | Test Acc: 0.781 | Test Loss: 0.451 | Test AUC 0.804 (1078.23 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 2470 | Training Acc: 0.898 | Test Acc: 0.852 | Test Loss: 0.393 | Test AUC 0.868 (1167.44 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 2660 | Training Acc: 0.812 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.458 | Test AUC 0.801 (1255.74 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 2850 | Training Acc: 0.812 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.432 | Test AUC 0.805 (1343.55 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 3040 | Training Acc: 0.781 | Test Acc: 0.766 | Test Loss: 0.520 | Test AUC 0.750 (1431.09 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 3230 | Training Acc: 0.805 | Test Acc: 0.773 | Test Loss: 0.433 | Test AUC 0.797 (1518.64 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 3420 | Training Acc: 0.742 | Test Acc: 0.797 | Test Loss: 0.460 | Test AUC 0.764 (1605.80 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 3610 | Training Acc: 0.867 | Test Acc: 0.672 | Test Loss: 0.555 | Test AUC 0.740 (1692.17 s) 
Epoch 0, Step 3800 | Training Acc: 0.773 | Test Acc: 0.805 | Test Loss: 0.401 | Test AUC 0.781 (1779.93 s) 
(*) Entering Epoch 1 (1781.835 s)
Epoch 1, Step 190 | Training Acc: 0.820 | Test Acc: 0.875 | Test Loss: 0.319 | Test AUC 0.842 (1872.18 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 380 | Training Acc: 0.875 | Test Acc: 0.828 | Test Loss: 0.398 | Test AUC 0.839 (1959.85 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 570 | Training Acc: 0.797 | Test Acc: 0.875 | Test Loss: 0.326 | Test AUC 0.828 (2046.77 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 760 | Training Acc: 0.781 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.465 | Test AUC 0.793 (2133.45 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 950 | Training Acc: 0.758 | Test Acc: 0.859 | Test Loss: 0.316 | Test AUC 0.803 (2220.47 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 1140 | Training Acc: 0.828 | Test Acc: 0.789 | Test Loss: 0.488 | Test AUC 0.808 (2308.62 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 1330 | Training Acc: 0.773 | Test Acc: 0.859 | Test Loss: 0.316 | Test AUC 0.794 (2396.94 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 1520 | Training Acc: 0.875 | Test Acc: 0.781 | Test Loss: 0.468 | Test AUC 0.822 (2485.50 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 1710 | Training Acc: 0.836 | Test Acc: 0.867 | Test Loss: 0.351 | Test AUC 0.845 (2572.83 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 1900 | Training Acc: 0.922 | Test Acc: 0.789 | Test Loss: 0.468 | Test AUC 0.838 (2660.85 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 2090 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.750 | Test Loss: 0.465 | Test AUC 0.787 (2749.18 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 2280 | Training Acc: 0.859 | Test Acc: 0.797 | Test Loss: 0.382 | Test AUC 0.824 (2836.12 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 2470 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.820 | Test Loss: 0.409 | Test AUC 0.827 (2923.29 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 2660 | Training Acc: 0.914 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.425 | Test AUC 0.841 (3011.03 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 2850 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.805 | Test Loss: 0.440 | Test AUC 0.827 (3099.56 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 3040 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.805 | Test Loss: 0.426 | Test AUC 0.823 (3186.59 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 3230 | Training Acc: 0.805 | Test Acc: 0.797 | Test Loss: 0.438 | Test AUC 0.799 (3273.33 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 3420 | Training Acc: 0.805 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.431 | Test AUC 0.804 (3359.21 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 3610 | Training Acc: 0.812 | Test Acc: 0.789 | Test Loss: 0.409 | Test AUC 0.782 (3445.49 s) 
Epoch 1, Step 3800 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.797 | Test Loss: 0.406 | Test AUC 0.808 (3534.67 s) 
(*) Entering Epoch 2 (3534.669 s)
Epoch 2, Step 190 | Training Acc: 0.867 | Test Acc: 0.852 | Test Loss: 0.368 | Test AUC 0.862 (3621.40 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 380 | Training Acc: 0.820 | Test Acc: 0.844 | Test Loss: 0.402 | Test AUC 0.815 (3707.84 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 570 | Training Acc: 0.836 | Test Acc: 0.664 | Test Loss: 0.566 | Test AUC 0.757 (3794.60 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 760 | Training Acc: 0.789 | Test Acc: 0.781 | Test Loss: 0.449 | Test AUC 0.764 (3881.47 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 950 | Training Acc: 0.781 | Test Acc: 0.758 | Test Loss: 0.490 | Test AUC 0.749 (3968.21 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 1140 | Training Acc: 0.781 | Test Acc: 0.758 | Test Loss: 0.499 | Test AUC 0.760 (4056.19 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 1330 | Training Acc: 0.820 | Test Acc: 0.836 | Test Loss: 0.336 | Test AUC 0.811 (4142.39 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 1520 | Training Acc: 0.797 | Test Acc: 0.852 | Test Loss: 0.349 | Test AUC 0.811 (4229.53 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 1710 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.867 | Test Loss: 0.339 | Test AUC 0.849 (4316.38 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 1900 | Training Acc: 0.805 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.416 | Test AUC 0.801 (4402.61 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 2090 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.859 | Test Loss: 0.310 | Test AUC 0.803 (4486.49 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 2280 | Training Acc: 0.828 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.449 | Test AUC 0.785 (4572.62 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 2470 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.789 | Test Loss: 0.486 | Test AUC 0.795 (4658.70 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 2660 | Training Acc: 0.828 | Test Acc: 0.828 | Test Loss: 0.388 | Test AUC 0.823 (4745.68 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 2850 | Training Acc: 0.906 | Test Acc: 0.766 | Test Loss: 0.448 | Test AUC 0.809 (4832.91 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 3040 | Training Acc: 0.836 | Test Acc: 0.828 | Test Loss: 0.395 | Test AUC 0.821 (4920.26 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 3230 | Training Acc: 0.836 | Test Acc: 0.820 | Test Loss: 0.427 | Test AUC 0.817 (5006.87 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 3420 | Training Acc: 0.922 | Test Acc: 0.852 | Test Loss: 0.376 | Test AUC 0.877 (5093.31 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 3610 | Training Acc: 0.805 | Test Acc: 0.820 | Test Loss: 0.394 | Test AUC 0.795 (5179.97 s) 
Epoch 2, Step 3800 | Training Acc: 0.828 | Test Acc: 0.781 | Test Loss: 0.431 | Test AUC 0.774 (5266.68 s) 
(*) Entering Epoch 3 (5266.684 s)
Epoch 3, Step 190 | Training Acc: 0.859 | Test Acc: 0.805 | Test Loss: 0.408 | Test AUC 0.812 (5353.04 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 380 | Training Acc: 0.875 | Test Acc: 0.641 | Test Loss: 0.677 | Test AUC 0.730 (5439.02 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 570 | Training Acc: 0.828 | Test Acc: 0.805 | Test Loss: 0.429 | Test AUC 0.792 (5524.80 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 760 | Training Acc: 0.859 | Test Acc: 0.734 | Test Loss: 0.494 | Test AUC 0.773 (5610.63 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 950 | Training Acc: 0.836 | Test Acc: 0.773 | Test Loss: 0.485 | Test AUC 0.757 (5696.71 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 1140 | Training Acc: 0.812 | Test Acc: 0.758 | Test Loss: 0.537 | Test AUC 0.746 (5782.36 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 1330 | Training Acc: 0.820 | Test Acc: 0.828 | Test Loss: 0.392 | Test AUC 0.805 (5867.82 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 1520 | Training Acc: 0.859 | Test Acc: 0.797 | Test Loss: 0.421 | Test AUC 0.822 (5953.92 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 1710 | Training Acc: 0.859 | Test Acc: 0.828 | Test Loss: 0.385 | Test AUC 0.817 (6039.70 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 1900 | Training Acc: 0.852 | Test Acc: 0.734 | Test Loss: 0.523 | Test AUC 0.762 (6125.21 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 2090 | Training Acc: 0.836 | Test Acc: 0.859 | Test Loss: 0.350 | Test AUC 0.834 (6210.90 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 2280 | Training Acc: 0.812 | Test Acc: 0.836 | Test Loss: 0.342 | Test AUC 0.818 (6295.70 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 2470 | Training Acc: 0.820 | Test Acc: 0.750 | Test Loss: 0.510 | Test AUC 0.755 (6381.82 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 2660 | Training Acc: 0.883 | Test Acc: 0.773 | Test Loss: 0.428 | Test AUC 0.830 (6468.86 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 2850 | Training Acc: 0.820 | Test Acc: 0.758 | Test Loss: 0.508 | Test AUC 0.770 (6554.60 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 3040 | Training Acc: 0.797 | Test Acc: 0.852 | Test Loss: 0.319 | Test AUC 0.816 (6640.22 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 3230 | Training Acc: 0.891 | Test Acc: 0.797 | Test Loss: 0.410 | Test AUC 0.840 (6726.32 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 3420 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.812 | Test Loss: 0.409 | Test AUC 0.817 (6811.02 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 3610 | Training Acc: 0.844 | Test Acc: 0.828 | Test Loss: 0.413 | Test AUC 0.827 (6897.53 s) 
Epoch 3, Step 3800 | Training Acc: 0.828 | Test Acc: 0.820 | Test Loss: 0.415 | Test AUC 0.807 (6985.00 s) 
(*) Entering Epoch 4 (6984.999 s)
Epoch 4, Step 190 | Training Acc: 0.836 | Test Acc: 0.852 | Test Loss: 0.287 | Test AUC 0.829 (7068.81 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 380 | Training Acc: 0.812 | Test Acc: 0.867 | Test Loss: 0.367 | Test AUC 0.818 (7153.14 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 570 | Training Acc: 0.883 | Test Acc: 0.859 | Test Loss: 0.393 | Test AUC 0.868 (7238.30 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 760 | Training Acc: 0.867 | Test Acc: 0.805 | Test Loss: 0.426 | Test AUC 0.827 (7323.38 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 950 | Training Acc: 0.867 | Test Acc: 0.664 | Test Loss: 0.688 | Test AUC 0.720 (7409.51 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 1140 | Training Acc: 0.828 | Test Acc: 0.797 | Test Loss: 0.422 | Test AUC 0.812 (7495.38 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 1330 | Training Acc: 0.852 | Test Acc: 0.836 | Test Loss: 0.386 | Test AUC 0.831 (7581.27 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 1520 | Training Acc: 0.867 | Test Acc: 0.805 | Test Loss: 0.443 | Test AUC 0.827 (7667.47 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 1710 | Training Acc: 0.820 | Test Acc: 0.867 | Test Loss: 0.314 | Test AUC 0.833 (7753.59 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 1900 | Training Acc: 0.867 | Test Acc: 0.688 | Test Loss: 0.528 | Test AUC 0.737 (7839.26 s) 
Epoch 4, Step 2090 | Training Acc: 0.883 | Test Acc: 0.773 | Test Loss: 0.469 | Test AUC 0.815 (7924.79 s) 

Making Predictions

Classification on a new instance is given by the softmax of the output of the final readout layer.

In [ ]:
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(directories.checkpoints)
vDNN = vanillaDNN(config, training = False)
network_output = VDNN.predict(ckpt), '{}_{}_y_pred.npy'.format(, config.mode)), network_output), '{}_{}_y_test.npy'.format(, config.mode)), df_y_test.values)