EAS Testing - PCMark benchmark on Android

The goal of this experiment is to run benchmarks on a Nexus N5X running Android with an EAS kernel and collect results. The analysis phase will consist in comparing EAS with other schedulers, that is comparing sched governor with:

- interactive
- performance
- powersave
- ondemand

The benchmark we will be using is PCMark (https://www.futuremark.com/benchmarks/pcmark-android). You will need to manually install the app on the Android device in order to run this Notebook.

When opinening PCMark for the first time you will need to Install the work benchmark from inside the app.

In [1]:
import logging
log_fmt = '%(asctime)-9s %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s'

# Change to info once the notebook runs ok

In [2]:
%pylab inline

import copy
import os
from time import sleep
from subprocess import Popen
import pandas as pd

# Support to access the remote target
import devlib
from env import TestEnv

# Support for trace events analysis
from trace import Trace

# Suport for FTrace events parsing and visualization
import trappy

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Test Environment set up

In case more than one Android device are conencted to the host, you must specify the ID of the device you want to target in my_target_conf. Run adb devices on your host to get the ID.

In [3]:
# Setup a target configuration
my_target_conf = {
    # Target platform and board
    "platform"    : 'android',

    # Add target support
    "board" : 'n5x',
    # Device ID
    #"device" : "00b1346f0878ccb1",
    # Define devlib modules to load
    "modules"     : [
        'cpufreq'       # enable CPUFreq support

In [4]:
my_tests_conf = {

    # Folder where all the results will be collected
    "results_dir" : "Android_PCMark",

    # Platform configurations to test
    "confs" : [
            "tag"            : "pcmark",
            "flags"          : "ftrace",           # Enable FTrace events
            "sched_features" : "ENERGY_AWARE",     # enable EAS

In [5]:
# Initialize a test environment using:
# the provided target configuration (my_target_conf)
# the provided test configuration   (my_test_conf)
te = TestEnv(target_conf=my_target_conf, test_conf=my_tests_conf)
target = te.target

2016-04-04 09:56:39,384 INFO    :         Target - Using base path: /home/pippo/work/lisa
2016-04-04 09:56:39,385 INFO    :         Target - Loading custom (inline) target configuration
2016-04-04 09:56:39,386 INFO    :         Target - Loading custom (inline) test configuration
2016-04-04 09:56:39,386 INFO    :         Target - Devlib modules to load: ['bl', 'cpufreq']
2016-04-04 09:56:39,387 INFO    :         Target - Connecting Android target [DEFAULT]
2016-04-04 09:56:39,772 INFO    :         Target - Initializing target workdir:
2016-04-04 09:56:39,774 INFO    :         Target -    /data/local/tmp/devlib-target
2016-04-04 09:56:41,938 INFO    :         Target - Topology:
2016-04-04 09:56:41,940 INFO    :         Target -    [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
2016-04-04 09:56:42,062 INFO    :        TestEnv - Set results folder to:
2016-04-04 09:56:42,063 INFO    :        TestEnv -    /home/pippo/work/lisa/results/Android_PCMark
2016-04-04 09:56:42,064 INFO    :        TestEnv - Experiment results available also in:
2016-04-04 09:56:42,065 INFO    :        TestEnv -    /home/pippo/work/lisa/results_latest

Support Functions

This set of support functions will help us running the benchmark using different CPUFreq governors.

In [6]:
def set_performance():

def set_powersave():

def set_interactive():

def set_sched():

def set_ondemand():
    for cpu in target.list_online_cpus():
        tunables = target.cpufreq.get_governor_tunables(cpu)
            **{'sampling_rate' : tunables['sampling_rate_min']}

In [7]:
# CPUFreq configurations to test
confs = {
    'performance' : {
        'label' : 'prf',
        'set' :  set_performance,
    #'powersave' : {
    #    'label' : 'pws',
    #    'set' :  set_powersave,
     'interactive' : {
         'label' : 'int',
         'set' :  set_interactive,
    #'sched' : {
    #    'label' : 'sch',
    #    'set' :  set_sched,
    #'ondemand' : {
    #    'label' : 'odm',
    #    'set' :  set_ondemand,

# The set of results for each comparison test
results = {}

In [8]:
def check_packages(pkgname):
        output = target.execute('pm list packages -f | grep -i {}'.format(pkgname))
    except Exception:
        raise RuntimeError('Package: [{}] not availabe on target'.format(pkgname))

# Check for specified PKG name being available on target

In [9]:
def pcmark_run(exp_dir):
    # Unlock device screen (assume no password required)
    target.execute('input keyevent 82')
    # Start PCMark on the target device
    target.execute('monkey -p com.futuremark.pcmark.android.benchmark -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1')
    # Wait few seconds to make sure the app is loaded
    # Flush entire log
    # Run performance workload (assume screen is vertical)
    target.execute('input tap 750 1450')
    # Wait for completion (7 minutes in total) and collect log
    log_file = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'log.txt')
    # Wait 5 minutes
    # Start collecting the log
    with open(log_file, 'w') as log:
        logcat = Popen(['adb logcat', 'com.futuremark.pcmandroid.VirtualMachineState:*', '*:S'],
        # Wait additional two minutes for benchmark to complete

        # Terminate logcat

    # Get scores from logcat
    score_file = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'score.txt')
    os.popen('grep -o "PCMA_.*_SCORE .*" {} | sed "s/ = / /g" | sort -u > {}'.format(log_file, score_file))
    # Close application
    target.execute('am force-stop com.futuremark.pcmark.android.benchmark')
    return score_file

In [10]:
def experiment(governor, exp_dir):
    os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(exp_dir));

    logging.info('Run workload using %s governor', governor)

    ### Run the benchmark ###
    score_file = pcmark_run(exp_dir)
    # Save the score as a dictionary
    scores = dict()
    with open(score_file, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for l in lines:
            info = l.split()
            scores.update({info[0] : float(info[1])})
    # return all the experiment data
    return {
        'dir'        : exp_dir,
        'scores'     : scores,

Run PCMark and collect scores

In [11]:
# Run the benchmark in all the configured governors
for governor in confs:
    test_dir = os.path.join(te.res_dir, governor)
    res = experiment(governor, test_dir)
    results[governor] = copy.deepcopy(res)

2016-04-04 09:57:04,879 INFO    : ------------------------
2016-04-04 09:57:04,881 INFO    : Run workload using performance governor
2016-04-04 10:04:13,684 INFO    : ------------------------
2016-04-04 10:04:13,685 INFO    : Run workload using interactive governor

After running the benchmark for the specified governors we can show the scores

In [12]:
# Create results DataFrame
data = {}
for governor in confs:
    data[governor] = {}
    for score_name, score in results[governor]['scores'].iteritems():
        data[governor][score_name] = score

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)

interactive performance
PCMA_PHOTO_EDITING_SCORE 7847.595587 9281.817920
PCMA_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_SCORE 3519.155975 3484.256511
PCMA_WEB_SCORE 6201.226146 6444.737547
PCMA_WORK_SCORE 4676.950746 4934.220982
PCMA_WRITING_SCORE 2793.820407 2843.976358

In [13]:
df.plot(kind='bar', rot=45, figsize=(16,8),
        title='PCMark scores vs SchedFreq governors');