Health and Economic Analysis

In [26]:
%matplotlib notebook

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import difflib
import re
#import seaborn as sns

Import Local Authority to NUTS key // Source:

In [3]:
key = pd.read_excel('key.xlsx',sheetname='UK', usecols=['NUTS3_13','LAU1_NAT_CODE_NEW'])
key = key.drop_duplicates()
key.columns = ['NUTS3','Area Code']
key = key.set_index('Area Code')

Area Code for South Oxfordshire (Contains Chargrove)

In [4]:
ac = 'E07000179'

In [22]:
gva = pd.read_excel('gva.xls',sheetname='Table 1', skiprows=1)
gva = gva[gva['NUTS level'].str.contains("NUTS3") == True]
gva = gva.set_index('NUTS code')
gva = key.merge(gva, left_on='NUTS3', right_index=True, how='left')
gva.drop(gva.columns[[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,21]], axis=1, inplace=True)
gva = gva[gva.index.str.contains(ac) == True]
gva = gva.transpose()
gva.columns = ['Gross Value Added']
bs = gva.iloc[0]['Gross Value Added']
gva['GVA % Change'] = ((gva['Gross Value Added'] - bs)/bs) * 100
xi = [2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014]
gva = gva.set_index([xi],drop=True)

Gross Value Added GVA % Change
2006 15328.0 0.000000
2007 16138.0 5.284447
2008 16710.0 9.016180
2009 16627.0 8.474687
2010 17150.0 11.886743

In [6]:
healthd = pd.read_excel('health.xlsx',sheetname='District & UA')
healthi = pd.read_excel('health.xlsx',sheetname='Indicator Metadata')

Selected Indicator

In [7]:
Id = '1.01ii'

ind = healthi[healthi['Indicator'].str.contains('{} '.format(Id)) == True]
nm = ind.iloc[0]['Indicator']
unit = ind.iloc[0]['Unit']

#Print out information about selected indicator.

Indicator Definition Value type Unit Indicator number Data quality Rationale Policy Data source Indicator source ... Standard population/values Frequency Confidence interval details Disclosure control Rounding Caveats Notes Copyright Data re-use Links
1 1.01ii - Children in low income families (unde... Percentage of children in low income families ... Proportion % 1.01ii NaN Child poverty is an important issue for public... NaN HM Revenue and Customs (Personal Tax Credits: ... HM Revenue and Customs (Personal Tax Credits: ... ... NaN Annual (October) NaN Numerator and denominator data have been round... Numerators and denominators have been rounded. For National Statistics data on child poverty ... Denominator values are taken from the HM Reven... HM Revenue and Customs NaN 'A New Approach to Child Poverty: Tackling the...

1 rows × 26 columns

In [23]:
# Select indicator from main dataset
data = healthd[healthd['Indicator'].str.contains('{} '.format(Id)) == True]
data = data[[1,4,6]]

# Get list of time periods
xx = data[[0]]
xx = xx.drop_duplicates()
xl = xx['Time Period'].tolist()

# Loop to create column for each year
for x in range(len(xl)):
    inputs = data[data['Time Period'].str.contains(xl[x]) == True]
    inputs = inputs.drop('Time Period', 1)
    # Average male and female values
    inputs = inputs.groupby(inputs['Area Code']).mean()
    inputs.columns = [xl[x]]
    if x == 0:
        datar = inputs
        datar = datar.merge(inputs, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left')

# Select data for South Oxfordshire
datar = datar[datar.index.str.contains(ac) == True]
datar = datar.transpose()
datar.columns = ['Children LIF']
bl = datar.iloc[0]['Children LIF']
datar['Child LIF % Change'] = ((datar['Children LIF'] - bl)/bl) * -100
datar = datar.set_index([xi],drop=True)

Children LIF Child LIF % Change
2006 8.500497 -0.000000
2007 8.527595 -0.318789
2008 8.151093 4.110384
2009 8.768804 -3.156379
2010 8.729216 -2.690662
2011 8.494285 0.073077
2012 7.775804 8.525294
2013 7.700000 9.417056
2014 8.300000 2.358645

Merge Data Sets

In [24]:
df = gva.merge(datar, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer')

Gross Value Added GVA % Change Children LIF Child LIF % Change
2006 15328.0 0.000000 8.500497 -0.000000
2007 16138.0 5.284447 8.527595 -0.318789
2008 16710.0 9.016180 8.151093 4.110384
2009 16627.0 8.474687 8.768804 -3.156379
2010 17150.0 11.886743 8.729216 -2.690662
2011 17911.0 16.851514 8.494285 0.073077
2012 18680.0 21.868476 7.775804 8.525294
2013 19592.0 27.818372 7.700000 9.417056
2014 20780.0 35.568894 8.300000 2.358645

Plot Graph

In [25]:
plt.plot(df['GVA % Change'], '-o', df['Child LIF % Change'], '-o');
plt.gca().set_title('Percentage Change in GVA & Children in Low Income Families (South Oxfordshire)');
plt.gca().set_ylabel('% Change from 2006 Baseline');
plt.gca().legend(['Gross Value Added','Reduction in Children in Low Income Families']);

In [ ]: