One element solution with and without nonlinear geometrics.

Author: Jukka Aho


In [1]:


We consider here linear quadrangle element and evaluate solution for it. It has been verified using Elmer that the correct solution for minimum displacement in tip is $u_\mathrm{min,nonlinear}$ = -2.22224475 for geometrically nonlinear case and $u_\mathrm{min,linear} = -2.18056991$ for linear case.

Solution domain is $\Omega = [0, 10] \times [0, 1] \in \mathbb{R}^2$ and we are having $F=-2 \mathrm{N}$ nodal force in $(10, 1)$. $E=90$, $\nu=0.25$. Left side is fixed, $u|_{x=0}=0$.

Geometry, material definitions and shape functions:

In [2]:
X = [[0.0 10.0 10.0 0.0],
     [0.0  0.0  1.0 1.0]]

# Partial derivatives of bilinear Lagrange polynomials
dNdξ(ξ) = [[-(1-ξ[2])/4.0    -(1-ξ[1])/4.0],
           [ (1-ξ[2])/4.0    -(1+ξ[1])/4.0],
           [ (1+ξ[2])/4.0     (1+ξ[1])/4.0],
           [-(1+ξ[2])/4.0     (1-ξ[1])/4.0]]    

E = 90
ν = 0.25
μ = E/(2*(1+ν))
λ = E*ν/((1+ν)*(1-2*ν))
λ = 2*λ*μ/(λ + 2*μ)
μ, λ


Internal force vector:

In [3]:
function f_int(X, u, dNdξ, λ, μ, dim=2)
    T = zeros(size(X))
    I = eye(dim)
    function J(ξ)
        Jᵀ = X*dNdξ(ξ)
        ∇N = inv(Jᵀ)*dNdξ(ξ)'
        ∇u = u*∇N'
        F = I + ∇u  # Deformation gradient
        E = 1/2*(∇u' + ∇u + ∇u'*∇u)  # Green-Lagrange strain tensor
        P = λ*trace(E)*I + 2*μ*E  # PK1 stress tensor
        S = F*P  # PK2 stress tensor
        return S*∇N*det(Jᵀ)

    a = 1/sqrt(3)
    ipoints = [[-a -a], [a -a], [a a], [-a a]]
    iweights = [1 1 1 1]

    for m = 1:length(iweights)
        w = iweights[m]
        ξ = ipoints[m, :]
        T += w*J(ξ)

    return T


f_int (generic function with 2 methods)


In [4]:
using NLsolve

function solve()

    free_dofs = [3, 4, 5, 6]
    u = zeros(2, 4)
    F = zeros(2, 4)
    F[2, 3] = -2.0

    function f(u_)
        u[free_dofs] = u_
        T = f_int(X, u, dNdξ, λ, μ)
        R = T-F
        return R[free_dofs]

    # Go!
    sol = nlsolve(not_in_place(f), zeros(4), store_trace=true, show_trace=true)
    u[free_dofs] =
    return u

u = solve()

Iter     f(x) inf-norm    Step 2-norm 
------   --------------   --------------
     0     2.000000e+00              NaN
     1     1.000142e+00     2.257867e-03
     2     9.933192e-01     4.422932e-03
     3     9.961075e-01     8.847632e-03
     4     9.855335e-01     1.769324e-02
     5     9.738205e-01     3.538698e-02
     6     9.612786e-01     7.077382e-02
     7     9.404424e-01     1.415511e-01
     8     9.493268e-01     2.831322e-01
     9     1.157757e+00     5.665408e-01
    10     6.914588e-01     2.840319e-01
    11     6.914588e-01     0.000000e+00
    12     5.805109e-01     2.845511e-01
    13     5.805109e-01     0.000000e+00
    14     4.993552e-01     2.851202e-01
    15     4.993552e-01     0.000000e+00
    16     4.100475e-01     2.858343e-01
    17     4.100475e-01     0.000000e+00
    18     3.195632e-01     2.866934e-01
    19     3.195632e-01     0.000000e+00
    20     2.284246e-01     2.877431e-01
    21     1.444984e-01     3.012556e-01
    22     8.015667e-05     4.216354e-03
    23     5.099410e-10     1.611875e-05
Results of Nonlinear Solver Algorithm
 * Algorithm: Trust-region with dogleg and autoscaling
 * Starting Point: [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
 * Zero: [-0.39914506093725427,-2.1779892316773526,-0.0722858269436904,-2.2222447543690937]
 * Inf-norm of residuals: 0.000000
 * Iterations: 23
 * Convergence: true
   * |x - x'| < 0.0e+00: false
   * |f(x)| < 1.0e-08: true
 * Function Calls (f): 24
 * Jacobian Calls (df/dx): 19
2x4 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.0  -0.399145  -0.0722858  0.0
 0.0  -2.17799   -2.22224    0.0

Difference to Elmer solution is

In [5]:
abs(u[2, 3] - -2.22224475)


Linear solution is achieved by assuming small deformation, i.e. :

F = I + ∇u ≈ I
E = 1/2*(∇u' + ∇u + ∇u'*∇u) ≈ 1/2*(∇u' + ∇u)

OFFTOPIC: Here we should put something like

using JuliaFEM
test_allclose(u[2, 3], -2.22224457, tol = ...)

and get a nice green "PASSED" if everything is ok at this point, otherwise assertionerror

Notes about linearization

For more robust solution, we shoud get analytical Jacobian for nonlinear system of equations. If not given it's probably some sort of finite difference approximation, i.e.

In [6]:
function Lin(f, h=1.0e-6)

    function D(x)
        J_approx = zeros((8, 8))
        for i=1:8
            Δx = zeros(2, 4)
            Δx[i] += h
            Δf = f(x+Δx) - f(x)
            J_approx[i, :] = Δf[:]/h
        return J_approx

    return D


J_approx = Lin(u -> f_int(X, u, dNdξ, λ, μ))

8x8 Array{Float64,2}:
  119.461      13.4859     61.8587   …   -26.0246  -113.693       2.80636
   13.486     309.575      15.6443      -148.518     -3.10971  -316.139  
   61.8587     15.6443    130.663        -53.2775   -60.0524      1.5741 
    9.73232   155.082      36.0592      -303.876      1.51268  -163.427  
  -67.6267    -26.0207   -132.47          63.0313    56.5391     10.2937 
  -26.0246   -148.518     -53.2777   …   299.44      16.2711    152.956  
 -113.693      -3.10985   -60.0524        16.2711   117.207     -14.6739 
    2.80624  -316.14        1.57406      152.956    -14.674     326.611  

A more elegant solution is to use automatic differentiation to get analytical tangent stiffness matrix

In [7]:
using ForwardDiff

function T!(u, T)
    T[:] = f_int(X, reshape(u, 2, 4), dNdξ, λ, μ)

J_analytical = forwarddiff_jacobian(T!, Float64, fadtype=:dual, n=8, m=8)
J_analytical(reshape(u, 8))

8x8 Array{Float64,2}:
  119.461      13.486      61.8587   …   -26.0246  -113.693       2.80625
   13.486     309.576      15.6443      -148.518     -3.10973  -316.14   
   61.8587     15.6443    130.663        -53.2776   -60.0524      1.57406
    9.73233   155.082      36.0593      -303.877      1.51267  -163.427  
  -67.6267    -26.0206   -132.47          63.0312    56.539      10.2937 
  -26.0246   -148.518     -53.2776   …   299.439     16.271     152.956  
 -113.693      -3.10973   -60.0524        16.271    117.207     -14.674  
    2.80625  -316.14        1.57406      152.956    -14.674     326.611  

Difference is in smooth situations quite small, but analytical is of course faster.

In [8]:
norm(J_approx(u) - J_analytical(reshape(u, 8)))


If we use this analytical Jacobian we should get quadratic convergence when using Newton-Rhapson method:

In [9]:
function solve2()

    free_dofs = [3, 4, 5, 6]
    u = zeros(2, 4)
    F = zeros(2, 4)
    F[2, 3] = -2.0

    function f(u_)
        u[free_dofs] = u_
        T = f_int(X, u, dNdξ, λ, μ)
        R = T-F
        return R[free_dofs]

    function g(u_)
        u[free_dofs] = u_
        J = J_analytical(reshape(u, 8))
        return J[free_dofs, free_dofs]

    # Go!
    sol = nlsolve(not_in_place(f, g), zeros(4), method = :newton, store_trace=true, show_trace=true)
    u[free_dofs] =
    return u

u = solve2()

Iter     f(x) inf-norm    Step 2-norm 
------   --------------   --------------
     0     2.000000e+00              NaN
     1     1.985767e+00     3.756746e-01
     2     1.933311e+00     3.652956e-01
     3     1.855451e+00     3.896874e-01
     4     1.749547e+00     4.460338e-01
     5     1.581001e+00     5.270850e-01
     6     1.331440e+00     8.104083e-01
     7     8.751161e-02     2.235404e-01
     8     2.570554e-04     1.112294e-02
     9     3.202487e-09     3.961907e-05
Results of Nonlinear Solver Algorithm
 * Algorithm: Newton with line-search
 * Starting Point: [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
 * Zero: [-0.3991450608223195,-2.1779892314495743,-0.072285826868806,-2.22224475412425]
 * Inf-norm of residuals: 0.000000
 * Iterations: 9
 * Convergence: true
   * |x - x'| < 0.0e+00: false
   * |f(x)| < 1.0e-08: true
 * Function Calls (f): 110
 * Jacobian Calls (df/dx): 18
2x4 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.0  -0.399145  -0.0722858  0.0
 0.0  -2.17799   -2.22224    0.0

Clearly the last iterations are converging quadratic speeds. Own naive implementation of solver would be:

In [10]:
function solve3()

    free_dofs = [3, 4, 5, 6]
    u = zeros(2, 4)
    F = zeros(2, 4)
    F[2, 3] = -2.0

    function f(u_)
        u[free_dofs] = u_
        T = f_int(X, u, dNdξ, λ, μ)
        R = T-F
        return R[free_dofs]

    function g(u_)
        u[free_dofs] = u_
        J = J_analytical(reshape(u, 8))
        return J[free_dofs, free_dofs]

    u2 = zeros(4)
    for i=1:7
        du = g(u2) \ -f(u2)
        u2 += du
        println("norm = ",norm(du))
    u[free_dofs] = u2
    return u

u = solve3()

norm = 3.0900221367289094
norm = 0.3212131602153428
norm = 0.04043178194002758
norm = 0.0009291101052123099
norm = 1.5638899074064188e-7
norm = 1.036219989655546e-14
norm = 3.130358566071589e-16
2x4 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.0  -0.399145  -0.0722858  0.0
 0.0  -2.17799   -2.22224    0.0

I don't know what NLsolve does because it takes a bit longer to converge?

Comparison of results

At end we do compare results between linear and nonlinear systems and put all together.

In [11]:
function f_int(X, u, dNdξ, λ, μ, dim=2; nlgeom=true)
    T = zeros(size(X))
    I = eye(dim)

    function J(ξ)
        Jᵀ = X*dNdξ(ξ)
        ∇N = inv(Jᵀ)*dNdξ(ξ)'
        ∇u = u*∇N'
        F = I  # Deformation gradient for small deformations
        E = 1/2*(∇u' + ∇u)  # Small strain tensor
        if nlgeom  # .. if nonlinear geometry
            F += ∇u  # .. add nonlinear part to deformation gradient, and
            E += 1/2*(∇u'*∇u)  # add nonlinear part to strain tensor => Green-Lagrange strain tensor
        P = λ*trace(E)*I + 2*μ*E  # PK1 stress tensor
        S = F*P  # PK2 stress tensor
        return S*∇N*det(Jᵀ)

    a = 1/sqrt(3)
    ipoints = [[-a -a], [a -a], [a a], [-a a]]
    iweights = [1 1 1 1]

    for m = 1:length(iweights)
        w = iweights[m]
        ξ = ipoints[m, :]
        T += w*J(ξ)

    return T


function Lin(f, h=1.0e-6)

    function D(x)
        J_approx = zeros((8, 8))
        for i=1:8
            Δx = zeros(2, 4)
            Δx[i] += h
            Δf = f(x+Δx) - f(x)
            J_approx[i, :] = Δf[:]/h
        return J_approx

    return D


function solve4!(F, u; nlgeom=true, analytical_jacobian=false)

    free_dofs = [3, 4, 5, 6]

    # Tangent stiffness matrix
    function T!(u, T)
        T[:] = f_int(X, reshape(u, 2, 4), dNdξ, λ, μ, nlgeom=nlgeom)
    if analytical_jacobian
        Jacobian = ForwardDiff.forwarddiff_jacobian(T!, Float64, fadtype=:dual, n=8, m=8)
        Jacobian = Lin(u -> f_int(X, u, dNdξ, λ, μ))

    # Assembly of residual vector R(u) = T(u) - F(u)
    function f(u_)
        u[free_dofs] = u_
        T = f_int(X, u, dNdξ, λ, μ, nlgeom=nlgeom)
        return (T-F)[free_dofs]

    # Derivative of residual vector w.r.t displacement field u, "tangent stiffness"
    function g(u_)
        u[free_dofs] = u_
        if analytical_jacobian
            J = Jacobian(reshape(u, 8))
            J = Jacobian(u)
        return J[free_dofs, free_dofs]

    # Go!
    #sol = nlsolve(not_in_place(f, g), zeros(4), method=:newton)  # not working as expected
    #sol = nlsolve(not_in_place(f), zeros(4))  # working, but not quadratic convergence

    # working, very well :)
    u2 = zeros(4)
    for i=1:100
        du = g(u2) \ -f(u2)
        u2 += du
        if norm(du) < 1.0e-6
            #println("norm = ",norm(du), " converged in ", i, " iterations")

    #u0[free_dofs] =
    u0[free_dofs] = u2
    return u0

u0 = zeros(2, 4)
F = zeros(2, 4)
F[2, 3] = -20.0
solve4!(F, u0; nlgeom=true, analytical_jacobian=true)

2x4 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.0  -10.0735   -8.83486  0.0
 0.0  -10.4167  -11.8171   0.0

In [12]:
F = zeros(2, 4)
N = 41
F[2, 3] = -20.0
uall = zeros(2, 4, 2, N)
u0 = zeros(2, 4)
t = linspace(0, 1, N)
for i = 1:N
    @printf "Solving %2i F = %8.3f  " i t[i]*F[2, 3]
    u0 = solve4!(t[i]*F, u0; nlgeom=false, analytical_jacobian=false)
    uall[:, :, 1, i] = u0
    @printf "%8.3f" u0[2, 3]
    u0 = solve4!(t[i]*F, u0; nlgeom=true, analytical_jacobian=true)
    uall[:, :, 2, i] = u0
    @printf "%8.3f" u0[2, 3]

Solving  1 F =   -0.000     0.000   0.000
Solving  2 F =   -0.500    -0.545  -0.549
Solving  3 F =   -1.000    -1.090  -1.103
Solving  4 F =   -1.500    -1.635  -1.662
Solving  5 F =   -2.000    -2.181  -2.222
Solving  6 F =   -2.500    -2.727  -2.783
Solving  7 F =   -3.000    -3.291  -3.343
Solving  8 F =   -3.500    -3.822  -3.899
Solving  9 F =   -4.000    -4.361  -4.449
Solving 10 F =   -4.500    -4.906  -4.992
Solving 11 F =   -5.000    -5.451  -5.526
Solving 12 F =   -5.500    -5.997  -6.047
Solving 13 F =   -6.000    -6.542  -6.554
Solving 14 F =   -6.500    -7.087  -7.045
Solving 15 F =   -7.000    -7.632  -7.516
Solving 16 F =   -7.500    -8.177  -7.965
Solving 17 F =   -8.000    -8.722  -8.388
Solving 18 F =   -8.500    -9.267  -8.783
Solving 19 F =   -9.000    -9.813  -9.145
Solving 20 F =   -9.500   -10.358  -9.474
Solving 21 F =  -10.000   -10.903  -9.767
Solving 22 F =  -10.500   -11.448 -10.025
Solving 23 F =  -11.000   -11.993 -10.250
Solving 24 F =  -11.500   -12.538 -10.443
Solving 25 F =  -12.000   -13.083 -10.610
Solving 26 F =  -12.500   -13.629 -10.753
Solving 27 F =  -13.000   -14.174 -10.878
Solving 28 F =  -13.500   -14.719 -10.987
Solving 29 F =  -14.000   -15.264 -11.084
Solving 30 F =  -14.500   -15.809 -11.171
Solving 31 F =  -15.000   -16.354 -11.250
Solving 32 F =  -15.500   -16.899 -11.323
Solving 33 F =  -16.000   -17.445 -11.390
Solving 34 F =  -16.500   -17.990 -11.452
Solving 35 F =  -17.000   -18.535 -11.512
Solving 36 F =  -17.500   -19.080 -11.568
Solving 37 F =  -18.000   -19.625 -11.621
Solving 38 F =  -18.500   -20.170 -11.673
Solving 39 F =  -19.000   -20.715 -11.723
Solving 40 F =  -19.500   -21.261 -11.771
Solving 41 F =  -20.000   -21.806 -11.817

In [13]:
import PyPlot

INFO: Loading help data...

In [14]:
PyPlot.plot(-reshape(uall[2, 3, 1, :], N), -t*F[2, 3], color="red", linewidth=1.0, label="linear")
PyPlot.plot(-reshape(uall[2, 3, 2, :], N), -t*F[2, 3], color="blue", linewidth=1.0, label="nonlinear")
PyPlot.xlabel("Displacement [m]")
PyPlot.ylabel("Force [N]")

PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x1158e5c90>

Last remarks. For some unknown reason this notebooks takes occasionally a very long time to complete for 40 different solutions. Sometimes NLsolve takes a very long time when using Newton algorithm. Without Newton all passes well. Actually my implementation of Newton method does not have any problems with speed.

In [15]:

elapsed time: 57.255576466 seconds