You have been tasked with writing a program to help employees of a travel company convert currency.
The company travels to the following places. Next to the place is the exchange rate.
You should write a program to input the amount of currency in US Dollars, and then input the place (either Europe, China, or Russia).
The program should then output the appropriate amount of exchanged currency.
Example Run 1:
Enter the amount of Currency in US Dollars: $100
Enter the place you are travelling: Europe, China or Russia? China
$100.00 US Dollars is $720.00 Chineese Yuan
In [1]:
# Step 2: Write code here
After you get that working, re-write the program to account for bad input, such as the case where you enter a non-numerical value for US Dollars, or when you enter a place other than the three accepted locations.
Example Run 2:
Enter the amount of Currency in US Dollars: A hundo
'A Hundo' is not a valid amount!
Example Run 2:
Enter the amount of Currency in US Dollars: $100
Enter the place you are travelling: Europe, China or Russia? Canada
Sorry. You cannot travel to 'Canada' at this time
In [ ]:
# Part 2: Write entire solution here