Check whether the Silver and Chan (1991) coefficients for their implementation of Parseval's theorem is correct for digitised data.
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%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from scipy import signal
from scipy import stats
Parsevals theorem when applied to discrete Fourier Transform looks like this.
$\sum _{n=0}^{N-1}|x[n]|^{2}={\frac {1}{N}}\sum _{k=0}^{N-1}|X[k]|^{2}$
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# check Parseval's theorem holds numerically
# window
w = signal.tukey(nsamps,0.1)
a = np.random.normal(0,1,nsamps) * w
A = np.fft.fft(a)
b = (1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi))*(signal.gaussian(nsamps,10))
B = np.fft.fft(b)
c = np.convolve(a,b,'same')
C = np.fft.fft(c)
# signal c is convolution of Gaussian noise (a) with a Gaussian wavelet (b)
# C is the fourier transform of c.
sumt = np.sum(c**2)
sumf = np.sum(np.abs(C)**2)/nsamps
print('time domain',sumt)
print('fourier domain',sumf)
print('percent', (np.abs(sumt-sumf)/sumt)*100)
Furthermore by the convolution theorem: C = A * B. And therefore sum(C^2) = sum(A^2 * B^2)
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AB = A * B
ab = np.fft.ifft(AB)
sumAB = np.sum(np.abs(A**2*B**2))/nsamps
print('sum A*B',sumAB)
Parsevals theorem as applied in Silver and Chan (and Walsh).
$\sum _{n=0}^{N-1}|x[n]|^{2}={\frac {1}{N}}\sum _{k=1}^{N-2}|X[k]|^{2}+\frac{1}_{2}\sum|X[0,N-1]|$
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def ndf(y,taper=True,detrend=True):
Uses the improvement found by Walsh et al (2013).
By default will detrend data to ensure zero mean
and will taper edges using a Tukey filter affecting amplitudes of 5% of data at edges
if taper is True:
y = y * signal.tukey(y.size,0.05)
if detrend is True:
# ensure no trend on the noise trace
y = signal.detrend(y)
Y = np.fft.fft(y)
amp = np.absolute(Y)
# estimate E2 and E4 following Walsh et al (2013)
a = np.ones(Y.size)
a[0] = a[-1] = 0.5
E2 = np.sum( a * amp**2)
E4 = (np.sum( (4 * a**2 / 3) * amp**4))
ndf = 2 * ( 2 * E2**2 / E4 - 1 )
return ndf
def ndf2(y,taper=True,detrend=True):
if taper is True:
y = y * signal.tukey(y.size,0.05)
if detrend is True:
# ensure no trend on the noise trace
y = signal.detrend(y)
Y = np.fft.fft(y)
amp = np.absolute(Y)**2
E2 = np.sum(amp**2)
E4 = (np.sum( (4/3) * amp**4))
ndf = 2 * ( 2 * E2**2 / E4 - 1 )
return ndf
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