Plot the angular correlation function using the output from

Here we plot:

-- The correlation function

-- The regression matrix

-- bias vs. z

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

In [2]:
#Generate the covariance matrix from the Jackknife file
def make_covariance(Jackfile, warray, RRarray):
    JK_xi = []
    size = float(len(warray))
    jkdat = open(Jackfile,'rw')
    #Read the header of the jackknife file and assign the number of jackknife resamples done for the sample
    jkhead = jkdat.readline()
    print jkhead
    jknum= np.float(jkhead.split()[7])
    #Pull out the proper info from the file (RR,Xi,etc.) for each jackknife and put into array
    RRjk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    Xijk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    Thjk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    row = 0

    for j in range(len(num)):
        #At the end of a Jackknife run, I create a new line called 'STEP_DONE' which tells me that my next JK routine is running and separates the two.
        if num[j].split()[0] == 'STEP_DONE':
            row +=1
        #For each of the JK runs, append the info into arrays
            Thjk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[0])
            RRjk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[3])
            Xijk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[4])
    C = np.zeros([len(RRjk[0]),len(RRjk[0])])
    for m in range(len(RRjk[0])):
        for n in range(len(RRjk[0])):
            left = np.sqrt(np.asarray(RRjk[:,m])/RRarray[m])
            dwa = np.asarray(Xijk[:,m]) - warray[m]
            right = np.sqrt(np.asarray(RRjk[:,n])/RRarray[n])
            dwb = np.asarray(Xijk[:,n]) - warray[n]
            val = left*dwa*right*dwb
            C[m,n] = sum(val)
    return C

#Generate the covariance matrix from the Jackknife file
def make_JKxi(Jackfile, warray, RRarray):
    JK_xi = []
    size = float(len(warray))
    jkdat = open(Jackfile,'rw')
    #Read the header of the jackknife file and assign the number of jackknife resamples done for the sample
    jkhead = jkdat.readline()
    jknum= np.float(jkhead.split()[7])
    #Pull out the proper info from the file (RR,Xi,etc.) for each jackknife and put into array
    RRjk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    Xijk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    Thjk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    row = 0

    for j in range(len(num)):
        #At the end of a Jackknife run, I create a new line called 'STEP_DONE' which tells me that my next JK routine is running and separates the two.
        if num[j].split()[0] == 'STEP_DONE':
            row +=1
        #For each of the JK runs, append the info into arrays
            Thjk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[0])
            RRjk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[3])
            Xijk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[4])
    return JK_xi

#Compute chi square
def chisq(dat,mod,cmat):
    x = 0
    inverse = np.linalg.inv(cmat)
    for i in range(len(cmat)):
        for j in range(len(cmat)):
            df1 = dat[i]-mod[i]
            df2 = dat[j]-mod[j]
            #icv = cmat[i,j]**-1
            icv = inverse[i,j]
            x += df1*icv*df2
    return x

#Compute the regression matrix
def Regressmat(covar,theta):
    R= np.zeros([len(theta),len(theta)])
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        for j in range(len(theta)):
            R[i,j] = covar[i,j]/(np.sqrt(covar[i,i])*np.sqrt(covar[j,j]))
    return R

In [ ]:

Open The files here

In [36]:
### SPLITTING BY Z Cuting at any imag
allz= '../Compute_correlation/New_clustering_noVCV.txt'
#allz = '../Compute_correlation/Final_Angcor_Result_deccut.txt'
lowz = '../Compute_correlation/New_clustering_noVCV_faint_only.txt'
#highz = '../Compute_correlation/Final_Angcor_Result_deccut_highz.txt'

allzJK = '../Compute_correlation/New_clustering_noVCV_JK.txt'
#allzJK = '../Compute_correlation/Final_Angcor_Result_deccut_JK.txt'
lowzJK = '../Compute_correlation/New_clustering_noVCV_faint_only_JK.txt'
#highzJK = '../Compute_correlation/Final_Angcor_Result_deccut_highz_JK.txt'

datfiles = [allz,lowz]#,highz]
JKfiles = [allzJK,lowzJK]#,highzJK]

Pull out the relevant information (theta, correlation function, RR array)

In [37]:
#Loop over the data files list to open and plot the correlation function
separation = []
wnames = []
RRnames = []
DDnames = []
DRnames = []
for infile in datfiles:
    fileopen = open(infile,'rw')
    header = fileopen.readline()
    data = fileopen.readlines() 

    th = []
    w = []
    RR = []
    DD = []
    DR = []
    for i in range(len(data)):
        t = float(data[i].split()[0]) #Theta
        x = float(data[i].split()[4]) #w(theta) 
        rr = float(data[i].split()[3]) #RR 
        dd = float(data[i].split()[1]) #DD
        dr = float(data[i].split()[2]) #DR 
    #Put the w and RR values into an array to call for Jackknife calculation

Run the JK error routine to make the covariance matrix for each input file

Compute the regression matrix from the covariance

In [38]:
#Compute Jackknife errors from the counts information
sigma = []
covmat = []
for h in range(len(JKfiles)):
    covariance = make_covariance(JKfiles[h], wnames[h], RRnames[h])

#Compute the regression matrix
regmat = []
for h in range(len(wnames)):

print np.shape(JKfiles)

#Theta DD DR RR XI factor=161.359185919 jknum= 20

#Theta DD DR RR XI factor=202.870677732 jknum= 20


In [39]:
#Get jackknife w's
JK_xi = []
for h in range(len(JKfiles)):
    jk = make_JKxi(JKfiles[h], wnames[h], RRnames[h])

print np.shape(JK_xi)
print len(separation[0])

(2, 20, 21)

In [40]:
#Print values for latex table
for i in range(len(DDnames[0])):
    #print separation[0][i], '&', DDnames[0][i], '&', DRnames[0][i], '&', RRnames[0][i], '&', wnames[0][i], '&', sigma[0][i]
    print '%.3f & %.1i & %.1i & %.1i & %.3f & %.4f \\\\'%(separation[0][i],DDnames[0][i],DRnames[0][i],RRnames[0][i],wnames[0][i],sigma[0][i]**0.5)

0.050 & 0 & 12 & 1274 & -2.040 & 0.6816 \\
0.076 & 0 & 22 & 2902 & -1.447 & 0.4623 \\
0.116 & 0 & 38 & 6902 & -0.777 & 0.3561 \\
0.175 & 0 & 76 & 15570 & -0.575 & 0.1625 \\
0.266 & 0 & 234 & 34902 & -1.164 & 0.1334 \\
0.403 & 2 & 549 & 79948 & -0.565 & 0.6483 \\
0.611 & 10 & 1169 & 183314 & 0.362 & 0.5567 \\
0.927 & 16 & 2558 & 413576 & 0.011 & 0.4518 \\
1.405 & 50 & 5837 & 929514 & 0.374 & 0.3090 \\
2.131 & 112 & 13118 & 2113066 & 0.377 & 0.1775 \\
3.231 & 214 & 29845 & 4787384 & 0.152 & 0.0850 \\
4.899 & 490 & 66982 & 10846716 & 0.183 & 0.0923 \\
7.428 & 950 & 151738 & 24533352 & 0.012 & 0.0525 \\
11.262 & 2168 & 339421 & 55122880 & 0.037 & 0.0239 \\
17.075 & 4428 & 750643 & 122561080 & -0.036 & 0.0219 \\
25.889 & 10062 & 1636389 & 267724540 & 0.006 & 0.0154 \\
39.253 & 21292 & 3465392 & 566301910 & 0.004 & 0.0111 \\
59.516 & 42100 & 6871722 & 1123151204 & 0.001 & 0.0068 \\
90.237 & 74632 & 12119679 & 1973443116 & 0.003 & 0.0078 \\
136.818 & 104638 & 16893386 & 2753602792 & 0.010 & 0.0060 \\
207.443 & 142574 & 23106454 & 3788109730 & 0.011 & 0.0068 \\

Read in the Model results from and fit

In [41]:
#Following Limber was computed with cosmology (H0,oM,oL)=(70 0.275 0.725)

##This mclimber was done for allz 2.9<z<5.2
#mclimber_all = [0.0018901069830166064, 0.0015469541773802007, 0.0012618003172005974, 0.0010646848849014826, 0.00092659609065711736, 0.0008121011076479759, 0.00069717733505905916, 0.00057620099028505515, 0.00045441356648772189, 0.0003334100976949317, 0.00022407216949898401, 0.00013460720655439581, 6.8890660458582111e-05, 2.8945118539565589e-05, 8.5993807832771192e-06, 2.6124134574857943e-06, -2.353262803259482e-06, -1.0507113239217212e-06, -4.7148295416947918e-07, -9.8152287015064401e-08]
#mclimber_all = [0.0018132126094168957, 0.0017105082924047138, 0.0014967771368198301, 0.0011698711939894665, 0.00096561594145769313, 0.00088264124151502291, 0.00075754416871593475, 0.00061874618344352067, 0.0004899313948145415, 0.00035852922045630573, 0.00024214487991075338, 0.00014493374013188016, 7.5400067230269098e-05, 3.0702250048288822e-05, 9.1038044037598588e-06, 2.5584804703916217e-06, -2.0130116643295776e-06, -8.8664135463053354e-07, -1.3733851572699093e-07, 7.7941022052885505e-08]

mclimber_all = [0.0026490574875986423, 0.0024984198698147124, 0.0021792458047889623, 0.0016843035463774726, 0.0013554241933790049, 0.0012441798293336794, 0.0010671698836018496, 0.00086709167520040715, 0.00068504842579061452, 0.00050665388591206542, 0.00034023922167508675, 0.00020980434378563241, 0.00011149144857080358, 4.7358313339359541e-05, 1.2407022532400248e-05, 5.848606902096987e-06, -4.583388639919605e-06, -1.2264583414448878e-06, 3.3275468522572989e-08, -2.3941903983462155e-07]
#Lowz mclimber 2.9<2<3.4
#mclimber_low = [0.0044477998043758677, 0.0036112654673913242, 0.0029158044391958868, 0.0024111455996782979, 0.0020569973732013588, 0.0018017839702771194, 0.0015315070041019771, 0.0012691931810851107, 0.0010075833381944822, 0.00075434181685649223, 0.00050795884326507547, 0.0002965548495608406, 0.00016764802583984481, 7.3381272557181558e-05, 1.371220983010611e-05, 5.5506979609669511e-06, -1.4020592353893683e-05, 2.2652902066516834e-06, 2.310737462803802e-06, 4.2790243898727134e-07]
mclimber_low = [0.0026490574875986423, 0.0024984198698147124, 0.0021792458047889623, 0.0016843035463774726, 0.0013554241933790049, 0.0012441798293336794, 0.0010671698836018496, 0.00086709167520040715, 0.00068504842579061452, 0.00050665388591206542, 0.00034023922167508675, 0.00020980434378563241, 0.00011149144857080358, 4.7358313339359541e-05, 1.2407022532400248e-05, 5.848606902096987e-06, -4.583388639919605e-06, -1.2264583414448878e-06, 3.3275468522572989e-08, -2.3941903983462155e-07]

#This mclimber was done for 3.4<z<5
#mclimber_high = [0.0021612146984227114, 0.0017915613501401173, 0.0015090379209649599, 0.0013335946010651777, 0.0011883879587747991, 0.0010389364077332405, 0.0008905878071767976, 0.00072628713786955968, 0.00058158640964684318, 0.00042241571718415813, 0.00027336529427609223, 0.00016511117031507011, 8.1855335072549657e-05, 3.8284627330113334e-05, 1.1226301215780448e-05, 5.0014575973491967e-06, -2.5621990019662722e-06, -1.1988011477889577e-07, -2.6253218073191083e-06, -2.8749589456269404e-06]
mclimber_high = [0.0022529517590044938, 0.0021280436475443168, 0.0018731349354724374, 0.0015033947078234348, 0.0013070363461209996, 0.0011766368407685472, 0.0010140398851336263, 0.00083560744525899085, 0.00065508092975343803, 0.00047837963299693522, 0.0003187878517245088, 0.0001885268241591017, 9.5947162744095565e-05, 3.876918723162803e-05, 1.0394048795964464e-05, 3.7806009976488573e-06, -3.1705205023784285e-06, -1.3079909197198175e-06, -1.1571078800356848e-06, 2.4679274288594045e-07]

limbera = np.asarray(mclimber_all)*np.pi / 0.7**3 
limberl = np.asarray(mclimber_low)*np.pi / 0.7**3 
limberh = np.asarray(mclimber_high)*np.pi / 0.7**3 

#Interpolate Limber (you get the same function back) to plug in any z in the range (as opposed to set z values)
Limbera = interpolate.interp1d(np.logspace(-1.3,2.5,20),limbera)
Limberl = interpolate.interp1d(np.logspace(-1.3,2.5,20),limberl)
Limberh = interpolate.interp1d(np.logspace(-1.3,2.5,20),limberh)

In [ ]:

In [42]:
#Stellar contamination fit using the efficiency of the algorithm (0.93) and the correlation function of stars in the field at large scale (0.09)

def stellar_cont(Limb,b,e):
    w_cont = (0.86**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.86)**2) + e
    #w_cont = (0.93**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.93)**2) + e
    return w_cont

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30) 

allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = covmat[0][:,bdx][bdx,:],absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,np.inf]))
lowzb, lowzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limberl(separation[1])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[1])[bdx], sigma = covmat[1][:,bdx][bdx,:],absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,np.inf]))
#highzb, highzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limberh(separation[2])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[2])[bdx], sigma = covmat[2][:,bdx][bdx,:],absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,np.inf]))

Las = stellar_cont(Limbera(separation[0]),allzb[0],allzb[1])
Lls = stellar_cont(Limberl(separation[1]),lowzb[0],lowzb[1])
#Lhs = stellar_cont(Limberh(separation[2]),highzb[0],highzb[1])

print 'Biases and cross correlations, with contamination:'
print 'allz=', allzb
print 'allz error=',allzcov[0][0]
print 'allz epsilon error=',allzcov[1][1]

print 'lowz=', lowzb
print 'lowz error=', lowzcov[0][0]
print 'highz=', highzb
print 'highz error=', highzcov[0][0]

stcont_limb = [Las,Lls,Lhs]

Biases and cross correlations, with contamination:
allz= [  6.57452640e+00   5.57550226e-17]
allz error= 0.943463588216
allz epsilon error= 0.000136671763249
lowz= [  6.13891290e+00   7.80651703e-23]
lowz error= 1.41806015636
"\nprint 'highz=', highzb\nprint 'highz error=', highzcov[0][0]\n\nstcont_limb = [Las,Lls,Lhs]\n"

In [43]:
#Fit a power law
def powlaw(theta,t0,g):
    w_cont = (theta/t0)**(-g)
    return w_cont

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30)

allpow1, apowcov = curve_fit(powlaw, np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx], np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = sigma[0][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)
lowpow1, lpowcov = curve_fit(powlaw, np.asarray(separation[1])[bdx], np.asarray(wnames[1])[bdx], sigma = sigma[1][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)
#highpow1, hpowcov = curve_fit(powlaw, np.asarray(separation[2])[bdx], np.asarray(wnames[2])[bdx], sigma = sigma[2][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)
apfit = allpow1
lpfit = lowpow1
#hpfit = highpow1
print 'theta0, gamma:'
print allpow1
print apowcov
print lowpow1
print lpowcov
#print highpow1
#print hpowcov

allpow = powlaw(separation[0],allpow1[0],allpow1[1])
lowpow = powlaw(separation[1],lowpow1[0],lowpow1[1])
#highpow = powlaw(separation[1],highpow1[0],highpow1[1])

pow_fit = [allpow,lowpow]#,highpow]

theta0, gamma:
[ 0.99765833  1.63100678]
[[ 0.10919275  0.1233274 ]
 [ 0.1233274   0.20065776]]
[ 1.1826289   1.75104899]
[[ 0.07069307  0.10360608]
 [ 0.10360608  0.23093239]]

In [44]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 22, 'ytick.labelsize': 22, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

#Plot for paper
fig = plt.figure(3,figsize = (10,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[0.75,0.25])

ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex = ax0)

plt.scatter(separation[0],wnames[0],s = 150,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None',label=r'QSO Candidates',zorder = 100)

#No Stellar contamination in fit
#plt.plot(separation[0],La,linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3),linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label='DM model b=%0.2f'%allzbias[0])

#With Stellar contamination in fit
plt.plot(separation[0],Las,linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label = r'b=%0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f'%(allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]))

#Power law fit
plt.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = 2, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2),label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(apfit[0],apfit[1]))

for i in range(len(JK_xi[0])): 
    if i == len(JK_xi[0])-1:
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1,label='Jackknife samples')
        #plt.scatter(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],s = 15,color='k',alpha = 0.5, marker = 's',edgecolor='None')
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1)


ax0.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 24)
ax0.legend(fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = 2, color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(wnames[0])/Las,s = 100,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None' )
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\omega_m / \omega_{DM}$', fontsize = 20)

plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x117741b10>

In [ ]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 22, 'ytick.labelsize': 22, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

#Plot for paper
fig = plt.figure(3,figsize = (10,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[0.75,0.25])

ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex = ax0)

plt.scatter(separation[0],wnames[1],s = 150,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None',label=r'Faint QSO Candidates',zorder = 100)

#No Stellar contamination in fit
#plt.plot(separation[0],La,linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3),linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label='DM model b=%0.2f'%allzbias[0])

#With Stellar contamination in fit
plt.plot(separation[0],Las,linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label = r'b=%0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f'%(allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]))

#Power law fit
plt.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = 2, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2),label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(apfit[0],apfit[1]))

for i in range(len(JK_xi[0])): 
    if i == len(JK_xi[0])-1:
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1,label='Jackknife samples')
        #plt.scatter(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],s = 15,color='k',alpha = 0.5, marker = 's',edgecolor='None')
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1)


ax0.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 24)
ax0.legend(fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = 2, color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(wnames[0])/Las,s = 100,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None' )
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\omega_m / \omega_{DM}$', fontsize = 20)

plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)

In [27]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig = plt.figure(6,figsize = (10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Construct arrays for the anchor positions of the 16 bars.
# Note: np.meshgrid gives arrays in (ny, nx) so we use 'F' to flatten xpos,
# ypos in column-major order. For numpy >= 1.7, we could instead call meshgrid
# with indexing='ij'.
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.log10(th),np.log10(th))
xpos = X.flatten('F')
ypos = Y.flatten('F')
zpos = np.zeros_like(xpos)

# Construct arrays with the dimensions for the 16 bars.
dx = 0.2*np.ones_like(zpos)
dy = dx.copy()
dz = regmat[0].flatten()

ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='w', zsort='average')

In [108]:
pelcov = np.load('/Users/johntimlin/Downloads/cov.npy')

print np.shape(pelcov)

(21, 21)

In [28]:
#Stellar contamination fit using the efficiency of the algorithm (0.93) and the correlation function of stars in the field at large scale (0.09)

def stellar_cont(Limb,b,e):
    w_cont = (0.92**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.92)**2) + e
    #w_cont = (0.93**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.93)**2) + e
    return w_cont

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30) 

allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = pelcov[:,bdx][bdx,:],absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,1]))
#allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = np.diag(pelcov[:,bdx][bdx,:])**0.5,absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,1]))

Las = stellar_cont(Limbera(separation[0]),allzb[0],allzb[1])

print 'Biases and cross correlations, with contamination:'
print 'allz=', allzb
print 'allz error=',allzcov[0][0]
print 'allz epsilon error=',allzcov[1][1]

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-346f0bd8c9b1> in <module>()
      8 bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30)
---> 10 allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = pelcov[:,bdx][bdx,:],absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,1]))
     11 #allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = np.diag(pelcov[:,bdx][bdx,:])**0.5,absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,1]))

NameError: name 'pelcov' is not defined

In [115]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 22, 'ytick.labelsize': 22, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

#Plot for paper
fig = plt.figure(3,figsize = (10,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[0.75,0.25])

ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex = ax0)

plt.scatter(separation[0],wnames[0],s = 150,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None',label=r'QSO Candidates',zorder = 100)

#No Stellar contamination in fit
#plt.plot(separation[0],La,linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3),linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label='DM model b=%0.2f'%allzbias[0])

#With Stellar contamination in fit
plt.plot(separation[0],Las,linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label = r'b=%0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f'%(allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]))

#Power law fit
plt.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = 2, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2),label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(apfit[0],apfit[1]))

for i in range(len(JK_xi[0])): 
    if i == len(JK_xi[0])-1:
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1,label='Jackknife samples')
        #plt.scatter(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],s = 15,color='k',alpha = 0.5, marker = 's',edgecolor='None')
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1)


ax0.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 24)
ax0.legend(fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = 2, color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(wnames[0])/Las,s = 100,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None' )
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\omega_m / \omega_{DM}$', fontsize = 20)

plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x119912a50>

In [111]:
print np.diag(covmat[0])
print np.diag(pelcov)
print np.diag(covmat[0]) / np.diag(pelcov)

[  6.26810819e-01   1.96207937e-01   6.26669963e-02   4.65898891e-02
   1.08054922e-02   1.86212183e+00   8.04650478e-04   7.08044201e-01
   1.69336631e-01   3.33976078e-02   2.36485150e-02   6.80526336e-03
   4.93328121e-03   1.45432728e-03   2.65576623e-04   4.10680821e-04
   3.23870107e-05   1.69436388e-04   1.11932223e-04   3.79567903e-05
[  8.30261831e-01   1.91920957e-01   1.10413944e-01   5.28238687e-02
   2.09546247e-02   1.78197266e+00   4.51257226e-03   4.74531389e-01
   1.40649663e-01   3.75588832e-02   2.16882022e-02   1.11511897e-02
   4.92261553e-03   1.84394800e-03   5.48416481e-04   4.03169553e-04
   2.04455066e-04   1.29334390e-04   1.25540646e-04   9.09410001e-05
[ 0.7549556   1.02233722  0.56756415  0.88198555  0.51566145  1.04497778
  0.17831304  1.49209139  1.20396044  0.88920663  1.09038613  0.61027241
  1.00216667  0.78870298  0.48426084  1.01863055  0.1584065   1.31006446
  0.89160146  0.41737819  0.79641595]

In [112]:
pellJK = '/Users/johntimlin/Downloads/jkcounts.txt'

#Compute Jackknife errors from the counts information
sigmap = []
covmatp = []
covariance = make_covariance(pellJK, wnames[0], RRnames[0])

In [113]:
pelsig = np.diag(pelcov)
print np.max(pelsig - sigmap)

print np.max(pelcov - covmatp[0])


In [114]:
def stellar_cont(Limb,b,e):
    w_cont = (0.86**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.86)**2) + e
    #w_cont = (0.93**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.93)**2) + e
    return w_cont

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30) 

allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = covmatp[0][:,bdx][bdx,:],absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,1]))
#allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = np.diag(pelcov[:,bdx][bdx,:])**0.5,absolute_sigma=True, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,1]))

Las = stellar_cont(Limbera(separation[0]),allzb[0],allzb[1])

print 'Biases and cross correlations, with contamination:'
print 'allz=', allzb
print 'allz error=',allzcov[0][0]
print 'allz epsilon error=',allzcov[1][1]

Biases and cross correlations, with contamination:
allz= [  9.34642654e+00   3.51928468e-03]
allz error= 2.76973262149
allz epsilon error= 0.000374937365401

In [ ]:

In [12]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30) 

fig = plt.figure(6,figsize = (10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Construct arrays for the anchor positions of the 16 bars.
# Note: np.meshgrid gives arrays in (ny, nx) so we use 'F' to flatten xpos,
# ypos in column-major order. For numpy >= 1.7, we could instead call meshgrid
# with indexing='ij'.
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.log10(np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx]),np.log10(np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx]))
xpos = X.flatten('F')
ypos = Y.flatten('F')
zpos = np.zeros_like(xpos)

# Construct arrays with the dimensions for the 16 bars.
dx = 0.2*np.ones_like(zpos)
dy = dx.copy()
dz = regmat[0][:,bdx][bdx,:].flatten()

ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='w', zsort='average')

In [129]:

In [134]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

pelreg = Regressmat(pelcov,th)

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30) 

fig = plt.figure(6,figsize = (10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Construct arrays for the anchor positions of the 16 bars.
# Note: np.meshgrid gives arrays in (ny, nx) so we use 'F' to flatten xpos,
# ypos in column-major order. For numpy >= 1.7, we could instead call meshgrid
# with indexing='ij'.
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.log10(np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx]),np.log10(np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx]))
xpos = X.flatten('F')
ypos = Y.flatten('F')
zpos = np.zeros_like(xpos)

# Construct arrays with the dimensions for the 16 bars.
dx = 0.2*np.ones_like(zpos)
dy = dx.copy()
dz = pelreg[:,bdx][bdx,:].flatten()

ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='w', zsort='average')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [31]:
#Biases from different surveys
### He 2017
bhe = 5.93
behe= 1.43
zhe = 3.8

### ROSS 2009
b = [2.06,1.41,1.38,1.45,1.83,2.37,1.92,2.42,2.79,3.62,2.99]
be = [0.03,0.18,0.06,0.38,0.33,0.25,0.5,0.4,0.47,0.49,1.42]
z = [1.27,0.24,0.49,0.80,1.03,1.23,1.41,1.58,1.74,1.92,2.10]

##SHEN 2007 Biases
#sb = [9.8,11.4,13.7]
#sz = [3,3.5,4]
sb = [7.9,14.2]
sbe = [0.8,1.4]
sz = [3,4]

eb = [3.69,3.55,3.57]
ebe = [0.11,0.15,0.09]
ez = [2.297,2.497,2.971]


maxdatH07 = open('./Hopkins07_clstr_maximal.dat','rw')
defdatH07 = open('./Hopkins07_clstr_default.dat','rw')
extdatH07 = open('./Hopkins07_clstr_extreme_feedback.dat','rw')

maxH07 = maxdatH07.readlines()
defH07 = defdatH07.readlines()
extH07 = extdatH07.readlines()

zH07 = []
bmH07 = []
bdH07 = []
beH07 = []

b20mH07 = []
b20eH07 = []
b20dH07 = []

for i in range(len(maxH07)):

In [35]:
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 20, 'ytick.labelsize': 20, 'xtick.major.width':3, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':3, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':5, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':5}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=4.0)

#ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

plt.scatter(z,b,s=80,c='#0571b0', marker = 'o', edgecolor = 'none', label='Ross 2009 z<2.2')
plt.errorbar(z,b,yerr=be,color='#0571b0', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(ez,eb,s=80,c='#67a9cf', marker = '^',edgecolor = 'none', label='Eftekharzadeh 2015 2.2<z<2.8')
plt.errorbar(ez,eb,yerr=ebe,color='#67a9cf', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(sz,sb,s=80,c='#e31a1c', marker = 's',edgecolor = 'none', label='Shen 2007 z>2.9')
plt.errorbar(sz,sb,yerr=sbe,color='#e31a1c', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(zhe,bhe,s=80,c='m', marker = '^',edgecolor = 'none', label='He 2017 3<z<4')
plt.errorbar(zhe,bhe,yerr=behe,color='m', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

#No stellar contam
plt.scatter(3.479,allzbias, marker = 'd',c='#ca0020', s=100, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'Candidates')
plt.errorbar(3.479,allzbias,yerr=0.22878057**0.5,color='#ca0020', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(3.143,lowzbias, marker = 'd',c='#ca0020', s=100, edgecolor = 'none')
plt.errorbar(3.143,lowzbias,yerr=0.60656223**0.5,color='#ca0020', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(3.803,highzbias, marker = 'd',c='#ca0020', s=100, edgecolor = 'none')
plt.errorbar(3.803,highzbias,yerr=0.50286617**0.5,color='#ca0020', fmt=',',linewidth=3)
print allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]
#Stellar contam
plt.scatter(3.37,allzb[0], marker = 's',c='#fd8d3c', s=100, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'Candidates (Full study)')
plt.errorbar(3.37,allzb[0],xerr= 0.46, yerr=allzcov[0][0],color='#fd8d3c', fmt=',',linewidth=3)
plt.scatter(3.142,lowzb[0], marker = 'd',c='#a6d96a', s=100, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'Candidates Low-z bin')
plt.errorbar(3.142,lowzb[0],xerr=0.13 ,yerr=lowzcov[0][0]**0.5,color='#a6d96a', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(3.803,highzb[0], marker = 'd',c='#1a9641', s=100, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'Candidates High-z bin')
plt.errorbar(3.803,highzb[0],xerr=0.31 , yerr=highzcov[0][0]**0.5,color='#1a9641', fmt=',',linewidth=3)
#plt.plot(zH07,b20mH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle='-', color='c',label = "i < 20.2 degeneracy")
plt.plot(zH07,beH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle='-', color='k',label = "Efficient feedback (H07)")
plt.plot(zH07,bmH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle='-.', color='k',dashes = (8,4,2,4,2,4), label = "Maximal growth (H07)")
plt.plot(zH07,bdH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle='--', dashes = (10,5,10,5), color='k',label = "Inefficient feedback (H07)")

plt.plot(zH07,b20mH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='r',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"All feedback models at $i$<20.2 (H07)")
#plt.plot(zH07,b20eH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='r',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"$i$=20.2 (H07)")
#plt.plot(zH07,b20dH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='b',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"Feedback models with $i$=20.2 (H07)")

plt.xlabel('Redshift',fontsize = 24)
plt.ylabel('bias',fontsize = 24)
plt.legend(loc = 2, scatterpoints=1)

6.57452639888 0.943463588216

In [ ]: