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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
# draw N random points in the [0,1]x[0,1] square
N = 100
x1 = np.random.rand(N)
x2 = np.random.rand(N)
X = np.vstack(zip(np.ones(N),x1, x2))
print X.shape
# use cosine to define positive and negative classes
y = np.array([1 if np.cos(2*np.pi*X[i,1]) / 2 + 0.5 > X[i,2] else 0 for i in range(N)])
p = plt.figure()
p1 = p.add_subplot(121)
# create a cosine curve and add to the plot
x = np.arange(0, 1.0, 0.01)
fx = np.cos(2*np.pi*x) / 2 + 0.5
p1.plot(x, fx, lw=2)
# discriminate those above and below the curve
p2 = p.add_subplot(122)
for i in range(N):
if y[i]==1:
p2.plot(x1[i],x2[i],'bo') # o (bolinhas) azuis (blue)
p2.plot(x1[i],x2[i],'ro') # o (bolinhas) vermelhas (red)
p2.plot(x, fx, lw=2)
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from funcoes2 import sigmoid, gradientDescent2, computeCost2
# chutar uns pesos iniciais
w = np.zeros(3)
initialCost = computeCost2(X, y, w)
print 'Initial cost: ', initialCost
# Some gradient descent settings
iterations = 1000
alpha = 0.05
# run gradient descent
w, J_history = gradientDescent2(X, y, w, alpha, iterations)
finalCost = computeCost2(X, y, w)
print 'Final cost: ', finalCost
print w
R =
#print R
for i in range(N):
if sigmoid(R[i]) > 0.5:
#if X[i,:].dot(w) > 0:
plt.plot(X[i,1], X[i,2], 'bx')
plt.plot(X[i,1], X[i,2], 'ro')
plt.plot(x, fx, lw=2)
xs = np.arange(0, max(X[:,1]), 0.01)
fxs = [(-w[0]-w[1]*p)/w[2] for p in x ]
plt.plot(xs, fxs, lw=2)
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X = np.vstack(zip(np.ones(N),x1, x2, x1*x1, x1*x2, x2*x2))
print X.shape
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# chutar uns pesos iniciais
w = np.zeros(6)
initialCost = computeCost2(X, y, w)
print 'Initial cost: ', initialCost
# Some gradient descent settings
iterations = 1500
alpha = 0.1
# run gradient descent
w, J_history = gradientDescent2(X, y, w, alpha, iterations)
finalCost = computeCost2(X, y, w)
print 'Final cost: ', finalCost
print w
R =
#print R
for i in range(N):
if sigmoid(R[i]) > 0.5:
#if X[i,:].dot(w) > 0:
plt.plot(X[i,1], X[i,2], 'bx')
plt.plot(X[i,1], X[i,2], 'ro')
plt.plot(x, fx, lw=2)
Rode algumas vezes, alterando o valor de alpha e o número de iterações.