In [3]:
# Import modules
import traceback
import math
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [51]:
def bisect(f,a,b,tol):
Computes approximate solution of f(x)=0
f (function prototype) : function handle
a (real number) : left bound of the interval
b (real number) : right bound of the interval
tol (real number) : tolerance
Approximate solution x
- a * b must be smaller than zero
- a > b will be considered to be wrong
if a > b :
raise ValueError('a must be <= b')
fa = f(a)
fb = f(b)
if np.sign(fa) * np.sign(fb) >= 0 :
raise ValueError('It must be verified that f(a) * f(b) < 0')
while (b - a) / 2 > tol :
# Find the intermediate point
c = (a + b) / 2
fc = f(c)
if fc == 0 :
return c
elif fa * fc < 0 :
b = c
fb = fc
else :
a = c
fa = fc
return (a + b) / 2
except ValueError as e :
print('ValueError Exception : ', e)
In [25]:
f = lambda x : math.pow(x,3) + math.pow(x,1) - 1
tolerance = 0.0005
xc = bisect(f,0,1,tolerance)
print('%f ~ %f' %(xc - tolerance, xc + tolerance))
In [55]:
f = lambda x : math.cos(x) - x
tolerance = 1e-7
xc = bisect(f,0,1,tolerance)
Use the Bisection Method to find the root to eight correct decimal place
In [181]:
fa = lambda x : math.pow(x,5) + x - 1
fa_xc = bisect(fa,0,1,1e-9)
print('(a) x =',round(fa_xc,8))
fb = lambda x : math.sin(x) - 6 * x - 5
fb_xc = bisect(fb,-1,0.5,1e-9)
print('(b) x =',round(fb_xc,8))
fc = lambda x : math.log(x) + math.pow(x,2) - 3
fc_xc = bisect(fc,1,2,1e-9)
print('(c) x =',round(fc_xc,8))
Sketch the function and identify three intervals of length one that contain a root. Then find the roots to six correct decimal places.
In [97]:
def generate_points(f,xs):
ys = np.zeros(xs.size)
for i in range(len(xs)):
ys[i] = f(xs[i])
return ys
In [183]:
fa = lambda x : 2 * math.pow(x,3) + 6 * x - 1
xs = np.linspace(0,1,21)
ys = generate_points(fa,xs)
fa_xc = bisect(fa,0,1,1e-7)
print('x =',round(fa_xc,6))
In [185]:
fb = lambda x : math.exp(x - 2) + math.pow(x,3) - x
xs = np.linspace(-1.5,1,31)
ys = generate_points(fb,xs)
fb_xc = bisect(fb,-1.5,-0.5,1e-7)
print('x =',round(fb_xc,6))
fb_xc = bisect(fb,-0.5,0.5,1e-7)
print('x =',round(fb_xc,6))
fb_xc = bisect(fb,0.5,1.5,1e-7)
print('x =',round(fb_xc,6))
In [195]:
fc = lambda x : 1 + 5 * x - 6 * math.pow(x,3) + math.exp(2 * x)
xs = np.linspace(-1,0,51)
ys = generate_points(fc,xs)
fc_xc = bisect(fc,-0.5,0.5,1e-7)
print('x =',round(fc_xc,6))
fc_xc = bisect(fc,-1.5,-0.5,1e-7)
print('x =',round(fc_xc,6))
The Hilbert Matrix is the n × n matrix whose ijth entry is $\frac{1}{i + j - 1}$. Let $A$ denote the 5 × 5 Hilbert matrix. Its largest eigenvalue is about 1.567. Use the Bisection Method to decide how to change the upper left entry $A_{11}$ to make the largest eigenvalue of $A$ equal to $\pi$.
In [256]:
def rev_hilbert_matrix_eigvals(upper_left_element):
hilbert_matrix = LA.hilbert(5)
hilbert_matrix[0][0] = upper_left_element
return LA.eigvals(hilbert_matrix)
f = lambda x : np.max(rev_hilbert_matrix_eigvals(x)).real - scipy.pi
xs = np.linspace(2,4,21)
ys = generate_points(f,xs)
xc = bisect(f,2.5,3.5,1e-7)
print('Make A[1,1] to be',round(xc,6),'to make the largest eigenvalue equal to pi')
In [73]:
def fpi(g, x0, k, tol = 0):
Computes approximate solution of g(x)=x by Fixed-Point Iteration
g (function prototype) : function handle
x0 (real number) : starting guess
k (integer) : number of iteration steps
tol (real number) : tolerance (default : 0)
Approximate solution xc
ValueError :
- g is None
- k is not the type of positive integer
- tol is negative
if g is None :
raise ValueError('f is null')
if k != int(k) :
raise ValueError('k must be type of integer')
if k < 0 :
raise ValueError('k must be positive integer')
if tol < 0 :
raise ValueError('tol must be positive')
x = x0
for _ in range(k) :
tx = g(x)
if tol > 0 and abs(tx - x) / abs(tx) < tol :
return tx
else :
x = tx
return x
except ValueError as e:
print('ValueError Exception : ', e)
In [74]:
cosx = sinx
=> x + cosx - sinx = x
=> g(x) = x + cosx - sinx
g = lambda x : x + math.cos(x) - math.sin(x)
x = np.arange(21)
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['g(x)']= [fpi(g, 0, x[i]) for i in range(21)]
In [75]:
g = lambda x : 2.8 * x - math.pow(x,2)
print(fpi(g, 0.1, 300))
Apply Fixed-Point Iteration to find the solution of each equation to eight correct decimal places.
In [84]:
(a) x^3 = 2x + 2
==> x = (2x + 2)^(1/3)
==> g(x) = (2x + 2)^(1/3)
a = lambda x : math.pow(2 * x + 2, 1 / 3)
In [90]:
(b) e^x + x = 7
==> e^x = 7 - x
==> ln(7 - x) = x
==> g(x) = ln(7 - x)
b = lambda x : math.log(7 - x)
In [95]:
(c) e^x + sinx = 4
==> e^x = 4 - sinx
==> x = ln(4 - sinx)
c = lambda x : math.log(4 - math.sin(x))
Assume that $f$ is a function and that $r$ is a root, meaning that it satisfies $f(r)=0$. Assume that $x_a$ is an approximation to $r$. For the root-finding problem, the backward error of the approximation $x_a$ is $\left | f(x_a) \right |$ and the forward error is $\left | r - x_a \right |$
Assume that $r$ is a root of the differentiable function $f$ ; that is, assume that $f(r) = 0$. Then if $0 = f(r) = f'(r) = f''(r) = ... = f^{(m-1)}(r)$, but $f^{(m)}(r) \neq 0$, we say that $f$ has a root of multiplicity $m$ at $r$. We say that $f$ has a multiple root at $r$ if the multiplicity is greater than one. The root is called simple if the multiplicity is one.
$f(0) = \sin0 - 0 = 0$
$f'(0) = \cos0 - 1 = 0$
$f''(0) = -\sin0 - 0 = 0$
$f'''(0) = -\cos0 - 0 = -1$
The forward error is $\left | r - x_a \right | = 10^{-3}$
The backward error is $\left | f(x_a) \right | = \left | sin(0.001) - 0.001 \right | \approx 1.6667 \times 10^{-10}$
Let $f(x) = sinx - x$.
$f'(0) = \cos0 - 1 = 0$
$f''(0) = -\sin0 = 0$
$f'''(0) = -\cos0 = -1$
multiplicity = 3
In [13]:
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
f = lambda x : math.sin(x) - x
r = fsolve(f,0.1)[0]
print('forward error = %.16f' %(abs(r)))
print('backward error = %.16f' %(abs(f(r))))
(a) Use fzero to find the root of $f(x) = 2x\cos{x} - 2x + \sin{x^3}$ on $\left [ -0.1, 0.2 \right ]$. Report the forward and backward errors.
(b) Run the Bisection Method with initial interval $\left [ -0.1, 0.2 \right ]$ to find as many correct digits as possible
In [97]:
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
f = lambda x : 2 * x * math.cos(x) - 2 * x + math.sin(math.pow(x, 3))
r = fsolve(f,0.04)[0]
print('x = %.16f' % r)
print('forward error : %e' % abs(r) )
print('backward error : %e' % abs(f(r)) )
In [98]:
=> 2x * (cos(x) - 1) + sin(x^3)
=> (2x * (cos^2(x) - 1) + (cos(x) + 1) * sin(x^3)) / (cos(x) + 1)
=> (2x * -sin^2(x) + (cos(x) + 1) * sin(x^3)) / (cos(x) + 1)
f = lambda x : (2 * x * -math.pow(math.sin(x), 2) + (math.cos(x) + 1) * math.sin(math.pow(x, 3))) / (math.cos(x) + 1)
r = bisect(f,-0.1,0.2,1e-7)
print('x = %.16f' % r)
print('forward error : %e' % abs(r) )
print('backward error : %e' % abs(f(r)) )
In [2]:
def newton_method( f, df, x0, k = 500, tol = 1e-6) :
Use Newton's method to find the root of the function
f (function prototype) : function handle
df (function prototype) : derivative function handle
x0 (real number) : starting guess
k (integer) : number of iteration steps (default : 500)
tol (real number) : tolerance (default : 1e-6)
Approximate solution xc
ValueError :
- f or df is None
- k is smaller than 0
if f is None or df is None :
raise ValueError('Function handle f or df is Null')
if k <= 0 :
raise ValueError('Iteration k must be larger than 0')
xc = x0
for _ in range(k) :
xt = xc - f(xc) / df(xc)
if tol > 0 and abs(xt - xc) / abs(xc) < tol :
return xt
else :
xc = xt
return xc
except ValueError as e :
print('ValueError Exception : ', e)
In [43]:
f = lambda x : math.pow(x,3) + x - 1
df = lambda x : 3 * math.pow(x,2) + 1
xc = newton_method(f, df, -0.7, 25, 1e-8)
print ('x = %.8f' % xc)
In [2]:
def secant_method(f, x0, x1, k=500) :
Use Secant's method to find the root of the formula
f (function prototype) : function handle
x0 (real number) : initial guess
x1 (real number) : initial guess
k (integer) : number of iteration steps (default : 500)
Approximate solution xc
x = np.zeros(k)
x[0] = x0
x[1] = x1
for i in range(1,k - 1):
if f(x[i]) - f(x[i - 1]) == 0 :
return x[i]
x[i + 1] = x[i] - f(x[i]) * (x[i] - x[i - 1]) / (f(x[i]) - f(x[i - 1]))
return x[k - 1]
In [9]:
f = lambda x : math.pow(x, 3) + x - 1
secant_method(f, 0, 1, 100)
In [44]:
def false_position_method(f, a, b, k) :
Use false position method to find the root of the formula f
f (function prototype) : function handle
a (real number) : the lowerbound of the bracket of initial guess
b (real number) : the upperbound of the bracket of initial guess
k (integer) : number of iteration steps (default : 500)
Approximate solution xc
- f(a) * f(b) must be smaller than 0 (exclude zero)
if f(a) * f(b) >= 0 :
raise ValueError('f(a) * f(b) must be < 0')
for _ in range(k) :
c = (b * f(a) - a * f(b)) / (f(a) - f(b))
if f(c) == 0 :
return c
if f(a) * f(c) < 0 :
b = c
else :
a = c
return c
In [28]:
f = lambda x : pow(x, 3) - 2 * pow(x, 2) + 1.5 * x
false_position_method(f, -1, 1, 100)
In [78]:
def inverse_quadratic_interpolation(f, x0, x1, x2, k):
a = x0
b = x1
c = x2
for _ in range(k) :
q = f(a) / f(b)
r = f(c) / f(b)
s = f(c) / f(a)
denominator = (q - 1) * (r - 1) * (s - 1)
if denominator == 0 :
tmp = c - (r * (r - q) * (c - b) + (1 - r) * s * (c - a)) / denominator
a = b
b = c
c = tmp
return c
In [77]:
f = lambda x : pow(x, 3) + x - 1
inverse_quadratic_interpolation(f, 0, 0.5, 1, 20)