The goals of this lab are to help you understand:
In real life, we make lists all the time. To-Do lists. Shopping lists. Reading lists. These lists are collections of items, for example here's my shopping list:
Milk, Eggs, Bread, Beer
There are 4 items in this list.
Likewise, we can make a similar list in Python, and count the number of items in the list using the len()
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shopping_list = [ 'Milk', 'Eggs', 'Bread', 'Beer']
item_count = len(shopping_list)
print("List: %s has %d items" % (shopping_list, item_count))
In real-life, we enumerate lists all the time. We go through the items on our list one at a time and make a decision, for example: "Did I add that to my shopping cart yet?"
In Python we go through items in our lists with the for
loop. We use for
because the number of items is pre-determined and thus a definite loop is the appropriate choice.
Here's an example:
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for item in shopping_list:
print("I need to buy some %s " % (item))
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# or with f-strings
for item in shopping_list:
print(f"I need to buy some {item}")
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stocks = [ 'IBM', 'AAPL', 'GOOG', 'MSFT', 'TWTR', 'FB']
#TODO: Write code here
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print("The first item in the list is:", shopping_list[0])
print("The last item in the list is:", shopping_list[3])
print("This is also the last item in the list:", shopping_list[-1])
print("This is the second to last item in the list:", shopping_list[-2])
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for i in range(len(shopping_list)):
print("I need to buy some %s " % (shopping_list[i]))
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#TODO: Write code here
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shopping_list[-1] = 'Craft Beer'
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print("Shopping List: %s" %(shopping_list))
print("Adding 'Cheese' to the end of the list...")
shopping_list.append('Cheese') #add to end of list
print("Shopping List: %s" %(shopping_list))
print("Adding 'Cereal' to position 0 in the list...")
shopping_list.insert(0,'Cereal') # add to the beginning of the list (position 0)
print("Shopping List: %s" %(shopping_list))
print("Removing 'Cheese' from the list...")
shopping_list.remove('Cheese') # remove 'Cheese' from the list
print("Shopping List: %s" %(shopping_list))
print("Removing item from position 0 in the list...")
del shopping_list[0] # remove item at position 0
print("Shopping List: %s" %(shopping_list))
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# TODO: Write Code here
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print("Before Sort:", shopping_list)
print("After Sort:", shopping_list)
Winning Lotto numbers. When the lotto numbers are drawn, they are in any order, when they are presented they're allways sorted. Let's write a program to input 5 numbers then output them sorted
1. for i in range(5)
2. input a number
3. append the number you input to the lotto_numbers list
4. sort the lotto_numbers list
5. print the lotto_numbers list like this:
'today's winning numbers are [1, 5, 17, 34, 56]'
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## TODO: Write program here:
lotto_numbers = [] # start with an empty list
Please answer the following questions. This should be a personal narrative, in your own voice. Answer the questions by double clicking on the question and placing your answer next to the Answer: prompt.
1 ==> I can do this on my own and explain how to do it.
2 ==> I can do this on my own without any help.
3 ==> I can do this with help or guidance from others. If you choose this level please list those who helped you.
4 ==> I don't understand this at all yet and need extra help. If you choose this please try to articulate that which you do not understand.
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from ist256.submission import Submission