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import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import cufflinks as cf
import pandas as pd
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crime = pd.read_csv('')
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# Make a line plot of population over the years, using cufflinks crime.iplot()
# set the titles on x "Year, Y "Population" and cart title " Syracuse Population"
# TODO: replace the ???? with appropriate values to render the chart
crime.iplot(kind = 'scatter', x = '????', y = '????', title='????',xTitle='????',yTitle='????')
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# Step 1:
# Now plot the same thing using without cufflinks, again filling in the templates. Using takes more effort but
# you have more control / flexibility over how the plots are rendered.
plot_data = [
go.Scatter(x=crime['????'], y=crime['????'], mode="lines+markers", name="????", marker=dict(color='red')),
py.iplot({ 'data': plot_data,
'layout': {
'title': '?????',
'xaxis': {
'title': '???'},
'yaxis': {
'title': '???'}
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# Step 2:
# Now create a line plot of "Robbery rate" versus "Motor vehicle theft rate" over time.
# NOTE: you will need two series in your plot_data
Finally write a program to ask for a crime metric like "Robbery" / "Burglary" / "Manslaughter" etc as input, then renders a plot of that metric over time as output !
Note: check to make sure the entered crime metric is in the list of Pandas columns before you attempt to plot. It might be a good idea to print the column names before you plot. if it is not a valid metric, you should print "That is not a crime metric"
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## Step 4: Write code here
Reflect upon your experience completing this assignment. This should be a personal narrative, in your own voice, and cite specifics relevant to the activity as to help the grader understand how you arrived at the code you submitted. Things to consider touching upon: Elaborate on the process itself. Did your original problem analysis work as designed? How many iterations did you go through before you arrived at the solution? Where did you struggle along the way and how did you overcome it? What did you learn from completing the assignment? What do you need to work on to get better? What was most valuable and least valuable about this exercise? Do you have any suggestions for improvements?
To make a good reflection, you should journal your thoughts, questions and comments while you complete the exercise.
Keep your response to between 100 and 250 words.
--== Write Your Reflection Below Here ==--
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from ist256.submission import Submission