In [1]:
# %load
import rasterio
import numpy as np
from affine import Affine

def pixelToCoordFn(raster):
    """ Converts from pixel indices to actual coordinates.
    :param raster: file for which the coordinates have to be calculated
    :param x: x coordinate
    :param y: y coordinate
    :returns transFunc: function which does the transformation
    with, 'r') as rasterFile:
        T0 = rasterFile.affine
    #By default, transformation is for pixel edge. convert to centre
    T1 = T0#*Affine.translation(0.5,0.5)
    transFunc = lambda (r, c): (c, r) * T1
    return transFunc

def coordToPixelFn(raster):
    """ Converts from actual coordinates to pixel indices.
    :param raster: file for which the coordinates have to be calculated
    :param x: x coordinate
    :param y: y coordinate
    :returns transFunc: function which does the transformation
    with, 'r') as rasterFile:
        T0 = rasterFile.affine
    a1 = 1./T0.a
    b1 = T0.b
    c1 = -T0.c/T0.a
    d1 = T0.d
    e1 = 1/T0.e
    f1 = -T0.f/T0.e
    #print T0.a, T0.b, T0.c, T0.d, T0.e, T0.f
    T0 = Affine(a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1)
    #print T0.a, T0.b, T0.c, T0.d, T0.e, T0.f
    #print T0*(69.99958357546711, 20.000417005657994)
    #By default, transformation is for pixel edge. convert to centre
    T1 = T0#*Affine.translation(0.5,0.5)    
    transFunc = lambda (r, c): tuple(np.array((r, c)*T1)[::-1])
    return transFunc

Verify that fwd and inverse are actually correct

In [2]:
costFile = '../Shapefiles/TotalAreaSlopeCost.tif'
totalCostFile = '../Shapefiles/CompleteCost.tif'

px2Coord = pixelToCoordFn(costFile)
coord2Px = coordToPixelFn(costFile)


(72.0, 81.0)

We read different kinds of geometry from a shapefile

In [3]:
# %load
import rasterio
import fiona

def readFeature(shapeFile, feature='Point'):
    """Read all the points and their properties from a vector shape file
    :param shapeFile: name of a file to read from
    :param feature: either 'Point', 'Linestring' or 'Polygon' for now
    :returns: a list of feature coordinates and their names
    with as shpFile:
        allFeatures = list(shpFile)
    coordinates = []
    names = []
    print 'Number of features: ', len(allFeatures)
    for p in allFeatures:
        if p['geometry']['type'] == feature:
            if feature is 'Polygon':
                coords = p['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
            elif feature is 'MultiPolygon':
                coords = p['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0]
                print coords
            if 'Name' in p['properties'].keys(): 
    return names, coordinates

def writeRasterFile(outputArray, outputFilename, refRaster):
    with as src:
        kwargs = src.meta
    with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst:
        dst.write_band(1, outputArray.astype(kwargs['dtype']))

In [4]:
names, coords = readFeature('../Shapefiles/SahyadriPasses.shp')
polyNames, polyCoords = readFeature('../Shapefiles/WaterBodies.shp', feature='Polygon')
riverNames, riverCoords = readFeature('../Shapefiles/DeccanRiverBuffer.shp', feature='Polygon')

Number of features:  28
Number of features:  35
Number of features:  52

In [5]:
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

def drawPolygons(polyList, rasterFile, fillValue=4, fillType='uniform'):
    """ Draw water bodies (or any other polygon on an image)
    :param polyList: list of polygons to draw
    :param fillValue: The value to use at the filled locations
    :param rasterFile: Raster from which dimensions are extracted
    :param fillType: either 'uniform' or 'random'
    with as raster:
        width = raster.width
        height = raster.height
    img ='L',(height, width), 0)
    coord2px = coordToPixelFn(rasterFile)
    for poly in polyList:
        polyInCoords = poly
        polyInPixels = map(coord2Px, polyInCoords)
        ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polyInPixels, outline=True, fill=True)
    img = np.array(img,dtype=float).transpose()

    if fillType == 'uniform':
        return fillValue*img
    elif fillType == 'random':
        print 'Filling Random values.'
        indices = np.nonzero(img)
        numVals = len(indices[0])
        print 'in',numVals,'locations'
        img[indices] = sp.random.exponential(scale=2,size=numVals)
        print np.mean(img[indices])
        return img
        print 'Fill Type not recognised'

In [6]:
output = drawPolygons(polyCoords, costFile, fillType='random')
outputRivers = drawPolygons(riverCoords, costFile)

Filling Random values.
in 451229 locations

In [7]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


print 'finished one'
with as src:
    arr =
print 'finished reading ', arr.shape
#print 'all done!'

finished one
finished reading  (12001, 18001)

In [8]:
writeRasterFile(arr+outputRivers+output, totalCostFile, costFile)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rasterio/ FutureWarning: GDAL-style transforms are deprecated and will not be supported in Rasterio 1.0.
  transform = guard_transform(transform)

In [9]:

(array([ 573, 1180, 1213, 1293, 1322, 2747, 4034, 4278, 4291, 4400, 4486,
        4592, 4763, 4881, 4916, 5102, 6665]),
 array([ 6336,  9871,  9864,  9710,  4207,  4431, 11122, 11060,  6736,
         7019, 11072,  7385,  9947, 10044, 10134, 10372, 11123]))

In [ ]: