Structural Covariance Network Analysis

scona is a tool to perform network analysis over structural covariance networks of brain regions.

This tutorial will go through the basic functionality of scona, taking us from our inputs (a matrix of structural regional measures over subjects) to a report of local network measures for each brain region, and network level comparisons to a cohort of random graphs of the same degree.

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(context="notebook", font_scale=1.5, style="white")
import scona as scn
import scona.datasets as datasets
from scona.scripts.visualisation_commands import view_corr_mat

0 Import your data

A scona analysis starts with four inputs.

  • regional_measures: A pandas DataFrame with subjects as rows. The columns should include structural measures for each brain region, as well as any subject-wise covariates.

  • names: A list of names of the brain regions. This will be used to specify which columns of the regional_measures matrix to want to correlate over.

  • covars (optional): A list of your covariates. This will be used to specify which columns of regional_measure you wish to correct for.

  • centroids: A list of tuples representing the cartesian coordinates of brain regions. This list should be in the same order as the list of brain regions to accurately assign coordinates to regions. The coordinates are expected to obey the convention the the x=0 plane is the same plane that separates the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

In [2]:
# Read in sample data from the NSPN WhitakerVertes PNAS 2016 paper.
df, names, covars, centroids = datasets.NSPN_WhitakerVertes_PNAS2016.import_data()

Let's take a look at these different inputs:

df is the regional_measures file.

Each row is a participant in the study, and each column is a measure associated with that person.

names are the columns in the regional measures data frame that you care about.

The regional measures file can contain as many columns as you'd like. Some will be demographic measures (such as centre, age_scan, or male), others will be brain measures that you care about (see the names list below), and there can even be useless ones such as Unnamed: and lh_unknown_part1 that are created as part of your preprocessing.

In [3]:
# The first 5 rows of our regional measures data frame

Unnamed: 0 nspn_id occ centre study_primary age_scan sex male age_bin mri_centre ... rh_supramarginal_part5 rh_supramarginal_part6 rh_supramarginal_part7 rh_frontalpole_part1 rh_temporalpole_part1 rh_transversetemporal_part1 rh_insula_part1 rh_insula_part2 rh_insula_part3 rh_insula_part4
0 0 10356 0 Cambridge 2K_Cohort 20.761 Female 0.0 4 WBIC ... 2.592 2.841 2.318 2.486 3.526 2.638 3.308 2.583 3.188 3.089
1 1 10702 0 Cambridge 2K_Cohort 16.055 Male 1.0 2 WBIC ... 3.448 3.283 2.740 3.225 4.044 3.040 3.867 2.943 3.478 3.609
2 2 10736 0 Cambridge 2K_Cohort 14.897 Female 0.0 1 WBIC ... 3.526 3.269 3.076 3.133 3.900 2.914 3.894 2.898 3.720 3.580
3 3 10778 0 Cambridge 2K_Cohort 20.022 Female 0.0 4 WBIC ... 2.830 2.917 2.647 2.796 3.401 3.045 3.138 2.739 2.833 3.349
4 4 10794 0 Cambridge 2K_Cohort 14.656 Female 0.0 1 WBIC ... 2.689 3.294 2.820 2.539 2.151 2.734 2.791 2.935 3.538 3.403

5 rows × 324 columns

In [4]:
# The top 10 regional names


centroids are the x, y, z coordinates of the centres of each of the brain regions (listed in names)

In [5]:
# The centroids for the top 10 regions

[array([-56.40355 , -40.152663,   1.708876]),
 array([-53.140506, -49.843038,   8.264557]),
 array([ -5.001684,  20.645903,  25.733446]),
 array([-33.265925,  20.200202,  45.347826]),
 array([-31.958115,   2.146597,  51.26911 ]),
 array([-38.795007,  12.584757,  33.278581]),
 array([-39.715079,  11.341351,  48.846438]),
 array([ -8.609127, -73.360119,  17.095238]),
 array([ -5.3042  , -87.102157,  19.323496]),
 array([-24.010774,  -5.86141 , -32.826641])]

In this case covars is an empty list because the analyses published by Whitaker, Vertes et al did not correct for any measures, but you could give it a list of column names containing information that you'd like to covary out of the correlation matrices.

A good example would be age_scan and male so lets set up that alternate covars list (covars_age_male) to compare the results as we go through this tutorial.

In [6]:
# Show the covars that ships with the example data set


In [7]:
# Create a list of covariates to check their effect
covars_age_male = ['age_scan', 'male']

['age_scan', 'male']

1 Create a correlation matrix

1.0 Correct for covariates

The scona command create_residuals_df will calculate the residual variation in each of the brain regions after correcting for the covariates defined in covars.

We give the function the data frame (df) the columns that correspond to the brain regions we care about (names) and the list of columns we want to covary out (covars or covars_age_male).

Note that it's totally fine to pass an empty list for covars. In fact, that's the default behaviour! In this case the values will simply be de-meaned.

You can see the slight variations in the values when we remove the (linear) effects of age and gender (df_res_age_male) compared to no covariates (df_res).

In [8]:
df_res = scn.create_residuals_df(df, names, covars)

lh_bankssts_part1 lh_bankssts_part2 lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part3 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part4 lh_cuneus_part1 lh_cuneus_part2 lh_entorhinal_part1 ... rh_supramarginal_part5 rh_supramarginal_part6 rh_supramarginal_part7 rh_frontalpole_part1 rh_temporalpole_part1 rh_transversetemporal_part1 rh_insula_part1 rh_insula_part2 rh_insula_part3 rh_insula_part4
0 -0.016677 -0.036253 0.035892 -0.004586 0.040114 -0.005168 -0.252694 -0.170037 -0.192492 -0.119414 ... -0.421125 -0.123926 -0.37903 -0.436609 -0.143411 -0.103404 -0.321707 -0.159219 -0.19032 -0.393141
1 0.280323 0.354747 0.482892 0.697414 0.406114 0.445832 0.390306 0.326963 0.389508 0.340586 ... 0.434875 0.318074 0.04297 0.302391 0.374589 0.298596 0.237293 0.200781 0.09968 0.126859
2 0.168323 0.081747 0.365892 0.412414 0.283114 0.187832 0.576306 -0.061037 -0.062492 0.374586 ... 0.512875 0.304074 0.37897 0.210391 0.230589 0.172596 0.264293 0.155781 0.34168 0.097859
3 -0.086677 -0.249253 -0.404108 -0.362586 -0.046886 -0.154168 -0.156694 0.029963 -0.246492 -0.009414 ... -0.183125 -0.047926 -0.05003 -0.126609 -0.268411 0.303596 -0.491707 -0.003219 -0.54532 -0.133141
4 0.400323 0.136747 0.125892 -0.218586 -1.003886 -0.142168 -0.752694 -0.091037 -0.550492 -1.223414 ... -0.324125 0.329074 0.12297 -0.383609 -1.518411 -0.007404 -0.838707 0.192781 0.15968 -0.079141

5 rows × 308 columns

In [9]:
df_res_age_male = scn.create_residuals_df(df, names, covars_age_male)

lh_bankssts_part1 lh_bankssts_part2 lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part3 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part4 lh_cuneus_part1 lh_cuneus_part2 lh_entorhinal_part1 ... rh_supramarginal_part7 rh_frontalpole_part1 rh_temporalpole_part1 rh_transversetemporal_part1 rh_insula_part1 rh_insula_part2 rh_insula_part3 rh_insula_part4 age_scan male
0 0.025274 -0.003981 0.027374 0.025228 0.074187 0.029106 -0.230710 -0.130956 -0.152991 -0.116274 ... -0.341866 -0.416429 -0.111078 -0.092773 -0.268904 -0.092201 -0.175387 -0.371141 20.761 0.0
1 0.213375 0.299765 0.475537 0.638720 0.351908 0.391191 0.346981 0.267490 0.333717 0.329503 ... -0.022727 0.242475 0.356351 0.269381 0.172197 0.113987 0.061124 0.084707 16.055 1.0
2 0.104989 0.018194 0.289503 0.320048 0.232394 0.136328 0.508007 -0.107705 -0.091255 0.343982 ... 0.295648 0.061874 0.323898 0.104364 0.266246 0.140474 0.256400 0.034642 14.897 0.0
3 -0.057994 -0.229058 -0.421180 -0.348170 -0.023499 -0.130704 -0.146087 0.058237 -0.215594 -0.010526 ... -0.028050 -0.127689 -0.228394 0.304289 -0.445313 0.053424 -0.543017 -0.121881 20.022 0.0
4 0.332662 0.069256 0.046714 -0.315973 -1.058091 -0.197198 -0.824704 -0.141229 -0.582060 -1.255405 ... 0.034696 -0.539060 -1.422596 -0.078877 -0.838844 0.174091 0.070281 -0.145861 14.656 0.0

5 rows × 310 columns

1.1 Create a correlation matrix

Now we're ready to create a correlation matrix.

You'll notice (above) that df_res doesn't contain the other measures from df - it only has the brain measures we're interested in. The default behaviour of create_corrmat is to correlate all of the columns. You can pass an optional measure (names) if you want to only correlate a subset of measures.

The default method of creating a correlation matrix is pearson correlation. If you'd prefer you can use any of the options implemented by pandas, which are pearson, kendall, spearman at time of writing.

Our correlation matrix M is a square pandas data frame with the rows and columns both corresponding to the names of the regions you're interested in.

In [10]:
M = scn.create_corrmat(df_res)

lh_bankssts_part1 lh_bankssts_part2 lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part3 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part4 lh_cuneus_part1 lh_cuneus_part2 lh_entorhinal_part1 ... rh_supramarginal_part5 rh_supramarginal_part6 rh_supramarginal_part7 rh_frontalpole_part1 rh_temporalpole_part1 rh_transversetemporal_part1 rh_insula_part1 rh_insula_part2 rh_insula_part3 rh_insula_part4
lh_bankssts_part1 1.000000 0.579736 0.251970 0.420715 0.368184 0.380035 0.446593 0.267180 0.292005 0.228129 ... 0.340774 0.311815 0.326633 0.335668 0.128697 0.275278 0.144687 0.291439 0.141873 0.195358
lh_bankssts_part2 0.579736 1.000000 0.216344 0.382911 0.383505 0.352617 0.411416 0.286631 0.326190 0.175078 ... 0.340605 0.317619 0.331489 0.339548 0.185621 0.322238 0.191632 0.304042 0.236787 0.216035
lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1 0.251970 0.216344 1.000000 0.254285 0.292338 0.217454 0.196529 0.142963 0.107962 0.225092 ... 0.127741 0.092834 0.094420 0.155693 0.193129 0.013980 0.166957 0.105366 0.146154 0.142540
lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1 0.420715 0.382911 0.254285 1.000000 0.472073 0.517766 0.492684 0.303687 0.329962 0.169369 ... 0.334834 0.365943 0.340875 0.325554 0.175575 0.233145 0.191631 0.274827 0.291370 0.305706
lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2 0.368184 0.383505 0.292338 0.472073 1.000000 0.411690 0.560006 0.263547 0.374700 0.284223 ... 0.322540 0.293868 0.254957 0.339659 0.294840 0.290532 0.264512 0.288496 0.230561 0.318072

5 rows × 308 columns

In [11]:
M_age_male = scn.create_corrmat(df_res_age_male)

In [12]:
# Take a look at the two different correlation matrices
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
ax[0].imshow(M, cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=-0.8, vmax=0.8)
ax[0].set_title('No covariates')
ax[1].imshow(M_age_male, cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=-0.8, vmax=0.8)
ax[1].set_title('Remove age and gender effects')

2 Create a weighted graph

From our correlation matrix we're ready to make a graph!

A short sidenote on the BrainNetwork class. This is a very lightweight subclass of the Networkx.Graph class. This means that any methods you can use on a Networkx.Graph object can also be used on a BrainNetwork object, although the reverse is not true. We have added various methods that allow us to keep track of measures that have already been calculated. This is particularly useful later on when one is dealing with 1000 random graphs (or more!) and saves a lot of time.

Initialise a weighted graph G from the correlation matrix M. The parcellation and centroids arguments are used to label nodes with names and coordinates respectively.

G can be created from a pandas data frame (as we're doing here), a numpy array, or a networkx graph. So this is a great place to jump in from another processing package if you have a preferred way of creating your correlation matrix.

The scn.BrainNetwork options parcellation and centroids are optional, but recommended. If you don't give scn.BrainNetwork the names of your regions or the coordinates of each region, there will be some graph measures that can't be calculated (for example euclidean distance) and the output might be somewhat harder to interpret (you won't have a nice mapping between the nodes back to your regional data).

In this section of the tutorial we'll just take the data with no covariates forward to help with readability) but a comparison of values with and without the age and gender covariates is at the very end of this notebook :)

In [13]:
G = scn.BrainNetwork(network=M, parcellation=names, centroids=centroids)

In [14]:
# Take a look at the information stored for the first node 
# of the graph we created 

{'centroids': array([-56.40355 , -40.152663,   1.708876]),
 'name': 'lh_bankssts_part1',
 'x': -56.403550000000003,
 'y': -40.152662999999997,
 'z': 1.7088760000000001}

In [15]:
# Or you can see the weight (the correlation strength) 
# of the egde between nodes 0 and 1

{'weight': 0.579735609734101}

3 Threshold to create a binary graph

Next we'll threshold G at cost 10 to create a binary graph with 10% as many edges as the complete graph G.

Ordinarily when thresholding one takes the 10% of edges with the highest weight. However, this can sometimes leave a disconnected graph, which in the context of brain networks is not biologically plausible nor easily interpretable. Therefore, in order to ensure that the resulting graph is connected, we will calculate a minimum spanning tree first. A "tree" is the smallest possible graph where you can travel from every node to every other node. The minimum spanning tree builds that tree from the strongest available edges.

This calculation happens within the BrainNetwork.threshold method. If you want to omit the minimum spanning tree step, you can pass the argument mst=False to G.threshold.

The threshold method does not edit objects inplace.

In [16]:
G10 = G.threshold(10)

In [17]:
# Note that edges that still exist now have a weight of 1

{'weight': 1}

In [18]:
# Some of these edges don't exist any more!
# (90% of them to be exact)
except KeyError:
    print("This edge does not exist!")

This edge does not exist!

4 Calculate nodal measures

4.0 Calculate standard network measures

The BrainNetwork method calculate_nodal_measures computes and records the following nodal measures by default:

  • betweenness: betweenness centrality
  • closeness: closeness centrality
  • clustering: clustering coefficient
  • degree: number of edges from that node
  • module: which module this node belongs to according to the louvain community detection algorithm (starting from 0)
  • participation_coefficient: participation coefficient according to the partition defined above
  • shortest_path_length: shortest path length from this node to any other in the network

Lets start by seeing the nodal attributes we already have. The useful method report_nodal_measure returns all these values in a DataFrame.

In [19]:

centroids name x y z
0 [-56.40355, -40.152663, 1.708876] lh_bankssts_part1 -56.4036 -40.1527 1.70888
1 [-53.140506, -49.843038, 8.264557] lh_bankssts_part2 -53.1405 -49.843 8.26456
2 [-5.001684, 20.645903, 25.733446] lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1 -5.00168 20.6459 25.7334
3 [-33.265925, 20.200202, 45.347826] lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1 -33.2659 20.2002 45.3478
4 [-31.958115, 2.146597, 51.26911] lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2 -31.9581 2.1466 51.2691

We can run calculate_nodal_measures to fill in a lot more information to that DataFrame.

This method takes around 6 seconds to run. Which isn't long but adds up when you're creating random graphs for comparison with your real network data. Therefore this BrainNetwork method will check to see if the measures already exist before it re-calculates them. If they're already there it will just move on to the next one.

You can re-calculate the nodal measures by setting the option force=True.

In [20]:
%%timeit -n 1

The slowest run took 5449.28 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1 loop, best of 3: 1.32 ms per loop

In [21]:
%%timeit -n 1

1 loop, best of 3: 1.32 ms per loop

In [22]:
%%timeit -n 1

1 loop, best of 3: 5.56 s per loop

The calculate_nodal_measures method assigns these calculated values to the BrainNetwork graph.

We can look at a nice summary using report_nodal_measures which outputs a pandas DataFrame.

In [23]:

betweenness centroids closeness clustering degree module name participation_coefficient shortest_path_length x y z
0 0.00824713 [-56.40355, -40.152663, 1.708876] 0.495961 0.3358 47 0 lh_bankssts_part1 0.717067 2.00974 -56.4036 -40.1527 1.70888
1 0.0124798 [-53.140506, -49.843038, 8.264557] 0.507438 0.278788 55 0 lh_bankssts_part2 0.809587 1.96429 -53.1405 -49.843 8.26456
2 0 [-5.001684, 20.645903, 25.733446] 0.336254 1 2 1 lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1 0.75 2.96429 -5.00168 20.6459 25.7334
3 0.0120765 [-33.265925, 20.200202, 45.347826] 0.525685 0.383485 83 2 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1 0.459864 1.8961 -33.2659 20.2002 45.3478
4 0.0292617 [-31.958115, 2.146597, 51.26911] 0.549195 0.293617 95 2 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2 0.688753 1.81494 -31.9581 2.1466 51.2691

4.1 Calculate spatial nodal measures

The method calculate_spatial_measures calculates nodal and edge values that relate to the euclidean distances between nodes. They can only be calculated if the centroids file is available.

The edge attributes are:

  • euclidean: the distance between two nodes (in the units given in the centroids file, likely mm).
  • interhem: whether the node connects regions in two different hemispheres (1 if yes, 0 if no).

The nodal measures are:

  • average_dist: the average distance across all edges connected to that node
  • total_dist: the total distance of all edges connected to that node
  • hemisphere: whether the node is in the left (L) or right (R) hemisphere
  • interhem: number of interhemispheric edges from that node
  • interhem_proportion: proportion of interhemispheric edges from that node

In [24]:

In [25]:
# Lets take a look at all the nodal measures again 

average_dist betweenness centroids closeness clustering degree hemisphere interhem interhem_proportion module name participation_coefficient shortest_path_length total_dist x y z
0 63.6244 0.00824713 [-56.40355, -40.152663, 1.708876] 0.495961 0.3358 47 -1 12 0.255319 0 lh_bankssts_part1 0.717067 2.00974 2990.35 -56.4036 -40.1527 1.70888
1 63.21 0.0124798 [-53.140506, -49.843038, 8.264557] 0.507438 0.278788 55 -1 14 0.254545 0 lh_bankssts_part2 0.809587 1.96429 3476.55 -53.1405 -49.843 8.26456
2 24.6361 0 [-5.001684, 20.645903, 25.733446] 0.336254 1 2 -1 0 0 1 lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1 0.75 2.96429 49.2723 -5.00168 20.6459 25.7334
3 60.8921 0.0120765 [-33.265925, 20.200202, 45.347826] 0.525685 0.383485 83 -1 39 0.46988 2 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1 0.459864 1.8961 5054.04 -33.2659 20.2002 45.3478
4 63.1913 0.0292617 [-31.958115, 2.146597, 51.26911] 0.549195 0.293617 95 -1 37 0.389474 2 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2 0.688753 1.81494 6003.17 -31.9581 2.1466 51.2691

4.2 Add your own measures

It's quite likely that you may want to attribute additional values to each node. For example, in their paper in 2016, Whitaker, Vertes and colleagues correlated the cross sectional decrease in cortical thickness between ages 14 and 24 for each region with its degree. They showed that the hubs - the best connected regions - changed the most in this late adolescent age range.

As we're using this data

We can also add measures as one might normally add nodal attributes to a networkx graph

In [26]:
dCT = df.loc[:, ['age_scan'] + names].corr().iloc[0, 1:]


lh_bankssts_part1                  -0.249272
lh_bankssts_part2                  -0.253286
lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1   -0.116030
lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1       -0.297439
lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2       -0.229561
Name: age_scan, dtype: float64

In [27]:
nx.set_node_attributes(G10, name="dCT", values={ node: dCT[G10._node[node]['name']] for node in G10.nodes()})

These show up in our DataFrame too

In [28]:
nodal_df = G10.report_nodal_measures(columns=['name', 'degree', 'dCT'])

dCT degree name
0 -0.249272 47 lh_bankssts_part1
1 -0.253286 55 lh_bankssts_part2
2 -0.11603 2 lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1
3 -0.297439 83 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1
4 -0.229561 95 lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2

In [29]:
nodal_df = G10.report_nodal_measures(columns=['degree', 'dCT'])
sns.regplot(data=nodal_df, y='dCT', x='degree')

Calculate Global measures

These are attributes of the WHOLE GRAPH.

In [30]:

{'assortativity': 0.090769222582767844,
 'average_clustering': 0.4498887255891581,
 'average_shortest_path_length': 2.376242649858285,
 'efficiency': 0.47983958611582617,
 'modularity': 0.3828553111606414}

In [31]:

{0: 0.1000042302973899,
 1: 0.10322820361506349,
 2: 0.10724360724360725,
 3: 0.11203913614127192,
 4: 0.11784154867368314,
 5: 0.12239789196310935,
 6: 0.12797536481162958,
 7: 0.13189883627145985,
 8: 0.13682019726721564,
 9: 0.14106907585168454,
 10: 0.1473701675792268,
 11: 0.15494805517143567,
 12: 0.1588349657019185,
 13: 0.16688298918387415,
 14: 0.17194570135746606,
 15: 0.17401868375853546,
 16: 0.18359535201640464,
 17: 0.1902830097556264,
 18: 0.19874650367761318,
 19: 0.21160370306480364,
 20: 0.22321260435628648,
 21: 0.2290311986863711,
 22: 0.233578131374949,
 23: 0.23619909502262443,
 24: 0.24562322310339668,
 25: 0.2505434782608696,
 26: 0.25957268537913697,
 27: 0.265074939003137,
 28: 0.27332028701891714,
 29: 0.28520770010131713,
 30: 0.2987012987012987,
 31: 0.30135055783910747,
 32: 0.3102112235970504,
 33: 0.3190723710515794,
 34: 0.3334806955496611,
 35: 0.34031982611395745,
 36: 0.3476230191826522,
 37: 0.35847647498132934,
 38: 0.3690909090909091,
 39: 0.3741408934707904,
 40: 0.3865265169612996,
 41: 0.39775461106655974,
 42: 0.4169753086419753,
 43: 0.43473684210526314,
 44: 0.43891891891891893,
 45: 0.4452054794520548,
 46: 0.45191146881287725,
 47: 0.46971153846153846,
 48: 0.4833421470121629,
 49: 0.4937853107344633,
 50: 0.5009074410163339,
 51: 0.5051948051948052,
 52: 0.5070707070707071,
 53: 0.5262745098039215,
 54: 0.5485661424606846,
 55: 0.5667828106852497,
 56: 0.574390243902439,
 57: 0.5782051282051283,
 58: 0.5990990990990991,
 59: 0.6067226890756302,
 60: 0.6067226890756302,
 61: 0.6150537634408603,
 62: 0.6252873563218391,
 63: 0.6524216524216524,
 64: 0.6533333333333333,
 65: 0.6630434782608695,
 66: 0.7056277056277056,
 67: 0.7056277056277056,
 68: 0.7142857142857143,
 69: 0.7426900584795322,
 70: 0.7647058823529411,
 71: 0.8,
 72: 0.8205128205128205,
 73: 0.8205128205128205,
 74: 0.8205128205128205,
 75: 0.8205128205128205,
 76: 0.8205128205128205,
 77: 0.8484848484848485,
 78: 0.8363636363636363,
 79: 0.8363636363636363,
 80: 0.8928571428571429,
 81: 0.8571428571428571,
 82: 0.8571428571428571,
 83: 0.9333333333333333,
 84: 1.0,
 85: 1.0,
 86: 1.0,
 87: 1.0,
 88: 1.0,
 89: 1.0,
 90: 1.0,
 91: 1.0,
 92: 1.0,
 93: 1.0,
 94: 1.0,
 95: 1.0,
 96: 1.0,
 97: 1.0,
 98: 1.0,
 99: 1.0,
 100: 1.0,
 101: 1.0,
 102: 1.0,
 103: 1.0,
 104: 1.0,
 105: 1.0}

Create a GraphBundle

The GraphBundle object is the scona way to handle across-network comparisons. What is it? Essentially it's a python dictionary with BrainNetwork objects as values.

In [32]:
brain_bundle = scn.GraphBundle([G10], ['NSPN_cost10'])

This creates a dictionary-like object with BrainNetwork H keyed by 'NSPN_cost=10'

In [33]:

{'NSPN_cost10': <scona.classes.BrainNetwork at 0x7f84eab21be0>}

Now add a series of random graphs created by edge swap randomisation of G10 (keyed by 'NSPN_cost10').

The create_random_graphs method of the GraphBundle class takes in a real network (in our case G10) and creates a number (10 in the example below) of random graphs. The output is a dictionary of all these graphs. The original one has the name you gave it (here: "NSPN_cost10") and the random graphs have a suffix of _Ri where i is an integer counter starting at 0.

What's pretty cool is that this function again saves the work you've done before. So if you generate a few random graphs and save them to the brain_bundle dictionary and then later want to add some more, the create_random_graphs method will recognise that there are some random graphs there already and append the new ones to the brain_bundle. The index for these additional random graphs will start counting from where the original run left off.


In [34]:
# Note that 10 is not usually a sufficient number of random graphs to do meaningful analysis,
# it is used here for time considerations
brain_bundle.create_random_graphs('NSPN_cost10', 5)

        Creating 5 random graphs - may take a little while

In [35]:

{'NSPN_cost10': <scona.classes.BrainNetwork at 0x7f84eab21be0>,
 'NSPN_cost10_R0': <scona.classes.BrainNetwork at 0x7f84dd6858d0>,
 'NSPN_cost10_R1': <scona.classes.BrainNetwork at 0x7f84dd685da0>,
 'NSPN_cost10_R2': <scona.classes.BrainNetwork at 0x7f84dd685b70>,
 'NSPN_cost10_R3': <scona.classes.BrainNetwork at 0x7f84dd6852b0>,
 'NSPN_cost10_R4': <scona.classes.BrainNetwork at 0x7f84dd685c50>}

Report on a GraphBundle

The following method will calculate global measures (if they have not already been calculated) for all of the graphs in brain_bundle and report the results in a DataFrame. We can do the same for rich club coefficients below.

In [36]:

assortativity average_clustering average_shortest_path_length efficiency modularity
NSPN_cost10 0.090769 0.449889 2.376243 0.479840 0.382855
NSPN_cost10_R0 -0.089789 0.236335 2.086869 0.519416 0.126184
NSPN_cost10_R1 -0.084623 0.235236 2.079530 0.520228 0.124514
NSPN_cost10_R2 -0.112041 0.238834 2.081306 0.519972 0.123248
NSPN_cost10_R3 -0.092324 0.235373 2.082977 0.519868 0.127971
NSPN_cost10_R4 -0.081033 0.236688 2.086679 0.519142 0.124769

In [44]:
rich_club_df = brain_bundle.report_rich_club()
rich_club_df.iloc[55:65, :]

NSPN_cost10 NSPN_cost10_R0 NSPN_cost10_R1 NSPN_cost10_R2 NSPN_cost10_R3 NSPN_cost10_R4
55 0.566783 0.500581 0.484321 0.475029 0.501742 0.491289
56 0.574390 0.509756 0.490244 0.473171 0.508537 0.492683
57 0.578205 0.516667 0.497436 0.479487 0.514103 0.498718
58 0.599099 0.540541 0.507508 0.495495 0.525526 0.518018
59 0.606723 0.551261 0.514286 0.500840 0.536134 0.526050
60 0.606723 0.551261 0.514286 0.500840 0.536134 0.526050
61 0.615054 0.559140 0.537634 0.516129 0.563441 0.531183
62 0.625287 0.563218 0.549425 0.528736 0.563218 0.531034
63 0.652422 0.566952 0.575499 0.549858 0.581197 0.544160
64 0.653333 0.590000 0.583333 0.556667 0.573333 0.546667

In [38]:
calc_closeness = lambda x: x.calculate_nodal_measures(measure_list=["closeness"])
report_closeness = lambda x: x.report_nodal_measures(columns=["name", "closeness"])

closeness_dict = brain_bundle.apply(graph_function=report_closeness)

for graph_key, closeness_df in closeness_dict.items():

  closeness                              name
0  0.495961                 lh_bankssts_part1
1  0.507438                 lh_bankssts_part2
2  0.336254  lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1
3  0.525685      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1
4  0.549195      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2
  closeness                              name
0  0.522998                 lh_bankssts_part1
1  0.523891                 lh_bankssts_part2
2  0.402887  lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1
3  0.563303      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1
4  0.582543      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2
  closeness                              name
0  0.523891                 lh_bankssts_part1
1   0.52931                 lh_bankssts_part2
2  0.392082  lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1
3  0.570632      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1
4  0.586998      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2
  closeness                              name
0  0.523891                 lh_bankssts_part1
1  0.534843                 lh_bankssts_part2
2  0.405013  lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1
3  0.568519      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1
4  0.584762      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2
  closeness                              name
0   0.52931                 lh_bankssts_part1
1  0.538596                 lh_bankssts_part2
2   0.39359  lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1
3  0.569573      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1
4  0.584762      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2
  closeness                              name
0  0.532986                 lh_bankssts_part1
1  0.539543                 lh_bankssts_part2
2  0.367665  lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_part1
3  0.565378      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part1
4   0.58034      lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_part2

In [39]:
calc_degree = lambda x: x.calculate_nodal_measures(measure_list=["degree"])
report_degree = lambda x: x.report_nodal_measures(columns=["name", "degree"])

degree_dict = brain_bundle.apply(graph_function=report_degree)

for graph_key, degree_df in degree_dict.items():
    print(degree_dict["NSPN_cost10"].head() == degree_df.head())

   degree  name
0    True  True
1    True  True
2    True  True
3    True  True
4    True  True
   degree  name
0    True  True
1    True  True
2    True  True
3    True  True
4    True  True
   degree  name
0    True  True
1    True  True
2    True  True
3    True  True
4    True  True
   degree  name
0    True  True
1    True  True
2    True  True
3    True  True
4    True  True
   degree  name
0    True  True
1    True  True
2    True  True
3    True  True
4    True  True
   degree  name
0    True  True
1    True  True
2    True  True
3    True  True
4    True  True

In [42]:
degree = G10.report_nodal_measures(columns=["degree"])
np.percentile(degree, 90)


In [ ]: