In [1]:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gpflow import autoflow, params_as_tensors
from gpflow import settings
from gpflow.mean_functions import Zero, Linear
from gpflow.likelihoods import Gaussian as Gaussian_lik
from gpflow.kernels import RBF, White
from import AdamOptimizer, NatGradOptimizer
from gpflow.actions import Action, Loop
from doubly_stochastic_dgp.dgp import DGP
In [2]:
f = lambda X: -(np.multiply(np.sin(40*np.power((X-0.85),4)), np.cos(2.5*(X-0.95)))+(X-0.9)/2+1)/2
In [3]:
X = np.linspace(0, 1, 30).reshape(-1, 1)
Y = f(X)
plt.scatter(X, Y)
In [4]:
def make_dgp2(X, Y):
kernels = [RBF(1, lengthscales=0.1), RBF(1, lengthscales=0.1)]
model = DGP(X, Y, X, kernels, Gaussian_lik(), num_samples=10)
model.likelihood.likelihood.variance = 1e-4
for layer in model.layers[:-1]:
layer.q_sqrt = layer.q_sqrt.value * 1e-5
return model
We'll create the model twice and optimize one with Adam alone and the other with natural gradients for the final layer with Adam for the inner layer and all hyperparmeters and inducing points
In [5]:
model_adam = make_dgp2(X, Y)
model_nat_grads = make_dgp2(X, Y)
iterations = 5000
In [6]:
AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(model_adam, maxiter=iterations)
In [7]:
ng_vars = [[model_nat_grads.layers[-1].q_mu, model_nat_grads.layers[-1].q_sqrt]]
for v in ng_vars[0]:
ng_action = NatGradOptimizer(gamma=1.).make_optimize_action(model_nat_grads, var_list=ng_vars)
adam_action = AdamOptimizer(0.001).make_optimize_action(model_nat_grads)
Loop([ng_action, adam_action], stop=iterations)()
In [35]:
Xs = np.linspace(-0.1, 1.1, 300).reshape(-1, 1)
def plot(ax, model, name, c):
Fs, ms, vs = model.predict_all_layers_full_cov(Xs, 100)
qs = [np.percentile(Fs[-1][:, :, -1], q, axis=0) for q in [10., 50., 90.]]
ax.plot(Xs, qs[0], alpha=0.1, color=c)
ax.plot(Xs, qs[1], alpha=1, label=name, color=c)
ax.plot(Xs, qs[2], alpha=0.1, color=c)
ax.scatter(X, Y, marker='x', color='k')
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
plot(axs[0], model_adam, 'adam', 'C0')
plot(axs[1], model_nat_grads, 'nat grads with adam', 'C1')
In [ ]: