Generic DKRZ national archive form

This form is intended to provide a generic template for interactive forms e.g. for testing

Please provide your last name in the cell below and press "SHIFT-Return"

In [ ]:
# Evaluate this cell to identifiy your form 

from dkrz_forms import form_widgets, form_handler, checks
form_infos = form_widgets.show_selection()

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# Evaluate this cell to generate your personal form instance

form_info = form_infos[form_widgets.FORMS.value]
sf = form_handler.init_form(form_info)
form =

Edit form information

In [ ]:
form.myattribute = "myinformation"
form.mycomment =".."
form.anything_you_like_tag = ".."

Save your form

your form will be stored (the form name consists of your last name plut your keyword)

In [ ]:
form_handler.save_form(sf," comment..") # edit my comment info

Send an email to me to complete the form later on

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officially submit your form

the form will be submitted to the DKRZ team to process you also receive a confirmation email with a reference to your online form for future modifications

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