Constitutive modelling using JuliaFEM

Author(s): Jukka Aho

Abstract: This is reproduction of the results from notebook Ideal plastic Von Mises material made by Olli Väinölä. Small strain theory is used, see The purpose of this notebook is to show how one can easily design and simulate material models using JuliaFEM. This is 2d version. For 3d version see Olli's notebook.

In [1]:
using JuliaFEM: IntegrationPoint, Field, FieldSet, TimeStep, Increment
using ForwardDiff
using PyPlot

The atomic structure here is IntegrationPoint. It has identical Field-structure like elements and can store multidimensional variables which can be time-dependent also. That way one can easily store, for example, measured strain and run material simulation for real measured data and fit material parameters.

In [2]:
ip = IntegrationPoint([0.0, 0.0], 1.0)

ip.fields["total strain"] = Field()
ip.fields["plastic strain"] = Field()
ip.fields["plastic potential"] = Field()
ip.fields["elastic strain"] = Field()
ip.fields["effective plastic strain"] = Field()
ip.fields["stress"] = Field()
ip.fields["young"] = Field(200.0e9)
ip.fields["poisson"] = Field(0.3)
ip.fields["yield stress"] = Field(200.0e6)
ip.fields["plastic rate parameter"] = Field(0.0) # material parameter


Accessing parameters is done just like with FieldSets in general:

In [3]:
info(last(ip.fields["yield stress"]))

INFO: [2.0e11]
INFO: [2.0e8]

Next to material model: ideal plastic material model.

In [4]:
""" Ideal plastic material model. """
function calculate_stress!(ip::IntegrationPoint, strain::Matrix, time::Number)

    dim = size(strain, 1)
    poisson = last(ip.fields["poisson"])[1]
    young = last(ip.fields["young"])[1]
    mu = young/(2*(1+poisson))
    lambda = young*poisson/((1+poisson)*(1-2*poisson))
    if dim == 2
        lambda = 2*lambda*mu/(lambda + 2*mu)  # <- correction for 2d

    # yield function
    function f(stress)
        stress_y = last(ip.fields["yield stress"])[1]
        s1 = stress[1,1]
        s2 = stress[2,2]
        s12 = stress[1,2]
        stress_v = sqrt(s1^2 - s1*s2 + s2^2 + 3*s12^2)
        return stress_v - stress_y

    strain_plastic_prev = last(ip.fields["plastic strain"])[1]
    strain_elastic = strain - strain_plastic_prev
    stress_trial = lambda*trace(strain_elastic)*I + 2*mu*(strain_elastic)

    if f(stress_trial) <= 0.0
        #info("time=$time: no yield")
        push!(ip.fields["stress"], TimeStep(time, Increment(Matrix[stress_trial])))
        push!(ip.fields["total strain"], TimeStep(time, Increment(Matrix[strain])))
        return true
        #info("time=$time: yield, f(stress_trial) = $(f(stress_trial))")
        dt = time - ip.fields["total strain"][end].time

        # associated flow rule, plastic potential ψ(σ) = f
        psi = f

        """ Calculate equations

            dσ - C (dϵₜ - dγ*dΨ/dσ) = 0
                         σₑ(σ) - σy = 0

            dϵₜ = total strain
            dϵₑ = elastic strain
            dϵₚ = plastic strain
            dϵₜ = dϵₑ + dϵₚ
            => dϵₑ = dϵₜ - dϵₚ = dϵₜ - dγ*dψ/dσ
            dσ = λ⋅tr(dϵₑ)I + 2μ⋅dϵₑ
            => dσ - λ⋅tr(dϵₑ)I - 2μ⋅dϵₑ = 0
        function residual(params::Vector)
            dstress = reshape(params[1:prod(size(strain))], size(strain))
            gamma = params[end]
            strain_prev = last(ip.fields["total strain"])[1]
            stress_prev = last(ip.fields["stress"])[1]
            dstrain_total = 1/dt*(strain - strain_prev)
            stress_tot = stress_prev + dstress
            # derivative of plastic potential ψ(σ) w.r.t 2nd order tensor σ(ϵ)
            # "Derivatives of scalar valued functions of second-order tensors"
            dpsi_dstress = derivative(psi, stress_tot)
            dstrain_plastic = gamma*dpsi_dstress
            dstrain_elastic = dstrain_total - dstrain_plastic
            dstress_elastic = lambda*trace(dstrain_elastic)*I + 2*mu*dstrain_elastic
            stress_delta = dstress - dstress_elastic
            return [vec(stress_delta); psi(stress_tot)]

        # solve equations using Newton iterations. Jacobian is calcualated
        # using automatic differentiation as usual.
        stress_prev = last(ip.fields["stress"])[1]
        initial_gamma = last(ip.fields["plastic rate parameter"])[1]
        params = [vec(stress_prev); initial_gamma]
        dparams = zeros(5)
        l = [1, 4, 3, 5] # <-- reorder to voigt
        for iterations=1:10
            A = ForwardDiff.jacobian(residual, params)[l,l]
            b = -residual(params)[l]
            dparams = A \ b
            params[l] += dparams
            norm(dparams) < 1.0e-7 && break
        params[2] = params[3]

        # save all kind of stuff to integration point

        dstress = reshape(params[1:prod(size(strain))], size(strain))
        stress = stress_prev + dstress
        dpsi_dstress = derivative(psi, stress)
        gamma = params[end]
        dstrain_plastic = gamma*dpsi_dstress
        strain_plastic_prev = last(ip.fields["plastic strain"])[1]
        strain_plastic  = strain_plastic_prev + dstrain_plastic

        push!(ip.fields["stress"], TimeStep(time, Increment(Matrix[stress])))
        push!(ip.fields["total strain"], TimeStep(time, Increment(Matrix[strain])))
        push!(ip.fields["elastic strain"], TimeStep(time, Increment(Matrix[strain_elastic])))
        push!(ip.fields["plastic strain"], TimeStep(time, Increment(Matrix[strain_plastic])))
        push!(ip.fields["plastic rate parameter"], TimeStep(time, Increment(params[end])))
        push!(ip.fields["plastic potential"], TimeStep(time, Increment(psi(stress))))
        push!(ip.fields["derivative of plastic potential"], TimeStep(time, Increment(Matrix[dpsi_dstress])))


calculate_stress! (generic function with 1 method)

Small "simulator" to study the behavior of material model in IntegrationPoint.

In [6]:
function run(steps=11)

    # initialization
    ip = IntegrationPoint([0.0, 0.0], 1.0)
    ip.fields["total strain"] = Field()
    ip.fields["plastic strain"] = Field(Matrix[zeros(2,2)])
    ip.fields["plastic potential"] = Field()
    ip.fields["derivative of plastic potential"] = Field()
    ip.fields["elastic strain"] = Field()
    ip.fields["effective plastic strain"] = Field()
    ip.fields["stress"] = Field()
    ip.fields["young"] = Field(200.0e9)
    ip.fields["poisson"] = Field(0.3)
    ip.fields["yield stress"] = Field(200.0e6)
    ip.fields["plastic rate parameter"] = Field(0.0) # material parameter

    strain = zeros(2, 2)
    strain[1,1] = 2.0e-3
    strain[2,2] = -0.3*2.0e-3
    #strain[1,2] = 1.0e-3
    #strain[2,1] = 1.0e-3

    # calculate stress in integration point
    #for (time, omega) in enumerate(linspace(0, 4*pi, steps))
    #    calculate_stress!(ip, sin(omega)*strain, Float64(time))

    for (time, k) in enumerate(linspace(0, 1, steps))
        calculate_stress!(ip, k*strain, Float64(time))

    return ip

ip = run()

elapsed time: 0.031678742 seconds

Visualize results:

In [7]:
steps = length(ip.fields["total strain"])
eps11 = Float64[]
sig11 = Float64[]
sig22 = Float64[]
sig12 = Float64[]
principals = Vector{Float64}[]
for i=1:steps
    # extract from integration points
    # field -> timestep -> increment -> (vector of tensors, take first) -> (first component)
    strain = ip.fields["total strain"][i][end][1]*1.0e6
    stress = ip.fields["stress"][i][end][1]*1.0e-6
    push!(eps11, strain[1,1])
    push!(sig11, stress[1,1])
    push!(sig22, stress[2,2])
    push!(sig12, stress[1,2])
    push!(principals, eigvals(stress))

PyPlot.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
PyPlot.plot(eps11, sig11, "-bo", label="s11")
PyPlot.plot(eps11, sig22, "-ro", label="s22")
PyPlot.plot(eps11, sig12, "-go", label="s12")
PyPlot.title("Stress-Strain curve")
PyPlot.xlabel("Strain [ustr]")
PyPlot.ylabel("Stress [MPa]")
#PyPlot.ylim([-250, 250])
#PyPlot.xlim([-2100, 2100])

PyObject <matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7fa8a16155d0>

In [8]:
function plot_principal()
    PyPlot.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    n = 100
    s = linspace(-300, 300, n)
    s1 = repmat(s', n, 1)
    s2 = repmat(s, 1, n)
    sigma = sqrt(s1.^2 + s2.^2 - s1.*s2)
    contour(s1, s2, sigma, [200], colors="k")
    p1 = [p[1] for p in principals]
    p2 = [p[2] for p in principals]
    PyPlot.plot(p1, p2, "-bo")
    xlabel("sigma 1")
    ylabel("sigma 2")
    title("principal stress")
    dir = last(ip.fields["derivative of plastic potential"])[1]
    PyPlot.plot([p1[end], p1[end]+dir[2,2]*50],
                [p2[end], p2[end]+dir[1,1]*50], "-r")

1-element Array{Any,1}:
 PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7fa8a1513050>