Photo-z Determination for SpIES High-z Candidates

Notebook that actually applies the algorithms from SpIESHighzQuasarPhotoz.ipynb to the quasar candidates.

In [2]:
## Read in the Training Data and Instantiating the Photo-z Algorithm

%matplotlib inline
from astropy.table import Table
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#data ='GTR-ADM-QSO-ir-testhighz_findbw_lup_2016_starclean.fits')
#JT PATH ON TRITON to training set after classification
data ='/Users/johntimlin/Catalogs/QSO_candidates/Training_set/GTR-ADM-QSO-ir-testhighz_findbw_lup_2016_starclean_with_shenlabel.fits')

#data ='/home/john/Catalogs/QSO_Candidates/Training_set/GTR-ADM-QSO-ir-testhighz_findbw_lup_2016_starclean_with_shenlabel.fits')

data = data.filled()
# Remove stars
qmask = (data['zspec']>0)
qdata = data[qmask]
print len(qdata)

# X is in the format need for all of the sklearn tools, it just has the colors
Xtrain = np.vstack([ qdata['ug'], qdata['gr'], qdata['ri'], qdata['iz'], qdata['zs1'], qdata['s1s2']]).T
#y = np.array(data['labels'])
ytrain = np.array(qdata['zspec'])


Since we are running on separate test data, we don't need to do a train_test_split here. But we will scale the data. Need to remember to scale the test data later!

In [3]:
# For algorithms that need scaled data:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()  # Don't cheat - fit only on training data

StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)

Applying to Quasars Candidates

Quasars candidates from the legacy KDE algorithm are in

Quasars candidates from the Random Forest Algorithm are in

Quasar candidates from the RF, SVM, and/or bagging algorithms are in

In the case of the latter file, this includes Stripe82 only. If we run on the other files, we might want to limit to Stripe 82 to keep the computing time reasonable.

In [4]:
#testdata ='GTR-ADM-QSO-ir_good_test_2016_out_Stripe82all.fits')
# TEST DATA USING 3.5<z<5 zrange ON TRITON
#testdata ='/Users/johntimlin/Catalogs/QSO_candidates/Final_S82_candidates_full/GTR-ADM-QSO-ir_good_test_2016_out_Stripe82all.fits')

# TEST DATA USING 2.9<z<5.4 zrange ON HOME
testdata ='/Users/johntimlin/Catalogs/QSO_Candidates/photoz/SpIES_SHELA_Quasar_Canidates_Shen_zrange_JTmultiproc.fits')

In [5]:
#Limit to objects that have been classified as quasars
qsocandmask = ((testdata['ypredRFC']==0) | (testdata['ypredSVM']==0) | (testdata['ypredBAG']==0))
testdatacand = testdata[qsocandmask]
print len(testdata),len(testdatacand)

2029149 12499

If you want to compare ZSPEC to ZPHOT, use the cells below for test set

In [8]:
## Test zspec objects with zspec >=2.9 and see how well the zphot matches with zspec
testdata ='/Users/johntimlin/Catalogs/QSO_candidates/Final_S82_candidates_full/QSOs_S82_wzspec_wcolors.fits')

#Limit to objects that have been classified as quasars
#qsocandmask = ((testdata['ypredRFC']==0) | (testdata['ypredSVM']==0) | (testdata['ypredBAG']==0))
#qsocandmask = (testdata['ZSPEC'] >= 2.9)

testdatacand = testdata#[qsocandmask]
print len(testdata),len(testdatacand)

15891 15891

Scale the test data

In [9]:
Xtest = np.vstack([ testdatacand['ug'], testdatacand['gr'], testdatacand['ri'], testdatacand['iz'], testdatacand['zs1'], testdatacand['s1s2']]).T
XStest = scaler.transform(Xtest)  # apply same transformation to test data

Not currently executing the next 2 cells, but putting the code here in case we want to do it later.

In [ ]:
# Read in KDE candidates
dataKDE ='GTR-ADM-QSO-ir-testhighz_kdephotoz_lup_2016_quasar_candidates.dat', format='ascii')
print dataKDE.keys()
print len(XKDE)
XKDE = np.vstack([ dataKDE['ug'], dataKDE['gr'], dataKDE['ri'], dataKDE['iz'], dataKDE['zch1'], dataKDE['ch1ch2'] ]).T

In [ ]:
# Read in RF candidates
dataRF ='GTR-ADM-QSO-ir_good_test_2016_out.fits')
print dataRF.keys()
print len(dataRF)
# Canidates only
maskRF = (dataRF['ypred']==0)
dataRF = dataRF[maskRF]
print len(dataRF)

# X is in the format need for all of the sklearn tools, it just has the colors
XRF = np.vstack([ dataRF['ug'], dataRF['gr'], dataRF['ri'], dataRF['iz'], dataRF['zs1'], dataRF['s1s2']]).T

Instantiate Photo-z Algorithm of Choice

Here using Nadaraya-Watson and Random Forests

In [10]:
import numpy as np
from astroML.linear_model import NadarayaWatson
model = NadarayaWatson('gaussian', 0.05)

In [11]:,ytrain)

<astroML.linear_model.kernel_regression.NadarayaWatson at 0x118a40310>

In [12]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
modelRF = RandomForestRegressor(),ytrain)

RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
           max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,
           min_impurity_split=1e-07, min_samples_leaf=1,
           min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
           n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False, random_state=None,
           verbose=0, warm_start=False)

Apply Photo-z Algorithm(s)

Random Forest

In [13]:
zphotRF = modelRF.predict(Xtest)


In [1]:
zphotNW = model.predict(Xtest)

Only need this if Xtest is too big

In [14]:
from dask import compute, delayed
def process(Xin):
    return model.predict(Xin)

# Create dask objects
dobjs = [delayed(process)(x.reshape(1,-1)) for x in Xtest]

In [15]:
import dask.threaded
ypred = compute(*dobjs, get=dask.threaded.get)

/Users/johntimlin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astroML/linear_model/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  return (K * self.y).sum(1) / K.sum(1)

In [16]:
# The dask output needs to be reformatted.
zphotNW = np.array(ypred).reshape(1,-1)[0]

In [17]:
testdatacand['zphotNW'] = zphotNW
testdatacand['zphotRF'] = zphotRF

In [19]:
#testdatacand.write('/Users/johntimlin/Catalogs/QSO_candidates/photoz/Candidates_photoz_S82_shenzrange.fits', format='fits')
#testdatacand.write('/home/john/Catalogs/QSO_Candidates/photoz/Candidates_photoz_S82_shenzrange.fits', format='fits')


In [16]:
from densityplot import *
from pylab import *
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
hex_scatter(testdatacand['zphotNW'],testdatacand['ug'], min_cnt=10, levels=2, std=True, smoothing=1,
            hkwargs={'gridsize': 100, 'cmap':}, 
            skwargs={'color': 'k'})

In [24]:
from astroML.plotting import hist as fancyhist
fancyhist(testdatacand['zphotRF'], bins="freedman", histtype="step")

(array([   2.,    1.,    0.,    3.,    1.,    1.,    1.,    5.,    8.,
           4.,    6.,    6.,    7.,    2.,    8.,   12.,   14.,   13.,
          29.,   29.,   19.,   30.,   43.,   40.,   37.,   28.,   40.,
          46.,   46.,   53.,   49.,   60.,   80.,   71.,   81.,   98.,
          97.,   97.,  130.,  165.,  166.,  181.,  228.,  316.,  390.,
         435.,  471.,  392.,  308.,  200.,  145.,  121.,   69.,  119.,
         147.,  123.,  104.,   58.,   14.,   13.,   12.,    7.,    2.,
           2.,    1.]),
 array([ 0.24562   ,  0.319459  ,  0.393298  ,  0.46713699,  0.54097599,
         0.61481499,  0.68865398,  0.76249298,  0.83633198,  0.91017097,
         0.98400997,  1.05784897,  1.13168796,  1.20552696,  1.27936596,
         1.35320495,  1.42704395,  1.50088295,  1.57472194,  1.64856094,
         1.72239994,  1.79623893,  1.87007793,  1.94391693,  2.01775592,
         2.09159492,  2.16543392,  2.23927291,  2.31311191,  2.38695091,
         2.4607899 ,  2.5346289 ,  2.6084679 ,  2.68230689,  2.75614589,
         2.82998489,  2.90382388,  2.97766288,  3.05150188,  3.12534087,
         3.19917987,  3.27301887,  3.34685786,  3.42069686,  3.49453586,
         3.56837485,  3.64221385,  3.71605285,  3.78989184,  3.86373084,
         3.93756983,  4.01140883,  4.08524783,  4.15908682,  4.23292582,
         4.30676482,  4.38060381,  4.45444281,  4.52828181,  4.6021208 ,
         4.6759598 ,  4.7497988 ,  4.82363779,  4.89747679,  4.97131579,
 <a list of 1 Patch objects>)