Analysis for GPT paper

This notebook analyses a dataset of Arxiv papers for our paper analysing Deep Learning as a GPT and its general-purpose-technology dimensions


  1. Load the data:
    • Paper metadata
    • Paper topic mix
  2. Descriptive analysis of DL as a GPT
    • Rapid improvement: Has there been a rapid increase in the number of DL papers?
    • This includes papers with some DL activity and papers that 'specialise' in DL activity (the DL topic is the maximum or above 0.5)
    • Rapid diffusion in other areas: Has there been an adoption of DL in a wide number of areas?
    • Innovation in other areas: Have the DL papers been influential where they have been adopted (i.e. do they receive more citations than other papers in their category?
  3. Geographical aspects of the situation
    • Has there been geographical disruption?
    • How does the geography of DL compare with the geography of research in other Comp Sci disciplines?
    • Has there been more churn in disciplines with higher levels of DL activity?
  4. Drivers of the geography of DL
    • Path dependence: to which extent are geographical changes driven by long-standing specialisation in the topic? (Canada)
    • Policy: China (but no AI policy until recently).
    • Complementary assets: Presence of start-ups (based on CrunchBase data?)
    • Disruption
  5. Conclusions

0. Preamble

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

#Some imports
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

import random

#Key imports are loaded from my profile (see in src folder).


top = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())

#External data (to download the GRID database)
ext_data = os.path.join(top,'data/external')

#Interim data (to place seed etc)
int_data = os.path.join(top,'data/interim')

#Proc data (to place seed etc)
proc_data = os.path.join(top,'data/processed')

fig_path = os.path.join(top,'reports/figures')

mod_path = os.path.join(top,'models')

#Get date for saving files
today =

today_str = "_".join([str(x) for x in [,today.month,today.year]])

In [2]:
# Basic functions

#Flatten list

def flatten_list(a_list):
    Utility function that takes a list of nested elements and flattens it
    return([x for el in a_list for x in el])

def flatten_freqs(a_list):
    Utility function that flattens a list and returns element frequencies
    #This flattens the list and returns value counts

def create_lq_df(df,year=None):
    Takes a df with cells = activity in col in row and returns a df with cells = lq
    area_activity = df.sum(axis=0)
    area_shares = area_activity/area_activity.sum()
    lqs = df.apply(lambda x: (x/x.sum())/area_shares, axis=1)
    if year!=None:
        lqs['period'] = year

1. Load data

We have two datasets:

  1. One includes all CS papers obtained from ArXiv.
  2. One includes all CS papers with a DOI (need to check what's the exact difference in status between both categories).

For now we will focus on number one. We are thinking of number 2 as more of a robustness checks variable.

In [3]:
# Load the papers

papers = pd.read_json(


(247931, 60)

There are 247,931 papers. This is total number of CS + Stats papers in Arxiv CS papers (see methodology in paper for a description of the process used for this)

2. Initial exploration

In [5]:
#Note that there are many duplicated papers. This seems to be linked to the way they have been geocoded


In [6]:
#The only difference between papers I can find is in the latitude and longitude. 
#TODO: Check with Joel what's going on here.

#for column in papers.columns:
#    print(column)
#    print(papers.loc[0,column])
#    print(papers.loc[1,column])
#    print('\n')

In [7]:
#Check the data

TOPIC_algorithm_problem_optimization_optimization problem_solve_solution_solving_approximation_efficient_convergence TOPIC_approach_based_technique_existing_framework_based approach_approach based_new approach_using_novel approach TOPIC_architecture_memory_parallel_network architecture_hardware_processor_cpu_computing_gpu_core TOPIC_bound_upper_upper bound_np_polynomial time_constant_np hard_case_time algorithm_known TOPIC_channel_interference_transmission_wireless_receiver_rate_antenna_transmitter_mimo_transmit TOPIC_data_data set_data structure_real data_data analysis_big data_data driven_data point_collected_synthetic data TOPIC_different_two different_different type_three different_different approach_across different_many different_different level_using different_different way TOPIC_dimensional_sparse_high dimensional_space_sparsity_low rank_vector_dimension_recovery_sample TOPIC_et_al_et al_polynomial_give_whether_proof_complete_every_theorem TOPIC_experiment_experiment show_extensive experiment_high quality_high_result indicate_quality_indicate_extensive_resolution ... full_title grid_lat grid_lon institutes journal language match_score match_value matched title
0 0.428542 0.042882 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.074204 0.052545 0.0 ... Sparsity-certifying Graph Decompositions [42.318119] [-72.638139] [smith college, university of massachusetts am... Graphs and Combinatorics en 1.0 Smith College True sparsity certifying graph decompositions
1 0.428542 0.042882 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.074204 0.052545 0.0 ... Sparsity-certifying Graph Decompositions [42.389002] [-72.526712] [smith college, university of massachusetts am... Graphs and Combinatorics en 1.0 University of Massachusetts Amherst True sparsity certifying graph decompositions
2 0.157418 0.042882 0.0 0.000000 0.054565 0.526032 0.524284 0.020608 0.000000 0.0 ... Intelligent location of simultaneously active ... [46.049268] [14.505099] [university of ljubljana] Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology en 1.0 University of Ljubljana True intelligent location of simultaneously active ...
3 0.206328 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 ... Intelligent location of simultaneously active ... [46.049268] [14.505099] [university of ljubljana] arXiv preprint arXiv:0704.0050 en 1.0 University of Ljubljana True intelligent location of simultaneously active ...
4 0.000000 0.015733 0.0 0.034355 0.163856 0.000000 0.000000 0.050527 0.000000 0.0 ... Sparsely spread CDMA—a statistical mechanics-b... [52.486] [-1.8895] [aston university, hong kong university of sci... Journal of Physics A en 1.0 Aston University True sparsely spread cdma a statistical mechanics b...

5 rows × 60 columns

We have a big bunch of columns with topics (TOPIC_...) and metadata from arxiv

Let's check waht the latter are

In [8]:
#Check the col
for column in papers.columns:
    if 'TOPIC' not in column:


The data is a timestamp so we parse it, and extract the year

In [9]:
papers['date_parsed'] = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x/1000) for x in papers['date']]

papers['year'] = papers['date_parsed'].apply(lambda x: x.year)

Some initial checks


In [10]:
#How many categories are there by paper?
papers.arxiv_categories.apply(lambda x: len(x)).describe()

count    247931.000000
mean          1.916081
std           0.985798
min           1.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           2.000000
75%           2.000000
max          13.000000
Name: arxiv_categories, dtype: float64

In [11]:

math.IT    38485
cs.IT      38485
cs.LG      28394
cs.CV      24895
stat.ML    20875
cs.AI      20481
cs.DS      19184
cs.CL      16472
cs.NI      15488
cs.LO      12108
dtype: int64

Strong presence of mathematics papers here - even though we are getting the CS papers


In [12]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x3a392b0b8>

Not all papers are in English? What does this meaan?

In [13]:

355    On Profit-Maximizing Pricing for the Highway a...
356    On Profit-Maximizing Pricing for the Highway a...
771    Towards History-based Grammars: Using Richer M...
783    Determination of referential property and numb...
Name: full_title, dtype: object

They are in English

3. Processing

We want to make the data easier to work with.

We will create a df with the topics and an index with the arxiv_id and another with other variables we are interested in.

Before doing that we need to deduplicate the papers. The analysis we are doing right now focuses on the diffusion of ML in other topics, for which we don't need individual institution information.

In [14]:
#papers_un means papers unique
papers_un = papers.drop_duplicates('arxiv_id')


(131189, 62)

In [15]:
#Create a topic df only including those variables referring to a topic
topics = papers_un.set_index('arxiv_id')[[x for x in papers_un.columns if 'TOPIC' in x]]


TOPIC_algorithm_problem_optimization_optimization problem_solve_solution_solving_approximation_efficient_convergence TOPIC_approach_based_technique_existing_framework_based approach_approach based_new approach_using_novel approach TOPIC_architecture_memory_parallel_network architecture_hardware_processor_cpu_computing_gpu_core TOPIC_bound_upper_upper bound_np_polynomial time_constant_np hard_case_time algorithm_known TOPIC_channel_interference_transmission_wireless_receiver_rate_antenna_transmitter_mimo_transmit TOPIC_data_data set_data structure_real data_data analysis_big data_data driven_data point_collected_synthetic data TOPIC_different_two different_different type_three different_different approach_across different_many different_different level_using different_different way TOPIC_dimensional_sparse_high dimensional_space_sparsity_low rank_vector_dimension_recovery_sample TOPIC_et_al_et al_polynomial_give_whether_proof_complete_every_theorem TOPIC_experiment_experiment show_extensive experiment_high quality_high_result indicate_quality_indicate_extensive_resolution ... TOPIC_prove_class_game_general_player_also_hold_existence_theoretic_exists TOPIC_real_real world_world_widely_widely used_wide_wide range_application_synthetic_commonly used TOPIC_research_year_ha_recent_human_community_attention_recent year_challenge_become TOPIC_service_security_mobile_device_traffic_technology_resource_attack_internet_management TOPIC_simulation_system_simulation result_control_energy_design_controller_simulation result show_sensor_efficiency TOPIC_social_social network_role_play_robot_dynamic_interaction_decision making_decision_autonomous TOPIC_software_development_implementation_tool_program_open source_interface_science_programming_execution TOPIC_state art_art_state_deep_convolutional_convolutional neural_convolutional neural network_deep learning_datasets_deep neural TOPIC_user_account_insight_impact_analysis_provide_study_focus_issue_take account TOPIC_web_future_social medium_medium_project_business_twitter_organization_review_content
arxiv_id 0.428542 0.042882 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.074204 0.052545 0.0 ... 0.058000 0.0 0.135712 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.157418 0.042882 0.0 0.000000 0.054565 0.526032 0.524284 0.020608 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.028615 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.016941 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.022756 0.0 0.206328 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.000000 0.0 0.049272 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.022756 0.0 0.000000 0.015733 0.0 0.034355 0.163856 0.000000 0.000000 0.050527 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.079938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.022756 0.0 0.026281 0.015733 0.0 0.032564 0.472709 0.000000 0.000000 0.021966 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.020230 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.095396 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.0

5 rows × 39 columns

In [16]:
#These are the topics. The neural network topic are 13 and 36. Seems to be picking up more generic machine learning stuff.
for num,x in enumerate(topics.columns):
    print(str(num)+' '+x)

0 TOPIC_algorithm_problem_optimization_optimization problem_solve_solution_solving_approximation_efficient_convergence
1 TOPIC_approach_based_technique_existing_framework_based approach_approach based_new approach_using_novel approach
2 TOPIC_architecture_memory_parallel_network architecture_hardware_processor_cpu_computing_gpu_core
3 TOPIC_bound_upper_upper bound_np_polynomial time_constant_np hard_case_time algorithm_known
4 TOPIC_channel_interference_transmission_wireless_receiver_rate_antenna_transmitter_mimo_transmit
5 TOPIC_data_data set_data structure_real data_data analysis_big data_data driven_data point_collected_synthetic data
6 TOPIC_different_two different_different type_three different_different approach_across different_many different_different level_using different_different way
7 TOPIC_dimensional_sparse_high dimensional_space_sparsity_low rank_vector_dimension_recovery_sample
8 TOPIC_et_al_et al_polynomial_give_whether_proof_complete_every_theorem
9 TOPIC_experiment_experiment show_extensive experiment_high quality_high_result indicate_quality_indicate_extensive_resolution
10 TOPIC_first_one_question_second_even_answer_main_two_contribution_may
11 TOPIC_graph_vertex_edge_undirected_directed_subgraph_shortest path_path_graph vertex_connected
12 TOPIC_image_recognition_feature_task_dataset_visual_text_segmentation_vision_semantic
13 TOPIC_learning_neural_neural network_training_machine learning_classification_trained_machine_learn_learning algorithm
14 TOPIC_linear_matrix_function_complexity_computational complexity_input_computational_non_linear time_non linear
15 TOPIC_logic_quantum_semantics_automaton_calculus_theory_notion_formula_checking_reasoning
16 TOPIC_lower bound_code_lower_log_decoding_coding_length_omega_frac_log log
17 TOPIC_method_experimental_experimental result_method based_experimental result show_based method_new method_existing method_show method_method used
18 TOPIC_model_prediction_model based_proposed model_modeling_based model_predictive_model used_predict_graphical model
19 TOPIC_monte_carlo_monte carlo_random_degree_degree freedom_mutual information_freedom_message passing_mutual
20 TOPIC_network_significant_layer_however_long_amount_end end_end_improvement_due
21 TOPIC_node_communication_distributed_protocol_packet_allocation_link_routing_sensor network_topology
22 TOPIC_numerical_probability_distribution_condition_numerical result_closed form_equation_markov_stochastic_sufficient condition
23 TOPIC_optimal_convex_square_optimal solution_convex optimization_least square_non convex_sum_mean square_near optimal
24 TOPIC_performance_significantly_compared_estimation_better_result show_show_achieves_result_outperforms
25 TOPIC_present_paper present_present new_present novel_also present_work present_present algorithm_present two_paper present novel_paper present new
26 TOPIC_propose_paper propose_large scale_scale_address_propose novel_propose new_large_demonstrate_effectiveness
27 TOPIC_proposed_proposed method_proposed algorithm_show proposed_proposed approach_performance proposed_effectiveness proposed_proposed scheme_algorithm proposed_result show proposed
28 TOPIC_proposes_information_paper proposes_key_iii_ii_stage_two stage_secondly_firstly
29 TOPIC_prove_class_game_general_player_also_hold_existence_theoretic_exists
30 TOPIC_real_real world_world_widely_widely used_wide_wide range_application_synthetic_commonly used
31 TOPIC_research_year_ha_recent_human_community_attention_recent year_challenge_become
32 TOPIC_service_security_mobile_device_traffic_technology_resource_attack_internet_management
33 TOPIC_simulation_system_simulation result_control_energy_design_controller_simulation result show_sensor_efficiency
34 TOPIC_social_social network_role_play_robot_dynamic_interaction_decision making_decision_autonomous
35 TOPIC_software_development_implementation_tool_program_open source_interface_science_programming_execution
36 TOPIC_state art_art_state_deep_convolutional_convolutional neural_convolutional neural network_deep learning_datasets_deep neural
37 TOPIC_user_account_insight_impact_analysis_provide_study_focus_issue_take account
38 TOPIC_web_future_social medium_medium_project_business_twitter_organization_review_content

The DL topics are 13 and 36

In [17]:

Index(['TOPIC_learning_neural_neural network_training_machine learning_classification_trained_machine_learn_learning algorithm', 'TOPIC_state art_art_state_deep_convolutional_convolutional neural_convolutional neural network_deep learning_datasets_deep neural'], dtype='object')

Question to consider

  • Does it make a lot of sense to consider the coefficient for a topic in Corex as a 'weight'?
  • How useful is it to distinguish between 'specialist' and 'embedded' DL papers given that many other topics don't appear to be particularly tight?

In [18]:
#And now we create a paper metadata df.
# Note that we have to set the index after subsetting (otherwise the subsetting can't find the arxiv id in the columns!)
papers_meta = papers_un[[x for x in papers_un.columns if 'TOPIC' not in x]].set_index('arxiv_id')


arxiv_categories arxiv_created arxiv_raw_summary arxiv_raw_title arxiv_sources arxiv_summary arxiv_title citations date doi ... grid_lon institutes journal language match_score match_value matched title date_parsed year
arxiv_id [math.CO, cs.CG] 1175212800000 We describe a new algorithm, the $(k,\ell)$-pe... Sparsity-certifying Graph Decompositions [] [describe, new, algorithm, k, ell, pebble, gam... [sparsity, certifying, graph, decomposition] 17 1241136000000 10.1007/s00373-008-0834-4 ... [-72.638139] [smith college, university of massachusetts am... Graphs and Combinatorics en 1.0 Smith College True sparsity certifying graph decompositions 2009-05-01 01:00:00 2009 [cs.NE, cs.AI] 1175385600000 The intelligent acoustic emission locator is d... Intelligent location of simultaneously active ... [] [intelligent, acoustic, emission, locator, des... [intelligent, location, simultaneously, active... 8 1044057600000 10.1108/00022660310457248 ... [14.505099] [university of ljubljana] Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology en 1.0 University of Ljubljana True intelligent location of simultaneously active ... 2003-02-01 00:00:00 2003 [cs.NE, cs.AI] 1175385600000 Part I describes an intelligent acoustic emiss... Intelligent location of simultaneously active ... [] [part, describes, intelligent, acoustic, emiss... [intelligent, location, simultaneously, active... 0 1167609600000 None ... [14.505099] [university of ljubljana] arXiv preprint arXiv:0704.0050 en 1.0 University of Ljubljana True intelligent location of simultaneously active ... 2007-01-01 00:00:00 2007 [cs.IT, math.IT] 1175385600000 Sparse Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), a... Sparsely-spread CDMA - a statistical mechanics... [] [sparse, code, division, multiple, access, cdm... [sparsely, spread, cdma, statistical, mechanic... 24 1192147200000 10.1088/1751-8113/40/41/004 ... [-1.8895] [aston university, hong kong university of sci... Journal of Physics A en 1.0 Aston University True sparsely spread cdma a statistical mechanics b... 2007-10-12 01:00:00 2007 [cs.IT, math.IT] 1175472000000 Given a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) ... Capacity of a Multiple-Antenna Fading Channel ... [] [given, multiple, input, multiple, output, mim... [capacity, multiple, antenna, fading, channel,... 154 1235865600000 10.1109/TIT.2008.2011437 ... [-87.673945, None] [northwestern university] IEEE Transactions on Information Theory en 1.0 Northwestern University True capacity of a multiple antenna fading channel ... 2009-03-01 00:00:00 2009

5 rows × 22 columns

In [19]:
#Select columns of interest
my_columns = ['arxiv_categories','arxiv_raw_summary','arxiv_title', 'citations','year','full_title','journal']

#These columns are picking up the description of the papers, the institutes involved, the journal and the year.
#I need all these things for the analysis of 'diffusion' which is coming up.

papers_meta = papers_meta[my_columns]


arxiv_categories arxiv_raw_summary arxiv_title citations year full_title journal
arxiv_id [math.CO, cs.CG] We describe a new algorithm, the $(k,\ell)$-pe... [sparsity, certifying, graph, decomposition] 17 2009 Sparsity-certifying Graph Decompositions Graphs and Combinatorics [cs.NE, cs.AI] The intelligent acoustic emission locator is d... [intelligent, location, simultaneously, active... 8 2003 Intelligent location of simultaneously active ... Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology [cs.NE, cs.AI] Part I describes an intelligent acoustic emiss... [intelligent, location, simultaneously, active... 0 2007 Intelligent location of simultaneously active ... arXiv preprint arXiv:0704.0050 [cs.IT, math.IT] Sparse Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), a... [sparsely, spread, cdma, statistical, mechanic... 24 2007 Sparsely spread CDMA—a statistical mechanics-b... Journal of Physics A [cs.IT, math.IT] Given a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) ... [capacity, multiple, antenna, fading, channel,... 154 2009 Capacity of a Multiple-Antenna Fading Channel ... IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

2. Analysis

a. Paper classification

Our first stage is a descriptive analysis of DL activity: in order to do this, we need to combine the paper data and the topic mix data and then label papers based on the relative importance of the DL topics. We will then plot some descriptives.

We will start with a class that classifies papers depending on the presence of DL topics. Since we have two topics and it is not straightforward to combine coefficients into a single 'DL weight', we will classify the papers twice and then combine all the information to generate a DL variable.

In [20]:
class DlPaperClassification():
    The class takes a paper df, a topic mix and an index for the topics which contain DL.

    It has a .label_papers method that takes the topic mix and categories papers into DL groups.
    It also generates a categorical variable indicating if a paper is 'specialist' (dl is top category) or 
    embedded (dl is simply present)
    def __init__(self,papers,topic_mix,dl_var):
        Initialise the class with a papers file,
        A topic mix file and a list of DL categories.
        #NB we will have 
        self.papers = papers
        self.topics = topic_mix
        #This can be more than one
        self.dl_var = dl_var
    def label_papers(self,thres=0.2):
        We label papers into different levels of DL activity based on the weight
        in their topic mix
        -present if it is above a certain threshold
        -top if it is the top topic (not necessarily above 0.5)
        #Load all the information we need for the analysis
        papers = self.papers
        topics = self.topics
        dl_var = self.dl_var
        #Classify papers into categories
        #Is the DL topic present?
        dl_present = pd.Series(topics[dl_var].apply(lambda x: x>thres),
        #Is the DL topic the biggest one?
        dl_max = pd.Series(topics.idxmax(axis=1)==dl_var,name='dl_spec')
        #Concatenate all categories and index them (to concatenate with the papers in a moment)
        dl_all_class = pd.concat([dl_present,dl_max],axis=1)
        #We define an 'embed' category if papers have dl presence but are not specialised
        dl_all_class['dl_embed'] = (dl_all_class['dl_present']==True) & (dl_all_class['dl_spec']==False)
        dl_all_class.index = topics.index
        #Concatenate papers and our topic classification
        papers_lab = pd.concat([papers,dl_all_class],axis=1)
        #And give them a categorical variable depending on whether they are specialist or embedded
        papers_lab['dl_category'] = ['dl_spec' if x==True else 'dl_embed' if y==True else 'not_dl' for
                                      x,y in zip(papers_lab['dl_spec'],papers_lab['dl_embed'])]
        #Save outputs
        #Labels stores the labels we have created
        self.labels = dl_all_class
        #Papers_lab stores the paper metadata labelled
        self.papers_lab = papers_lab
        #topics_agg stores the aggregated topics (mostly for checking)
        #self.topics_agg = topic_aggregated     

In [21]:
#Run the analysis for both classes
dl_vars = [
    'TOPIC_learning_neural_neural network_training_machine learning_classification_trained_machine_learn_learning algorithm',
    'TOPIC_state art_art_state_deep_convolutional_convolutional neural_convolutional neural network_deep learning_datasets_deep neural']

#Each of the elements in dl classified is the output of the classification for a topic
dl_classified = [DlPaperClassification(papers_meta,topics,var).label_papers().labels for var in dl_vars]

In [22]:
#These are the totals for both categories

0 1
dl_present 24127 14576
dl_spec 3803 8890
dl_embed 20387 6090

In [23]:
#We create two lists of dl papers: one that appears in either topic (expansive) and one that appears in both (restrictive)

#Expansive (is in both)
papers_expansive = dl_classified[0].loc[(dl_classified[0]['dl_present']==True) | (dl_classified[1]['dl_present']==True)].index

#Restrictive (is only in one)
papers_restrictive = dl_classified[0].loc[(dl_classified[0]['dl_present']==True) & (dl_classified[1]['dl_present']==True)].index



In [26]:
#Percentage of DL papers in the total


In [27]:
# Now we want to explore those papers

def sense_checker(data,text_var,sample_size=10,text_size=300):
    This function takes a dataset, draws random samples from it and prints the text so we can sense-check the quality of the matches.
    #Draw a random sample of size sample size from the data
    drawn = random.sample(list(data.index),sample_size)
    #For each element we have drawn from the sample we print the text variable up to the parameter length
    for obs in data.loc[drawn][text_var]:

In [28]:


Since its inception, the modus operandi of multi-task learning (MTL) has been
to minimize the task-wise mean of the empirical risks. We introduce a
generalized loss-compositional paradigm for MTL that includes a spectrum of
formulations as a subfamily. One endpoint of this spectrum is minimax MTL: a

Motor adaptation displays a structure-learning effect: adaptation to a new
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perturbations with related structure. Although this `learning-to-learn' effect
is well documented, its underlying computational mechanisms are poorly

Data acquired from multi-channel sensors is a highly valuable asset to
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the constituent materials of a scene can be mixed in different fractions due to

A simple Neural Network model is presented for end-to-end visual learning of
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pictures, each showing a 7-digit number. The output, also a picture, displays
the number showing the result of an arithmetic operation (e.g., additio

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may have different iteration spaces and access shared datasets through indirect
memory accesses, such as A[map[i]] -- hence the name "sparse". One 

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translation is likely to be wrong. In this paper, we focus on evaluating the
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the algorithms presented enjoy tighter bounds as compared to the typical w

Single image super-resolution is the task of inferring a high-resolution
image from a single low-resolution input. Traditionally, the performance of
algorithms for this task is measured using pixel-wise reconstruction measures
such as peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) which have been shown to correl

Forecasting the flow of crowds is of great importance to traffic management
and public safety, and very challenging as it is affected by many complex
factors, including spatial dependencies (nearby and distant), temporal
dependencies (closeness, period, trend), and external conditions (e.g., weather

Machine learning methods are used today for most recognition problems.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have time and again proved successful for
many image processing tasks primarily for their architecture. In this paper we
propose to apply CNN to small data sets like for example, personal album

We introduce a new representation learning algorithm suited to the context of
domain adaptation, in which data at training and test time come from similar
but different distributions. Our algorithm is directly inspired by theory on
domain adaptation suggesting that, for effective domain transfer to 

Active learning (AL) is a learning paradigm where an active learner has to
train a model (e.g., a classifier) which is in principal trained in a
supervised way, but in AL it has to be done by means of a data set with
initially unlabeled samples. To get labels for these samples, the active
learner ha

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) provides a unique ability to image the eye
retina in 3D at micrometer resolution and gives ophthalmologist the ability to
visualize retinal diseases such as Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
While visual inspection of OCT volumes remains the main method for A

We present a neural network architecture based on bidirectional LSTMs to
compute representations of words in the sentential contexts. These
context-sensitive word representations are suitable for, e.g., distinguishing
different word senses and other context-modulated variations in meaning. To

We present a machine learning algorithm that takes as input a 2D RGB image
and synthesizes a 4D RGBD light field (color and depth of the scene in each ray
direction). For training, we introduce the largest public light field dataset,
consisting of over 3300 plenoptic camera light fields of scenes co

Computer programs do not always work as expected. In fact, ominous warnings
about the desperate state of the software industry continue to be released with
almost ritualistic regularity. In this paper, we look at the 60 years history
of programming and at the different practical methods that softwar

In this paper we propose the use of image pixel position coordinate system to
improve image classification accuracy in various applications. Specifically, we
hypothesize that the use of pixel coordinates will lead to (a) Resolution
invariant performance. Here, by resolution we mean the spacing betwe

We will focus on the restrictive, which is more accurate (although we might lose some recall)

b. Descriptive analysis: GPTs

Having selected a set of papers to work with, we address our descriptive research questions.

We will build a class that addresses these questions through its methods:

In [29]:


In [30]:
#Functions used in the class

def get_cited_papers(data,citation_var,q=0.75):
    This function subsets a dataset returning the most cited papers of the period (based on the citation variable and the quantile)
    #Get the quantile
    citation_quantile = papers[citation_var].quantile(q)
    #Subset the data
    subset_data = data.loc[data[citation_var]>=citation_quantile]


In [39]:
class DlPaperAnalysis_GPT():
    This class generates descriptive analyses informing our first research question: Is DL a GPT.
    It does so with three methods:
        .is_growing produces a timeseries comparing levels of activity in DL papers versus the total
        .is_spreading estimates the diffusion of DL papers in different fields
        .is_impactful estimates the citation rates for papers in different fields
    def __init__(self,papers,dl_ids):
        This function is initialised with the full set of papers and the ids of DL papers
        #We label the data with the ids
        papers['is_dl'] = ['dl' if x in dl_ids else 'not_dl' for x in papers.index]
        #Store the information
        self.papers = papers
        #Also store the DL ids although I doubt we will do much with them
        self.dl_ids = dl_ids
        #Extract categories (we are only interested in computer science or statistics / ML)
        categories = [x for x in set(flatten_list(papers.arxiv_categories)) if (x[:2]=='cs') | (x=='stat.ML')]
    def is_growing(self,ax,year_lims=(2000,2018),thres_year=2012,high_cited=False):
        This method charts levels of activity in DL and compares the importance of DL before / after a threshold year
        We also give it: 
            -year_lims to subset the x axis
            -thres_year to compare the importance of DL before/after the threshold year
            -high_cited subsets the data to focus on the most highly cited papers each year (its value represents the
            position in the distribution)
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #Subset if we are focusing on highly cited papers
        if high_cited!=False:
            #This loops over years and extracts the top cited papers
            papers = pd.concat([get_cited_papers(papers.loc[papers.year==x,:],'citations',high_cited) for x in np.arange(year_lims[0],year_lims[1])])
        #1. Create a timeseries
        #Create timeseries (note we are subsetting this table with the year lims)
        papers_year = pd.crosstab(papers['year'],papers['is_dl']).loc[year_lims[0]:year_lims[1]]
        #Add titles etc
        if high_cited==False:
            title = 'Number of papers in ArXiv (DL / non DL), \n {y0}-{y1}'.format(y0=str(year_lims[0]),y1=str(year_lims[1]))
            title = 'Number of papers in ArXiv (DL / non DL), \n {y0}-{y1} (top {q} citations in year)'.format(y0=str(year_lims[0]),y1=str(year_lims[1]),
        #Store information
        self.papers_year = papers_year
        #2. Before / after comparison
        #Crosstabs a boolean indicating if the year is before / after the threshold and normalise over the rows
        ct = pd.crosstab(papers['year']>thres_year,papers['is_dl'],normalize=0)
        #We want to relabel the index of the crosstab to make the output more readable
        y = str(thres_year)
        ct.index=['Before '+y, 'After '+y]
        self.dl_shares_change= ct
    def is_spreading(self,ax,year_lims=(2000,2017),thres_year=2012,high_cited=False,pop_categories=False):
        This method charts the diffusion of DL across domains. 
        One annoying aspect of this is that the papers have multiple categories with no weights. 
        We will expand the data and consider categories separately.
        pop_categories allows us to focus on the more popular categories of activity where we expect our share estimates to be more robust.
        #What are the key outputs:
        #Line chart representing DL papers as a share of total in papers with different categories
        #Line chart comparing DL papers as a share of total in different categories before / after threshold.
        #Note that the ax argument has two elements for the two figures we are drawing.
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #Subset if we have decided to focus on highly cited papers
        if high_cited!=False:
            #This loops over years and extracts the top cited papers (should probably turn this into a function)
            papers = pd.concat([get_cited_papers(papers.loc[papers.year==x,:],'citations',high_cited) for x in np.arange(year_lims[0],year_lims[1])])
        #If we are filtering to focus on popular categories
        if pop_categories!=False:
            #This extracts the top categories based on their frequency of appearance in the data
            categories = flatten_freqs(papers.arxiv_categories)[self.categories][:pop_categories].index
        #1. Create linechart of activity by category
        #We create a couple of containers to store the data
        #Share container stores the share of DL in total (we will use this for plotting)
        cat_share_container =[]
        #Cat total container stores the totals for each category. We use a dict for this
        cat_total_container = {}
        #We loop over each category of interest
        for cat in categories:
            #Subset the data to identify papers with the category
            subset = papers.loc[[cat in x for x in papers['arxiv_categories']],:]
            #We crosstab year vs dl categorical
            subset_year = pd.crosstab(subset['year'],subset['is_dl'])
            #Store the totals
            cat_total_container[cat] = subset_year
            #If there are any DL papers at all
            if 'dl' in subset_year.columns:
                #Calculate the share of DL papers
                subset_year['share'] = subset_year['dl']/subset_year.sum(axis=1)
                #We only output the share as a series named after the category (this will become the column name when we concatenate latewr)
                out = pd.Series(subset_year['share'],name=cat)
                #Out it comes
        #Create the df filling nas and focusing on our threshold years
        category_share_df = pd.concat(cat_share_container,axis=1).fillna(0).loc[year_lims[0]:year_lims[1]]
        #Now we plot this.
        #Note that we are assuming that there are too many variables for a legend. We will probably create a cleaner version with nicer labels later.
        ax[0].set_title('DL paper shares by ArXiv categories',size=14)
        ax[0].set_ylabel('Share of all papers in category /year')
        #Store results
        self.cat_totals = cat_total_container
        self.cat_shares = cat_share_container
        self.cat_shares_df = category_share_df
        #2. Create barchart comparing two intervals

        cat_period_container = []

        #As before, we loop over categories.
        for cat in categories:
                #Subset the data to identify papers with the category
                subset = papers.loc[[cat in x for x in papers['arxiv_categories']],:]

                #We crosstab a boolean (before / after threshold) vs the dl boolean
                subset_ct = pd.crosstab(subset['year']>thres_year,subset['is_dl'],normalize=0)
                #This is to relabel the index (useful for the chart later)
                y = str(thres_year)
                subset_ct.index=['Before '+y, 'After '+y]

                #We append to the container, turning into a series so we can rename

        #Create the df
        cat_thres_df = pd.concat(cat_period_container,axis=1).T.sort_values('After '+y,ascending=False)
        ax[1].set_title('Change in DL shares before/after '+str(thres_year),size=14)
        ax[1].set_ylabel('Share of all papers in category/year')
        #Store the df
        self.cat_thres_df = cat_thres_df
    def is_impactful(self,ax,q=0.75,year_thres=2012,pop_categories=False):
        Finally, we want to check if DL papers are 'impactful' - do they tend to receive more citations than other papers in each field?
        To measure this we will estimate, for each category, what is the share of DL papers in total vs share of highly cited Dl papers. 
        We focus on papers published from a threshold year to avoid being skewed by changes in the historical distribution of papers.
        #Load papers and categories
        papers = self.papers
        categories = self.categories
        #If we are filtering to focus on popular categories
        if pop_categories!=False:
            #This extracts the top categories based on their frequency of appearance in the data
            categories = flatten_freqs(papers.loc[papers.year>year_thres,'arxiv_categories'])[categories][:pop_categories].index
        #For each category
        for cat in categories:
                #Here we have the papers since threshold (eg 2012) in the category
                subset = papers.loc[(papers.year>year_thres) & ([cat in x for x in papers['arxiv_categories']])]

                #Share of dl in all papers
                dl_all = subset['is_dl'].value_counts(normalize=True)['dl']

                #Share of dl in highly cited papers
                #We use a previous function to subset this
                subset_high_cited = get_cited_papers(subset,'citations',q)

                dl_high_cited = subset_high_cited['is_dl'].value_counts(normalize=True)['dl']

                #out = pd.Series([dl_all,dl_high_cited],index=['dl_share_all','dl_share_high_cited'],name=cat)

                #We output an index which normalises the share of high cited papers by the total. 
                #It is positive if DL papers are overrepresented amont the highly cited ones
                out = pd.Series((dl_high_cited/dl_all)-1,index=['high_cited_total_ratio'],name=cat)

        #Create citation df
        citation_df = pd.concat(cit_cont,axis=1).T
        #And plot it
        #Add title
        ax.set_title('DL paper citation \'competitiveness\' \n (papers published after {y}, top {q} citations in period))'.format(
        #And x label
        ax.set_ylabel('(DL papers share of highly cited/ \n DL papers share of all)-1')
        #Store the df
        self.citation_impact_df = citation_df

In [40]:
test = DlPaperAnalysis_GPT(papers_meta,papers_restrictive)

fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,3))

ax.set_ylabel('Number of papers')
ax.legend(title='Category',labels=['Deep Learning','Not Deep Learning'])



Fast increase of activity in ArXiv.

DL appears to be growing at a faster rate, consistent with the 'rapidity' thesis

In [41]:

is_dl dl not_dl
Before 2012 0.667481 99.332519
After 2012 8.143194 91.856806

In [42]:
test2 = DlPaperAnalysis_GPT(papers_meta,papers_restrictive)

fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,3))

is_dl dl not_dl
Before 2012 1.008235 98.991765
After 2012 11.199200 88.800800

In [43]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2,figsize=(7,6))




DL is becoming more important in multiple disciplines. This includes disciplines that specialise in the development of AI technologies (eg cs.NE = neural networks, or cs.AI = AI) but also others such as Computer Vision, Computation and Language, or Information Retrieval or graphics.

TODO What's the discipline with the 'bump' around 2014?

In [48]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,4))


ax.set_ylabel('Citation competitiveness index \n $CC_i$')


DL papers are overrepresented in the set of influential papers for most CS disciplines with only a few exceptions (software engineering and performance)

Note that some of the most popular topics for DL (in chart above) are quite low in these rankings because DL papers represent the majority of papers in them already

Conclusion of the descriptive GPT analysis:

DL seems to fulfil all the properties of a GPT: rapid growth, diffusion in multiple areas and impact (which we proxy through citations). Now we need to analyse what this means for its geography.

c. Geographical analysis

Having studied the development and diffusion of DL, we want to analyse their geography. What are our hypotheses here?

Our hypothesis is that there has been a disruption in the geography of DL: a change in the relative specialisations of countries.

How do we analyse this?

  • First we do a descriptive analysis: line charts and pre/after 2012 comparison of country 'market shares' in DL.
  • Second, we do a geographical analysis using dbscan: how does the evolution of DL clustering compare with the evolution of clustering in other domains?

As before, we will write a class to do this.

i. Pre-processing: Bin into countries / regions

NB see here for a quick tutorial on spatial joins

In [37]:
#Alas, we don't have countries in these data.
import geopandas as gp
from shapely.geometry import Point

In [40]:
#Read the shapefile
admin_shape = gp.read_file(ext_data+'/admin_shapefile/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp')

admin_shape['country_reg'] = [str(x)+'_'+str(y) for x,y in zip(admin_shape.iso_a2,admin_shape.name_en)]

In [41]:
#We will use a spatial join. To do this we need to create a geopandas df with the spatial coordinates
#for each paper. We will create an individual paper id for each paper-institution pair so it's straightforward to
#merge things later

papers['paper_id'] = ['id_'+str(num) for num in np.arange(0,len(papers))]

#We create a geo papers df with the lat lon
geo_paper = papers.set_index('paper_id')[['grid_lat','grid_lon']]

In [42]:
#Some of the papers here have multiple lat lons - they are from institutions with multiple locations.
#We will drop them from now.
geo_paper = geo_paper.loc[[len(x)==1 for x in geo_paper['grid_lat']]]

#Also drop papers with 'none' l
geo_paper = geo_paper.loc[[x[0]!=None for x in geo_paper['grid_lat']]]
geo_paper = geo_paper.dropna(subset=['grid_lat'])

In [43]:


We lose 24,000 observations. Check with Joel what to do with these

In [44]:
#Now we turn the lat and lon into coordinates
paper_points = geo_paper.apply(lambda x: Point([x['grid_lon'][0],x['grid_lat'][0]]),axis=1)

#And create the geodataframe
papers_geodf = gp.GeoDataFrame(geo_paper,geometry=paper_points)

In [45]:
#Make sure we have the same coordinates

In [47]:
#And do the spatial join - the operation indicates that we are doing a point in polygon.
papers_geographies = gp.sjoin(papers_geodf,admin_shape,op='within')

In [48]:
#Focus on the variables we are interested in (country and region)
papers_geo_short = pd.DataFrame(papers_geographies[['admin','name_en','country_reg']])

In [49]:
#Merge with the papers df
papers_all= papers.set_index('paper_id').join(papers_geo_short,how='left')

In [50]:
#Create the papers df for spatial analysis
#Variables of interest

my_vars = ['arxiv_id','title','arxiv_raw_summary','arxiv_categories',

papers_spat = papers_all[my_vars].dropna(subset=['name_en'])

#Remove all observations with empty geocodes
papers_spat = papers_spat.loc[[len(x)>0 for x in papers_spat['admin']]]

papers_spat['grid_lat'],papers_spat['grid_lon'] = [[x[0] for x in papers_spat[variable]] for variable in ['grid_lat','grid_lon']]

In [51]:

In [52]:


We have lost a few more (2k) observations that had missing country information

iii. Geographical change analysis

Now we write a class that will address our spatial questions:

  • What is the geographical concentration of DL research compared with other research?
    • TODO: This will include Herfindahl indices and their changes, and curves of concentration
  • How has the geography of DL research changed compared to other fields?
  • How have the clusters evolved over time?

In [53]:
def get_high_cited_year(data,q,year_lims):
    This function extracts high cited papers by year (to control for citation times).
    TODO - put this function in all classes above
    #This loops over the years and extracts papers in the top quantile of activity.
    out = pd.concat([get_cited_papers(data.loc[data.year==x,:],'citations',
                                      q) for x in np.arange(year_lims[0],year_lims[1])])

def calculate_herfindahl(series):
    This function takes a series and returns its herfindahl index (the sum squared of the share of each observation in the total)
    herf = np.sum([(x/np.sum(series))**2 for x in series])

def sort_shares_for_concentration_plot(df,cols):
    This function takes a df with shares of activity by area and returns a df ready for plotting to analyse concentration
    focusing on the columns of interest
    totals_sorted = pd.concat([
            df.sort_values(col,ascending=False)[col].reset_index(drop=True) for col in cols],axis=1)
    shares_sorted = totals_sorted.apply(lambda x: x/x.sum()).cumsum()

def concentration_analysis(papers_df,level):
    This function takes a papers df and a level of analysis performs a concentration analysis which returns
    a herfindahl index which returns a concentration index for the level of activity, and a df with cumulative shares
    of activity to visualise in a plot.
    #Calculate totals by category (DL and not DL)
    totals_by_cat = pd.pivot_table(papers_df.groupby([level,'is_dl']).size().reset_index(),
    #And categories for the totals
    totals_by_cat['total'] = totals_by_cat.sum(axis=1)
    #Calculate Herfindahl with a function we defined before. We are only interested in DL and the total benchmark
    herf = totals_by_cat.apply(lambda x: calculate_herfindahl(x))[['dl','total']]
    #Store the herfindahl indices
    #To visualise these columns we creata
    shares_sorted = sort_shares_for_concentration_plot(totals_by_cat,['dl','total'])

In [54]:
class DlPaperAnalysis_Spatial():
    This class implements the following methods:
    .shares compares dl shares with wider shares (a way of visualising LQs). This works with regions and countries
    .concentration compares dl geographical concentration with all papers
    .concentration_change plots changes of concentration before and after a threshold period
    .spec_change compares changes in specialisation before/after a threshold. We could also compare it with a reference field?
    .clustering performs the dbscan analysis
    def __init__(self,papers,dl_ids):
        This class is initialised with the full set of papers and the ids of DL papers
        #We label the data with the ids
        papers['is_dl'] = ['dl' if x in dl_ids else 'not_dl' for x in papers.arxiv_id]
        #Store the information
        self.papers = papers
        #Also store the DL ids although I doubt we will do much with them
        self.dl_ids = dl_ids
        #Extract categories (we are only interested in computer science or statistics / ML)
        categories = [x for x in set(flatten_list(papers.arxiv_categories)) if (x[:2]=='cs') | (x=='stat.ML')]
    def shares(self,ax,unit='country',high_cited=False,top_ranking=10,year_lims=[2007,2018]):
        This function plots shares of total papers and share of DL papers by location. As in previous
        classes, we can focus it on highly cited and only plot high activity locations.
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #If we want to focus on high cited, apply the high cited function
        if high_cited!=False:
            papers = get_high_cited_year(papers,high_cited,year_lims)
        #Now we create a df with total shares
        total_shares = papers[unit].value_counts(normalize=True)
        #And nother with DL shares
        dl_shares = pd.crosstab(papers[unit],papers['is_dl'],normalize=1)['dl']
        #Concatenate them
        all_shares = pd.concat([total_shares,dl_shares],axis=1).sort_values(unit,ascending=True)
        #Name columns
        all_shares.columns = ['all_papers_share','dl_papers_share']
        #store results
        self.shares_activity = all_shares
        if high_cited==False:
            title = 'Share of total and DL papers by {unit}, \n {y0}-{y1}'.format(y0=str(year_lims[0]),y1=str(year_lims[1]),
            title = 'Share of total and DL papers by {unit}, \n {y0}-{y1} (top {q} citations in year)'.format(
    def concentration(self,ax,unit='country',high_cited=False):
        This method estimates three things for the selected unit of analysis:
            -Herfindahl for the whole interval and before/after the 2012 threshold
            -Shares of activity by location in a table and a curve.
            -Shares of activity by location (change)
        #This is copied and pasted from the above. TODO: refactor
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #If we want to focus on high cited, apply the high cited function
        if high_cited!=False:
            papers = get_high_cited_year(papers,high_cited,[np.min(papers.year),np.max(papers.year)])
        #We run the previously defined function, 
        #which turns a df of totals into a df ready to be plotted for a concentration analysis
        conc = concentration_analysis(papers,level=unit)
        #The concentration_analysis function returns a list with two elements: herfindahl indices and shares_df for plotting
        self.herf = conc[0]
        shares_sorted = conc[1]
        #And (ugly) title
        if high_cited==False:
            title = 'Concentration of total and DL papers by {unit}'.format(unit=unit)
            title = 'Concentration of total and DL papers by {unit}, \n (top {q} citations in year)'.format(
        #Add labels
        ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative share of \n activity')
    def concentration_change(self,ax,unit='country',high_cited=False,threshold=2012,hline=0.75):
        This is a quite similar to the analysis above but splitting the papers into two groups (before and after the threshold)
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #If we want to focus on high cited, apply the high cited function
        if high_cited!=False:
            papers = get_high_cited_year(papers,high_cited,[np.min(papers.year),np.max(papers.year)])
        #We run the previously defined function, 
        #which turns a df of totals into a df ready to be plotted for a concentration analysis
        #But in this case we run it twice on different subsets of the data
        conc_t0 = concentration_analysis(papers.loc[papers['year']<threshold,:],level=unit)
        conc_t1 = concentration_analysis(papers.loc[papers['year']>threshold,:],level=unit)
        #Store the two sets of concentration indices
        self.herf = [conc_t0[0],conc_t1[0]]
        self.shares_shorted = [conc_t0[1],conc_t1[1]]
        shares_sorted_t0, shares_sorted_t1 = conc_t0[1],conc_t1[1]
        #Add the legend
        ax[0].legend(['dl','total'],loc='lower right')
        #Add titles and labels
        ax[0].set_title('Before {t}'.format(t=threshold),size=14)
        ax[1].set_title('After {t}'.format(t=threshold),size=14)
        ax[0].set_ylabel('Cumulative share of \n activity')
        ax[1].set_ylabel('Cumulative share of \n activity')
        #Add a hline indicating at what rank do we go over 50% of the observations
        #Find the right x values
        x_0,x_1 = [df[df['dl']>hline].index[0] for df in [shares_sorted_t0,shares_sorted_t1]]
    def spec_changes(self,ax,unit='country',high_cited=False,top_ranking=10,year_lims=[2007,2018],window=4):
        Here we compare the evolution of specialisation (relative overrepresentation of papers by country).
        It is a linechart.
        We add a 'window' parameter to the previous, to smooth the lines.
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #Focus on years of interest
        papers = papers.loc[(papers.year > year_lims[0]) & (papers.year < year_lims[1]),:]
        #If we want to focus on high cited, apply the high cited function
        if high_cited!=False:
            papers = get_high_cited_year(papers,high_cited,year_lims)
        #Identify top locations
        locations = papers[unit].value_counts()[:top_ranking].index
        #Now we estimate LQs by year and paper
        #This estimates the LQ
        papers_year = papers.groupby('year').apply(lambda x: create_lq_df(pd.crosstab(x[unit],
        #Now we pivot the data
        spec_wide = pd.pivot_table(papers_year, index='year',columns=unit,values='dl')[locations]
        #Store it
        self.spec_place = spec_wide
        #Add titles as before. Quite convoluted
        if high_cited==False:
            title = 'Comparative advantage in DL by {unit}, \n {y0}-{y1}, \n {w}-year moving averages'.format(
            title = 'Comparative advantage in DL by {unit}, \n {y0}-{y1} (top {q} citations in year), \n {w}-year moving averages'.format(
        #Set title
    def spec_thres(self,ax,unit='country',high_cited=False,top_ranking=20,year_threshold=2012):
        This creates a barchart comparing comparative advantages before / after a threshold year
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #Add variable for subsetting
        papers['threshold_year'] = ['pre_'+str(year_threshold) if y<year_threshold else 'post_'+str(year_threshold) for
                                   y in papers['year']]
        locations = papers[unit].value_counts()[:top_ranking].index
        #If we are working with highly cited papers
        #Split into two years, apply the get_cited_papers and combine
        if high_cited != False:
            papers =papers.groupby('threshold_year').apply(lambda x: get_cited_papers(
        #Now we calculate the LQs for both years.
        lqs = papers.groupby(
            'threshold_year').apply(lambda x: create_lq_df(pd.crosstab(x[unit],x['is_dl']))).reset_index(drop=False)
        #This creates the table for plotting
        specs_wide = pd.pivot_table(lqs,
        self.spec_wide = lqs
        #And the labe;s
        #Add titles as before. Quite convoluted
        if high_cited==False:
            title = 'Comparative advantage in DL by {unit}, \n before and after {y}'.format(y=str(year_threshold),
            title = 'Comparative advantage in DL by {unit}, \n before and after {y} (top {q} citations in year)'.format(
        #Set title

In [127]:
#Initialise class
test_2 = DlPaperAnalysis_Spatial(papers_spat,papers_restrictive)

#Plot concentratioj
fig,ax =plt.subplots()

There is more concentration in DL than in the CS population overall

The evolution of concentration is interesting: there has been an increase of concentration at the top (the top locations have gained importance but also an 'stretching' of the middle (a decrease in concentration lower in the distribution, consistent with the idea of a broadening of activity / increase in volatility)

Now we want to focus on changes in concentration

In [128]:
#Visualise shares of activity by country
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,5))


/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

<__main__.DlPaperAnalysis_Spatial at 0x46de45e80>

This chart shows that some countries such as US, China, Canada and Switzerland are overrepresented in DL while others such as France. Germany and Italy are underrepresented

In [129]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,5))


Year on year figures are quite noisy. They suggest quite a lot of volatility in DL activity although we would need to compare to another field in order to establish this for sure. This is to be done.

It would be interesting to understand what happened with Australia and China at the beginning of the period

In [130]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))


ax.set_ylabel('RCA index')
ax.legend(loc='upper right')



In [131]:
#Plot concentration changes

fig,ax =plt.subplots(nrows=2,figsize=(8,5.5),sharey=True,sharex=True)

#fig.suptitle('Changes in concentration')



In [141]:
#Compare shares of the top countries before / after 2012 (for the paper)
conc_change_dl = pd.concat([test_2.shares_shorted[0]['dl'],test_2.shares_shorted[1]['dl']],axis=1)

conc_change_dl['conc_change'] = conc_change_dl.iloc[:,1]-conc_change_dl.iloc[:,0]

dl dl conc_change
0 0.367491 0.358238 -0.009253
1 0.459364 0.502312 0.042948
2 0.540636 0.579216 0.038580
3 0.614841 0.635678 0.020837
4 0.685512 0.689462 0.003950

In [133]:


In [134]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))


We see some evidence of churn when we compare before / after 2012. Some countries such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada gain a lot of visibility while others such as Switzerland, Netherlands, Japan and Spain see a relative decline. When we look at the regional picture we see some spectacular changes in some places such as Beijing, Baden-Wurttemberg, New York or Ontario.

In [ ]:

iii. Clustering analysis

The analysis above is quite coarse and does not take into account spatial patterns of concentration. We will explore that question using the DBSCAN algorithm, which identifies clusters in a data-driven way by looking for high density groups of observations within a set radius. We are interested in quantifying geograpnical disruption: how does the geography of activity change between periods?

Note that given the big changes in activity in Dl it is quite difficult to compare before/after clusters (the minimum cluster sizes and spans are likely to change). For that same reason, it is hard to compare dl with non dl.

What we will do is compare clustering trends for a 'high dl' and 'low dl' category. These are identified based on the relative importance of DL papers in them.

We will compare changes in activity between these two groups: do the clusters in high DL activity display more volatility than those in low DL activity?


Create a class DlPaperAnalysisCluster which estimates the clusters with a set number of parameters and generates those statistics. We will then do grid search over different parameters and compare the results.

We initialise the class with all the data.

-We implement a .segment method to automatically identify, inside the top X ArXiv categories, those that are 'high DL' and those that are 'low DL'. -We implement a method called .time_cluster_comp which compares the clusters between two periods. -We implement a method called .disc_cluster_comp which compares clusters in disciplines

All the results are stored so that we can map the results.

In [63]:
#Some imports and changes
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/utils/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working
  from collections import Sequence

In [64]:
#A bunch of functions we will need to use
def dbscan(data,coords,epsilon,min_samples):
    the function dbscan calculates the clusters.
    coords is a list with the lon and lat
    #Create the matrix for estimation
    #coords = data.as_matrix(columns=[coords[0],coords[1]])
    coords = data[[coords[0],coords[1]]].values
    kms_per_radian = 6371.0088
    #Estimate epsilon as radians (we use the Haversine metric to measure distances in a sphere)
    epsilon = 13 / kms_per_radian
    #Initialise cluster
    db = DBSCAN(eps=epsilon, min_samples=min_samples, 
def cluster_report(data,cluster_fit):
    This function returns a report for the clusters
    #Output container
    #Number of clusters is the set of the labels -1 (removing the non-cluster label)
    number_clusters = len(set(cluster_fit.labels_))-1
    #And append to outputs
    #Label the data with the cluster labels
    data['cluster'] = cluster_fit.labels_
    #Remove the observations outside of clusters
    data_in_cluster = data.loc[data['cluster']!=-1,:]
    #Generate the point coordinates in clusters for mapping
    coords_in_cluster = data_in_cluster[['grid_lon','grid_lat']]
    #And append to output
    #Generate the convex hull for each cluster
    #We need to get the points for each cluster
    data_in_cluster['points'] = [(c1,c2) for c1,c2 in zip(data_in_cluster['grid_lon'],
    #Also create a geopoints df so we can do the point in polygon thing later
    geo_points = gp.GeoDataFrame(Point(x,y) for x,y in zip(data_in_cluster['grid_lon'],
    ch_store = []
    #Then we group over the cluster (note that we have already excluded the no-cluster set)
    for c in set(data_in_cluster['cluster']):
        #We turn each of the coordinates in the cluster into an array of points
        points = np.array(data_in_cluster.loc[data_in_cluster['cluster']==c,['grid_lon','grid_lat']])
        #We turn those points into polygons and put them in a geoseries with the convex hull (envelope)
        #This way we can look for the clusters 
        ch = gp.GeoSeries(Polygon(points)).convex_hull
    #Output this as a geodf
    geo_df = gp.GeoDataFrame(ch_store)
    #Now I want the cities in each cluster (we focus on the top 5 cities)
    cities_in_clusters = data_in_cluster.groupby('cluster')['country_reg'].apply(lambda x: x.value_counts()[:5])
    #And append to output
    #Now I want the % of activity in the clusters
    activity_in_cluster_share = len(data_in_cluster)/len(data)
    #And append to output
    #And the % of highly cited papers in clusters
    high_cited_in_cluster_share = len(data_in_cluster.loc[data_in_cluster['high_cited']==True,:])/len(data.loc[

def cluster_comparison(report_1, report_2):
    This function checks how many points from the second cluster set are in the first cluster set and vice versa.
    It is a measure of volatility. If all points in the second cluster set where in the first, then we would have perfect stability.
    If the opposite, we have perfect disruption.
    #How many points in 2 would have been present in 1?
    #geodf with period 1 polys
    polys_1 = report_1[3]
    #geodf with period 2 points
    points_2 = report_2[2]
    #Do the join
    spatial_join = gp.sjoin(polys_1,points_2,how='inner',op='contains')
    #What percentage of papers in period 2 clusters are not in a period 1 cluster?
    coverage = len(spatial_join)/len(points_2)
    #What regions in period 2 clusters are not in period 1 clusters and viceversa
    #Find the unique regions present in the clusters
    reg_1,reg_2 = [set(rep[4].reset_index(drop=False)['level_1']) for rep in [report_1,report_2]]
    #Estimate exits and entries
    exits = reg_1 - reg_2
    entries = reg_2 - reg_1
    #Save and return
    exits_entries = [exits,entries]

In [65]:
class DlPaperAnalysisCluster():
    This class estimates geo clusters in a paper database a set number of parameters and generates those statistics.
    We will then do grid search over different parameters and compare the results. 

    We initialise the class with all the data.
        -.segment identifies the comparison sets: papers in high DL arXiv categories and low DL arXiv categories.
        We think of them as treatments and controls.
        -.cluster_changes compares changes in clustering between disciplines, over two periods
        #-.disc_cluster_comp` compares clusters in disciplines
    All the results are stored so that we can map the results.
    def __init__(self,papers):
        Initialise with the papers. Note that these papers have already been classified into DL / non-DL
        #Store papers
        self.papers = papers
        #Extract categories (we are only interested in computer science or statistics / ML)
        categories = [x for x in set(flatten_list(papers.arxiv_categories)) if (x[:2]=='cs') | (x=='stat.ML')]
        cat_freqs = flatten_freqs(papers['arxiv_categories'])[categories]
    def segment(self,pop_categories=20,levels=[0.33,0.1]):
        We want to identify a 'treatment' and 'control' group. The treatment are arXiv categories with high level of DL activity.
        The control are arXiv categories with low level . of DL activity
        papers = self.papers
        categories = self.categories

        cat_store = []
        #For each category, calculate the DL paper share
        for cat in categories:
                #Subset the data to identify papers with the category
                subset = papers.loc[[cat in x for x in papers['arxiv_categories']],:]

                #We crosstab a boolean (before / after threshold) vs the dl boolean
                subset_ct = subset['is_dl'].value_counts(normalize=True)
        #Identify categories high and low cluster chare
        self.cat_groups = [[ for x in cat_store if x['dl']>levels[0]],[ for x in cat_store if x['dl']<levels[1]]]
    def cluster_periods(self,threshold=2012,min_samples=200,epsilon=10,high_cited=False,
        -This method identifies clusters in the data comparing before and after the threshold date.
        -It takes parameters for DBSCAN (minimum number of samples and the distance)
        -It focuses on all papers (we can instead set this to high cited) and dl papers
        -Cluster labels
        -Collection of points for mapping (removing 'noise clusters')
        -Shares of t1 activity in t0 clusters (calculated using convex hull which gives us the envelop containing all points) 
        and viceversa.
        #Initialise papers
        papers = self.papers
        categories = self.cat_groups
        #If we are focusing on highly cited papers
        #if high_cited!=False:
        #    papers = get_high_cited_year(papers,high_cited,[min(papers['year']),max(papers['year'])])
        #We want to label highly cited papers
        high_cited_ids = get_high_cited_year(papers,citation_threshold,[min(papers['year']),max(papers['year'])]).index
        papers['high_cited'] = [True if x in high_cited_ids else False for x in papers.index]
        results = {}
        #We loop over the two sets of categories
        #For each category group (high or low categories)
        for cat_group in categories:
            #For each category in the group
            for cat in cat_group:
                #Identify papers in group
                subset = papers.loc[[cat in arxiv_cat for arxiv_cat in papers['arxiv_categories']]]
                #Split into papers in t0 and papers in t1. Note that this excludes the threshold year as a 'boundary'
                subset_0 = subset.loc[subset['year']<threshold]
                subset_1 = subset.loc[subset['year']>threshold]
                #Fit the clustering algorithm for the two subsets in the data and generate the reports
                db_report_0,db_report_1 = [cluster_report(subset,dbscan(subset,coords=['grid_lon','grid_lat'],
                                                                min_samples=min_samples)) for subset in [subset_0,subset_1]]
                #And now we want to compare the clusters before and after.
                #How much activity in the second period is captured by clusters identified in the first period
                compare_1 = cluster_comparison(db_report_0,db_report_1)
        self.cluster_comparisons = results   
    def visualise_differences(self,ax):
        Here we want to visualise some of the differences in the data.
        Boxplots that compare:
            -Share of activity in period 2 captured by clusters from period 1.
            -Share of activity in period 1 captured by clusters from period 2.
            -Cluster difference between period 1 and period 2
            -Increase in the share of activity captured by clusters in different periods
            -Increase in the share of citations captured by clusters in different periods
        #Load information
        comps = self.cluster_comparisons
        high_dl_cats = self.cat_groups[0]
        #Compare t0 coverage in t1 between both groups.
        discs = pd.Series({k:v[1][0] for k,v in comps.items()})
        #Compare change in cluster numbers between period 1 and period 2
        n_change = pd.Series({k:v[0][1][0]/v[0][0][0] for k,v in comps.items()})
        #Compare change in concentration accounted by top clusters
        conc_change = pd.Series({k:v[0][1][-2]/v[0][0][-2] for k,v in comps.items()})
        #Compare change in high citations accounted by top clusters
        cit_change = pd.Series({k:v[0][1][-1]/v[0][0][-1] for k,v in comps.items()})
        #Concatenate in a single df.
        cluster_comp_df = pd.concat([discs,n_change,conc_change,cit_change],axis=1)
        self.cluster_comp = cluster_comp_df
        cluster_comp_df.columns = [
            'Initial cluster coverage','Cluster expansion','Concentration change','Citation concentration \n change']
        #Label the df
        cluster_comp_df['high_dl'] = [x in high_dl_cats for x in cluster_comp_df.index]

        #Plot all these in 4 rows
        ax[0][0].set_title('PANEL A:\n'+cluster_comp_df.columns[0],size=12)
        ax[0][1].set_title('PANEL B:\n'+cluster_comp_df.columns[1],size=12)
        ax[1][0].set_title('PANEL C:\n'+cluster_comp_df.columns[2],size=12)
        ax[1][1].set_title('PANEL D:\n'+cluster_comp_df.columns[3],size=12)
        #for num in np.arange(0,4):
        #    ax[num].boxplot(
        #        [cluster_comp_df.loc[cluster_comp_df['high_dl']==True,
        #                             cluster_comp_df.columns[num]],
        #         cluster_comp_df.loc[cluster_comp_df['high_dl']==False,
        #                             cluster_comp_df.columns[num]]])
        #    ax[num].set_xticklabels(['High DL categories','Low DL categories'])
        #    ax[num].set_title(cluster_comp_df.columns[num],size=14)

In [66]:
#Run the test and segment the categories based on their share of DL papers

papers_clust = test_2.papers

test_cl = DlPaperAnalysisCluster(papers_clust)

In [67]:
#These are the test groups

[['cs.LG', 'cs.CV', 'stat.ML'], ['cs.NI', 'cs.DS', 'cs.LO', 'cs.IT', 'cs.DM']]

In [68]:


In [69]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7),nrows=2,ncols=2,sharex=True)


ax[1][0].set_xticklabels(['High DL activity','Low DL activity'],size=12,rotation=45,ha='right')
ax[1][1].set_xticklabels(['High DL activity','Low DL activity'],size=12,rotation=45,ha='right')



What does all the above mean? It means that:

  • The initial clusters identified in the arXiv categories with more DL activity tend to cover less of subsequent activity than the in arXiv categories with less DL activity: There has been a dislocation of activity away from initial clusters
  • There has been a significant expansion in the number of identified clusters in categories with high DL activity by comparison to what happened in categories with low DL activity. New entrants
  • New clusters have started capturing a much bigger share of the research activity Concentration (shakeout?)
  • New clusters have started capturing a much bigger share of the high-citation activity Concentration of innovation (shakeout)

Next steps (TODO)

  • Check robustness of the analysis above: to which extent are the above changes driven by rapid growth? Can we find low DL categories which experienced similar growth rates? Are they also different in their performance?
  • Visualise the changes above. Could we have maps showing the clusters in the first period and the second period?

3. Multivariate analysis (TODO)

We have evidenced the GPT nature of DL and also the disruption it has created in existing research networks. Here we focus on explaining the drivers for change. What predicts if a region is part of one of the new clusters?

  • The outcome is whether a region contains a cluster or not.
  • The predictors are whether the region contained a cluster before or not, and its cognitive and business diversity based on arXiv and CrunchBase, as well as the total levels of research and industrial activity
  • We focus the analysis on regions in the top 50% of CS activity (locations 'in the game').
  • We include a control for China

Our hypothesis:

  • Those locations with higher levels of knowlegde supply and demand diversity are more likely to become successful clusters. This suggests the importance of complex network effects in the development of GPTs, and the localised nature of its spillovers
  • These effects will hold after introducing a control for China suggesting that although national strategies are important for the development of clusters, they need to be complemented with local capabilities and networks

0. preliminaries

In [70]:
#Create target and features
#We will use region indices to keep track of variables

#DF to use ('mv_data' means multivariate data)
mv_data = papers_clust.loc[papers_clust['region']!='',:]
Load the CrunchBase data

This includes loading the CB metadata and the geocoded data and classifying companies into regions using the admin shapefile

In [71]:
#Load the CrunchBase data (which lives in the 'grant data')
cb_data = pd.read_csv(ext_data+'/csv_export.tar.gz',compression='gzip')

#Drop observations for which we have no role or address
cb_data.dropna(axis=0, subset=['roles','address','uuid','founded_on'],inplace=True)
cb_data['is_comp'] = ['company' in x for x in cb_data.roles]

#Focus on companies
cb_comps = cb_data.loc[cb_data['is_comp']==True,:]

#TODO: turn these point in polygon operations into a function.

#Load the geocoded data
cb_geo_sample = pd.read_csv(ext_data+'/cb_geolocated_full.csv')

#Now we turn the lat and lon into coordinates
cb_points = cb_geo_sample.set_index('uuid')[['lng','lat']].apply(lambda x: Point([x['lng'],x['lat']]),axis=1)

#Create geodataframe
cb_geodf = gp.GeoDataFrame(geometry=cb_points)

#Combine with the shapefile =

#And do the spatial join - the operation indicates that we are doing a point in polygon.
cb_geographies = gp.sjoin(cb_geodf,admin_shape,op='within')

#Put the regions back into the company data
cb_comps_geo = cb_comps.set_index('uuid').join(cb_geographies['country_reg'])

#And rename them with 'region_geo' (there is already a 'region' variable in CrunchBase)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/core/ DtypeWarning: Columns (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)

i. Targets: Identify DL clusters

This will use the DBSCAN method. We can run it multiple times with different hyperparameters and identify the regions that contain clusters. This gives us a built-in test of robustness.

In [72]:
#Target container
target = pd.DataFrame(index=set(mv_data['country_reg'])-set(' '))

In [73]:
#Identify DL clusters
#This is an exploratory analysis we will put into another notebook afterwards

#Get DL papers
dl_papers = mv_data.loc[mv_data['is_dl']=='dl',:]

#Get period 1 and period 2
dl_papers_0 = dl_papers.loc[dl_papers['year']<2012,:]
dl_papers_1 = dl_papers.loc[dl_papers['year']>2012,:]

#Identify clusters in both periods
dl_clusters_0, dl_clusters_1 = [cluster_report(paps,
                                                      min_samples=100)) for paps in [dl_papers_0,dl_papers_1]]

In [74]:
#Get cluster frequencies
clust_locs_0,clust_locs_1 = [flatten_freqs([df[4].reset_index(level=0).index]) for df in [dl_clusters_0,dl_clusters_1]]

#One problem here is that we are assuming that the locations have similar sizes. They could host a similar number of clusters.
#That's not the case. TODO: control for region size.

In [75]:
#Create the cluster frequency count
target['y'] = pd.concat([target,clust_locs_1],axis=1,join='inner')

#There are 905 names in the data
Some paper outputs

In [76]:
#target = pd.concat([target,clust_locs_1],axis=1).fillna(0)

cluster_locs_df = pd.DataFrame(clust_locs_1.reset_index(drop=False))
cluster_locs_df.rename(columns={'index':'Administrative area (country)',0:'Number of clusters'},inplace=True)

cluster_locs_df['Administrative area (country)']=[x[3:]+' ({coun})'.format(coun=x[:2]) for x in 
                                                 cluster_locs_df['Administrative area (country)']]


In [77]:
pd.Series([x.split('_')[0] for x in clust_locs_1.index]).value_counts().head()

US    20
CN    10
GB     8
FR     5
AU     5
dtype: int64

ii. Predictors.

Here we calculate all the predictors and controls based on the arXiv and CrunchBase data.


From the arxiv data, we want the totals of activity in an area and measures of diversity. We will use three measures: total number of disciplines present in an area in the first period and the shannon entropy

In [78]:
import scipy

In [79]:
#We focus on the first category for each paper
mv_data['arxiv_first_cat'] = [x[0] for x in mv_data['arxiv_categories']]

#And in the period before 2012
mv_data_pre = mv_data.loc[mv_data.year<2012,:]

#Arxiv totals
arxiv_totals = mv_data_pre.groupby('country_reg').size()'arxiv_totals'



In [80]:
#Measures of diversity
#Unique number of disciplines
#This creates total number of papers by category
arxiv_cat_totals = pd.pivot_table(mv_data_pre.groupby(['country_reg','arxiv_first_cat']).size().reset_index(drop=False),

#Now this gives us the total number of disciplines present in a region
arxiv_div_n = arxiv_cat_totals[[x for x in arxiv_cat_totals.columns if x[:2]=='cs']].apply(lambda x: x>0,axis=1).sum(axis=1)'arxiv_total_discs'

#And the shannon entropy
arxiv_entropy = arxiv_cat_totals[[x for x in arxiv_cat_totals.columns if x[:2]=='cs']].apply(
    lambda x: scipy.stats.entropy(x),axis=1) = 'arxiv_entropy'

#Concatenate all arXiv data in a single df
arxiv_pred = pd.concat([arxiv_totals,arxiv_div_n,arxiv_entropy],axis=1)

#Remove empty regions
arxiv_pred = arxiv_pred.loc[arxiv_pred.index!='',:]

#Note that this probably has a lower number of observations because there were a bunch of places that 
#had no activity before 2012

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  pk = 1.0*pk / np.sum(pk, axis=0)
(716, 3)

In [81]:

arxiv_totals arxiv_total_discs arxiv_entropy
arxiv_totals 1.000000 0.638785 0.400524
arxiv_total_discs 0.638785 1.000000 0.854806
arxiv_entropy 0.400524 0.854806 1.000000

CrunchBase has multiple categories for each company. How do we use this to measure diversity?

The simplest options is simply to flatten the list of categories and count them. Assume that these are capabilities 'present' in a location. Other options would be to do some topic modelling of the categories and identify the top category for each company. We will leave that as a TODO

In [82]:
# We are focusing on the total levels of activity and diversity before 2012
cb_comps_geo_pre = cb_comps_geo.loc[[int(x.split('-')[0])<2012 for x in cb_comps_geo.founded_on],:]

In [83]:
#Total CB activity (before 2012)
cb_totals = cb_comps_geo_pre.groupby('country_reg').size()  = 'cb_totals'

In [84]:
# Diversity of activity
#Remove companies with missing sectors
cb_comps_cat = cb_comps_geo_pre.dropna(axis=0,subset=['category_list'])

#Turn them into a list for each company
cb_comps_cat['sector_list'] = cb_comps_cat['category_list'].apply(lambda x: x.split(','))

#And now we want the totals for each category
cb_cat_totals = pd.pivot_table(
    cb_comps_cat.groupby('country_reg')['sector_list'].apply(lambda x: flatten_freqs(list(x))).reset_index(drop=False),

#Total number of areas present
cb_div_n = cb_cat_totals.apply(lambda x: np.sum(x>0),axis=1)'cb_total_sectors'

cb_entropy = cb_cat_totals.apply(lambda x: scipy.stats.entropy(x),axis=1)'cb_entropy'

In [85]:
#Concatenate everything
cb_pred = pd.concat([cb_totals,cb_div_n,cb_entropy],axis=1,sort=True).loc[target.index]


/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ FutureWarning: 
Passing list-likes to .loc or [] with any missing label will raise
KeyError in the future, you can use .reindex() as an alternative.

See the documentation here:
cb_totals cb_total_sectors cb_entropy
TH_Bangkok 140.0 135.0 4.594470
PL_Lesser Poland Voivodeship 95.0 114.0 4.331318
VN_Hanoi 81.0 86.0 4.124263
FR_Seine-et-Marne 43.0 50.0 3.592704
BR_Minas Gerais 75.0 100.0 4.307971

In [86]:

cb_totals cb_total_sectors cb_entropy
cb_totals 1.000000 0.610394 0.264032
cb_total_sectors 0.610394 1.000000 0.713669
cb_entropy 0.264032 0.713669 1.000000

In [87]:
#These are all the locations that have at least some arxiv activity

(906, 3)

In [88]:
Controls and other information

Here we want to log the geographical data including whether a country is in China, the area of regions, and a control

In [89]:
#Create the control df
control = pd.DataFrame(index=set(mv_data['country_reg']))


(906, 0)

In [90]:
#We want to add a dummy for whether a region is in China or not, and a country variable for clustering errors

#We get the country-region lookup from the admin shapefile we downloaded before
country_by_region = admin_shape[['iso_a2','country_reg']]

#Create a dict
country_by_region_dict= {x:y for x,y in zip(country_by_region['country_reg'],country_by_region['iso_a2'])}

#European countries
eu_countries = ['AT','BE','BG','CY','CZ','DK','EE','FI','FR','DE','GR','HU','IE','IT',

In [91]:
#Add the information
control['country'] = [country_by_region_dict[x] for x in control.index]

control['is_china'] = [int(x=='CN') for x in control['country']]
control['is_europe'] = [int(x in eu_countries) for x in control['country']]

#Add the area
admin_shape['admin_area'] = admin_shape['geometry'].area

#Ach there are a few duplicated regions!!
control = pd.concat([



/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app
(906, 5)

Combine all the predictor data in a single df

In [92]:
#Concatenate all the variables
pred = pd.concat([arxiv_pred,cb_pred],axis=1,join='inner').fillna(0)

#Only consider situations where there is more than 1 paper in a location
pred = pred.loc[pred['arxiv_totals']>0,:]

#Finally, some transformations in the data
#Log the totals
for x in pred.columns:
    if 'totals' in x:

#Calculate zscores (removing a small number of infinite values)
pred.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan,inplace=True)
pred_norm = pred.dropna()

pred_norm = pred_norm.apply(lambda x: scipy.stats.zscore(x),axis=0)


(716, 6)

iv. Exploratory analysis

  • Descriptives
  • Correlation tables

In [93]:
import scipy

In [94]:
data = pd.concat([target,pred_norm,control],axis=1,join='inner')




(716, 12)

In [95]:
#Correlation between variables


y arxiv_totals arxiv_total_discs arxiv_entropy cb_totals cb_total_sectors cb_entropy is_china is_europe admin_area cluster_t0
y 1.000000 0.513843 0.634612 0.413444 0.372703 0.616262 0.315217 0.107653 -0.098680 0.086729 0.381117
arxiv_totals 0.513843 1.000000 0.887355 0.857715 0.628210 0.662855 0.633533 0.022762 0.130747 0.001487 0.185231
arxiv_total_discs 0.634612 0.887355 1.000000 0.857148 0.591042 0.734956 0.575238 0.020687 0.058336 0.047017 0.241333
arxiv_entropy 0.413444 0.857715 0.857148 1.000000 0.560871 0.573690 0.575542 0.034780 0.127690 -0.000088 0.134284
cb_totals 0.372703 0.628210 0.591042 0.560871 1.000000 0.714478 0.942272 0.022857 0.171361 0.082169 0.101746
cb_total_sectors 0.616262 0.662855 0.734956 0.573690 0.714478 1.000000 0.694029 -0.042899 -0.064850 0.114817 0.172085
cb_entropy 0.315217 0.633533 0.575238 0.575542 0.942272 0.694029 1.000000 -0.018398 0.207196 0.051128 0.075182
is_china 0.107653 0.022762 0.020687 0.034780 0.022857 -0.042899 -0.018398 1.000000 -0.162269 0.052422 -0.013959
is_europe -0.098680 0.130747 0.058336 0.127690 0.171361 -0.064850 0.207196 -0.162269 1.000000 -0.178023 0.010356
admin_area 0.086729 0.001487 0.047017 -0.000088 0.082169 0.114817 0.051128 0.052422 -0.178023 1.000000 0.005798
cluster_t0 0.381117 0.185231 0.241333 0.134284 0.101746 0.172085 0.075182 -0.013959 0.010356 0.005798 1.000000
More outputs for the paper

In [96]:
#This is the correlation table
my_vars = ['y','arxiv_totals','arxiv_entropy','cb_totals','cb_entropy','is_china']

corr_table = data[my_vars].corr().applymap(lambda x: np.round(x,3))


In [97]:
# Produce a bunch of boxplots comparing the independent variables for y > 1 

#Variables to plot
plot_vars = ['arxiv_totals','arxiv_entropy','cb_totals','cb_entropy']

#Lay down the plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=(len(plot_vars)),figsize=(4,13),sharex=True)

#For each variable, draw the boxplot
for num,x in enumerate(plot_vars):
    #Set title
    #Add labels
    ax[num].set_xticklabels(['No cluster','Has cluster'])

These boxplots are broadly consistent with the key hypotheses of our analysis: locations that acquired a concentration of DL research tended to be bigger and more diverse, and also to host stronger concentrations of tech companies based on the CrunchBase data

v. Modelling

Here we run a poisson regression using the data above.

In [98]:
# Remember to: 

#Cluster standard errors on country
#Do robust standard errors

import statsmodels.api as sm


data['entropy_interaction'] = data['arxiv_entropy']*data['cb_entropy']
data['research_industry_interaction'] = data['arxiv_totals']*data['cb_totals']

x_vars = ['intercept',


#data_2 = data.loc[data.arxiv_totals>np.median(data.arxiv_totals),:]

(716, 15)

In [99]:
#Test model with robust standard errors
test_model= sm.Poisson(data['y'],data[x_vars]).fit(

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.290358
         Iterations 8

In [100]:

Poisson Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y No. Observations: 716
Model: Poisson Df Residuals: 711
Method: MLE Df Model: 4
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2018 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.3652
Time: 12:29:03 Log-Likelihood: -207.90
converged: True LL-Null: -327.49
LLR p-value: 1.395e-50
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept -3.6870 0.382 -9.651 0.000 -4.436 -2.938
arxiv_entropy 1.5132 0.272 5.553 0.000 0.979 2.047
cb_entropy 0.8394 0.492 1.706 0.088 -0.125 1.804
is_china 1.0937 0.170 6.419 0.000 0.760 1.428
admin_area 0.0026 0.002 1.232 0.218 -0.002 0.007
Save the summary as $L^AT_EX$

In [101]:
summ = test_model.summary()

beginningtex = """\\documentclass{report}
endtex = "\end{document}"

f = open(fig_path+'/tables/table_poission.tex', 'w')

vi. Modelling

In [102]:
# As before, write a class that does all this.

class DlSpatialMulti():
    This class is initialised with a df with papers and the independent variables and controls dataset produced above.
    -.get_dl_results uses DBSCAN to extract a DL cluster taking key parameters (epsilon, lambda) and models
    cluster development with data features. 
    -.get_benchmark uses DBSCAN to extract DL clusters in other arXiv categories taking key parameters (epsilon, lambda) and models
    cluster development with data features. 

    -.comparison compares the results of the models.

    def __init__(self,papers,independent_variables):
        Initialise with the papers and independent variables
        #Store papers
        self.papers = papers
        #Store independent variables
        self.ind_vars = independent_variables
        #Dict to store models and data. We will use the keys to label the information that is stored
        self.model_store = {}
        self.data_store = {}
    def get_dl_results(self,thres=2012,epsilon=10,min_samples=100,
        This method extracts and models DL clusters. The inputs are a cut-off threshold for cluster emergence,
        the DBSCAN parameters and the variables to use in the prediction
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #Target container
        #The index is the number of regions
        target = pd.DataFrame(index=set(self.papers['country_reg'])-set(' '))
        #Get DL papers
        dl_papers = papers.loc[papers['is_dl']=='dl',:]

        #Split into two periods
        dl_papers_0 = dl_papers.loc[dl_papers['year']<thres,:]
        dl_papers_1 = dl_papers.loc[dl_papers['year']>thres,:]

        #Identify clusters in both periods
        dl_clusters_0, dl_clusters_1 = [cluster_report(paps,
                                                              min_samples=min_samples)) for paps in [
        #Get cluster frequencies in both periods
        clust_locs_0,clust_locs_1 = [
            flatten_freqs([df[4].reset_index(level=0).index]) for df in [dl_clusters_0,dl_clusters_1]]
        #Name the cluster locations in t0 (may use as contrl) = 'cluster_t0'
        #Create the cluster frequency count
        target['y'] = pd.concat([target,clust_locs_1],axis=1,sort=True,join='outer')

        #Fill the missing values
        #Concatenate the cluster results with the features
        dl_data = pd.concat([target,self.ind_vars],axis=1,sort=True,join='inner').fillna(0)
        #Model using xvars. NB we are using clustered standard errors by country. 
        model= sm.Poisson(dl_data['y'],
                                                                maxiter=5000, maxfun=5000)
        #Store everything
        self.data_store['dl'] = dl_data
        self.model_store['dl'] = model
    def get_benchmark_results(self,category,thres=2012,epsilon=10,min_samples=100,
        This method does the same as above but for a selected arXiv category.
        #Load papers
        papers = self.papers
        #Target container
        target = pd.DataFrame(index=set(self.papers['country_reg'])-set(' '))
        #Subset papers to find the relevant category
        subset = papers.loc[[category in arxiv_cat for arxiv_cat in papers['arxiv_categories']]]
        #Split into papers in t0 and papers in t1. Note that this excludes the threshold year as a 'boundary'
        subset_0 = subset.loc[subset['year']<thres]
        subset_1 = subset.loc[subset['year']>thres]
        #TODO: This is repeating the above. Refactor sometime?
        #Fit the clustering algorithm for the two subsets in the data and generate the reports
        db_report_0,db_report_1 = [cluster_report(subset,dbscan(subset,coords=['grid_lon','grid_lat'],
                                                                min_samples=min_samples)) for subset in [subset_0,subset_1]]
        #Get cluster frequencies
        clust_locs_0,clust_locs_1 = [
            flatten_freqs([df[4].reset_index(level=0).index]) for df in [db_report_0,db_report_1]] = 'cluster_t0'
        #Create the cluster frequency count
        target['y'] = pd.concat([target,clust_locs_1],axis=1,sort=True,join='outer')
        #Fill missing values
        #Store all the information
        #Concatenate the target, features etc
        bm_data = pd.concat([target,self.ind_vars],axis=1,sort=True,join='inner').fillna(0)
        bm_model= sm.Poisson(bm_data['y'],
                          bm_data [x_vars]).fit(cov_type='cluster',cov_kwds={'groups':bm_data['country']},
                                                                maxiter=5000, maxfun=5000)
        #Store everything using the right key 
        self.data_store[category] = bm_data
        self.model_store[category] = bm_model
    def compare_results(self,ax):
        This method creates a barchart with confidence intervals to compare the results.
        #Load the results
        #For each key in the stored models we will extract model outputs (parameters and confidence intervals)
        parameters = []
        conf_int = []
        #Do this
        for x in self.model_store.keys():
            #Extract the confident intervals
            conf_ints = self.model_store[x].conf_int()
            conf_ints_low = conf_ints[0]
            conf_ints_high = conf_ints[1]
        #Create dataframes and give them columns
        model_results_df = pd.concat(parameters,axis=1)
        conf_int_low_df = pd.concat([x[0] for x in conf_int],axis=1)
        conf_int_high_df = pd.concat([x[1] for x in conf_int],axis=1)
        #Variable names
        model_results_df.columns= self.model_store.keys()
        conf_int_low_df.columns= self.model_store.keys()
        conf_int_high_df.columns= self.model_store.keys()
        #And to plot
        my_vars = [
        #DFs to plot
        plot_df = model_results_df.loc[my_vars]
        low = conf_int_low_df.loc[my_vars]
        high = conf_int_high_df.loc[my_vars]

        # Do the barplot
        #Number of bars in the x axis
        x_n = np.arange(len(plot_df))

        for num,col in enumerate(plot_df.columns):
                   yerr = np.array(low[col],high[col]),
                   ecolor='black', capsize=3,alpha=0.5


        ax.legend(list(plot_df.columns),loc='upper right',title='Category',fontsize=12,ncol=len(model_results_df))
        ax.set_title('Coefficients for key variables in Poisson Regression',size=16)
        self.params = plot_df
        self.conf_int = [low,high]

We run the class above for a set of categories, extract key information and produce visualisations

In [103]:
#These are the 'shared' independent variables
data = pd.concat([pred_norm,control.drop('cluster_t0',axis=1)],axis=1,sort=False,join='inner').fillna(0)
data['entropy_interaction'] = data['arxiv_entropy']*data['cb_entropy']
data['research_industry_interaction'] = data['arxiv_totals']*data['cb_totals']

In [104]:
['cs.NI', 'cs.DM', 'cs.CC', 'cs.DS', 'cs.LO', 'cs.IT']

['cs.NI', 'cs.DM', 'cs.CC', 'cs.DS', 'cs.LO', 'cs.IT']

In [105]:
#xs are the indep variables
xs = data

test = DlSpatialMulti(mv_data,xs)

for cat in ['cs.NI','cs.IT','cs.DS','cs.CR']:

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.290358
         Iterations 8
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.178117
         Iterations 7
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.371160
         Iterations 7
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.208306
         Iterations 8
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.134642
         Iterations 7

In [106]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))

ax.set_ylabel('Estimated coefficient',fontsize=12)



In [107]:
#xs are the indep variables
xs = data

test_2 = DlSpatialMulti(mv_data,xs)

for cat in ['cs.NE','cs.AI','cs.CV','cs.CL','stat.ML']:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6))

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.415617
         Iterations 8
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.100185
         Iterations 8
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.175965
         Iterations 8
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.279045
         Iterations 8
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.163320
         Iterations 8
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.234098
         Iterations 8

In [108]:
comb = pd.concat([cb_totals,arxiv_totals],axis=1).fillna(0)


comb = comb.apply(lambda x: x/x.sum(),axis=0).iloc[:100,:]

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.

In [109]:

cb_totals arxiv_totals
cb_totals 1.000000 0.875441
arxiv_totals 0.875441 1.000000

Crude analysis of the situation in China

In [110]:
country_collabs = papers_clust.groupby('arxiv_id')['country'].apply(lambda x: list(x)).reset_index(drop=False)

In [111]:
country_collabs['china_us'] = [('China' in x) & ('United States of America' in x) for x in country_collabs['country']]

country_collabs['is_dl'] = [x in papers_expansive for x in country_collabs['arxiv_id']]

country_collabs['year'] = [papers_meta.loc[x,'year'] for x in country_collabs['arxiv_id']]

In [112]:
dl_ct = pd.crosstab(country_collabs['china_us'],country_collabs['is_dl'],margins=1)

china_us_shares = dl_ct[True]/dl_ct['All']

fig,ax = plt.subplots()

(100*china_us_shares[[True,'All']])'steelblue',title='Share of DL papers is bigger among US-China collaborations \n than in the wider corpus of arXiv papers',ax=ax)
ax.set_ylabel('DL percentage in category')
ax.set_xticklabels(['Chinese-US collaborations','All arXiv CS papers'],rotation=45,ha='right')



In [113]:
dl_papers_recent = country_collabs.loc[(country_collabs['year']>2010) & (country_collabs['is_dl']==True),:]

fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    colors=['orange','steelblue'],title='Chinese-USA collaborations are \n gaining importance over time')

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1),title='China-US collaborations')


/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/plotting/ UserWarning: 'colors' is being deprecated. Please use 'color'instead of 'colors'
  warnings.warn(("'colors' is being deprecated. Please use 'color'"

In [114]:


Alternative models

In the simpler, alternative model, we will estimate DL LQs for each region and model that with the other predictors.

In [115]:
n_iters = 5
import scipy.stats as ss

def calc_ECI_plus(X, n_iters):
    ECI_mat = np.zeros((X.shape[0], n_iters))
    x = X.values.sum(axis=1)
    x = x/ss.gmean(x)
    ECI_mat[:, 0] = x

    for n in range(1, n_iters):
        x = (X.values/(X.values/ECI_mat[:, n-1][:, np.newaxis]).sum(0)).sum(1)
        x = x/ss.gmean(x)
        ECI_mat[:, n] = x

    ECI = np.log(ECI_mat[:, -1]) - np.log((X/X.sum(0)).sum(1))
    return pd.DataFrame(ECI_mat, index=ECI.index), ECI

arxiv_eci = calc_ECI_plus(create_lq_df(arxiv_cat_totals),n_iters=5)[1]
cb_eci = calc_ECI_plus(create_lq_df(cb_cat_totals),n_iters=5)[1]

ecis= pd.concat([arxiv_eci,cb_eci],axis=1)

ecis['eci_interaction'] = ecis['arxiv_eci']*ecis['cb_eci']

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

In [137]:
dl_0 = create_lq_df(pd.crosstab(papers_clust.loc[papers_clust.year<2012,'country_reg'],

dl_1 = create_lq_df(pd.crosstab(papers_clust.loc[papers_clust.year>2012,'country_reg'],

dl_periods = pd.concat([dl_0['dl'],dl_1['dl']],axis=1,join='inner')

data_2 = pd.concat([dl_periods,data,ecis],axis=1,join='inner')

data_2 = data_2.loc[data_2.arxiv_totals>np.percentile(data_2.arxiv_totals,25),:]


dl_0 dl_1 arxiv_totals arxiv_total_discs arxiv_entropy cb_totals cb_total_sectors cb_entropy is_china is_europe admin_area intercept entropy_interaction research_industry_interaction arxiv_eci cb_eci eci_interaction
dl_0 1.000000 0.166699 0.074497 0.064328 0.033636 0.014831 0.033772 0.014003 0.084186 0.006429 0.050857 NaN 0.040131 0.063728 0.014197 0.024470 0.018945
dl_1 0.166699 1.000000 0.156471 0.169527 0.171176 0.150560 0.149849 0.092911 0.334584 -0.176824 0.143236 NaN 0.050505 0.129599 0.100385 0.038473 0.083787
arxiv_totals 0.074497 0.156471 1.000000 0.905719 0.700821 0.564698 0.654870 0.507879 0.010011 -0.000723 0.138524 NaN 0.610660 0.742365 0.596209 0.341815 0.620924
arxiv_total_discs 0.064328 0.169527 0.905719 1.000000 0.845284 0.571286 0.687570 0.498814 0.009222 -0.043489 0.156883 NaN 0.673774 0.777830 0.612948 0.333282 0.636833
arxiv_entropy 0.033636 0.171176 0.700821 0.845284 1.000000 0.483241 0.512569 0.447902 0.038455 -0.002538 0.110016 NaN 0.524859 0.534283 0.565219 0.303075 0.546717
cb_totals 0.014831 0.150560 0.564698 0.571286 0.483241 1.000000 0.787276 0.939527 -0.014363 -0.013504 0.202579 NaN 0.498701 0.598517 0.420415 0.689323 0.656786
cb_total_sectors 0.033772 0.149849 0.654870 0.687570 0.512569 0.787276 1.000000 0.702347 -0.064682 -0.186841 0.279667 NaN 0.677447 0.840612 0.457917 0.553829 0.665050
cb_entropy 0.014003 0.092911 0.507879 0.498814 0.447902 0.939527 0.702347 1.000000 -0.046951 0.059338 0.151417 NaN 0.455888 0.499278 0.401001 0.758016 0.601890
is_china 0.084186 0.334584 0.010011 0.009222 0.038455 -0.014363 -0.064682 -0.046951 1.000000 -0.190730 0.081639 NaN -0.018030 -0.023518 -0.020454 -0.062630 -0.047434
is_europe 0.006429 -0.176824 -0.000723 -0.043489 -0.002538 -0.013504 -0.186841 0.059338 -0.190730 1.000000 -0.293307 NaN -0.087122 -0.154931 0.035002 -0.014106 -0.040748
admin_area 0.050857 0.143236 0.138524 0.156883 0.110016 0.202579 0.279667 0.151417 0.081639 -0.293307 1.000000 NaN 0.192743 0.234718 0.135845 0.091899 0.163588
intercept NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
entropy_interaction 0.040131 0.050505 0.610660 0.673774 0.524859 0.498701 0.677447 0.455888 -0.018030 -0.087122 0.192743 NaN 1.000000 0.723666 0.423402 0.401882 0.647663
research_industry_interaction 0.063728 0.129599 0.742365 0.777830 0.534283 0.598517 0.840612 0.499278 -0.023518 -0.154931 0.234718 NaN 0.723666 1.000000 0.478248 0.428803 0.676590
arxiv_eci 0.014197 0.100385 0.596209 0.612948 0.565219 0.420415 0.457917 0.401001 -0.020454 0.035002 0.135845 NaN 0.423402 0.478248 1.000000 0.287836 0.852614
cb_eci 0.024470 0.038473 0.341815 0.333282 0.303075 0.689323 0.553829 0.758016 -0.062630 -0.014106 0.091899 NaN 0.401882 0.428803 0.287836 1.000000 0.612302
eci_interaction 0.018945 0.083787 0.620924 0.636833 0.546717 0.656786 0.665050 0.601890 -0.047434 -0.040748 0.163588 NaN 0.647663 0.676590 0.852614 0.612302 1.000000

In [139]:


# Remember to: 

#Cluster standard errors on country
#Do robust standard errors

import statsmodels.api as sm

x_vars = ['intercept',

#data_2 = data_2.loc[data_2.arxiv_totals>np.median(data_2.arxiv_totals),:]

#Test model with robust standard errors
test_model= sm.OLS(data_2['dl_1'],data_2[x_vars]).fit(


OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: dl_1 R-squared: 0.180
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.168
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 488.6
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2018 Prob (F-statistic): 2.13e-57
Time: 12:41:40 Log-Likelihood: -478.84
No. Observations: 483 AIC: 973.7
Df Residuals: 475 BIC: 1007.
Df Model: 7
Covariance Type: cluster
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept 0.6553 0.083 7.856 0.000 0.492 0.819
arxiv_entropy 0.1518 0.061 2.500 0.012 0.033 0.271
cb_entropy 0.0601 0.067 0.897 0.370 -0.071 0.191
entropy_interaction -0.0796 0.046 -1.741 0.082 -0.169 0.010
is_china 1.1068 0.064 17.309 0.000 0.981 1.232
is_europe -0.1639 0.081 -2.015 0.044 -0.323 -0.005
dl_0 0.0349 0.011 3.178 0.001 0.013 0.056
admin_area 0.0022 0.001 2.468 0.014 0.000 0.004
Omnibus: 152.839 Durbin-Watson: 2.052
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 387.026
Skew: 1.591 Prob(JB): 9.09e-85
Kurtosis: 6.018 Cond. No. 127.

[1] Standard Errors are robust tocluster correlation (cluster)

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