Julia for Whole-genome Analyses Software

Bayesian Regression

  • MCMC
  • BayesABC

Basic Analyses

  • Linear Mixed Effects Model
  • Multivariate Analyses

Genomic Data

  • Genomic Prediction
  • Genome-wide Association Studies

On-going development 3
Issues 2

Read At First

Some Theory


  • Section 1:   Linear Mixed Effects Model
    • 1.1   The Univariate Linear Mixed Effects Model
    • 1.2   The Multivariate Linear Mixed Effects Model

  • Section 2:   Linear Additive Genetic Model
    • 2.1   The Univariate Linear Additive Genetic Model (with Maternal Effects)
    • 2.2   The Multivariate Linear Additive Genetic Model (with Maternal Effects)

  • Section 3:   Mixed Effects Model with Genomic Data
    • 3.1   The Univariate Linear Mixed Effects Model with Genomic Data
    • 3.2   The Multivariate Linear Mixed Effects Model with Genomic Data

  • Section 4:   miscellaneous
    • 4.1   miscellaneous routines

  • Section 5:   SSBR (beta version)
    • 5.1   The Univariate Single-step Bayesian Regression methods

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