In [1]:
import sys,os
import tempfile
import shutil
%matplotlib inline
import trappy
trace_thermal = "./trace.txt"
trace_sched = "../tests/trace_sched.txt"
TEMP_BASE = "/tmp"

In [2]:
def setup_thermal():
    tDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir="/tmp", prefix="trappy_doc", suffix = ".tempDir")
    shutil.copyfile(trace_thermal, os.path.join(tDir, "trace.txt"))
    return tDir

def setup_sched():
    tDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir="/tmp", prefix="trappy_doc", suffix = ".tempDir")
    shutil.copyfile(trace_sched, os.path.join(tDir, "trace.txt"))
    return tDir

In [3]:
temp_thermal_location = setup_thermal()
trace1 = trappy.FTrace(temp_thermal_location)
trace2 = trappy.FTrace(temp_thermal_location)
trace2.thermal.data_frame["temp"] = trace1.thermal.data_frame["temp"] * 2
trace2.cpu_out_power.data_frame["power"] = trace1.cpu_out_power.data_frame["power"] * 2

Usage of Signals

A signal is a string which represents a combination of a TRAPpy event and a column. The format of the signal is, "event_name:column". e.g, thermal:temp.

The Plotter API can accept either a list of signals as an input or a combination of templates and columns. Here is an example on how to use signals:

In [4]:
l = trappy.LinePlot(trace1, signals=["thermal:temp"])

No Pivot Simple

In [5]:
l = trappy.LinePlot(trace1, trappy.thermal.Thermal, column="temp")

No Pivot Multi Trace

In [6]:
l = trappy.LinePlot([trace1, trace2], trappy.thermal.Thermal, column="temp")

No Pivot Mutiple Columns and Traces

In [7]:
l = trappy.LinePlot([trace1, trace2], [trappy.thermal.Thermal,trappy.thermal.ThermalGovernor], column=["temp", "power_range"])

No Pivot With Filters

In [8]:
l = trappy.LinePlot([trace1, trace2], [trappy.cpu_power.CpuOutPower], column="power", filters={"cdev_state": [0]})

Pivoted Data

In [9]:
l = trappy.LinePlot(trace1, trappy.thermal.Thermal, column="temp", pivot="thermal_zone")

Pivoted Multi Trace Data

In [10]:
l = trappy.LinePlot([trace1, trace2], trappy.cpu_power.CpuOutPower, column="power", pivot="cpus")

Labelling Pivots

A dictionary at that maps pivot values into possibly useful labels can be provided

In [11]:
map_label = {
            "00000000,00000006" : "A57",
            "00000000,00000039" : "A53",
l = trappy.LinePlot([trace1, trace2], trappy.cpu_power.CpuOutPower, column="power", pivot="cpus", map_label=map_label)

Pivoted Data Multiple Traces and Columns

In [12]:
l = trappy.LinePlot([trace1, trace2],
                    [trappy.cpu_power.CpuInPower, trappy.cpu_power.CpuOutPower],
                    column=["dynamic_power", "power"],

Pivoted Data with filters

In [13]:
l = trappy.LinePlot(trace1, trappy.cpu_power.CpuInPower, column=["dynamic_power", "load1"],
                    filters={"cdev_state": [1, 0]}, pivot="cpus")

Here is the same plot using signals:

In [14]:
l = trappy.LinePlot(trace1, signals=["cpu_in_power:dynamic_power", "cpu_in_power:load1"],
                    filters={"cdev_state": [1, 0]}, pivot="cpus")

Permute Multi Trace with Multi Columns

The permute parameter allows to plot all the permutations of the specified traces with the specified columns. Each figure will plot the values of each column for those traces. Hence, with N traces and M columns, you will get M figures each displaying N traces.

In [15]:
l = trappy.LinePlot([trace1, trace2], trappy.thermal.Thermal, column=["temp", "temp_prev"], permute=True)