Checking the errorbars on my biases

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits as pf
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import stats
#sys.path.insert(0, '/home/john/densityplot/densityplot')
#from densityplot.hex_scatter import hex_contour as hex_contour
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity as kde
import camb
from camb import model

In [2]:
#Plotting Parameters (Replace with Group code call!)
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 16, 'ytick.labelsize': 16, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':8, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':8, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

import matplotlib as mpl
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    hscale is fraction of text width you want.
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    "axes.formatter.limits":[-99,99],   # use sci notation if log10 of axis range is smaller than first or larger than second.
                                        # GTR: Actually *don't* -- should change the axis label instead.  E.g., "Flux Density (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2)" 
                                        # This is a hack b/c there doesn't seem to be an rcParams version of
                                        # axes.ticklabel_format(style='plain')
    #"":"plain",    # Turn off multiplicative offsets (sci notation) to the axes [GTR: Doesn't work]
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In [ ]:

In [4]:
#Generate the covariance matrix from the Jackknife file
def make_covariance(Jackfile, warray, RRarray):
    JK_xi = []
    size = float(len(warray))
    jkdat = open(Jackfile,'rw')
    #Read the header of the jackknife file and assign the number of jackknife resamples done for the sample
    jkhead = jkdat.readline()
    print jkhead
    jknum= np.float(jkhead.split()[7])
    #Pull out the proper info from the file (RR,Xi,etc.) for each jackknife and put into array
    RRjk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    Xijk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    Thjk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    row = 0

    for j in range(len(num)):
        #At the end of a Jackknife run, I create a new line called 'STEP_DONE' which tells me that my next JK routine is running and separates the two.
        if num[j].split()[0] == 'STEP_DONE':
            row +=1
        #For each of the JK runs, append the info into arrays
            Thjk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[0])
            RRjk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[3])
            Xijk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[4])
    C = np.zeros([len(RRjk[0]),len(RRjk[0])])
    for m in range(len(RRjk[0])):
        for n in range(len(RRjk[0])):
            left = np.sqrt(np.asarray(RRjk[:,m])/RRarray[m])
            dwa = np.asarray(Xijk[:,m]) - warray[m]
            right = np.sqrt(np.asarray(RRjk[:,n])/RRarray[n])
            dwb = np.asarray(Xijk[:,n]) - warray[n]
            val = left*dwa*right*dwb
            C[m,n] = sum(val)
    return C

#Generate the covariance matrix from the Jackknife file
def make_JKxi(Jackfile, warray, RRarray):
    JK_xi = []
    size = float(len(warray))
    jkdat = open(Jackfile,'rw')
    #Read the header of the jackknife file and assign the number of jackknife resamples done for the sample
    jkhead = jkdat.readline()
    jknum= np.float(jkhead.split()[7])
    #Pull out the proper info from the file (RR,Xi,etc.) for each jackknife and put into array
    RRjk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    Xijk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    Thjk = np.zeros([int(jknum),int(size)])
    row = 0

    for j in range(len(num)):
        #At the end of a Jackknife run, I create a new line called 'STEP_DONE' which tells me that my next JK routine is running and separates the two.
        if num[j].split()[0] == 'STEP_DONE':
            row +=1
        #For each of the JK runs, append the info into arrays
            Thjk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[0])
            RRjk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[3])
            Xijk[row,k] = float(num[j].split()[4])
    return JK_xi

#Compute chi square
def chisq(dat,mod,cmat):
    x = 0
    inverse = np.linalg.inv(cmat)
    for i in range(len(cmat)):
        for j in range(len(cmat)):
            df1 = dat[i]-mod[i]
            df2 = dat[j]-mod[j]
            #icv = cmat[i,j]**-1
            icv = inverse[i,j]
            x += df1*icv*df2
    return x

#Compute the regression matrix
def Regressmat(covar,theta):
    R= np.zeros([len(theta),len(theta)])
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        for j in range(len(theta)):
            R[i,j] = covar[i,j]/(np.sqrt(covar[i,i])*np.sqrt(covar[j,j]))
    return R

In [5]:
### SPLITTING BY Z Cuting at any imag

#allz= '../Compute_correlation/Extinction_cut_densitycheck15.txt'
allz = '../Compute_correlation2/Final_Clustering_All.txt'

#lowz = '../Compute_correlation/Extinction_cut_densitycheck11.txt'
lowz = '../Compute_correlation2/Final_Clustering_Faint.txt'

#allzJK = '../Compute_correlation/Extinction_cut_densitycheck15_JK.txt'
allzJK = '../Compute_correlation2/Final_Clustering_All_JK.txt'

#lowzJK = '../Compute_correlation/Extinction_cut_densitycheck11_JK.txt'
lowzJK = '../Compute_correlation2/Final_Clustering_Faint_JK.txt'

noextcut = '../Compute_correlation2/Final_Clustering_noextcut.txt'
noextcutJK= '../Compute_correlation2/Final_Clustering_noextcut_JK.txt'
datfiles = [allz,lowz,noextcut]
JKfiles = [allzJK,lowzJK,noextcutJK]

In [6]:
#Loop over the data files list to open and plot the correlation function
separation = []
wnames = []
RRnames = []
DDnames = []
DRnames = []
for infile in datfiles:
    fileopen = open(infile,'rw')
    header = fileopen.readline()
    data = fileopen.readlines() 

    th = []
    w = []
    RR = []
    DD = []
    DR = []
    for i in range(len(data)):
        t = float(data[i].split()[0]) #Theta
        x = float(data[i].split()[4]) #w(theta) 
        rr = float(data[i].split()[3]) #RR 
        dd = float(data[i].split()[1]) #DD
        dr = float(data[i].split()[2]) #DR 
    #Put the w and RR values into an array to call for Jackknife calculation

In [7]:
#Compute Jackknife errors from the counts information
sigma = []
covmat = []
for h in range(len(JKfiles)):
    covariance = make_covariance(JKfiles[h], wnames[h], RRnames[h])

#Compute the regression matrix
regmat = []
for h in range(len(wnames)):

print np.shape(JKfiles)

#Get jackknife w's
JK_xi = []
for h in range(len(JKfiles)):
    jk = make_JKxi(JKfiles[h], wnames[h], RRnames[h])

print np.shape(JK_xi)
print len(separation[0])

#Theta DD DR RR XI factor=103.708998549 jknum= 10

#Theta DD DR RR XI factor=126.919182948 jknum= 10

#Theta DD DR RR XI factor=97.7086570477 jknum= 20


In [8]:
#Print values for latex table
pcts = 0
for i in range(len(DDnames[pcts])):
    #print separation[0][i], '&', DDnames[0][i], '&', DRnames[0][i], '&', RRnames[0][i], '&', wnames[0][i], '&', sigma[0][i]
    print '%.3f & %.1i & %.1i & %.1i & %.3f & %.4f \\\\'%(separation[pcts][i],DDnames[pcts][i],DRnames[pcts][i],RRnames[pcts][i],wnames[pcts][i],sigma[pcts][i]**0.5)

0.050 & 0 & 5 & 364 & -1.849 & 1.3754 \\
0.076 & 0 & 7 & 828 & -0.754 & 0.5038 \\
0.116 & 0 & 17 & 1980 & -0.781 & 0.5074 \\
0.175 & 0 & 37 & 4370 & -0.756 & 0.2472 \\
0.266 & 2 & 116 & 10432 & 0.756 & 2.7091 \\
0.403 & 2 & 268 & 23350 & -0.459 & 0.8997 \\
0.611 & 8 & 542 & 53470 & 0.507 & 0.6561 \\
0.927 & 12 & 1162 & 120784 & 0.073 & 0.5107 \\
1.405 & 32 & 2652 & 273444 & 0.247 & 0.3623 \\
2.131 & 74 & 6022 & 619802 & 0.269 & 0.2385 \\
3.231 & 156 & 13782 & 1403064 & 0.158 & 0.1461 \\
4.899 & 324 & 30643 & 3191350 & 0.100 & 0.0680 \\
7.428 & 692 & 69474 & 7209140 & 0.034 & 0.0398 \\
11.262 & 1506 & 155010 & 16201178 & 0.015 & 0.0295 \\
17.075 & 3226 & 343452 & 36027696 & -0.014 & 0.0239 \\
25.889 & 7104 & 747011 & 78725580 & 0.002 & 0.0116 \\
39.253 & 14932 & 1581774 & 166710784 & -0.005 & 0.0088 \\
59.516 & 29674 & 3141776 & 330927082 & -0.005 & 0.0058 \\
90.237 & 53028 & 5579277 & 583004272 & -0.007 & 0.0067 \\
136.818 & 75010 & 7795784 & 815069184 & 0.006 & 0.0048 \\
207.443 & 100858 & 10584579 & 1113270342 & 0.002 & 0.0050 \\

In [9]:
#Following Limber was computed with cosmology (H0,oM,oL)=(70 0.275 0.725)

##This mclimber was done for all objects 2.9<z<5.2 with the final extinction cut
#mclimber_all = [0.0022985455460854311, 0.002190906206060354, 0.0019050009268706861, 0.0014597340543666827, 0.0011930585369182276, 0.0010986709810461117, 0.00094649771865113624, 0.00076558109638027679, 0.00061438375999886519, 0.00044071103670242337, 0.0002922685651020179, 0.0001822212459274252, 9.9271323173412895e-05, 4.6197392904322397e-05, 1.2931319225272703e-05, 4.7453885636605057e-06, -5.7295018738381326e-06, 1.2945112206313357e-06, -2.5558770786635691e-07, 2.0699244496380732e-07]
mclimber_all = [0.0023225429800455637, 0.0021904216380701663, 0.0019131070604180881, 0.0014786904158938835, 0.0011890604062646827, 0.0010940716450842042, 0.00093718770767066959, 0.00076265063034504225, 0.00060422121011192086, 0.00044679016204705126, 0.00030194843029433929, 0.00018166547183924261, 9.4950001759959546e-05, 3.8987292761102685e-05, 1.1656427992710588e-05, 3.8949187589265721e-06, -2.9131135157959959e-06, -1.1865435316490505e-06, -2.3067268951194958e-08, -3.3127561090276543e-07]

#Faint object mclimber with 2.9<z<5.2 with the final extinction cut
#mclimber_low = [0.0023361185250621954, 0.0022064706354088227, 0.0019282439133336759, 0.001482917422530129, 0.0011957113165133413, 0.0011014068340747148, 0.00095946149406393787, 0.0007628377171479422, 0.00061163938639381384, 0.00044805175751709867, 0.00030603189442905508, 0.00018139568437827117, 0.00010018310283104244, 3.6089328262967487e-05, 1.4327521403724255e-05, 2.5924823483705164e-06, -1.7349928197612959e-06, -5.9322324154763784e-07, -1.8647502832907961e-07, -3.2690812395202273e-06]
mclimber_low = [0.0023434681655488164, 0.00220980536106738, 0.0019304367032472322, 0.0014918498380812274, 0.001199407998299017, 0.0011039249516458126, 0.00094488397832085942, 0.00076818403229805582, 0.00060977961027003217, 0.00044978162722766413, 0.00030446958669083705, 0.0001837530609937916, 9.5576443396815135e-05, 3.9697923306540059e-05, 1.1942942460071294e-05, 3.7627680973315105e-06, -2.7558403451147061e-06, -1.3771884816435565e-06, -2.5384149702699815e-07, -1.6631862413132479e-07]

#This mclimber was done for 2.9<z<5.2 with NO extinction cut
mclimber_high = [0.0022431396363423316, 0.0021162407711600136, 0.0018475876015958109, 0.0014284705873674553, 0.0011477142220921229, 0.0010584520197460764, 0.00090569998086366789, 0.00073711419614537932, 0.00058725243468066616, 0.00042998223343848857, 0.00029288227711760491, 0.00017371031323757546, 8.9363275487060279e-05, 3.8516276985481394e-05, 1.1890378726673242e-05, 8.4428691253596875e-07, -4.9585063168790102e-07, -9.6881625471038158e-07, 1.9202865144844596e-07, -1.7224990846038425e-07]

limbera = np.asarray(mclimber_all)*np.pi / 0.7**3 
limberl = np.asarray(mclimber_low)*np.pi / 0.7**3 
limberh = np.asarray(mclimber_high)*np.pi / 0.7**3 

#Interpolate Limber (you get the same function back) to plug in any z in the range (as opposed to set z values)
Limbera = interpolate.interp1d(np.logspace(-1.3,2.5,20),limbera)
Limberl = interpolate.interp1d(np.logspace(-1.3,2.5,20),limberl)
Limberh = interpolate.interp1d(np.logspace(-1.3,2.5,20),limberh)

In [10]:
#Compute different estimators to comapre to LS

EstDP = 103.708998549*np.asarray(DDnames[0])/np.asarray(DRnames[0]) - 1
EstH  = np.asarray(DDnames[0]) * np.asarray(RRnames[0])/(np.asarray(DRnames[0]))**2 - 1
print EstDP
print EstH
print wnames[0]

[-1.         -1.         -1.         -1.          0.78808618 -0.22605225
  0.53076013  0.07100515  0.25139063  0.27440483  0.17389376  0.09655437
  0.03299978  0.00758501 -0.02587485 -0.01373778 -0.02098355 -0.02047096
 -0.01430225 -0.00212577 -0.01178099]
[-1.         -1.         -1.         -1.          0.55053508 -0.34979951
  0.45613486  0.07344154  0.24414597  0.26474564  0.15233191  0.10117637
  0.03358202  0.01543501 -0.01469939  0.00222407 -0.00506935 -0.00514917
 -0.00683562  0.00599088  0.00222173]
[-1.84914831178, -0.753533791885, -0.780861591239, -0.756170684805, 0.755619737024, -0.459396593668, 0.506712111707, 0.0731136899962, 0.247031479414, 0.268863271815, 0.15843607938, 0.100346430838, 0.0335445121883, 0.0152570497141, -0.0142391858002, 0.00240743978784, -0.00465262688083, -0.00475459191737, -0.00667670043128, 0.00595969651812, 0.0023552869176]

In [11]:
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(wnames[0])/EstDP,color = 'b', edgecolor = None, s=100, label = r'$\omega_{LS}/\omega_{DP} $')
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(wnames[0])/EstH,color = 'c', edgecolor = None,s=100, label = r'$\omega_{LS}/\omega_{H} $')

plt.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.ylabel('Estimator Ratio',fontsize = 24)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)
plt.legend(loc = 3, fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10feaec90>

In [12]:
#Poisson Errors:

PoiDP = (1.0 + EstDP) / np.sqrt(np.asarray(DDnames[0])/2.0)
PoiDP2 = 103.70899855*np.sqrt(np.asarray(DDnames[0]))/np.asarray(DRnames[0])
PoiH = (1.0 + EstH) / np.sqrt(np.asarray(DDnames[0])/2.0)
PoiLS = (1.0 + np.asarray(wnames[0])) / np.sqrt(np.asarray(DDnames[0])/2.0)
PoiLS1 = (1.0 + np.asarray(wnames[1])) / np.sqrt(np.asarray(DDnames[1])/2.0)

plt.scatter(separation[0],PoiLS/PoiDP,color = 'b', edgecolor = None, s=100, label = r'$\sigma_{LS}/\sigma_{DP} $')
plt.scatter(separation[0],PoiLS/PoiH,color = 'c', edgecolor = None,s=100, label = r'$\sigma_{LS}/\sigma_{H} $')

plt.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.ylabel('Poisson Error Ratio',fontsize = 24)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)
plt.legend(loc = 3, fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10fcbc8d0>

In [13]:
#Poisson to JK error

print sigma[0]**0.5 
print PoiLS

#plt.scatter(separation[0],sigma[0]**0.5/PoiDP,color = 'b', edgecolor = None, s=100, label = r'$\sigma_{JK}/\sigma_{DP} $')
#plt.scatter(separation[0],sigma[0]**0.5/PoiH,color = 'c', edgecolor = None,s=100, label = r'$\sigma_{JK}/\sigma_{H} $')
plt.scatter(separation[0],sigma[0]**0.5/PoiLS,color = 'g', edgecolor = None,s=100, label = r'$\sigma_{JK}/\sigma_{P} $')
plt.scatter(separation[1],sigma[1]**0.5/PoiLS1,color = 'y', edgecolor = None,s=100, label = r'$\sigma_{JK}/\sigma_{P} $')

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.ylabel('Error Ratio',fontsize = 24)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)
plt.legend(loc = 1, fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

[1.37535913 0.50383752 0.50736785 0.24719045 2.70913607 0.89970209
 0.65607754 0.51065806 0.36231157 0.23849587 0.14610923 0.06797061
 0.0398463  0.02948382 0.02394665 0.01156145 0.00883483 0.00580712
 0.00668092 0.00477153 0.00501359]
[      -inf        inf        inf        inf 1.75561974 0.54060341
 0.75335606 0.43809683 0.31175787 0.20859984 0.13116706 0.08645138
 0.0555637  0.03699802 0.02454451 0.0168193  0.01151942 0.00817066
 0.00610033 0.00519441 0.00446356]

In [14]:
#New Table 2
pcts = 0
for i in range(len(DDnames[pcts])):
    #print separation[0][i], '&', DDnames[0][i], '&', DRnames[0][i], '&', RRnames[0][i], '&', wnames[0][i], '&', sigma[0][i]
    print '%.3f & %.1i & %.1i & %.1i & %.3f & %.4f & %.4f \\\\'%(separation[pcts][i],DDnames[pcts][i],DRnames[pcts][i],RRnames[pcts][i],wnames[pcts][i],sigma[pcts][i]**0.5, np.asarray(PoiLS)[i])

0.050 & 0 & 5 & 364 & -1.849 & 1.3754 & -inf \\
0.076 & 0 & 7 & 828 & -0.754 & 0.5038 & inf \\
0.116 & 0 & 17 & 1980 & -0.781 & 0.5074 & inf \\
0.175 & 0 & 37 & 4370 & -0.756 & 0.2472 & inf \\
0.266 & 2 & 116 & 10432 & 0.756 & 2.7091 & 1.7556 \\
0.403 & 2 & 268 & 23350 & -0.459 & 0.8997 & 0.5406 \\
0.611 & 8 & 542 & 53470 & 0.507 & 0.6561 & 0.7534 \\
0.927 & 12 & 1162 & 120784 & 0.073 & 0.5107 & 0.4381 \\
1.405 & 32 & 2652 & 273444 & 0.247 & 0.3623 & 0.3118 \\
2.131 & 74 & 6022 & 619802 & 0.269 & 0.2385 & 0.2086 \\
3.231 & 156 & 13782 & 1403064 & 0.158 & 0.1461 & 0.1312 \\
4.899 & 324 & 30643 & 3191350 & 0.100 & 0.0680 & 0.0865 \\
7.428 & 692 & 69474 & 7209140 & 0.034 & 0.0398 & 0.0556 \\
11.262 & 1506 & 155010 & 16201178 & 0.015 & 0.0295 & 0.0370 \\
17.075 & 3226 & 343452 & 36027696 & -0.014 & 0.0239 & 0.0245 \\
25.889 & 7104 & 747011 & 78725580 & 0.002 & 0.0116 & 0.0168 \\
39.253 & 14932 & 1581774 & 166710784 & -0.005 & 0.0088 & 0.0115 \\
59.516 & 29674 & 3141776 & 330927082 & -0.005 & 0.0058 & 0.0082 \\
90.237 & 53028 & 5579277 & 583004272 & -0.007 & 0.0067 & 0.0061 \\
136.818 & 75010 & 7795784 & 815069184 & 0.006 & 0.0048 & 0.0052 \\
207.443 & 100858 & 10584579 & 1113270342 & 0.002 & 0.0050 & 0.0045 \\

In [ ]:

In [15]:
#Replace the Poisson with JK errors
print len(sigma[0])
print len(PoiLS)

maxerr = []
for i in range(len(sigma[0])):
    if float(sigma[0][i])**0.5/float(PoiLS[i])>=1.0:
        print float(sigma[0][i]), float(PoiLS[i])

maxerr1 = []
for i in range(len(sigma[1])):
    if float(sigma[1][i])**0.5/float(PoiLS1[i])>=1.0:
        print float(sigma[1][i]), float(PoiLS1[i])

sigmatmp = [np.asarray(maxerr),np.asarray(maxerr1),np.asarray(sigma[2])]

7.33941823651 1.75561973702
0.8094638419 0.540603406332
0.260771654083 0.438096829414
0.131269672666 0.311757869854
0.0568802813461 0.208599836915
0.0213479077888 0.131167056821
4.46347264207e-05 0.0061003253297
2.5136043901e-05 0.00446356133881
1.87648663193 1.08595558014
0.92993191128 0.799367224201
0.5628911051 0.648776350009
0.0331564292092 0.164210085051
0.0174624497107 0.105031706165
0.00179601143924 0.0299464740875
0.000100808632997 0.00745859990631
4.5123717016e-05 0.00545589055945

In [16]:
#Check to make sure it works!
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(maxerr)**0.5/PoiLS,color = 'g', edgecolor = None,s=100, label = r'$\sigma_{JK}/\sigma_{H} $')
plt.scatter(separation[1],np.asarray(maxerr1)**0.5/PoiLS1,color = 'y', edgecolor = None,s=100, label = r'$\sigma_{JK}/\sigma_{H} $')

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.ylabel('Error Ratio',fontsize = 24)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)
plt.legend(loc = 1, fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app
/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide

In [17]:
#map the changes to the sigma array
sigma = sigmatmp

Fit Models

In [18]:
#Stellar contamination fit using the efficiency of the algorithm (0.86) and the correlation function of stars in the field at large scale (0.09)

def stellar_cont(Limb,b,e):
    w_cont = (0.86**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.86)**2) + e
    #w_cont = (0.93**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.93)**2) + e
    return w_cont

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[0])>0) 

#bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<70)& (np.asarray(wnames[0])>-0.1) 

allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = sigma[0][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)#, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,np.inf]))
lowzb, lowzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limberl(separation[1])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[1])[bdx], sigma = sigma[1][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)#, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,np.inf]))
highzb, highzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limberh(separation[2])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[2])[bdx], sigma = sigma[2][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)#, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,np.inf]))

Las = stellar_cont(Limbera(separation[0]),allzb[0],0)#allzb[1])
Lls = stellar_cont(Limberl(separation[1]),lowzb[0],0)#lowzb[1])
Lhs = stellar_cont(Limberh(separation[2]),highzb[0],0)#highzb[1])

print 'Biases and cross correlations, with contamination:'
print 'allz bias', allzb[0], '+/-', allzcov[0][0]**0.5
print 'allz epsilon',allzb[1], '+/-', allzcov[1][1]**0.5
print ' ' 
print 'lowz bias',lowzb[0], '+/-', lowzcov[0][0]**0.5
print 'lowz epsilon',lowzb[1], '+/-', lowzcov[1][1]**0.5

stcont_limb = [Las,Lls,Lhs]

Biases and cross correlations, with contamination:
allz bias 6.782534375240027 +/- 1.7931789728632919
allz epsilon -0.010466864536522735 +/- 0.018150141548500073
lowz bias 6.638842213246364 +/- 2.2270818916066286
lowz epsilon 0.005162572419140088 +/- 0.022313648958416723

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [19]:
#Fit a power law
def powlaw(theta,t0,g):
    w_cont = (theta/t0)**(-g)
    return w_cont

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[0])>0)

allpow1, apowcov = curve_fit(powlaw, np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx], np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = sigma[0][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)
lowpow1, lpowcov = curve_fit(powlaw, np.asarray(separation[1])[bdx], np.asarray(wnames[1])[bdx], sigma = sigma[1][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)
highpow1, hpowcov = curve_fit(powlaw, np.asarray(separation[2])[bdx], np.asarray(wnames[2])[bdx], sigma = sigma[2][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)
apfit = allpow1
lpfit = lowpow1
hpfit = highpow1

print 'theta0, gamma:'

print ' '
print 'theta =',allpow1[0], '+/-', apowcov[0][0]**0.5
print 'delta =',allpow1[1], '+/-', apowcov[1][1]**0.5
print ' '
print 'theta =',lowpow1[0], '+/-', lpowcov[0][0]**0.5
print 'delta =',lowpow1[1], '+/-', lpowcov[1][1]**0.5
power_idxs = [allpow1,lowpow1,highpow1]

allpow = powlaw(separation[0],allpow1[0],allpow1[1])
lowpow = powlaw(separation[1],lowpow1[0],lowpow1[1])
highpow = powlaw(separation[1],highpow1[0],highpow1[1])

pow_fit = [allpow,lowpow,highpow]

theta0, gamma:
theta = 0.7140086118050991 +/- 0.5460788549460205
delta = 1.3907556527138998 +/- 0.6176824077451442
theta = 0.4198545420227676 +/- 0.5815675468807496
delta = 0.9882695980642807 +/- 0.502036331548673

In [20]:
#Chi square of the power law fits
#Need to cast the fitting range to the full matrix
#define a boolean array with the fitting parameters
gdx = (np.asarray(th)>1) & (np.asarray(th)<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[0])>0)
#Change the boolean array to binary; 0=False
int1 = np.asarray(gdx*1)
#Create a binary matrix which reflect where True and False are
gdx2 = int1[:,np.newaxis] * int1
#Convert back to a matrix of booleans
gdx3 = (gdx2 == 1)

chi_pow = []
for h in range(len(wnames)):
    chip = chisq(np.asarray(wnames[h])[gdx],pow_fit[h][gdx],covmat[h][gdx3].reshape(len(pow_fit[h][gdx]),len(pow_fit[h][gdx])))

print 'Power law chi^2:', np.asarray(chi_pow)/(len(lowpow[gdx])-2.0), 'for %i DOF'% (len(lowpow[gdx])-2.0)

Power law chi^2: [1.67075845 0.45439851 0.37793429] for 5 DOF

In [ ]:

In [21]:
#Need to cast the fitting range to the full matrix
#define a boolean array with the fitting parameters
gdx = (np.asarray(th)>1) & (np.asarray(th)<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[0])>0)
#Change the boolean array to binary; 0=False
int1 = np.asarray(gdx*1)
#Create a binary matrix which reflect where True and False are
gdx2 = int1[:,np.newaxis] * int1
#Convert back to a matrix of booleans
gdx3 = (gdx2 == 1)

chi_limb = []
chi_stctm = []
for h in range(len(wnames)):
    #chi1 = chisq(np.asarray(wnames[h])[gdx],limb_fit[h][gdx],covmat[h][gdx3].reshape(len(limb_fit[h][gdx]),len(limb_fit[h][gdx])))
    chi2 = chisq(np.asarray(wnames[h])[gdx],stcont_limb[h][gdx],covmat[h][gdx3].reshape(len(stcont_limb[h][gdx]),len(stcont_limb[h][gdx])))

print len(Lls[gdx])
#print 'No stellar contamination chi^2:', np.asarray(chi_limb)/(len(Lls[gdx])-1.0), 'for %i DOF'% (len(Lls[gdx])-1.0)
print 'Stellar contamination chi^2:',np.asarray(chi_stctm)/(len(Lls[gdx])-2.0), 'for %i DOF'% (len(Lls[gdx])-2.0)

Stellar contamination chi^2: [1.72638169 0.45176981 0.44885488] for 5 DOF

In [ ]:

In [22]:
#Integral Constraint
IC = []
for i in range(len(RRnames)):
    constraint = np.sum(np.asarray(RRnames[i])*(powlaw(np.asarray(separation[i]),power_idxs[i][0],power_idxs[i][1])))/np.sum(RRnames[i])

print IC

[0.0017634742259008992, 0.005230707854109895, 0.0029542371274927865]

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [41]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 22, 'ytick.labelsize': 22, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

ptsz = 150
lwth = 2

#Plot for paper
fig = plt.figure(3,figsize = (10,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[0.75,0.25])

ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex = ax0)

plt.scatter(separation[0],wnames[0],s = ptsz,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None',label=r'QSO Candidates',zorder = 100)
#Poisson Error

#No Stellar contamination in fit
#plt.plot(separation[0],La,linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3),linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label='DM model b=%0.2f'%allzbias[0])

#With Stellar contamination in fit
plt.plot(separation[0],Las,linewidth = lwth,color = '#fd8d3c',label = r'b=%0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f'%(allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]**0.5))

#Power law fit
plt.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = lwth, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2),label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(apfit[0],apfit[1]))

for i in range(len(JK_xi[0])): 
    if i == len(JK_xi[0])-1:
        print 'hi'
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1,label='Jackknife samples')
        #plt.scatter(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],s = 15,color='k',alpha = 0.5, marker = 's',edgecolor='None')
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1)


ax0.axvline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.axvline(30,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 24)
ax0.legend(fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(wnames[0])/Las,s = ptsz,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None' )
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\omega_m / \omega_{DM}$', fontsize = 20)

plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)



In [24]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 22, 'ytick.labelsize': 22, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

ptsz = 200
lwth = 2

#Plot for paper
fig = plt.figure(3,figsize = (10,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[0.75,0.25])

ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex = ax0)

plt.scatter(separation[0],wnames[1],s = ptsz,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None',label=r'Faint QSO Candidates',zorder = 100)
#Poisson Error

#No Stellar contamination in fit
#plt.plot(separation[0],La,linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3),linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label='DM model b=%0.2f'%allzbias[0])

#With Stellar contamination in fit
plt.plot(separation[0],Lls,linewidth = lwth,color = '#fd8d3c',label = r'b=%0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f'%(lowzb[0],lowzcov[0][0]**0.5))

#Power law fit
plt.plot(separation[0],lowpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = lwth, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2),label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(lpfit[0],lpfit[1]))

for i in range(len(JK_xi[1])): 
    if i == len(JK_xi[1])-1:
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[1][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1,label='Jackknife samples')
        #plt.scatter(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],s = 15,color='k',alpha = 0.5, marker = 's',edgecolor='None')
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[1][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1)


ax0.axvline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.axvline(30,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 24)
ax0.legend(fontsize = 16, scatterpoints=1)

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.scatter(separation[1],np.asarray(wnames[1])/Lls,s = ptsz,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None' )
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\omega_m / \omega_{DM}$', fontsize = 20)

plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x111096ed0>

In [25]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 22, 'ytick.labelsize': 22, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

#Plot for paper
fig = plt.figure(3,figsize = (10,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[0.75,0.25])

ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex = ax0)

plt.scatter(separation[0],wnames[0],s = 150,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None',label=r'Extinction Cut',zorder = 100)
plt.errorbar(separation[0],wnames[0],yerr=sigma[0]**0.5,elinewidth=2,fmt=',',color='#fd8d3c',zorder = 100)

#No Stellar contamination in fit
#plt.plot(separation[0],La,linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3),linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label='DM model b=%0.2f'%allzbias[0])

#With Stellar contamination in fit
plt.plot(separation[0],Las,linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label = r'b=%0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f'%(allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]**0.5))

#Power law fit
plt.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = 2, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2),label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(apfit[0],apfit[1]))
for i in range(len(JK_xi[0])): 
    if i == len(JK_xi[0])-1:
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1,label='Jackknife samples')
        #plt.scatter(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],s = 15,color='k',alpha = 0.5, marker = 's',edgecolor='None')
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1)

plt.scatter(np.asarray(separation[0])+0.1*np.asarray(separation[0]),wnames[2],s = 150,color='g', marker = 'o',edgecolor='None',label=r'No Extinction Cut')

#No Stellar contamination in fit
#plt.plot(separation[0],La,linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3),linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label='DM model b=%0.2f'%allzbias[0])

#With Stellar contamination in fit
plt.plot(np.asarray(separation[0])+0.1,Lhs,linewidth = 2,color = 'g',label = r'b=%0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f'%(highzb[0],highzcov[0][0]**0.5))

#Power law fit
plt.plot(np.asarray(separation[0])+0.1,highpow,color='g',linewidth = 2, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2),label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(hpfit[0],hpfit[1]))
for i in range(len(JK_xi[0])): 
    if i == len(JK_xi[0])-1:
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[2][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1,label='Jackknife samples')
        #plt.scatter(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],s = 15,color='k',alpha = 0.5, marker = 's',edgecolor='None')
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[2][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1)

ax0.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 24)
ax0.legend(fontsize = 16, scatterpoints=1)

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(wnames[0])/Las,s = 100,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None' )
plt.scatter(separation[0]+0.1*np.asarray(separation[0]),np.asarray(wnames[2])/Lhs,s = 100,color='g', marker = 'o',edgecolor='None' )
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\omega_m / \omega_{DM}$', fontsize = 20)

plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x115a13950>

In [26]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig = plt.figure(6,figsize = (10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Construct arrays for the anchor positions of the 16 bars.
# Note: np.meshgrid gives arrays in (ny, nx) so we use 'F' to flatten xpos,
# ypos in column-major order. For numpy >= 1.7, we could instead call meshgrid
# with indexing='ij'.
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.log10(th),np.log10(th))
xpos = X.flatten('F')
ypos = Y.flatten('F')
zpos = np.zeros_like(xpos)

# Construct arrays with the dimensions for the 16 bars.
dx = 0.2*np.ones_like(zpos)
dy = dx.copy()
dz = regmat[0].flatten()

ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='w', zsort='average')

In [27]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30) 

fig = plt.figure(6,figsize = (10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Construct arrays for the anchor positions of the 16 bars.
# Note: np.meshgrid gives arrays in (ny, nx) so we use 'F' to flatten xpos,
# ypos in column-major order. For numpy >= 1.7, we could instead call meshgrid
# with indexing='ij'.
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.log10(np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx]),np.log10(np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx]))
xpos = X.flatten('F')
ypos = Y.flatten('F')
zpos = np.zeros_like(xpos)

# Construct arrays with the dimensions for the 16 bars.
dx = 0.2*np.ones_like(zpos)
dy = dx.copy()
dz = regmat[0][:,bdx][bdx,:].flatten()

ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='w', zsort='average')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [28]:
#Biases from different surveys
### He 2017
bhe = 5.93
behe= 1.43
zhe = 3.8

### ROSS 2009
b = [2.06,1.41,1.38,1.45,1.83,2.37,1.92,2.42,2.79,3.62,2.99]
be = [0.03,0.18,0.06,0.38,0.33,0.25,0.5,0.4,0.47,0.49,1.42]
z = [1.27,0.24,0.49,0.80,1.03,1.23,1.41,1.58,1.74,1.92,2.10]

##SHEN 2007 Biases
#sb = [9.8,11.4,13.7]
#sz = [3,3.5,4]
sb = [7.9,14.0]
sbe = [0.8,2.0]
sz = [3.2,4]

eb = [3.69,3.55,3.57]
ebe = [0.11,0.15,0.09]
ez = [2.297,2.497,2.971]


maxdatH07 = open('../Plot_correlation/Hopkins07_clstr_maximal.dat','rw')
defdatH07 = open('../Plot_correlation/Hopkins07_clstr_default.dat','rw')
extdatH07 = open('../Plot_correlation/Hopkins07_clstr_extreme_feedback.dat','rw')

maxH07 = maxdatH07.readlines()
defH07 = defdatH07.readlines()
extH07 = extdatH07.readlines()

zH07 = []
bmH07 = []
bdH07 = []
beH07 = []

b20mH07 = []
b20eH07 = []
b20dH07 = []

for i in range(len(maxH07)):

In [42]:
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
import astropy.units as u

params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 20, 'ytick.labelsize': 20, 'xtick.major.width':3, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':3, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':5, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':5}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)'dark_background') 

fig = plt.figure(5,figsize=(10,8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax2 = ax1.twiny()


plt.scatter(z,b,s=250,c='#0571b0', marker = 'o', edgecolor = 'none', label='Ross 2009 z<2.2')
plt.errorbar(z,b,yerr=be,color='#0571b0', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(ez,eb,s=250,c='#67a9cf', marker = '^',edgecolor = 'none', label='Eftekharzadeh 2015 2.2<z<2.8')
plt.errorbar(ez,eb,yerr=ebe,color='#67a9cf', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(sz,sb,s=250,c='#e31a1c', marker = 's',edgecolor = 'none', label='Shen 2007 z>2.9')
plt.errorbar(sz,sb,yerr=sbe,color='#e31a1c', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(zhe,bhe,s=250,c='m', marker = '^',edgecolor = 'none', label='He 2018 3<z<4')
plt.errorbar(zhe,bhe,yerr=behe,color='m', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

#No stellar contam
plt.scatter(3.479,allzbias, marker = 'd',c='#ca0020', s=100, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'Candidates')
plt.errorbar(3.479,allzbias,yerr=0.22878057**0.5,color='#ca0020', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(3.143,lowzbias, marker = 'd',c='#ca0020', s=100, edgecolor = 'none')
plt.errorbar(3.143,lowzbias,yerr=0.60656223**0.5,color='#ca0020', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(3.803,highzbias, marker = 'd',c='#ca0020', s=100, edgecolor = 'none')
plt.errorbar(3.803,highzbias,yerr=0.50286617**0.5,color='#ca0020', fmt=',',linewidth=3)
print allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]
axerror =np.array([[0.34 ,0.24]]).T
ftxerror =np.array([[0.34 ,0.25]]).T

#Stellar contam
plt.scatter(3.38,allzb[0], marker = 'd',c='#fd8d3c', s=350, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'All Candidates')
plt.errorbar(3.38,allzb[0],xerr= axerror, yerr=allzcov[0][0]**0.5,color='#fd8d3c', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

#plt.scatter(3.39,lowzb[0], marker = 'd',c='#a6d96a', s=350, edgecolor = 'none',zorder = 0, label = 'Faint Candidates')
#plt.errorbar(3.39,lowzb[0],xerr=0 ,yerr=lowzcov[0][0]**0.5,color='#a6d96a', fmt=',',linewidth=3,zorder = 0)

#plt.scatter(3.23,highzb[0], marker = 'd',c='#1a9641', s=100, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'Candidates rz match bin')
#plt.errorbar(3.23,highzb[0],xerr=0.0 , yerr=highzcov[0][0]**0.5,color='#1a9641', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

#plt.plot(zH07,b20mH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle='-', color='c',label = "i < 20.2 degeneracy")
plt.plot(zH07,beH07, linewidth = 3, linestyle='-', color='k',label = "Efficient feedback (H07)")
plt.plot(zH07,bmH07, linewidth = 3, linestyle='-.', color='k',dashes = (8,4,2,4,2,4), label = "Maximal growth (H07)")
plt.plot(zH07,bdH07, linewidth = 3, linestyle='--', dashes = (10,5,10,5), color='k',label = "Inefficient feedback (H07)")

#All feedback models
#plt.plot(zH07,b20mH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='r',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"All feedback models at $i$<20.2 (H07)")

#plt.plot(zH07,b20eH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='r',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"$i$=20.2 (H07)")
#plt.plot(zH07,b20dH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='b',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"Feedback models with $i$=20.2 (H07)")

def tick_function(X):
    cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70 * / u.s / u.Mpc, Tcmb0=2.725 * u.K, Om0=0.274)
    ages = cosmo.age(X).value
    lab = []
    for i in ages:
    return ["%.2f" % z for z in lab]


ax1Ticks = ax1.get_xticks()  
ax2Ticks = ax1Ticks



ax1.set_xlabel('Redshift',fontsize = 24) 
ax2.set_xlabel('Age of Universe (Gyr)',fontsize = 24)

plt.ylabel('bias',fontsize = 24)
plt.legend(loc = 2, scatterpoints=1)

6.782534375240027 3.2154908287190502

In [ ]:

In [30]:
#Import SpIES / SHELA data
data = '../Data_Sets/HZLZ_combined_all_hzclassifiers_wphotoz_zspecflg.fits'
obs =[1].data
Z = obs.zbest
imag = -2.5/np.log(10) * (np.arcsinh((obs.iflux/1e9)/(2*1.8e-10))+np.log(1.8e-10)) 

gdx = ((Z >= 2.9) & (obs.dec>=-1.2) & (obs.dec<=1.2)& ((obs.ra>=344.4)|(obs.ra<60)))#&(imag >= 20.2))

#gdx = Z>0
#Set up a KDE for dNdz
tmpz = Z[gdx][:, np.newaxis] #change the array from row shape (1) to column shape (1,)
print np.shape(tmpz)
sample_range = np.linspace(min(tmpz[:, 0]), max(tmpz[:, 0]), len(tmpz[:, 0]))[:, np.newaxis]

est = kde(bandwidth=0.1,kernel='epanechnikov') #Set up the Kernel

histkde = #fit the kernel to the data and find the density of the grid
#Interpolate (you get the same function back) to plug in any z in the range (as opposed to set z values)
dNdz = interpolate.interp1d(sample_range.flatten(),np.exp(histkde))
print sample_range.flatten()
print 'done'
ZE = np.linspace(min(Z),max(Z),100)
xo=integrate.quad(dNdz,min(sample_range),max(sample_range)) #quad(f(x),xlower,xupper, args)
print xo
print 'median', np.median(Z[gdx])
print 'mean',np.mean(Z[gdx])
print 'max',np.max(Z[gdx])
print 'min',np.min(Z[gdx])

(1378, 1)
[2.9005184  2.90212296 2.90372752 ... 5.10679101 5.10839557 5.11000013]
(0.9683159136306184, 0.00021142137223073565)
median 3.2316162142615297
mean 3.3871927704627334
max 5.110000133514404
min 2.900518400801342
/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/integrate/ IntegrationWarning: The maximum number of subdivisions (50) has been achieved.
  If increasing the limit yields no improvement it is advised to analyze 
  the integrand in order to determine the difficulties.  If the position of a 
  local difficulty can be determined (singularity, discontinuity) one will 
  probably gain from splitting up the interval and calling the integrator 
  on the subranges.  Perhaps a special-purpose integrator should be used.
  warnings.warn(msg, IntegrationWarning)

In [31]:

In [32]:
#open the angular results from the SHEN 2007 run
shen = './Shen_Angcor.txt'
shenjk = './Shen_Angcor_JK.txt'

datfiles2 = [shen]
JKfiles2 = [shenjk]

#Loop over the data files list to open and plot the correlation function
separation2 = []
wnames2 = []
RRnames2 = []
DDnames2 = []
for infile in datfiles2:
    fileopen = open(infile,'rw')
    header = fileopen.readline()
    data = fileopen.readlines() 

    th = []
    w = []
    RR = []
    DD = []
    for i in range(len(data)):
        t = float(data[i].split()[0]) #Theta
        x = float(data[i].split()[4]) #w(theta) 
        rr = float(data[i].split()[3]) #RR 
        dd = float(data[i].split()[1]) #DD
    #Put the w and RR values into an array to call for Jackknife calculation

#Compute Jackknife errors from the counts information
sigma2 = []
covmat2 = []
for h in range(len(JKfiles2)):
    covariance = make_covariance(JKfiles[h], wnames[h], RRnames[h])

#Compute the regression matrix
regmat2 = []
for h in range(len(wnames2)):

print np.shape(regmat2)

#Get jackknife w's
JK_xi2 = []
for h in range(len(JKfiles2)):
    jk = make_JKxi(JKfiles2[h], wnames2[h], RRnames2[h])

print np.shape(JK_xi2)
print len(separation2[0])

sth = separation2[0]
sw = wnames2[0]
sjk= sigma2[0]

print len(sth),len(sw),len(sjk)
print DDnames2[0]

#Theta DD DR RR XI factor=103.708998549 jknum= 10

(1, 21, 21)
(1, 10, 21)
21 21 21
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0, 30.0, 46.0, 88.0, 200.0, 498.0, 1042.0, 2234.0, 5154.0, 11404.0, 25650.0, 53078.0, 113896.0]

In [33]:
#BOSS wtheta which I computed using a subset of Eft 2015 
Bth = [0.050323978983, 0.0763011640511, 0.115687744753, 0.175405637024, 0.265949842531, 0.403232871773, 0.611381256445, 0.926975618552, 1.40547945874, 2.13098647839, 3.23099945918, 4.89883798472, 7.42761300449, 11.2617390321, 17.0750368861, 25.8891529834, 39.2531065478, 59.5155188986, 90.2373672122, 136.817801341, 207.443006619]
Bwt = [-0.399949636665, -0.139493890308, -0.446243530879, 0.76311340272, -0.525602284033, -0.573893771779, -0.470477229437, -0.295626322384, 0.207851198524, 0.18424850005, 0.10315515435, 0.0983282856195, 0.0654036946897, 0.0349133960631, 0.0209796601689, 0.0199293887951, 0.014989772678, 0.0125284121898, 0.008932733109, 0.00654631771702, 0.00457786274708]

#The He 2017 points for small scales
heth = [2.05,3.25,5.15,8.15,12.92,20.48,32.46,51.45,81.55,129.24,204.84,324.65,514.53,815.48]
heth = np.asarray(heth)/60.

#Luminous sample
hew = [0,-1,0,-1,-0.33,1.96,-0.85,0.53,0.21,0.15,0.07,-0.07,0.05,-0.005]
hewe= [0,9.76,8.53,1.69,0.86,2.11,0.15,0.32,0.27,0.14,0.08,0.04,0.07,0.03]
#Less Luminous sample
hewll = [0,3.25,2.86,1.58,1.96,-0.11,0.36,-0.002,0.13,0.14,0.06,0.06,0.04,0.02]
hewell = [0,8.74,2.51,1.91,1.79,0.47,0.26,0.18,0.13,0.09,0.04,0.04,0.02,0.02]

In [ ]:

In [34]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
#Plotting Parameters (Replace with Group code call!)
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 20, 'ytick.labelsize': 20, 'xtick.major.width':3, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':3, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':5, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':5}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

#Plot for paper
fig = plt.figure(4,figsize = (8,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios = [1,1,1], width_ratios=[1])
ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex = ax0)
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[2],sharex = ax0)

ax0.scatter(Bth,Bwt,s=150,marker = '*', color = 'k',label = r'BOSS $2.2\leq z\leq 2.8$')
#lowz comparison to BOSS
ax0.scatter(separation[0],wnames[0],s = 200,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd', edgecolor='None',label='SpIES+SHELA \n'+r'(This work)')
ax0.plot(separation[0],Las,linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c')#,label='Low-z bias=%0.2f'%lowzb[0])
#ax0.plot(separation[1],Ll,linewidth = 2,color = '#a6d96a',label='Low-z bias=%s'%lowzbias)
ax0.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = 2, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2))#,label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(lpfit[0],lpfit[1]))

#ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 18)
ax0.legend(fontsize = 14, scatterpoints=1)

#He less luminous
ax1.scatter(heth,hewll,s = 150,color='c', marker = '^',edgecolor='None',label='HSC $3\leq z\leq 4$'+'\n (CCF)')
ax1.plot(heth,6.53/60.**0.86*heth**-0.86,color='c',linewidth = 2, linestyle = '--',dashes = (4,2,4,2))

#highz candidates comparison to HE
ax1.scatter(separation[0],wnames[0],s = 200,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd', edgecolor='None')
ax1.plot(separation[0],Las,linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c')#,label='Low-z bias=%0.2f'%lowzb[0])
#ax0.plot(separation[1],Ll,linewidth = 2,color = '#a6d96a',label='Low-z bias=%s'%lowzbias)
ax1.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = 2, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2))#,label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(lpfit[0],lpfit[1]))

ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 18)
ax1.legend(fontsize = 14, scatterpoints=1)

#Shen data
ax2.scatter(np.asarray(sth)+0.1*np.asarray(sth),sw,s=150,marker = 'v', color = 'r',label = r'DR5 $2.9\leq z\leq 5.4$ ')
#full candidate list
ax2.scatter(separation[0],wnames[0],s = 200,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd', edgecolor='None')
ax2.plot(separation[0],Las,linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c')#,label='Low-z bias=%0.2f'%lowzb[0])
#ax0.plot(separation[1],Ll,linewidth = 2,color = '#a6d96a',label='Low-z bias=%s'%lowzbias)
ax2.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = 2, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2))#,label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(lpfit[0],lpfit[1]))

#ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 18)
ax2.legend(fontsize = 14, scatterpoints=1)

plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 18)
#plt.ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 18)


/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Testing the errors: Will change the above code to refelct what I get here

In [ ]:

In [35]:
def stellar_cont(Limb,b,e):
    w_cont = (0.86**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.86)**2) + e
    #w_cont = (0.93**2 *b**2 * Limb) + (0.09*(1-0.93)**2) + e
    return w_cont

def powlaw(theta,t0,g):
    w_cont = (theta/t0)**(-g)
    return w_cont

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [36]:
bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[0])>0) 
allzb, allzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = sigma[0][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)#, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,np.inf]))
lowzb, lowzcov = curve_fit(stellar_cont, np.asarray(Limberl(separation[1])[bdx]), np.asarray(wnames[1])[bdx], sigma = sigma[1][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)#, bounds=([0,0.],[np.inf,np.inf]))

Las2 = stellar_cont(Limbera(separation[0]),allzb[0],0)#allzb[1])

print allzb[0], '+/-', allzcov[0][0]**0.5
print allzb[1], '+/-', allzcov[1][1]**0.5
print ' ' 
print lowzb[0], '+/-', lowzcov[0][0]**0.5
print lowzb[1], '+/-', lowzcov[1][1]**0.5

allpow1, apowcov = curve_fit(powlaw, np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx], np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], sigma = sigma[0][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)
lowpow1, lpowcov = curve_fit(powlaw, np.asarray(separation[1])[bdx], np.asarray(wnames[1])[bdx], sigma = sigma[1][bdx]**0.5,absolute_sigma=True)
allpow = powlaw(separation[0],allpow1[0],allpow1[1])
apfit = allpow1

print ' '
print 'theta =',allpow1[0], '+/-', apowcov[0][0]**0.5
print 'delta =',allpow1[1], '+/-', apowcov[1][1]**0.5
print ' '
print 'theta =',lowpow1[0], '+/-', lpowcov[0][0]**0.5
print 'delta =',lowpow1[1], '+/-', lpowcov[1][1]**0.5

6.78253437524 +/- 1.79317897286
-0.0104668645365 +/- 0.0181501415485
6.63884221325 +/- 2.22708189161
0.00516257241914 +/- 0.0223136489584
theta = 0.714008611805 +/- 0.546078854946
delta = 1.39075565271 +/- 0.617682407745
theta = 0.419854542023 +/- 0.581567546881
delta = 0.988269598064 +/- 0.502036331549

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [37]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 22, 'ytick.labelsize': 22, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

ptsz = 300
lwth = 3

#Plot for paper
fig = plt.figure(3,figsize = (10,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[0.75,0.25])

ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex = ax0)

plt.scatter(separation[0],wnames[0],s = ptsz,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None',label=r'QSO Candidates',zorder = 100)
#Poisson Error

#No Stellar contamination in fit
#plt.plot(separation[0],La,linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3),linewidth = 2,color = '#fd8d3c',label='DM model b=%0.2f'%allzbias[0])

#With Stellar contamination in fit
plt.plot(separation[0],Las2,linewidth = lwth,color = '#fd8d3c',label = r'b=%0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f'%(allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]**0.5))
#plt.plot(separation[0],stellar_cont(Limbera(separation[0]),5.29,-0.004),linewidth = lwth,color = 'c',label = 'b=5.29')

#Power law fit
plt.plot(separation[0],allpow,color='#fd8d3c',linewidth = lwth, linestyle = ':',dashes = (2,2,2,2),label = r'$\theta_0$ =%0.2f ; $\delta$ = %0.2f '%(apfit[0],apfit[1]))

for i in range(len(JK_xi[0])): 
    if i == len(JK_xi[0])-1:
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1,label='Jackknife samples')
        #plt.scatter(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],s = 15,color='k',alpha = 0.5, marker = 's',edgecolor='None')
        plt.plot(separation[0],JK_xi[0][i],color='k',alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 1)


ax0.axvline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.axvline(30,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega (\theta)$',fontsize = 24)
ax0.legend(fontsize = 18, scatterpoints=1)

plt.axhline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(1,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.axvline(30,linewidth = lwth, linestyle = '--', dashes = (8,3,8,3), color = 'k')
plt.scatter(separation[0],np.asarray(wnames[0])/Las2,s = ptsz,color='#fd8d3c', marker = 'd',edgecolor='None' )
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\omega_m / \omega_{DM}$', fontsize = 20)

plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (Arcmin)',fontsize = 24)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1155a9d10>

In [38]:
print allzb[0],allzcov[0][0]
axerror =np.array([[0.34 ,0.24]]).T
ftxerror =np.array([[0.34 ,0.25]]).T

#Stellar contam
plt.scatter(3.38,allzb[0], marker = 'd',c='#fd8d3c', s=200, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'All Candidates')
plt.errorbar(3.38,allzb[0],xerr= axerror, yerr=allzcov[0][0]**0.5,color='#fd8d3c', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

plt.scatter(3.39,lowzb[0], marker = 'd',c='#a6d96a', s=350, edgecolor = 'none',zorder = 0, label = 'Faint Candidates')
plt.errorbar(3.39,lowzb[0],xerr=0 ,yerr=lowzcov[0][0]**0.5,color='#a6d96a', fmt=',',linewidth=3,zorder = 0)

#plt.scatter(3.23,highzb[0], marker = 'd',c='#1a9641', s=100, edgecolor = 'none', label = 'Candidates rz match bin')
#plt.errorbar(3.23,highzb[0],xerr=0.0 , yerr=highzcov[0][0]**0.5,color='#1a9641', fmt=',',linewidth=3)

#plt.plot(zH07,b20mH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle='-', color='c',label = "i < 20.2 degeneracy")
plt.plot(zH07,beH07, linewidth = 3, linestyle='-', color='k',label = "Efficient feedback (H07)")
plt.plot(zH07,bmH07, linewidth = 3, linestyle='-.', color='k',dashes = (8,4,2,4,2,4), label = "Maximal growth (H07)")
plt.plot(zH07,bdH07, linewidth = 3, linestyle='--', dashes = (10,5,10,5), color='k',label = "Inefficient feedback (H07)")

#All feedback models
#plt.plot(zH07,b20mH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='r',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"All feedback models at $i$<20.2 (H07)")

#plt.plot(zH07,b20eH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='r',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"$i$=20.2 (H07)")
#plt.plot(zH07,b20dH07, linewidth = 2, linestyle=':', c='b',dashes = (3,2,3,2), label = r"Feedback models with $i$=20.2 (H07)")

def tick_function(X):
    cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70 * / u.s / u.Mpc, Tcmb0=2.725 * u.K, Om0=0.274)
    ages = cosmo.age(X).value
    lab = []
    for i in ages:
    return ["%.2f" % z for z in lab]


ax1Ticks = ax1.get_xticks()  
ax2Ticks = ax1Ticks



ax1.set_xlabel('Redshift',fontsize = 24) 
ax2.set_xlabel('Age of Universe (Gyr)',fontsize = 24)

plt.ylabel('bias',fontsize = 24)
plt.legend(loc = 2, scatterpoints=1)

6.78253437524 3.21549082872

In [ ]:

In [41]:
#Generating chi square for my different fits

In [39]:
from numpy.linalg import inv

def chi_square1d(data, model, var):
    resid = (np.asarray(data) - np.asarray(model))**2
    x = sum(resid / np.asarray(var))
    return x

def chi_square2d(data, model, covar):
    invcov = inv(covar)
    resid = data - model
    x = sum(sum(np.asarray(resid)[np.newaxis] * invcov * np.asarray(resid)))
    return x

def stdev_chisquare(minval, chimat, chival=1):
    sdev = np.zeros([np.shape(chimat)[0],np.shape(chimat)[1]])
    print np.shape(sdev)
    for i in range(len(chimat)):
        for j in range(len(chimat[0])):
            if chimat[i][j] <= minval + chival:
                sdev[i,j] = chimat[i][j]

    return sdev

In [40]:
params = {'legend.fontsize': 16, 'xtick.labelsize': 22, 'ytick.labelsize': 22, 'xtick.major.width':2, 'xtick.minor.width':2, 'ytick.major.width':2, 'ytick.minor.width':2, 'xtick.major.size':10, 'xtick.minor.size':6, 'ytick.major.size':10, 'ytick.minor.size':6}
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3.0)

In [41]:
#trange = np.arange(0,1.2,0.005)
#grange = np.arange(0.5,2.2,0.005)

trange = np.linspace(0,1.2,400)
grange = np.linspace(0.5,2.2,300)

print len(trange)

chis = np.zeros([len(grange),len(trange)])

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[0])>0) 
for i in range(len(trange)):
    for j in range(len(grange)):
        mod = powlaw(np.asarray(separation[0])[bdx],trange[i],grange[j])
        val = chi_square1d(np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], mod, np.asarray(sigma[0])[bdx])
        chis[j,i] = val
onest = stdev_chisquare(np.amin(chis),chis,1.0)
twost = stdev_chisquare(np.amin(chis),chis,2.71)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(trange,grange)

plt.xlim(np.amin(trange), np.amax(trange))
plt.ylim(np.amin(grange), np.amax(grange))
plt.imshow(chis, extent=(min(trange), max(trange), min(grange), max(grange)),cmap = 'YlOrBr',aspect = 'auto',vmin = 0, vmax = 3,origin = 'lower')#,norm=LogNorm(vmin=0, vmax=30))#, aspect = 'auto')
plt.colorbar(label = r'$\chi^2$')

plt.contour(X[0],Y[:,0],onest,levels=[0],colors = 'k' ,linewidths = 2)
#plt.contour(X[0],Y[:,0],twost,levels=[0],color = 'k', linewidth = 2)

plt.scatter([0.758],[1.447],s=100,color='k',marker = 'x')
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta_0$', fontsize = 18)
plt.ylabel(r'$\delta$', fontsize = 18)

/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
(300, 400)
(300, 400)
/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/ MaskedArrayFutureWarning: In the future the default for ma.maximum.reduce will be axis=0, not the current None, to match np.maximum.reduce. Explicitly pass 0 or None to silence this warning.
  return self.reduce(a)
/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/ MaskedArrayFutureWarning: In the future the default for ma.minimum.reduce will be axis=0, not the current None, to match np.minimum.reduce. Explicitly pass 0 or None to silence this warning.
  return self.reduce(a)

In [ ]:

In [42]:
#trange = np.arange(0,1.2,0.005)
#grange = np.arange(0.5,2.2,0.005)

trange = np.linspace(0,1.0,400)
grange = np.linspace(0.4,1.6,300)

print len(trange)

chis = np.zeros([len(grange),len(trange)])

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[1])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[1])<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[1])>0) 
for i in range(len(trange)):
    for j in range(len(grange)):
        mod = powlaw(np.asarray(separation[1])[bdx],trange[i],grange[j])
        val = chi_square1d(np.asarray(wnames[1])[bdx], mod, np.asarray(sigma[1])[bdx])
        chis[j,i] = val

onest = stdev_chisquare(np.amin(chis),chis,1.0)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(trange,grange)

plt.xlim(np.amin(trange), np.amax(trange))
plt.ylim(np.amin(grange), np.amax(grange))
plt.imshow(chis, extent=(min(trange), max(trange), min(grange), max(grange)),cmap = 'YlOrBr',aspect = 'auto',vmin = 1.5, vmax = 3,origin = 'lower')#,norm=LogNorm(vmin=0, vmax=30))#, aspect = 'auto')
plt.colorbar(label = r'$\chi^2$')
plt.contour(X[0],Y[:,0],onest,levels=[0],colors = 'k' ,linewidths = 2)

plt.scatter([0.373],[0.948],s=100,color='k',marker = 'x')
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta_0$', fontsize = 18)
plt.ylabel(r'$\delta$', fontsize = 18)

/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
(300, 400)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [43]:
#Chisquare of the bias function
#brange = np.arange(3,9,0.001)
#erange = np.arange(-0.03,0.03,0.0005)

brange = np.linspace(3,9,300)
erange = np.linspace(-0.03,0.01,600)

print len(erange)

chis = np.zeros([len(erange),len(brange)])

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[0])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[0])<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[0])>0) 
for i in range(len(brange)):
    for j in range(len(erange)):
        mod = stellar_cont(np.asarray(Limbera(separation[0]))[bdx],brange[i],erange[j])
        val = chi_square1d(np.asarray(wnames[0])[bdx], mod, np.asarray(sigma[0])[bdx])
        chis[j,i] = val

X,Y = np.meshgrid(brange,erange)
onest = stdev_chisquare(np.amin(chis),chis,1.0)
plt.xlim(np.amin(brange), np.amax(brange))
plt.ylim(np.amin(erange), np.amax(erange))
plt.imshow(chis, extent=(min(brange), max(brange), min(erange), max(erange)),cmap = 'YlOrBr',aspect = 'auto',vmin = 1, vmax = 3,origin = 'lower')#,norm=LogNorm(vmin=0, vmax=30))#, aspect = 'auto')
plt.colorbar(label = r'$\chi^2$')
plt.contour(X[0],Y[:,0],onest,levels=[0],colors = 'k' ,linewidths = 2)

plt.scatter([6.488],[-0.0087],s=100,color='k',marker = 'x')
plt.xlabel('Bias', fontsize = 18)
plt.ylabel(r'$\epsilon$', fontsize = 18)

(600, 300)

In [ ]:

In [44]:
#Chisquare of the bias function for the faint mags
#brange = np.arange(3,9,0.01)
#erange = np.arange(-0.03,0.03,0.0005)

brange = np.linspace(3,9,300)
erange = np.linspace(-0.02,0.03,600)

print len(erange)

chis = np.zeros([len(erange),len(brange)])

bdx = (np.asarray(separation[1])>1) & (np.asarray(separation[1])<30)& (np.asarray(wnames[1])>0) 
for i in range(len(brange)):
    for j in range(len(erange)):
        mod = stellar_cont(np.asarray(Limbera(separation[1]))[bdx],brange[i],erange[j])
        val = chi_square1d(np.asarray(wnames[1])[bdx], mod, np.asarray(sigma[1])[bdx])
        chis[j,i] = val

onest = stdev_chisquare(np.amin(chis),chis,1.0)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(brange,erange)

plt.xlim(np.amin(brange), np.amax(brange))
plt.ylim(np.amin(erange), np.amax(erange))
plt.imshow(chis, extent=(min(brange), max(brange), min(erange), max(erange)),cmap = 'YlOrBr',aspect = 'auto',vmin = 1.5, vmax = 3,origin = 'lower')#,norm=LogNorm(vmin=0, vmax=30))#, aspect = 'auto')
plt.colorbar(label = r'$\chi^2$')
plt.contour(X[0],Y[:,0],onest,levels=[0],colors = 'k' ,linewidths = 2)

plt.scatter([6.56],[0.0062],s=100,color='k',marker = 'x')
plt.xlabel('Bias', fontsize = 18)
plt.ylabel(r'$\epsilon$', fontsize = 18)

(600, 300)

In [ ]:

In [ ]: