In [1]:
IPython.OutputArea.auto_scroll_threshold = 9999;

DGP for regression

Here we'll show the DGP for regression, using small to medium data sets.

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline 

from gpflow.likelihoods import Gaussian
from gpflow.kernels import RBF, White
from gpflow.mean_functions import Constant
from gpflow.models.sgpr import SGPR, GPRFITC
from gpflow.models.svgp import SVGP
from gpflow.models.gpr import GPR
from import AdamOptimizer, ScipyOptimizer, NatGradOptimizer
from gpflow.actions import Action, Loop

from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.special import logsumexp

from doubly_stochastic_dgp.dgp import DGP
from datasets import Datasets
datasets = Datasets(data_path='/data/')

/Users/hughsalimbeni/anaconda3/envs/prowler_env/lib/python3.5/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: compiletime version 3.6 of module 'tensorflow.python.framework.fast_tensor_util' does not match runtime version 3.5
  return f(*args, **kwds)
/Users/hughsalimbeni/anaconda3/envs/prowler_env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
  from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters
/Users/hughsalimbeni/anaconda3/envs/prowler_env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/multipledispatch/ AmbiguityWarning: 
Ambiguities exist in dispatched function _expectation

The following signatures may result in ambiguous behavior:
	[Gaussian, Identity, NoneType, Kernel, InducingPoints], [Gaussian, Linear, NoneType, Sum, InducingPoints]

Consider making the following additions:

@dispatch(Gaussian, Identity, NoneType, Sum, InducingPoints)
def _expectation(...)
  warn(warning_text(, ambiguities), AmbiguityWarning)

Let's use the kin8nm data set

In [3]:
data = datasets.all_datasets['kin8nm'].get_data()
X, Y, Xs, Ys, Y_std = [data[_] for _ in ['X', 'Y', 'Xs', 'Ys', 'Y_std']]
print('N: {}, D: {}, Ns: {}'.format(X.shape[0], X.shape[1], Xs.shape[0]))

N: 7372, D: 8, Ns: 820

Single layer models

Our baseline model is a sparse GP, but since the dataset is small we can also train without minibatches so we'll also compare to a collapsed sparse GP (with analytically optimal $q(\mathbf u)$) which is known as SGPR in GPflow terminology, and we'll also cpmpare to FITC

In [4]:
def make_single_layer_models(X, Y, Z):
    D = X.shape[1]
    m_sgpr = SGPR(X, Y, RBF(D), Z.copy())
    m_svgp = SVGP(X, Y, RBF(D), Gaussian(), Z.copy())
    m_fitc = GPRFITC(X, Y, RBF(D), Z.copy())
    for m in m_sgpr, m_svgp, m_fitc:
        m.likelihood.variance = 0.01
    return [m_sgpr, m_svgp, m_fitc], ['{} {}'.format(n, len(Z)) for n in ['SGPR', 'SVGP', 'FITC']]

Z_100 = kmeans2(X, 100, minit='points')[0]
models_single_layer, names_single_layer = make_single_layer_models(X, Y, Z_100)

DGP models

We'll include a DGP with a single layer here for comparision. We've used a largish minibatch size of $\text{min}(1000, N)$, but it works fine for smaller batches too

In the paper we used 1 sample. Here we'll go up to 5 in celebration of the new implementation (which is much more efficient)

In [5]:
def make_dgp_models(X, Y, Z):
    models, names = [], []
    for L in range(1, 4):
        D = X.shape[1]

        # the layer shapes are defined by the kernel dims, so here all hidden layers are D dimensional 
        kernels = []
        for l in range(L):

        # between layer noise (doesn't actually make much difference but we include it anyway)
        for kernel in kernels[:-1]:
            kernel += White(D, variance=1e-5) 

        mb = 1000 if X.shape[0] > 1000 else None 
        model = DGP(X, Y, Z, kernels, Gaussian(), num_samples=5, minibatch_size=mb)

        # start the inner layers almost deterministically 
        for layer in model.layers[:-1]:
            layer.q_sqrt = layer.q_sqrt.value * 1e-5

        names.append('DGP{} {}'.format(L, len(Z)))
    return models, names

models_dgp, names_dgp = make_dgp_models(X, Y, Z_100)


We'll calculate test rmse and likelihood in batches (so the larger datasets don't cause memory problems)

For the DGP models we need to take an average over the samples for the rmse. The predict_density function already does this internally

In [6]:
def batch_assess(model, assess_model, X, Y):
    n_batches = max(int(X.shape[0]/1000.), 1)
    lik, sq_diff = [], []
    for X_batch, Y_batch in zip(np.array_split(X, n_batches), np.array_split(Y, n_batches)):
        l, sq = assess_model(model, X_batch, Y_batch)
    lik = np.concatenate(lik, 0)
    sq_diff = np.array(np.concatenate(sq_diff, 0), dtype=float)
    return np.average(lik), np.average(sq_diff)**0.5

def assess_single_layer(model, X_batch, Y_batch):
    m, v = model.predict_y(X_batch)
    lik = np.sum(norm.logpdf(Y_batch*Y_std, loc=m*Y_std, scale=Y_std*v**0.5),  1)
    sq_diff = Y_std**2*((m - Y_batch)**2)
    return lik, sq_diff 

S = 100
def assess_sampled(model, X_batch, Y_batch):
    m, v = model.predict_y(X_batch, S)
    S_lik = np.sum(norm.logpdf(Y_batch*Y_std, loc=m*Y_std, scale=Y_std*v**0.5), 2)
    lik = logsumexp(S_lik, 0, b=1/float(S))
    mean = np.average(m, 0)
    sq_diff = Y_std**2*((mean - Y_batch)**2)
    return lik, sq_diff


We'll optimize single layer models and using LFBGS and the dgp models with Adam. It will be interesting to compare the result of m_svgp compared to m_dgp1: if there is a difference it will be down to the optimizer.

We'll show here also the reuslt of using a small and large number of iterations.

In [7]:
iterations_few = 100
iterations_many = 5000
s = '{:<16}  lik: {:.4f}, rmse: {:.4f}'

In [8]:
for iterations in [iterations_few, iterations_many]:
    print('after {} iterations'.format(iterations))
    for m, name in zip(models_single_layer, names_single_layer):
        ScipyOptimizer().minimize(m, maxiter=iterations)
        lik, rmse = batch_assess(m, assess_single_layer, Xs, Ys)
        print(s.format(name, lik, rmse))

after 100 iterations
SGPR 100          lik: 0.9481, rmse: 0.0895
SVGP 100          lik: 0.7620, rmse: 0.1090
FITC 100          lik: 1.0514, rmse: 0.0910
after 5000 iterations
SGPR 100          lik: 0.9758, rmse: 0.0864
SVGP 100          lik: 0.9736, rmse: 0.0868
FITC 100          lik: 1.1284, rmse: 0.0828

Now for the DGP models. First we use Adam for all parameters (as in the Doubly Stochastic VI for DGPs paper)

In [9]:
for iterations in [iterations_few, iterations_many]:
    print('after {} iterations'.format(iterations))
    for m, name in zip(models_dgp, names_dgp):
        AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(m, maxiter=iterations)
        lik, rmse = batch_assess(m, assess_sampled, Xs, Ys)
        print(s.format(name, lik, rmse))

after 100 iterations
DGP1 100          lik: 0.2778, rmse: 0.1139
DGP2 100          lik: 0.2394, rmse: 0.1170
DGP3 100          lik: 0.2165, rmse: 0.1289
after 5000 iterations
DGP1 100          lik: 0.9434, rmse: 0.0896
DGP2 100          lik: 1.2913, rmse: 0.0661
DGP3 100          lik: 1.3039, rmse: 0.0655

We can also use natural gradients for the final layer, which can help considerably.

In [10]:
for iterations in [iterations_few, iterations_many]:
    print('after {} iterations'.format(iterations))
    for m, name in zip(models_dgp, names_dgp):
        ng_vars = [[m.layers[-1].q_mu, m.layers[-1].q_sqrt]]
        for v in ng_vars[0]:
        ng_action = NatGradOptimizer(gamma=0.1).make_optimize_action(m, var_list=ng_vars)
        adam_action = AdamOptimizer(0.01).make_optimize_action(m)

        Loop([ng_action, adam_action], stop=iterations)()

        lik, rmse = batch_assess(m, assess_sampled, Xs, Ys)
        print(s.format(name, lik, rmse))

after 100 iterations
DGP1 100          lik: 0.9487, rmse: 0.0891
DGP2 100          lik: 1.2837, rmse: 0.0668
DGP3 100          lik: 1.2958, rmse: 0.0661
after 5000 iterations
DGP1 100          lik: 0.9549, rmse: 0.0890
DGP2 100          lik: 1.2915, rmse: 0.0664
DGP3 100          lik: 1.3147, rmse: 0.0650

Note that even after 100 iterations we get a good result, which is not the case using ordinary gradients.