In [6]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
# import warnings
# warnings.filterwarnings('error')
from multihist import Hist1d, Histdd
In [7]:
# Digitizer sample size
dt = 2
# Waveform time labels
spe_ts = np.linspace(0, 639*2, 640) - 340 * 2
# Valid time (because the waveform does not range the full time span)
valid_t_range = (-100, 300)
t_mask = (valid_t_range[0] <= spe_ts) & (spe_ts < valid_t_range[1])
spe_ts = spe_ts[t_mask]
spe_t_edges = np.concatenate([[spe_ts[0] - dt/2], spe_ts + dt/2])
default_params = dict(
t1 = 3.1, # Singlet lifetime, Nest 2014 p2
t3 = 24, # Triplet lifetime, Nest 2014 p2
fs = 0.2, # Singlet fraction
tts = 2., # Transit time spread.
pulse_model=1, # This is the CHANNEL that is used...
n_photons = int(2e5),
t_min = -15.,
t_max = 125.,
s1_sample = 'data', # 'uniform'
error_offset = 0. ,
error_pct = 0.
def get_params(params):
Returns full set of parameters, setting the values given in `params` and setting the values in
`default_params` if not set explicity.
for k, v in default_params.items(): # key, value
params.setdefault(k, v)
if params['tts'] < 0:
params['tts'] = 1e-6
return params
One of the elements of simulted S1s is the single p.e. pulse model. We extract this from the gain calibration dataset.
In [8]:
import pickle
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
spe_pulses_cum = []
spe_ys = []
for ch, fn in enumerate(['170323_103732', '170323_104831']):
with open('../pulse_shape_single_pe/%s_ch%d.pickle' % (fn, ch) , 'rb') as infile:
ys = pickle.load(infile)[t_mask]
plt.plot(spe_ts, ys/ys.sum(), label='Channel %d' % ch)
# spe_pulses_cum: list of 2 elements: cumulative distribution for two channels
interp1d(spe_ts, np.cumsum(ys)/ys.sum())
plt.ylim(-0.01, 0.3)
plt.xlabel('Time (ns)')
plt.ylabel('Area / (2 ns)')
plt.title('Relative (normalized) amplitude of single p.e. pulses.')
In [9]:
for ch, p in enumerate(spe_pulses_cum):
plt.plot(spe_ts, p(spe_ts), label='Channel %d' % ch)
plt.grid(alpha=0.2, linestyle='-')
plt.xlabel('Time (ns)')
plt.ylabel('Cumulative fraction of area found')
What do we need the cumulative fraction for? Well, we input this into the custom_pmt_pulse_current
in pax.simulation
. Here is a quick check that all is well. There is just a little shift, but the alignment is quite arbitrary anyway.
In [10]:
# custom_pmt_pulse_current(pmt_pulse, offset, dt, samples_before, samples_after)
from pax.simulation import custom_pmt_pulse_current
for ch, c in zip([0, 1], ['blue', 'red']):
plt.plot(custom_pmt_pulse_current(spe_pulses_cum[ch], 0.1, 2, 10, 100), color=c)
plt.plot(spe_ts * 0.5 + 10 - 0.5, spe_ys[ch] * 0.5, color=c, ls='--')
plt.xlim(-10, 60)
plt.xlabel('Time sample number')
plt.ylabel('Relative amplitude')
In [11]:
gain_params = []
for ch, fn in enumerate(['170323_103732', '170323_104831']):
with open('../pulse_shape_single_pe/%s_ch%d_function.pickle' % (fn, ch) , 'rb') as infile:
_norm, _popt, _perr = pickle.load(infile)
gain_params.append(np.concatenate([np.array([_norm]), _popt, _perr]))
gain_params = np.array(gain_params)
In [12]:
import scipy
def area_sample(n_values, gain_params, **params):
params = get_params(params)
channel = params['pulse_model']
norm, mu, sigma, _, _ = gain_params[channel]
lower, upper = (0., 3.)
X = stats.truncnorm((lower - mu) / sigma, (upper - mu) / sigma, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
return X.rvs(n_values)
In [13]:
def gaus_trunc(x, mu, sigma):
return (x > 0) * np.exp( - (x - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
In [14]:
nbins = 600
ran = (-0.5, 3.5)
for channel in (0, 1):
plt.hist(area_sample(200000, gain_params, pulse_model = channel), bins=nbins, histtype='step', normed=True, range=ran)
x_plot = np.linspace(*ran, num=nbins)
y_plot = gaus_trunc(x_plot,gain_params[channel][1], gain_params[channel][2])
norm = 1 / (np.sum(y_plot) * (ran[1] - ran[0])) * nbins
plt.plot(x_plot, norm * y_plot)
plt.title('Channel %d' % channel)
In [15]:
import numba
# def split_s1_groups(x, n_x, s1_min, s1_max):
# """Splits x into groups with uniform(s1_min, s1_max) elements, then return matrix of histograms per group.
# Returns: integer array (n_x, n_groups)
# n_x: number of possible values in x. Assumed to be from 0 ... n_x - 1
# s1_min: minimum S1 number of hits
# s1_max: maximum S1 number of hits
# """
# # We want to exhaust the indices x. Simulate a generous amount of S1 sizes
# n_s1_est = int(1.5 * 2 * len(x) / (s1_min + s1_max))
# if
# hits_per_s1 = np.random.randint(s1_min, s1_max, size=n_s1_est)
# result = np.zeros((n_x, n_s1_est),
# s1_i = _split_s1_groups(x, hits_per_s1, result)
# return result[:,:s1_i - 1]
# @numba.jit(nopython=True)
# def _split_s1_groups(x, hits_per_s1, result):
# s1_i = 0
# for i in x:
# if hits_per_s1[s1_i] == 0:
# s1_i += 1
# continue
# result[i, s1_i] += 1
# hits_per_s1[s1_i] -= 1
# return s1_i
def split_s1_groups(x, n_x, areas, **params):
"""Splits x into groups with uniform (s1_min, s1_max) elements, then return matrix of histograms per group.
Returns: integer array (n_x, n_groups)
n_x: number of possible values in x. Assumed to be from 0 ... n_x - 1
s1_min: minimum S1 number of hits
s1_max: maximum S1 number of hits
params = get_params(params)
# We want to exhaust the indices x. Simulate a generous amount of S1 sizes
n_s1_est = int(1.5 * 2 * len(x) / (params['s1_min'] + params['s1_max']))
if params['s1_sample'] == 'data' and 'xams_data' not in globals():
print('Warning: data-derived s1 area distribution not possible, reverting to uniform...')
params['s1_sample'] = 'uniform'
if params['s1_sample'] == 'uniform':
pe_per_s1 = (params['s1_max'] - params['s1_min']) * np.random.random(size=n_s1_est) + params['s1_min']
elif params['s1_sample'] == 'data':
# Take S1 from the data sample
s1s_data = xams_data[params['dset']]['s1']
s1s_data = s1s_data[(s1s_data >= params['s1_min']) & (s1s_data < params['s1_max'])]
pe_per_s1 = np.random.choice(s1s_data, size=n_s1_est)
raise ValueError('Configuration not understood, got this: ', params['s1_sample'])
result = np.zeros((n_x, n_s1_est), dtype=float)
# s1_i = _split_s1_groups(x, pe_per_s1, result)
s1_i = _split_s1_groups(x, pe_per_s1, result, areas)
return result[:,:s1_i - 1]
def _split_s1_groups(x, hits_per_s1, result, areas):
s1_i = 0
for photon_i, i in enumerate(x):
if hits_per_s1[s1_i] < 0:
s1_i += 1
result[i, s1_i] += areas[photon_i]
hits_per_s1[s1_i] -= areas[photon_i]
return s1_i
# %%timeit
# split_s1_groups(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=int(1e6)), 101, 10, 20)
def shift(x, n):
"""Shift the array x n samples to the right, adding zeros to the left."""
if n > 0:
return np.pad(x, (n, 0), mode='constant')[:len(x)]
return np.pad(x, (0, -n), mode='constant')[-len(x):]
def simulate_s1_pulse(**params):
# n_photons=int(2e5),
"""Return (wv_matrix, time_matrix, t_shift vector) for simulated S1s, consisting of n_photons in total
params = get_params(params)
n_photons = params['n_photons']
# Make matrix (n_samples, n_waveforms) of pulse waveforms with various shifts
i_noshift = np.searchsorted(spe_t_edges, [0])[0] # Index corresponding to no shift in the waveform
y = spe_ys[params['pulse_model']] # This is the CHANNEL
# This is a matrix filled with waveforms, ordered by their SHIFT.
# So, these are all just model waveforms and will be selected later
wv_matrix = np.vstack([shift(y, i - i_noshift)
for i in range(len(spe_ts))]).T
# Simulate S1 pulse times, convert to index
times = np.zeros(n_photons)
n_singlets = np.random.binomial(n=n_photons, p=params['fs']) # We randomly select if the photon came from a singlet
# or triplet decay
# Time is distributed according to exponential distribution
# This is the TRUE time of all the photons generated, assuming time=0 is the time of the interaction
times += np.concatenate([
np.random.exponential(params['t1'], n_singlets),
np.random.exponential(params['t3'], n_photons - n_singlets)
# Since `times` is now sorted in (singlet, triplet), shuffle them
# Here we start taking into account detector physics: the transit time spread (simulated as normal dist.)
times += np.random.normal(0, params['tts'], size=n_photons)
# Find the bin that the photon would be in if it were sampled.
indices = np.searchsorted(spe_t_edges, times)
# Now, we delete all the photons that are outside of the bin range and re-match to the bin centers
# (Check the searchsorted documentation)
indices = indices[~((indices == 0) | (indices == len(spe_t_edges)))] - 1
# This is the new amount of photons simulated
if len(indices) < n_photons:
# print('Warning: I just threw away %d photons...' % (n_photons - len(indices)))
n_photons = len(indices)
# TODO: gain variation simulation
areas = area_sample(n_photons, gain_params, **params)
# NOTE do we also want to take the difference between the two channels into accont?
# Build instruction matrix, simulate waveforms
# So far, we've just been simulating a bunch of photons (very many).
# We are now going to split this into S1s: the split will be made at a random point between s1_min and s1_max.
# `index_matrix` is a matrix split into groups forming S1s.
# index_matrix = split_s1_groups(indices, len(spe_t_edges) - 1, params['s1_min'], params['s1_max'])
index_matrix = split_s1_groups(indices, len(spe_t_edges) - 1, areas, **params)
# Now, index_matrix[:, 0] contains a list of number of entries for the shift for each timestamp in bin
n_s1 = index_matrix.shape[1]
# return wv_matrix, index_matrix
# Remember that wv_matrix is a matrix of waveforms, each element at position i of which is shifted i samples
s1_waveforms =, index_matrix)
# return s1_waveforms
# Alignment based on maximum sample, compute average pulse
time_matrix, t_shift = aligned_time_matrix(spe_ts, s1_waveforms)
return s1_waveforms, time_matrix, t_shift
def aligned_time_matrix(ts, wv_matrix, mode = '10p'):
"""Return time matrix that would align waveforms im wv_matrix"""
n_s1 = wv_matrix.shape[1]
if mode == 'max':
# Find the position of maximum sample and match its times
t_shift = ts[np.argmax(wv_matrix, axis=0)]
elif mode == '10p':
fraction_reached = np.cumsum(wv_matrix, axis=0) / np.sum(wv_matrix, axis=0)
# Get the sample where 10% is reached by taking the sample closest to the 10% point
# This is as good as you can get without introducing fractional samples (which may be an improvement)
# TODO get interpolation in here
distance_to_10p_point = np.abs(fraction_reached - 0.1)
t_shift = ts[np.argmin(distance_to_10p_point, axis=0)]
time_matrix = np.repeat(ts, n_s1).reshape(wv_matrix.shape)
time_matrix -= t_shift[np.newaxis,:]
return time_matrix, t_shift
def average_pulse(time_matrix, wv_matrix):
"""Return average pulse, given time and waveform matrices"""
h, _ = np.histogram(time_matrix, bins=spe_t_edges, weights=wv_matrix)
h /= h.sum()
return h
def s1_average_pulse_model(*args, **kwargs):
wv_matrix, time_matrix, _ = simulate_s1_pulse(*args, **kwargs)
return average_pulse(time_matrix, wv_matrix)
In [16]:
s1_wvs, tmat, _ = simulate_s1_pulse(n_photons=int(2e5), t3=1, t1=50, tts=1, fs=0.5, dset='nr')
for i in range(100):
plt.plot(tmat[:, i], s1_wvs[:, i], alpha=0.1, c='k')
plt.grid(alpha=0.2, linestyle='-')
Here is what we get out.
is a matrix containing the y-coordinates of the waveforms. The columns are the individual waveforms, to get the first waveform, go wv_matrix[:, 0]
. time_matrix
is the same thing except for it contains the times. t_shift_vector
contains the shift of the waveform in ns (based on pulse times).
Here we simulate statistical errors by simulating n_data_s1s
and then performing bootstrap trials. The conclusion:....
In [17]:
def s1_models_resample(*args, n_data_s1s=1000, bootstrap_trials=10, **kwargs):
"""Return bootstrap_trials waveform templates from sampling n_data_s1s s1s"""
wv_matrix, time_matrix, _ = simulate_s1_pulse(*args, **kwargs)
n_s1s = wv_matrix.shape[1]
waveform_templates = np.zeros((len(spe_ts), bootstrap_trials))
for i in range(bootstrap_trials):
new_indices = np.random.randint(n_s1s, size=n_data_s1s)
waveform_templates[:, i] = average_pulse(time_matrix[:, new_indices],
wv_matrix[:, new_indices])
return waveform_templates
def sigmas_plot(x, q, color='b', **kwargs):
for n_sigma, alpha in [(1,0.5), (2, 0.1)]:
np.percentile(q, 100 * stats.norm.cdf(-n_sigma), axis=1),
np.percentile(q, 100 * stats.norm.cdf(n_sigma), axis=1),
alpha=alpha, linewidth=0, color=color, step='mid')
np.percentile(q, 50, axis=1),
color=color, linestyle='-', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1, **kwargs)
In [18]:
waveform_templates = s1_models_resample(n_data_s1s=100, s1_min=50, s1_max=60, bootstrap_trials=100)
sigmas_plot(spe_ts, waveform_templates)
Statistical errors are negligible if you have more than a few hundred waveforms.
In [19]:
import itertools
def s1_models_error(*args, shifts=None, **kwargs):
Compute the error on the S1 waveform given errors on specific parameters.
This will compute the S1 model for parameter +error, +0, and -error.
All combinations of paramters are tried.
`shifts` is a dict containting the allowed shift (+/-) for each model parameter.
`*args` and `**kwargs` will be passed to `s1_average_pulse_model` to compute the base model.
This function can also be used for getting the difference in pulse model for channel 0 and 1.
if shifts is None:
# Default uncertainty: in pulse model and in TTS
shifts = dict(tts=0.5, pulse_model=[0,1])
base_model = s1_average_pulse_model(*args, **kwargs)
# Allow specifying a single +- amplitude of variation
for p, shift_values in shifts.items():
if isinstance(shift_values, (float, int)):
shifts[p] = kwargs.get(p, default_params[p]) + np.array([-1, 0, 1]) * shift_values
shift_pars = sorted(shifts.keys())
shift_values = [shifts[k] for k in shift_pars]
# shift_value_combs is a list of paramters that will be tried to compute the average pulse.
# Contains all combintations: (+, 0, -) for all the parameters. ((3n)^2 for n number of parameters.)
shift_value_combs = list(itertools.product(*shift_values))
alt_models = []
for vs in shift_value_combs:
kw = dict()
for i, p in enumerate(shift_pars):
kw[p] = vs[i]
alt_models.append(s1_average_pulse_model(*args, **kw))
alt_models = np.vstack(alt_models)
# Hmmm. this seems like an upper estimate of the error, no?
# ask jelle
minus = np.min(alt_models, axis=0)
plus = np.max(alt_models, axis=0)
return minus, base_model, plus
# return [s1_average_pulse_model(*args, **kwargs)
# for q in [-tts_sigma, 0, tts_sigma]]
In [20]:
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error()
plt.fill_between(spe_ts, minus, plus, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, label='Uncertainty')
plt.plot(spe_ts, base, label='Base model')
plt.xlabel('Time, (ns)')
Here we read the S1 data for three (highfield) datasets: NR, ER and BG_NR. We store it in the form of a dict (keys: er, nr, bg_nr). Each dict item is an array containing the waveforms (per row).
In [21]:
xams_data = dict()
xams_data['nr'], xams_data['er'], xams_data['bg_nr'] = pickle.load(open('highfield_dataframes.pickle', 'rb'))
xams_s1s = dict()
# Get pulse waveforms to matrix rather than object column
for k, d in xams_data.items():
xams_s1s[k] = np.array([x for x in d['s1_pulse']])
del d['s1_pulse']
Here's an example waveform
In [22]:
plt.plot(spe_ts, xams_s1s['nr'][0])
plt.xlabel('Time (ns)')
In [23]:
def real_s1_wv(**params):
"""Return average S1 waveform, number of S1s it was constructed from"""
params = get_params(params)
areas = xams_data[params['dset']]['s1'].values
mask = (params['s1_min'] < areas) & (areas < params['s1_max'])
# Could now derive distribution, I'll just assume uniform for the moment.
# Hist1d(areas[mask],
# bins=np.linspace(params['s1_min'], params['s1_max'], 100)).plot()
n_data_s1s = mask.sum()
wvs = xams_s1s[params['dset']][mask].T
tmat, _ = aligned_time_matrix(spe_ts, wvs)
real_s1_avg = average_pulse(tmat, wvs)
return real_s1_avg, n_data_s1s
In [24]:
s1_range = (10, 20)
dset ='nr'
ydata, n_data_s1s = real_s1_wv(s1_min = s1_range[0], s1_max = s1_range[1])
plt.plot(spe_ts, ydata)
plt.title('Average waveform %.1f - %.1f p.e., %d events.' % (s1_range[0], s1_range[1], n_data_s1s))
In [25]:
s1_bins = np.linspace(0, 100, 11)
In [26]:
for left, right in zip(s1_bins[:-1], s1_bins[1:]):
ydata, n_data_s1s = real_s1_wv(s1_min = left, s1_max = right, dset = 'er')
plt.plot(spe_ts, ydata, label = '%d - %d p.e.' % (left, right))
#plt.title('Average waveform %.1f - %.1f p.e., %d events.' % (left, right, n_data_s1s))
plt.xlim(-10, 100)
for left, right in zip(s1_bins[:-1], s1_bins[1:]):
ydata, n_data_s1s = real_s1_wv(s1_min = left, s1_max = right, dset='nr')
plt.plot(spe_ts, ydata, label = '%d - %d p.e.' % (left, right))
#plt.title('Average waveform %.1f - %.1f p.e., %d events.' % (left, right, n_data_s1s))
plt.xlim(-10, 100)
In [128]:
def residuals(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params):
params = get_params(params)
# CHANGED BY ERIK check for zero
sigma = get_sigma(minus, base, plus, **params)
if 0. in sigma:
zero_positions = np.where(sigma == 0)
print('Warning: found zero in error array at positions: ', zero_positions)
print('Replacing with infinite error instead...')
for pos in zero_positions:
sigma[pos] = np.inf
return (ydata - base) / sigma
def get_sigma(minus, base, plus, **params):
params = get_params(params)
sigma = np.abs(plus - minus)/2 + params['error_offset'] + params['error_pct'] * np.abs(base)
return sigma
def comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params):
params = get_params(params)
sigmas = get_sigma(minus, base, plus, **params)
# large subplot
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3,1), (2,0))
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3,1), (0,0), rowspan=2, sharex=ax2)
#f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
# plt.fill_between(spe_ts, minus, plus, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, step='mid')
plt.fill_between(spe_ts, base - sigmas, base + sigmas,
alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, step='mid')
plt.plot(spe_ts, base, linestyle='steps-mid', label='Model')
plt.plot(spe_ts, ydata, marker='.', linestyle='', markersize=3, c='k', label='Observed')
plt.grid(alpha=0.1, linestyle='-', which='both')
plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.ylabel("Fraction of amplitude")
plt.axhline(0, c='k', alpha=0.5)
leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right', numpoints=1)
plt.ylim(0, None)
# Add residuals
plt.subplot2grid((3,1), (2,0), sharex=ax1)
plt.xlim(params['t_min'], params['t_max'])
res = residuals(ydata, minus, base, plus)
plt.plot(spe_ts, res,
linestyle='', marker='x', c='k', markersize=3)
plt.ylim(-3, 3)
plt.grid(which='both', linestyle='-', alpha=0.1)
plt.axhline(0, c='k', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel("Time since alignment point")
plt.text(#plt.xlim()[1] * 0.5, plt.ylim()[1] * 0.6,
60, 2,
'Mean abs. res.: %0.3f' % np.abs(res).mean())
def comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params):
params = get_params(params)
res = residuals(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params)
sigmas = get_sigma(minus, base, plus, **params)
# plt.fill_between(spe_ts, minus - params['error_offset'], plus + params['error_offset'],
# alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, step='mid')
plt.fill_between(spe_ts, base - sigmas, base + sigmas,
alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, step='mid')
plt.plot(spe_ts, base, linestyle='steps-mid', label='Model')
plt.plot(spe_ts, ydata, marker='.', linestyle='', markersize=3, c='k', label='Observed')
plt.ylim(2e-5, 1e-1)
plt.ylabel("Fraction of amplitude")
plt.xlabel('Time (ns)')
for _l in (params['t_min'], params['t_max']):
plt.axvline(_l, ls='dotted', color='black')
plt.plot(spe_ts, np.abs(res), color='red')
plt.ylabel('Residual / error')
plt.xlim(params['t_min'] - 20, params['t_max'] + 50)
res = res[(spe_ts >= params['t_min']) & (spe_ts < params['t_max'])]
chi2 = sum(res**2) / len(spe_ts[(spe_ts >= params['t_min']) & (spe_ts < params['t_max'])])
print('chi2 = %f' % chi2)
In [89]:
cust_params = {
's1_min' : 20,
's1_max' : 30,
'dset' : 'nr',
'tts' : .75,
'fs' : 0.2
ydata, n_data_s1s = real_s1_wv(**cust_params)
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(**cust_params)
res = residuals(ydata, minus, base, plus)
comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus)
print('Average waveform %.1f - %.1f p.e., %d events.' % (cust_params['s1_min'], cust_params['s1_max'], n_data_s1s))
In [90]:
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus, error_offset = 0.0002)
In [123]:
def gof(verbose=True, mode = 'chi2_ndf', **params):
Get the mean residuals for given model parameters.
params = get_params(params)
# Do not allow unphysical values
if params['t1'] < 0 or params['t3'] < 0 or not (0 <= params['fs'] <= 1):
result = float('inf')
ydata, _ = real_s1_wv(**params)
# By default, the errors are set to: [0,1] for pulse model, 1.0 for tts
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(**params)
res = residuals(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params)
assert len(res) == len(spe_ts)
res = res[(spe_ts >= params['t_min']) & (spe_ts < params['t_max'])]
if mode == 'mean':
result = np.abs(res).mean()
elif mode == 'median':
result = np.median(np.abs(res))
elif mode == 'chi2':
result = np.sum(res**2)
elif mode == 'chi2_ndf':
result = 1/len(res) *np.sum(res**2)
elif mode == 'res':
result = res
raise ValueError('Mode unknown, fot this: %s' % mode)
if verbose and (mode != 'res'):
print('gof={gof}, fs={fs}, t1={t1}, t3={t3}, tts={tts}'.format(gof=result, **params))
return result
In [31]:
from copy import deepcopy
def gof_simultaneous(fs_er, fs_nr, verbose=True, mode='mean', **params):
params = get_params(params)
params_er = deepcopy(params)
params_nr = deepcopy(params)
params_er['dset'] = 'er'
params_nr['dset'] = 'nr'
params_er['fs'] = fs_er
params_nr['fs'] = fs_nr
gof_er = gof(verbose=False, mode=mode, **params_er)
gof_nr = gof(verbose=False, mode=mode, **params_nr)
if verbose:
print('gof_er={gof_er}, gof_nr={gof_nr}, fs_er={fs_er}, fs_nr={fs_nr} t1={t1}, t3={t3}, tts={tts}'.format(
gof_er=gof_er, gof_nr=gof_nr, fs_er = params_er['fs'], fs_nr = params_nr['fs'], **params))
return gof_er + gof_nr
In [32]:
gof_simultaneous(fs_er = 0.2, fs_nr = 0.16, mode='chi2', error_offset = 2e-4)
In [34]:
iterations = 100
n_photons_scan = [int(1e4), int(3e4), int(7e4), int(2e5)]
const_gofs = []
for n_photons in n_photons_scan:
const_gofs.append([gof(verbose = False, mode='chi2', n_photons = n_photons) for _ in range(iterations)])
In [35]:
for gofs, n_photons, c in zip(const_gofs, n_photons_scan, ['blue', 'orange', 'green', 'red', 'black']):
plt.hist(gofs, label="%d" % n_photons, histtype='step', range=(0, 500), bins=100, color = c)
plt.axvline(np.mean(gofs), color = c)
Wait, what? The residuals spread get larger with increasing stats? That does not sound right.
In [36]:
for i in range(10):
plt.plot(gof(mode='res', error_offset = 0.))
In [37]:
for i in range(10):
plt.plot((gof(mode='res', error_offset = 0., error_pct = 0.1))**2)
In [41]:
def sigma_from_params(**params):
params = get_params(params)
# ydata, _ = real_s1_wv(**params)
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(**params)
sigma = get_sigma(minus, base, plus, **params)
sigma = sigma[(spe_ts >= params['t_min']) & (spe_ts < params['t_max'])]
return sigma
In [57]:
plt.plot(1/sigma_from_params(error_pct = 5e-2, error_ofset = 1e-3))
In [112]:
iterations = 250
n_photons_scan = [int(1e4), int(3e4), int(7e4), int(2e5)]
const_gofs = []
for n_photons in n_photons_scan:
const_gofs.append([gof(verbose = False, mode='chi2', n_photons = n_photons,
error_pct = 1e-2, error_ofset = 1e-4) for _ in range(iterations)])
In [113]:
for gofs, n_photons, c in zip(const_gofs, n_photons_scan, ['blue', 'orange', 'green', 'red', 'black']):
plt.hist(gofs / np.average(gofs), label="%d" % n_photons, histtype='step', range=(0, 2), bins=200, color = c)
plt.axvline(color = c)
In [108]:
ydata, n_data_s1s = real_s1_wv()
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error()
# res = residuals(ydata, minus, base, plus)
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus, error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4, t_max= 125)
# plt.ylim(0, 2)
In [ ]:
from scipy import optimize
optresult = optimize.minimize(
lambda x: gof_simultaneous(fs_er=x[0], fs_nr=x[1], t3=x[2], tts=x[3], s1_min=30, s1_max = 100,
mode='chi2', error_offset = 1e-4),
[0.2, 0.3, 25., 2.],
bounds=[[.01, 1], [20, 30], [.1, 5]],
# mode = mean, s1_min =30, s1_max = 100: [ 0.20968042, 0.28464569, 24.8145522 , 2.42197182]
# array([ 0.17916349, 0.32752012, 24.00000003, 1.03864494])
# array([ 0.18086791, 0.24823393, 24.23984679, 2.3384889 ]) 462.62128366264312
# array([ 0.19454366, 0.3126068 , 25.57424767, 2.38196603]) 484.92280858647905
In [ ]:
x = optresult.x
In [ ]:
def check_params(plot_type = 0, **params):
params = get_params(params)
ydata, _ = real_s1_wv(**params)
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(**params)
if plot_type == 1:
comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params)
elif plot_type == 2:
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params)
elif plot_type == 0:
comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params)
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus, **params)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
check_params(s1_min = 30, s1_max = 100, dset='er', fs=x[0], t3 = x[2], tts=x[3], plot_type=0, error_offset = 1e-4)
check_params(s1_min = 30, s1_max = 100, dset='nr', fs=x[1], t3 = x[2], tts=x[3], plot_type=0, error_offset = 1e-4)
In [ ]:
gofs = [gof_simultaneous(fs_er=x[0], fs_nr=x[1], t3=x[2], tts=x[3], s1_min=30, s1_max = 100,
mode='chi2', error_offset = 1e-4)
for _ in range(20)]
In [ ]:
In [124]:
from scipy import optimize
optresult = optimize.minimize(
lambda x: gof(fs=x[0], tts=x[1], s1_min=30, s1_max = 100, error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4, mode='chi2_ndf'),
[0.2, 2],
bounds=[[.01, 1], [20, 30], [.1, 5]],
In [127]:
In [129]:
fit = optresult.x
ydata, _ = real_s1_wv()
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(fs=fit[0], tts=fit[1], s1_min = 30, s1_max = 100,
error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4)
comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus, error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4)
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus, error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4)
Need higher stats?
In [143]:
from scipy import optimize
optresult = optimize.minimize(
lambda x: gof(fs=x[0], t3=x[1], tts=x[2], s1_min = 30, s1_max = 100,
error_pct = 0.5e-2, error_offset = 1e-5),
[0.2, 24, 3],
bounds=[[.01, 1], [20, 30], [.1, 5]],
In [144]:
fit = optresult.x
ydata, _ = real_s1_wv()
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(fs=fit[0], t3=fit[1], tts=fit[2], error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4)
comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus, error_pct = 0.5e-2, error_offset = 1e-5)
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus, error_pct = 0.5e-2, error_offset = 1e-5)
In [230]:
def gof_v_parameter(parameter, variation_range, num, **params):
params_to_try = np.linspace(*variation_range, num=num)
gofs = []
for param_value in params_to_try:
params[parameter] = param_value
return params_to_try, np.array(gofs)
def gof_v_2_paramters(parameter1, parameter2, variation_range1, variation_range2, num1, num2, **params):
import time
start = time.time()
params_to_try1 = np.linspace(*variation_range1, num=num1)
params_to_try2 = np.linspace(*variation_range2, num=num2)
gvd = []
for par1 in params_to_try1:
for par2 in params_to_try2:
params[parameter1] = par1
params[parameter2] = par2
gof_value = gof(**params)
gvd.append([par1, par2, gof_value])
stop = time.time()
print('Computation took %d seconds (%.1f s/it)' % ((stop - start), (stop - start) / len(gvd)))
return np.array(gvd)
In [244]:
nx = 20
ny = 20
ding = gof_v_2_paramters('fs', 't3', (0.16, 0.24), (23., 27.), nx, ny, tts=fit[2],
error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4, verbose=False)
In [245]:
plt.scatter(ding[:,0], ding[:,1], c=ding[:, 2])
In [246]:
x = np.reshape(ding[:, 0], (nx, ny))
y = np.reshape(ding[:, 1], (nx, ny))
z = np.reshape(ding[:, 2], (nx, ny))
In [247]:
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, z/ np.min(z))
In [ ]:
edge_x = ding[:, 0]
edge_y =
ax = plt.gca()
pc = ax.pcolormesh(edge_x, edge_y, 1000* (h_fg - h_bg).T, cmap='RdBu', vmin = -3e-1, vmax = 3e-1)
In [157]:
fss, gofs = gof_v_parameter('fs', (0.14, 0.24), 20, fs=fit[0], t3=fit[1], tts=fit[2], error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4)
In [158]:
plt.plot(fss, gofs, marker='.', markersize=5)
In [ ]:
In [135]:
optresult_nr = optimize.minimize(
lambda x: gof(fs=x[0], t3=x[1], tts=x[2], dset = 'nr', error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4),
[0.2, 24, 3],
bounds=[[.01, 1], [20, 30], [.1, 5]],
In [ ]:
In [137]:
fit = optresult_nr.x
ydata, _ = real_s1_wv(dset='nr')
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(fs=fit[0], t3=fit[1], tts=fit[2], dset='nr', error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4)
comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus, error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4)
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus, error_pct = 1e-2, error_offset = 1e-4)
for _l in (-15, 125):
plt.xlim(-50, 200)
In [ ]:
plt.hist(xams_data['er']['s1'], bins=100, histtype='step', range=(50,100))
plt.hist(xams_data['nr']['s1'], bins=100, histtype='step', range=(50,100))
In [4]:
from scipy import optimize
optresult = optimize.minimize(
lambda x: gof(fs=x[0], t1=x[1], t3=x[2], tts=x[3], s1_min=30, s1_max = 100, dst='er'),
[0.2, 3.1, 24, 3],
bounds=[[.01, 1], [.1, 5], [20, 30], [.1, 5]],
In [ ]:
# fit = optresult.x
# ydata, _ = real_s1_wv()
# minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(fs=fit[0], t1=fit[1], t3=fit[2], tts=fit[3])
# comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus)
In [ ]:
fit = optresult.x
ydata, _ = real_s1_wv()
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(fs=fit[0], t1=fit[1], t3=fit[2], tts=fit[3], s1_min=30, s1_max = 100)
comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus)
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus)
for _l in (-20, 100):
plt.xlim(-50, 200)
The fit is pushing the singlet livetime to very low values... There is some degeneracy here, and also some mis-modeling, it seems. The sample at 0 is always under-estimated. Why? Maybe because the tts is actually quite low but modeled here as large. The effects may not be symmetric: there are many things causing a delay, but not a negative delay.
In [5]:
from scipy import optimize
optresult = optimize.minimize(
lambda x: gof(fs=x[0], t1=x[1], t3=x[2], tts=x[3], s1_min=30, s1_max = 100, dst='nr'),
[0.2, 3.1, 24, 3],
bounds=[[.01, 1], [.1, 5], [20, 30], [.1, 5]],
In [ ]:
fit = optresult.x
ydata, _ = real_s1_wv()
minus, base, plus = s1_models_error(fs=fit[0], t1=fit[1], t3=fit[2], tts=fit[3], s1_min=30, s1_max = 100, dset='nr')
comparison_plot(ydata, minus, base, plus)
comparison_plot_2(ydata, minus, base, plus)
for _l in (-20, 100):
plt.xlim(-50, 200)
In [ ]: